All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AberrationModifier |
Class modifying theoretical angular measurement with (the inverse of) stellar aberration.
AbsoluteDate |
This class represents a specific instant in time.
AbsolutePVCoordinates |
Position - Velocity - Acceleration linked to a date and a frame.
AbsolutePVCoordinatesHermiteInterpolator |
Class using a Hermite interpolator to interpolate absolute position-velocity-acceleration coordinates.
AbstractAlfriend1999 |
Abstract class for Alfriend1999 normal and maximised methods as they share lots of similarities.
AbstractAlmanac |
Base class for GNSS almanacs.
AbstractAnalyticalGradientConverter |
Converter for analytical orbit propagator.
AbstractAnalyticalMatricesHarvester |
Base class harvester between two-dimensional Jacobian
matrices and analytical orbit propagator.
AbstractAnalyticalPropagator |
Common handling of Propagator methods for analytical propagators.
AbstractAnalyticalPropagatorBuilder<T extends AbstractAnalyticalPropagator> |
Abstract class for propagator builders of analytical models (except for ephemeris i.e.
AbstractAveragedOrbitalState |
Abstract class representing averaged orbital state.
AbstractBatchLSModel |
AbstractBodyAttraction |
Abstract class for non-central body attraction force model.
AbstractBuilder<T extends AbstractBuilder<T>> |
AbstractCartesianAdjointEquationTerm |
Abstract class to define terms in the adjoint equations and Hamiltonian for Cartesian coordinates.
AbstractCartesianAdjointGravitationalTerm |
Abstract class for common computations regarding adjoint dynamics and gravity for Cartesian coordinates.
AbstractCartesianAdjointNewtonianTerm |
Abstract class for common computations regarding adjoint dynamics and Newtonian gravity for Cartesian coordinates.
AbstractCartesianAdjointNonCentralBodyTerm |
Abstract class defining the contributions of a point-mass, single body gravity in the adjoint equations for Cartesian coordinates.
AbstractCartesianCost |
Abstract class for cost with Cartesian coordinates.
AbstractChaoMappingFunction |
Chao mapping function for radio wavelengths.
AbstractConstantThrustPropulsionModel |
This abstract class simply serve as a container for a constant thrust maneuver.
AbstractConstituentParser<H extends Header,T extends NdmConstituent<H,?>,P extends AbstractConstituentParser<H,T,?>> |
Parser for CCSDS messages.
AbstractCovarianceMatrixProvider |
Abstract provider handling a predefined initial covariance matrix.
AbstractCycleSlipDetector |
Base class for cycle-slip detectors.
AbstractDetector<T extends AbstractDetector<T>> |
Common parts shared by several orbital events finders.
AbstractDragForceModel |
Base class for drag force models.
AbstractDualFrequencyCombination |
Base class for dual frequency combination of measurements.
AbstractEncodedMessage |
Encoded messages as a sequence of bytes.
AbstractEncounterLOF |
Abstract class for encounter frame between two objects.
AbstractEopLoader |
Base class for EOP loaders.
AbstractEphemerisMessage |
Base class for ephemeris-based navigation messages.
AbstractFieldOfView |
Abstract class representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of View.
AbstractFieldOrbitInterpolator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Abstract class for orbit interpolator.
AbstractFieldTimeInterpolator<T extends FieldTimeStamped<KK>,KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Abstract class for time interpolator.
AbstractFixedBoundaryCartesianSingleShooting |
Abstract class for indirect single shooting methods with Cartesian coordinates for fixed time fixed boundary.
AbstractFixedSingleStepIntegratorBuilder<T extends RungeKuttaIntegrator> |
Abstract class for fixed-step, single-step integrator builder.
AbstractFixedStepFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>,W extends AbstractFieldIntegrator<T>> |
Abstract class for integrator builder using fixed step size.
AbstractFrames |
This class is an implementation of Frames that creates frames when they are
first used and uses synchronization to ensure that each frame is only created once.
AbstractGaussianContribution |
Common handling of DSSTForceModel methods for Gaussian contributions
to DSST propagation.
AbstractGaussianContribution.FieldGaussianShortPeriodicCoefficients<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class handles the short periodic coefficients described in Danielson
AbstractGaussianContribution.FieldSlot<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Coefficients valid for one time slot.
AbstractGaussianContribution.FieldUijVijCoefficients<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
The Uij and Vij coefficients
described by equations 2.5.3-(21) and 2.5.3-(22) from Danielson.
AbstractGaussianContribution.GaussianShortPeriodicCoefficients |
This class handles the short periodic coefficients described in Danielson
AbstractGaussianContribution.GaussQuadrature |
Class used to integrate a function of the orbital elements using the Gaussian quadrature rule to get
the acceleration.
AbstractGaussianContribution.Slot |
Coefficients valid for one time slot.
AbstractGaussianContribution.UijVijCoefficients |
The Uij and Vij coefficients
described by equations 2.5.3-(21) and 2.5.3-(22) from Danielson.
AbstractGaussianContributionContext |
AbstractGenerator |
Base class for both Key-Value Notation and eXtended Markup Language generators for CCSDS messages.
AbstractGlobalPressureTemperature |
Base class for Global Pressure and Temperature 2, 2w and 3 models.
AbstractGradientConverter |
Converter for states and parameters arrays.
AbstractImpulseManeuver |
Abstract class for impulsive maneuvers.
AbstractIndirectShooting |
Abstract class for indirect shooting methods with numerical propagation.
AbstractIntegratedPropagator |
Common handling of Propagator
methods for both numerical and semi-analytical propagators.
AbstractIntegratedPropagator.MainStateEquations |
Differential equations for the main state (orbit, attitude and mass).
AbstractIntegratedPropagatorBuilder<T extends AbstractIntegratedPropagator> |
Abstract class for builders for integrator-based propagators.
AbstractIntegratorBuilder<T extends AbstractIntegrator> |
Abstract class for integrator builder.
AbstractInterSatellitesMeasurement<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Base class for measurement between two satellites that are both estimated.
AbstractKalmanEstimator |
Base class for Kalman estimators.
AbstractLambdaMethod |
Base class for decorrelation/reduction engine for LAMBDA type methods.
AbstractLightFluxModel |
Abstract class for light flux models.
AbstractLimitedVariableStepFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>,W extends MultistepFieldIntegrator<T>> |
Abstract class for integrator using a limited number of variable steps.
AbstractListCrawler<T> |
Provider for data files defined in a list.
AbstractManeuverTriggers |
Base class for triggers.
AbstractMatricesHarvester |
AbstractMeasurement<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Abstract class handling measurements boilerplate.
AbstractMeasurementBuilder<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
AbstractMessageParser<T> |
Parser for CCSDS messages.
AbstractMessageWriter<H extends Header,S extends Segment<?,?>,F extends NdmConstituent<H,S>> |
Base class for Navigation Data Message (NDM) files.
AbstractMultipleShooting |
Multiple shooting method using only constraints on state vectors of patch points (and possibly on epoch and integration time).
AbstractNavigationMessage |
Base class for GNSS navigation messages.
AbstractOnBoardMeasurement<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Base class modeling a measurement where receiver is a satellite.
AbstractOneWayGNSSMeasurement<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Base class for one-way GNSS measurement.
AbstractOrbitInterpolator |
Abstract class for orbit interpolator.
AbstractParametricAcceleration |
Abstract class for parametric acceleration.
AbstractPropagator |
Common handling of Propagator methods for analytical propagators.
AbstractPropagatorBuilder<T extends AbstractPropagator> |
Base class for propagator builders.
AbstractPropagatorConverter |
AbstractRadiationForceModel |
Base class for radiation force models.
AbstractRelativisticClockModifier |
Class modifying theoretical measurements with relativistic clock correction.
AbstractRelativisticClockOnBoardRangeRateModifier<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement with relativistic frequency deviation.
AbstractRelativisticJ2ClockModifier |
Class modifying theoretical measurements with relativistic J2 clock correction.
AbstractScheduler<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
AbstractSelfFeedingLoader |
AbstractShapiroBaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with Shapiro time delay.
AbstractShortTermEncounter1DNumerical2DPOCMethod |
This abstract class serves as a foundation to create 1D numerical 2D probability of collision computing method.
AbstractShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod |
This abstract class serves as a foundation to create 2D probability of collision computing method assuming a short term
encounter model.
AbstractSinex |
Base container for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) files.
AbstractSinexParser<T extends AbstractSinex,P extends ParseInfo<T>> |
Base parser for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) files.
AbstractSingleFrequencyCombination |
Base class for single frequency combination of measurements.
AbstractSolarActivityData<L extends AbstractSolarActivityDataLoader.LineParameters,D extends AbstractSolarActivityDataLoader<L>> |
Abstract class for solar activity data.
AbstractSolarActivityDataLoader<L extends AbstractSolarActivityDataLoader.LineParameters> |
Abstract class for solar activity data loader.
AbstractSolarActivityDataLoader.LineParameters |
Container class for Solar activity indexes.
AbstractSolarLightFluxModel |
Abstract class for the definition of the solar flux model with a single occulting body of spherical shape.
AbstractStateCovarianceInterpolator |
Abstract class for orbit and state covariance interpolator.
AbstractStateModifier |
Abstract base class for modifying state during propagation.
AbstractSunInfluencedAtmosphere |
Abstract class for atmospheric models using the Sun's position.
AbstractTimeInterpolator<T extends TimeStamped> |
Abstract class for time interpolator.
AbstractTimeScales |
Abstract base class for TimeScales that implements some common functionality.
AbstractVariableStepFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>,W extends AdaptiveStepsizeFieldIntegrator<T>> |
Abstract class for integrator builder using variable step size.
AbstractVariableStepIntegratorBuilder<T extends AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator> |
Abstract class for integrator builder using variable step size.
AbstractVienna |
The Vienna tropospheric delay model for radio techniques.
AbstractWindUp<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Base class for wind-up effect computation.
AbstractWriter |
Top level class for writing CCSDS message sections.
AccelerationModel |
Acceleration model used by empirical force.
AccuracyProvider |
This interface represents an accuracy providerused to validate RTCM ephemeris messages.
AccurateFormatter |
Formatter used to produce strings from data with high accuracy.
Acm |
This class gathers the informations present in the Attitude Comprehensive Message (ACM).
AcmData |
Data container for Attitude Comprehensive Messages.
AcmDataSubStructureKey |
Keywords for ACM data sub-structure.
AcmElements |
AcmMetadata |
AcmMetadataKey |
AcmParser |
A parser for the CCSDS ACM (Attitude Comprehensive Message).
AcmSatelliteEphemeris |
ACM ephemeris blocks for a single satellite.
AcmWriter |
Writer for CCSDS Attitude Comprehensive Message.
AdamsBashforthFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for AdamsBashforthFieldIntegrator.
AdamsBashforthIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for AdamsBashforthIntegrator.
AdamsMoultonFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for AdamsMoultonFieldIntegrator.
AdamsMoultonIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for AdamsMoultonIntegrator.
AdaptableInterval |
This interface represents an event checking interval that depends on state.
AdapterDetector |
AdapterPropagator |
AdapterPropagator.DifferentialEffect |
Interface for orbit differential effects.
AdditionalCovarianceMetadata |
Container for the additional covariance metadata (optional).
AdditionalCovarianceMetadataKey |
AdditionalDerivativesProvider |
Provider for additional derivatives.
AdditionalParameters |
Container for additional parameters data block.
AdditionalParametersKey |
AdditionalParametersWriter |
Writer for additional parameters data block for CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
AdditionalStateProvider |
This interface allows to modify SpacecraftState and set up additional state data.
AdjointDynamicsProvider |
Interface for adjoint derivatives provider (both standard and Field).
AdmCommonMetadataKey |
AdmCommonMetadataWriter |
Writer for Common metadata for CCSDS Attitude Parameter/Ephemeris Messages.
AdMethodType |
AdmHeader |
Header of a CCSDS Attitude Data Message.
AdmMetadata |
This class gathers the meta-data present in the Attitude Data Message (ADM).
AdmMetadataKey |
AdmParser<T extends NdmConstituent<AdmHeader,?>,P extends AbstractConstituentParser<AdmHeader,T,?>> |
Base class for Attitude Data Message parsers.
Aem |
This class stores all the information of the Attitude Ephemeris Message (AEM) File parsed
by AEMParser.
AemData |
The Attitude Ephemerides data blocks class contain list of attitude data points.
AemMetadata |
This class gathers the meta-data present in the Attitude Data Message (ADM).
AemMetadataKey |
AemParser |
A parser for the CCSDS AEM (Attitude Ephemeris Message).
AemSatelliteEphemeris |
AEM ephemeris blocks for a single satellite.
AemSegment |
This class stores the metadata and data for one attitude segment.
AemWriter |
A writer for Attitude Ephemeris Messsage (AEM) files.
AggregateBoundedAttitudeProvider |
A BoundedAttitudeProvider that covers a larger time span from several constituent
attitude providers that cover shorter time spans.
AggregateBoundedPropagator |
A BoundedPropagator that covers a larger time span from several constituent
propagators that cover shorter time spans.
AggregatedClockModel |
Offset clock model aggregating several other clock models.
AggregatedPVCoordinatesProvider |
AggregatedPVCoordinatesProvider.Builder |
AggregatedPVCoordinatesProvider.InvalidPVProvider |
AGILeapSecondFilesLoader |
Loader for UTC-TAI extracted from LeapSecond file from AGI.
AGILeapSecondFilesLoader.Parser |
Internal class performing the parsing.
Alfano2005 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in :"S.
Alfriend1999 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in : "Kyle Alfriend, Maruthi Akella, Joseph Frisbee, James
Foster, Deok-Jin Lee, and Matthew Wilkins.
Alfriend1999Max |
Compute the probability of collision assuming the worst case described in : "Kyle Alfriend, Maruthi Akella, Joseph
Frisbee, James Foster, Deok-Jin Lee, and Matthew Wilkins.
AlignedAndConstrained |
Attitude provider with one satellite vector aligned and another one constrained to two targets.
AlignmentDetector |
Finder for satellite/body alignment events in orbital plane.
AlongTrackAiming |
Class used to orient tiles along an orbit track.
AltCovarianceType |
Flag indicating the type of alternate covariance information provided.
AltitudeDetector |
Finder for satellite altitude crossing events.
AmbiguityAcceptance |
Interface defining ambiguity acceptance tests.
AmbiguityCache |
AmbiguityDriver |
AmbiguitySolver |
Class for solving integer ambiguity problems.
AnalyticalSolarPositionProvider |
Class computing low-fidelity positions for the Sun.
AngleType |
Antenna geometry represented in the angle date.
AngularAzEl |
Class modeling an Azimuth-Elevation measurement from a ground station.
AngularAzElBuilder |
AngularCoordinates |
Simple container for rotation/rotation rate/rotation acceleration triplets.
AngularDerivativesFilter |
AngularIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical angular measurement with ionospheric delay.
AngularRaDec |
Class modeling a Right Ascension - Declination measurement from a ground point (station, telescope).
AngularRaDecBuilder |
AngularRadioRefractionModifier |
Class modifying theoretical angular measurement with tropospheric radio refractive index.
AngularSeparationDetector |
Detects when spacecraft comes close to a moving beacon, as seen from a moving observer.
AngularSeparationFromSatelliteDetector |
Detects when two moving objects come close to each other, as seen from spacecraft.
AngularVelocity |
Container for Attitude Parameter Message data lines.
AngularVelocityKey |
Antenna |
GNSS antenna model.
AntexLoader |
Factory for GNSS antennas (both receiver and satellite).
Apm |
This class stores all the information of the Attitude Parameter Message (APM) File parsed
by APMParser.
ApmData |
Container for Attitude Parameter Message data.
ApmParser |
A parser for the CCSDS APM (Attitude Parameter Message).
ApmQuaternion |
Container for Attitude Parameter Message quaternion logical block.
ApmQuaternionKey |
ApmWriter |
Writer for CCSDS Orbit Parameter Message.
AppliedDCBS |
Corrections of Differential Code Biases (DCBs) applied.
AppliedPCVS |
Corrections of antenna phase center variations (PCVs) applied.
ApsideDetectionAdaptableIntervalFactory |
Factory class for AdaptableInterval suitable for apside detection on eccentric orbits.
ApsideDetector |
Finder for apside crossing events.
AskneNordiusModel |
The Askne Nordius model.
AstronomicalAmplitudeReader |
Parser for tides astronomical amplitude Hf.
Atmosphere |
Interface for atmospheric models.
AtmosphericRefractionModel |
Defines an refraction model that can be used to correct
for the apparent position of an object due to atmospheric effects.
Attitude |
This class handles attitude definition at a given date.
AttitudeBuilder |
This interface represents a builder for attitude.
AttitudeCovariance |
Covariance entry.
AttitudeCovarianceHistory |
Covariance history.
AttitudeCovarianceHistoryMetadata |
Metadata for covariance history.
AttitudeCovarianceHistoryMetadataKey |
AttitudeCovarianceType |
AttitudeDetermination |
Attitude determination data.
AttitudeDeterminationKey |
AttitudeDeterminationSensor |
Attitude determination sensor data.
AttitudeDeterminationSensorKey |
AttitudeElementsType |
AttitudeEndpoints |
Endpoints for attitude definition.
AttitudeEntryKey |
Keys for attitude entries in XML messages.
AttitudeEphemerisFile<C extends TimeStampedAngularCoordinates,S extends AttitudeEphemerisFile.AttitudeEphemerisSegment<C>> |
An interface for accessing the data stored in an attitude ephemeris file.
AttitudeEphemerisFile.AttitudeEphemerisSegment<C extends TimeStampedAngularCoordinates> |
A segment of an attitude ephemeris for a satellite.
AttitudeEphemerisFile.SatelliteAttitudeEphemeris<C extends TimeStampedAngularCoordinates,S extends AttitudeEphemerisFile.AttitudeEphemerisSegment<C>> |
AttitudeEphemerisFileParser<T extends AttitudeEphemerisFile<?,?>> |
Parse an ephemeris file.
AttitudeEphemerisFileWriter |
An interface for writing out ephemeris files to disk.
AttitudeInterpolator |
Class for attitude interpolation.
AttitudeManeuver |
Maneuver entry.
AttitudeManeuverKey |
AttitudePhysicalProperties |
Spacecraft physical properties.
AttitudePhysicalPropertiesKey |
AttitudeProvider |
This interface represents an attitude provider model set.
AttitudeProviderModifier |
This interface represents an attitude provider that modifies/wraps another underlying provider.
AttitudeRotationModel |
Interface for (attitude) rotation models taking as inputs a spacecraft state and model parameters.
AttitudesSequence |
This classes manages a sequence of different attitude providers that are activated
in turn according to switching events.
AttitudesSwitcher |
This classes manages a sequence of different attitude providers that are activated
in turn according to switching events.
AttitudeState |
Attitude state entry.
AttitudeStateHistory |
Attitude state history.
AttitudeStateHistoryMetadata |
Metadata for attitude state history.
AttitudeStateHistoryMetadataKey |
AttitudeSwitchHandler |
Interface for attitude switch notifications.
AttitudeType |
Enumerate for ADM attitude type.
AttitudeWriter |
Authentication |
AuxiliaryElements |
Container class for common parameters used by all DSST forces.
AveragedCircularWithMeanAngle |
Immutable class containing values of averaged circular elements from any applicable theory
(with MEAN as PositionAngleType ).
AveragedEquinoctialWithMeanAngle |
Immutable class containing values of averaged equinoctial elements from any applicable theory
(with MEAN as PositionAngleType ).
AveragedKeplerianWithMeanAngle |
Immutable class containing values of averaged Keplerian elements from any applicable theory
(with MEAN as PositionAngleType ).
AveragedOrbitalElements |
Interface for storing averaged orbital elements.
AveragedOrbitalState |
Interface representing averaged orbital elements at a specific instant.
AzimuthalGradientCoefficients |
Container for the azimuthal gradient coefficients gnh, geh, gnw and gew.
AzimuthalGradientProvider |
BaseRangeIonosphericDelayModifier |
Base class modifying theoretical range measurement with ionospheric delay.
BaseRangeRateIonosphericDelayModifier |
Base class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement with ionospheric delay.
BaseRangeRateTroposphericDelayModifier |
Baselass modifying theoretical range-rate measurements with tropospheric delay.
BaseRangeTroposphericDelayModifier |
Base class modifying theoretical range measurements with tropospheric delay.
BasicConstantThrustPropulsionModel |
Constant thrust propulsion model with:
- Constant thrust direction in spacecraft frame
- Parameter drivers (for estimation) for the thrust norm or the flow rate.
BatchLSEstimator |
Least squares estimator for orbit determination.
BatchLSModel |
BatchLSObserver |
BDTScale |
Beidou system time scale.
BeidouAlmanac |
Class for BeiDou almanac.
BeidouCivilianNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a Beidou civilian navigation message.
BeidouGeo |
Attitude providers for Beidou geostationary orbit navigation satellites.
BeidouIGSO |
Attitude providers for Beidou inclined geosynchronous orbit navigation satellites.
BeidouLegacyNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a BeiDou navigation message.
BeidouMeo |
Attitude providers for Beidou Medium Earth Orbit navigation satellites.
BeidouSatelliteType |
Enumerate for Beidou satellite type.
BetaAngleDetector |
Finder for beta angle crossing events.
Bias<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Class modeling a measurement bias.
BiasDescription |
Class to store the bias description parameters.
BistaticRange |
Class modeling a bistatic range measurement using
an emitter ground station and a receiver ground station.
BistaticRangeBuilder |
BistaticRangeIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical bistatic range measurement with ionospheric delay.
BistaticRangeRate |
Class modeling a bistatic range rate measurement using
an emitter ground station and a receiver ground station.
BistaticRangeRateBuilder |
BistaticRangeRateIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical bistatic range-rate measurement with ionospheric delay.
BistaticRangeRateTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical bistatic range-rate measurements with tropospheric delay.
BistaticRangeTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical bistatic range measurement with tropospheric delay.
BodiesElements |
Elements of the bodies having an effect on nutation.
BodyCenterPointing |
This class handles body center pointing attitude provider.
BodyFacade |
Facade in front of several center bodies in CCSDS messages.
BodyShape |
Interface representing the rigid surface shape of a natural body.
BooleanDetector |
This class provides AND and OR operations for event detectors.
BoundedAttitudeProvider |
This interface is intended for attitude ephemerides valid only during a time range.
BoundedCartesianEnergy |
Class for bounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates.
BoundedPropagator |
This interface is intended for ephemerides valid only during a time range.
BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft |
Class representing the features of a classical satellite with a convex body shape.
BrouwerLyddaneOrbitalState |
Class representing an averaged orbital state as in the Brouwer-Lyddane theory.
BrouwerLyddanePropagator |
This class propagates a SpacecraftState
using the analytical Brouwer-Lyddane model (from J2 to J5 zonal harmonics).
BrouwerLyddanePropagatorBuilder |
Builder for Brouwer-Lyddane propagator.
BurstSelector |
Selector generating high rate bursts of dates separated by some rest period.
ByteArrayEncodedMessage |
Encoded message as a byte array.
CachedNormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider |
CanonicalSaastamoinenModel |
The canonical Saastamoinen model.
CarrierPhase |
CartesianAdjointDerivativesProvider |
Class defining the adjoint dynamics, as defined in the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, in the case where Cartesian coordinates in an inertial frame are the dependent variable.
CartesianAdjointDynamicsProvider |
Abstract class for Cartesian adjoint derivatives provider.
CartesianAdjointDynamicsProviderFactory |
Factory for common Cartesian adjoint dynamics providers.
CartesianAdjointEquationTerm |
Interface to define terms in the adjoint equations and Hamiltonian for Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianAdjointInertialTerm |
Class defining inertial forces' contributions in the adjoint equations for Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianAdjointJ2Term |
Class defining a (constant) J2 contributions in the adjoint equations for Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianAdjointKeplerianTerm |
Class defining the Keplerian contributions in the adjoint equations for Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianAdjointSingleBodyTerm |
Class defining the contributions of a point-mass, single body gravity in the adjoint equations for Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianAdjointThirdBodyTerm |
Class defining the contributions of a point-mass, third body in the adjoint equations for Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianBoundaryConditionChecker |
Interface defining convergence criterion when the terminal condition is on a Cartesian state.
CartesianCost |
Interface to definite cost function in the frame of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle using Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianCovariance |
Container for OPM/OMM/OCM Cartesian covariance matrix.
CartesianCovarianceKey |
CartesianCovarianceUtils |
Utility class for conversions related to Cartesian covariance matrices.
CartesianCovarianceWriter |
Writer for covariance matrix data.
CartesianDerivativesFilter |
CartesianFuelCost |
Class for fuel cost with Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianOrbit |
This class holds Cartesian orbital parameters.
CartesianToleranceProvider |
Interface to define integration tolerances for adaptive schemes (like the embedded Runge-Kutta ones) propagating
the position-velocity vector and the mass, for a total of 7 primary dependent variables (in that order).
CasterRecord |
Caster record in source table.
Cdm |
This class stores all the information of the Conjunction Data Message (CDM) File parsed
by CdmParser.
CdmData |
Container for Conjunction Data Message data.
CdmHeader |
Header of a CCSDS Conjunction Data Message.
CdmHeaderKey |
CdmHeaderProcessingState |
CdmMessageWriter |
Cdm message writer.
CdmMetadata |
This class gathers the meta-data present in the Conjunction Data Message (CDM).
CdmMetadataKey |
CdmMetadataWriter |
Writer for Metadata for CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
CdmParser |
Base class for Conjunction Data Message parsers.
CdmRelativeMetadata |
This class gathers the relative meta-data present in the Conjunction Data Message (CDM).
CdmRelativeMetadataKey |
CdmSegment |
This class stores the metadata and data for one object.
CdmWriter |
Writer for CCSDS Conjunction Data Message.
CelestialBodies |
Commonly used celestial bodies.
CelestialBody |
Interface for celestial bodies like Sun, Moon or solar system planets.
CelestialBodyFactory |
Factory class for bodies of the solar system.
CelestialBodyFrame |
Frames used in CCSDS Orbit Data Messages.
CelestialBodyLoader |
Interface for loading celestial bodies.
CelestialBodyPointed |
This class handles a celestial body pointed attitude provider.
CellInterpolator |
Interpolator within a grid cell.
CenterName |
Orbit central bodies for which a Celestial body can be created.
Chan1997 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in : "Chan, K.
ChaoMappingFunction |
Chao mapping function for radio wavelengths.
ChronologicalComparator |
CIPM2007 |
Official model CIPM-2007 (identical to CIPM-1981/91) from Comité International des Poids et Mesures.
CircularFieldOfView |
Class representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of View with circular shape.
CircularLatitudeArgumentUtility |
Utility methods for converting between different latitude arguments used by CircularOrbit .
CircularOrbit |
This class handles circular orbital parameters.
CivilianNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a GPS/QZNSS civilian navigation message.
CjSjCoefficient |
Compute the Sj(k, h) and the Cj(k, h) series
and their partial derivatives with respect to k and h.
ClassicalRungeKuttaFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for ClassicalRungeKuttaFieldIntegrator.
ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator.
ClasspathCrawler |
Provider for data files stored as resources in the classpath.
ClockCorrection |
Container for SSR clock correction data.
ClockCorrectionsProvider |
Provider for clock corrections as additional states.
ClockModel |
Offset clock model.
ClockOffset |
Container for time stamped clock offset.
ClockOffsetHermiteInterpolator |
bHermite interpolator of time stamped clock offsets.
ClockTimeScale |
Time scale with clock offset from another time scale.
CodeBias |
Container for code bias data.
CoefficientsFactory |
This class is designed to provide coefficient from the DSST theory.
CoefficientsFactory.NSKey |
Key formed by two integer values.
CombinationType |
Enumerate for combination of measurements types.
CombinedDerivatives |
Container for additional derivatives.
CombinedObservationData |
Combined observation data.
CombinedObservationDataSet |
Combined observation data set.
CommentsContainer |
Container for comments in various CCSDS messages.
CommonGnssData |
Container for common GNSS data contained in almanac and navigation messages.
CommonMetadataKey |
CommonMetadataWriter |
Writer for Common metadata for CCSDS Orbit Parameter/Ephemeris/Mean Messages.
CommonParametersWithDerivatives |
Common intermediate parameters used to estimate measurements where receiver is a ground station.
CommonParametersWithoutDerivatives |
Common intermediate parameters used to estimate measurements.
CommonPhysicalProperties |
ComparableMeasurement |
Base interface for comparing measurements regardless of their type.
CompositeDataContext |
A simple implementation of DataContext that composes the constituent factories
into a data context.
ConicallyShadowedLightFluxModel |
Class defining a flux model from a single occulted body, casting a shadow on a spherical occulting body.
ConstantAzimuthAiming |
Class used to orient tiles with respect to a geographic azimuth.
ConstantAzimuthalGradientProvider |
ConstantOffsetTimeScale |
Base class for time scales with constant offset with respect to to TAI.
ConstantPressureTemperatureHumidityProvider |
Provider for constant weather parameters.
ConstantProcessNoise |
Provider for constant process noise matrices.
ConstantPVCoordinatesProvider |
Provider based on a single point.
Constants |
Set of useful physical constants.
ConstantThrustManeuver |
This class implements a simple maneuver with constant thrust.
ConstantTroposphericModel |
Defines a constant tropospheric model.
ConstantViennaAProvider |
Provider for constant Vienna A coefficients.
ContextBinding |
Context for parsing/writing Navigation Data Message.
ContinueOnEvent |
Event handler which will always return continue as a state.
ContinuousScheduler<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Scheduler generating measurements sequences continuously.
Control3DVectorCostType |
Enumerate on types of cost for 3D control vector (thrust as a force or acceleration, including an impulse)
at a given time.
CorrectionApplied |
Indicator for corrections application.
CountAndContinue |
Event handler counting event occurrences and always returning Action.CONTINUE .
CountingHandler |
Abstract class for handlers counting event occurrences.
CovarianceMatrixProvider |
Provider for process noise matrices.
CovarianceMethod |
Maneuvrable possibilities used in CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
This class stores all the information of the Consolidated laser ranging Prediction File (CPF) parsed
by CPFParser.
CPF.CPFCoordinate |
A single record of position and possibility velocity in an SP3 file.
CPFHeader |
Container for Consolidated laser ranging Prediction File (CPF) header.
CPFParser |
A parser for the CPF orbit file format.
CPFWriter |
An CPF Writer class that can take in a general EphemerisFile object
and export it as a valid CPF file.
CR3BPConstants |
Set of useful physical CR3BP constants using JPL data.
CR3BPDifferentialCorrection |
Class implementing the differential correction method for Halo or Lyapunov
CR3BPFactory |
Factory class creating predefined CR3BP system using CR3BPSystem class.
CR3BPForceModel |
Class calculating the acceleration induced by CR3BP model.
CR3BPMultipleShooter |
Multiple shooting method applicable for orbits, either propagation in CR3BP, or in an ephemeris model.
CR3BPRotatingFrame |
Class creating the rotating frame centered on the barycenter of the CR3BP System.
CR3BPSystem |
Class creating, from two different celestial bodies, the corresponding system
with respect to the Circular Restricted Three Body problem hypotheses.
This class stores all the information of the Consolidated laser ranging Data Format (CRD) parsed
by CRDParser.
CRD.AnglesMeasurement |
Pointing angles record.
CRD.Calibration |
Calibration Record.
CRD.CalibrationDetail |
Calibration Detail Record.
CRD.CRDDataBlock |
Data block containing a set of data contain in the CRD file.
CRD.FrRangeMeasurement |
Range record -- Full rate, Sampled Engineering/Quicklook.
CRD.Meteo |
Meteorological data.
CRD.MeteorologicalMeasurement |
This data record contains a minimal set of meteorological data.
CRD.NptRangeMeasurement |
Range record -- Normal Point.
CRD.RangeMeasurement |
Range record.
CRD.RangeSupplement |
Range Supplement Record.
CRD.SessionStatistics |
Session (Pass) Statistics Record.
CRDConfiguration |
Container for Consolidated laser ranging Data Format (CDR) configuration records.
CRDConfiguration.BaseConfiguration |
Base class for configuration record.
CRDConfiguration.CalibrationTargetConfiguration |
Container for calibration target configuration record.
CRDConfiguration.DetectorConfiguration |
Container for detector configuration record.
CRDConfiguration.LaserConfiguration |
Container for laser configuration record.
CRDConfiguration.MeteorologicalConfiguration |
Container for meteorological configuration record.
CRDConfiguration.SoftwareConfiguration |
Container for software configuration record.
CRDConfiguration.SystemConfiguration |
Container for system configuration record.
CRDConfiguration.TimingSystemConfiguration |
Container for timing system configuration record.
CRDConfiguration.TransponderConfiguration |
Container for transponder configuration record.
CRDHeader |
Container for Consolidated laser ranging Data Format (CDR) header.
CRDHeader.DataType |
Data type for CRD data.
CRDHeader.RangeType |
Range type for SLR data.
CRDParser |
A parser for the CRD data file format.
CssiSpaceWeatherData |
This class provides three-hourly and daily solar activity data needed by atmospheric models: F107 solar flux, Ap and Kp
CssiSpaceWeatherDataLoader |
This class reads solar activity data from CSSI Space Weather files for the class CssiSpaceWeatherData .
CssiSpaceWeatherDataLoader.LineParameters |
Container class for Solar activity indexes.
CycleSlipDetectorResults |
This class is used to contains all the data computed within cycle-slip detector.
CycleSlipDetectors |
Interface for phase measurement cycle-slip detection.
CylindricallyShadowedLightFluxModel |
Class defining a flux model with a single occulting body, casting a shadow whose shape is a circular cylinder
(equivalent to the light source being infinitely distant).
CylindricalShadowEclipseDetector |
Event detector for eclipses from a single, infinitely-distant light source, occulted by a spherical central body.
Data |
This marker interface represents segment data.
DataContext |
Provides auxiliary data for portions of the application.
DataField |
Interface for data fields used to parsed encoded messages.
DataFilter |
DataFormat |
DataLoader |
DataProvider |
DataProvidersManager |
DataQuality |
Quality of the data.
DataSource |
Container associating a name with a stream or reader that can be opened lazily.
DataSource.Opener |
Interface for lazy-opening data streams one time.
DataSource.ReaderOpener |
Interface for lazy-opening a characters stream one time.
DataSource.StreamOpener |
Interface for lazy-opening a binary stream one time.
DataStreamRecord |
Data stream record in source table.
DataType |
Enum containing all low level data types that can be parsed
to build a message.
DataUsed |
Enumerate for data used.
DateBasedManeuverTriggers |
Maneuver triggers based on a start and end date.
DateComponents |
Class representing a date broken up as year, month and day components.
DateDetectionAdaptableIntervalFactory |
Factory for adaptable interval tuned for date(s) detection.
DateDetector |
Finder for date events.
DateDriver |
DatesSelector |
Interface for selecting dates within an interval.
DateTimeComponents |
Holder for date and time components.
DeepSDP4 |
This class contains the methods that compute deep space perturbation terms.
DefaultDataContext |
Indicates that the annotated method, field, or constructor uses the default data
DefaultDataContextPlugin |
DefaultEncounterLOF |
Default encounter local orbital frame.
DelaunayArguments |
Delaunay arguments used for nutation or tides.
DeSitterRelativity |
De Sitter post-Newtonian correction force due to general relativity.
DetectorModifier |
Base class for modifying an existing detector.
DifferentialSignalBias |
Container for differential signal bias for a single link endpoint
(either emitter or receiver).
Differentiation |
Utility class for differentiating various kinds of functions.
Dipole |
Dipole configuration for satellite-to-ground and inter-satellites wind-up effects.
DirectoryCrawler |
Provider for data files stored in a directories tree on filesystem.
DivertedSingularityAiming |
Class used to orient tiles such that there are no singularities within the zone of interest.
This class is a container for the result of a single DOP computation.
DOPComputer |
This class aims at computing the dilution of precision.
DormandPrince54FieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for DormandPrince54FieldIntegrator.
DormandPrince54IntegratorBuilder |
Builder for DormandPrince54Integrator.
DormandPrince853FieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for DormandPrince853FieldIntegrator.
DormandPrince853IntegratorBuilder |
Builder for DormandPrince853Integrator.
DoubleArrayDictionary |
String → double[] mapping, for small number of keys.
DoubleArrayDictionary.Entry |
Entry in a dictionary.
DoubleDihedraFieldOfView |
Class representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of View with dihedral shape (i.e.
DragForce |
Atmospheric drag force model.
DragSensitive |
Interface for spacecraft that are sensitive to atmospheric drag forces.
DSST6X0OrbitalState |
Class representing an averaged orbital state as in the DSST theory using only the first 6 zonal
harmonics as perturbations.
DSSTAtmosphericDrag |
DSSTBatchLSModel |
DSSTForceModel |
This interface represents a force modifying spacecraft motion for a DSSTPropagator .
DSSTGravityContext |
DSSTHarvester |
DSSTJ2SquaredClosedForm |
Second order J2-squared force model.
DSSTJ2SquaredClosedFormContext |
DSSTNewtonianAttraction |
DSSTNewtonianAttractionContext |
DSSTPropagator |
This class propagates orbits using the DSST theory.
DSSTPropagatorBuilder |
Builder for DSST propagator.
DSSTSolarRadiationPressure |
DSSTTesseral |
Tesseral contribution to the central body gravitational perturbation.
DSSTTesseralContext |
This class is a container for the common parameters used in DSSTTesseral .
DSSTThirdBody |
DSSTThirdBodyDynamicContext |
This class is a container for the common parameters used in
DSSTThirdBody .
DSSTThirdBodyStaticContext |
This class is a container for the common parameters used in
DSSTThirdBody .
DSSTZonal |
Zonal contribution to the central body gravitational perturbation.
DSSTZonalContext |
This class is a container for the common parameters used in DSSTZonal .
DtcDataLoader |
DtcDataLoader.LineParameters |
Container class for Solar activity indexes.
DTM2000 |
This atmosphere model is the realization of the DTM-2000 model.
DTM2000InputParameters |
Container for solar activity data, compatible with DTM2000 Atmosphere model.
DualFrequencyHatchFilter |
Hatch Filter using Carrier-Phase measurements taken at two different frequencies,
to form a Divergence-Free phase combination.
DualFrequencySmoother |
Handler to perform pseudo-range smoothing using Divergence-Free phase combinations.
DummyMappingFunction |
Dummy mapping function.
Duration |
Generator for one column of a Jacobian matrix for special case of maneuver duration.
DutyCycleType |
DynamicOutlierFilter<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Modifier that sets estimated measurement weight to 0 if residual is too far from expected domain.
EarthOrientationParameterMessage |
Container for data contained in a Earth Orientation Parameter navigation message.
EarthShape |
All models of Earth's shape have some common properties that are not shared with
arbitrary BodyShape s.
EarthStandardAtmosphereRefraction |
Implementation of refraction model for Earth standard atmosphere.
EcksteinHechlerOrbitalState |
Class representing an averaged orbital state as in the Eckstein-Hechler theory.
EcksteinHechlerPropagator |
This class propagates a SpacecraftState
using the analytical Eckstein-Hechler model.
EcksteinHechlerPropagatorBuilder |
Builder for Eckstein-Hechler propagator.
EclipseDetector |
Finder for satellite eclipse related events.
EclipticProvider |
An inertial frame aligned with the ecliptic.
The Empirical CODE Orbit Model 2 (ECOM2) of the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE).
EGMFormatReader |
This reader is adapted to the EGM Format.
ElevationDetectionAdaptableIntervalFactory |
Factory class for AdaptableInterval suitable for elevation detection on eccentric orbits.
ElevationDetector |
Finder for satellite raising/setting events that allows for the
setting of azimuth and/or elevation bounds or a ground azimuth/elevation
mask input.
ElevationExtremumDetector |
Detector for elevation extremum with respect to a ground point.
ElevationFilter<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Elevation pre-processing filter.
ElevationMask |
Class for modeling the ground elevation values around a given point.
Ellipse |
Model of a 2D ellipse in 3D space.
Ellipsoid |
Modeling of a general three-axes ellipsoid.
EllipsoidTessellator |
Class used to tessellate an interest zone on an ellipsoid in either
tiles or grids of geodetic points .
EllipticalFieldOfView |
Class representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of View with elliptical shape.
EnablingPredicate |
This interface represents an event enabling predicate function.
EncodedMessage |
Interface for getting bits forming encoded messages.
EncounterLOF |
Interface for encounter local orbital frame.
EncounterLOFType |
Enum for encounter local orbital frame.
EOPBasedTransformProvider |
EOPEntry |
This class holds an Earth Orientation Parameters entry.
EOPFittedModel |
Container for fitted model for Earth Orientation Parameters.
EOPFitter |
EOPHistory |
This class loads any kind of Earth Orientation Parameter data throughout a large time range.
EopHistoryLoader |
Interface for loading Earth Orientation Parameters history.
EopHistoryLoader.Parser |
Interface for parsing EOP data files.
Ephemeris |
This class is designed to accept and handle tabulated orbital entries.
EphemerisFile<C extends TimeStampedPVCoordinates,S extends EphemerisFile.EphemerisSegment<C>> |
An interface for accessing the data stored in an ephemeris file and using the data to
create a working Propagator .
EphemerisFile.EphemerisSegment<C extends TimeStampedPVCoordinates> |
A segment of an ephemeris for a satellite.
EphemerisFile.SatelliteEphemeris<C extends TimeStampedPVCoordinates,S extends EphemerisFile.EphemerisSegment<C>> |
Contains the information about a single satellite from an EphemerisFile .
EphemerisFileParser<T extends EphemerisFile<?,?>> |
Parse an ephemeris file.
EphemerisFileWriter |
An interface for writing out ephemeris files to disk.
EphemerisGenerator |
Generator for ephemerides.
EphemerisOcmWriter |
EphemerisOemWriter |
EphemerisPropagatorBuilder |
Builder for Ephemeris propagator.
EphemerisSegmentPropagator<C extends TimeStampedPVCoordinates> |
EpochDerivativesEquations |
Computes derivatives of the acceleration, including ThirdBodyAttraction.
EquinoctialLongitudeArgumentUtility |
Utility methods for converting between different longitude arguments used by EquinoctialOrbit .
EquinoctialOrbit |
This class handles equinoctial orbital parameters, which can support both
circular and equatorial orbits.
ErrorState |
EstimatedEarthFrameProvider |
Class modeling an Earth frame whose Earth Orientation Parameters can be estimated.
EstimatedIonosphericModel |
An estimated ionospheric model.
EstimatedMeasurement<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
EstimatedMeasurementBase<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
EstimatedMeasurementBase.Status |
Enumerate for the status of the measurement.
EstimatedModel |
An estimated tropospheric model.
EstimationModifier<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Interface for estimated measurements modifiers used for orbit determination.
EstimationsProvider |
Interface for retrieving estimated measurements during orbit determination.
Euler |
EulerFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for EulerFieldIntegrator.
EulerIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for EulerIntegrator.
EulerKey |
EventBasedScheduler<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
EventDetectionSettings |
Class containing parameters for event detection.
EventDetector |
This interface represents space-dynamics aware events detectors.
EventDetectorsProvider |
Interface for building event detectors for force models and maneuver parameters.
EventEnablingPredicateFilter |
Wrapper used to detect events only when enabled by an external predicated function.
EventHandler |
An interface defining how to handle events occurring during propagation.
EventMultipleHandler |
Facade handlers that allows to use several handlers for one detector.
EventShifter |
Wrapper shifting events occurrences times.
EventsLogger |
This class logs events detectors events during propagation.
EventsLogger.LoggedEvent |
Class for logged events entries.
EventSlopeFilter<T extends EventDetector> |
Wrapper used to detect only increasing or decreasing events.
EventState<T extends EventDetector> |
This class handles the state for one event detector during integration steps.
EventState.EventOccurrence |
Class to hold the data related to an event occurrence that is needed to decide how
to modify integration.
ExceptionalDataContext |
A data context that always throws a runtime exception when it's methods are used.
ExplicitRungeKuttaIntegratorBuilder |
This interface is for builders of explicit Runge-Kutta integrators (adaptive or not).
ExtendedPositionProvider |
Interface for position providers (including for Field).
ExtendedPositionProviderAdapter |
ExtendedPVCoordinatesProvider |
ExtremumApproachDetector |
Finder for extremum approach events.
FactoryManagedFrame |
Base class for the predefined frames that are managed by Frames .
Class modeling a Frequency Difference of Arrival measurement with a satellite as emitter
and two ground stations as receivers.
FDOABuilder |
Builder for FDOA measurements.
FESCHatEpsilonReader |
Reader for ocean tides files following the fes2004.dat format.
FESCnmSnmReader |
Reader for ocean tides files following the fes2004_Cnm-Snm.dat format.
FieldAbsoluteDate<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class represents a specific instant in time.
FieldAbsolutePVCoordinates<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Field implementation of AbsolutePVCoordinates.
FieldAbsolutePVCoordinatesHermiteInterpolator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Class using a Hermite interpolator to interpolate absolute position-velocity-acceleration coordinates.
FieldAbstractAnalyticalPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldAbstractCartesianCost<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Abstract class for cost with Cartesian coordinates.
FieldAbstractDetector<D extends FieldAbstractDetector<D,T>,T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Common parts shared by several orbital events finders.
FieldAbstractGaussianContributionContext<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldAbstractIntegratedPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Common handling of FieldPropagator
methods for both numerical and semi-analytical propagators.
FieldAbstractIntegratedPropagator.MainStateEquations<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Differential equations for the main state (orbit, attitude and mass).
FieldAbstractIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>,W extends AbstractFieldIntegrator<T>> |
This abstract class implements some of the required methods for integrators in propagators conversion.
FieldAbstractPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Common handling of Propagator methods for analytical propagators.
FieldAbstractStateModifier<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Abstract base class for modifying state during propagation.
FieldAdaptableInterval<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface represents an event checking interval that depends on state.
FieldAdapterDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldAdditionalDerivativesProvider<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Provider for additional derivatives.
FieldAdditionalStateProvider<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldAltitudeDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Finder for satellite altitude crossing events.
FieldAngularCoordinates<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldApsideDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Finder for apside crossing events.
FieldArrayDictionary<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
String → CalculusFieldElement[] mapping, for small number of keys.
FieldAttitude<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class handles attitude definition at a given date.
FieldAttitudeInterpolator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Class for attitude interpolation.
FieldAuxiliaryElements<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container class for common parameters used by all DSST forces.
FieldAzimuthalGradientCoefficients<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for the azimuthal gradient coefficients gnh, geh, gnw and gew.
FieldBetaAngleDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Finder for beta angle crossing events.
FieldBodiesElements<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Elements of the bodies having an effect on nutation.
FieldBooleanDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class provides AND and OR operations for event detectors.
FieldBoundedCartesianEnergy<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Class for bounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates.
FieldBoundedPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface is intended for ephemerides valid only during a time range.
FieldBrouwerLyddanePropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class propagates a FieldSpacecraftState
using the analytical Brouwer-Lyddane model (from J2 to J5 zonal harmonics).
FieldCartesianAdjointDerivativesProvider<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Class defining the Field version of the adjoint dynamics for Cartesian coordinates, as defined in the Pontryagin Maximum Principle.
FieldCartesianCost<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interface to definite cost function in the frame of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle using Cartesian coordinates.
FieldCartesianFuelCost<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Class for fuel cost with Cartesian coordinates.
FieldCartesianOrbit<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class holds Cartesian orbital parameters.
FieldCellInterpolator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interpolator within a grid cell.
FieldChronologicalComparator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
FieldCircularLatitudeArgumentUtility |
Utility methods for converting between different latitude arguments used by FieldCircularOrbit .
FieldCircularOrbit<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class handles circular orbital parameters.
FieldCjSjCoefficient<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Compute the Sj(k, h) and the Cj(k, h) series
and their partial derivatives with respect to k and h.
FieldClockOffset<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for time stamped clock offset.
FieldClockOffsetHermiteInterpolator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
bHermite interpolator of time stamped clock offsets.
FieldCombinedDerivatives<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for additional derivatives.
FieldContinueOnEvent<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Event handler which will always return continue as a state.
FieldCountAndContinue<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Event handler counting event occurrences and always returning Action.CONTINUE .
FieldCountingHandler<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Abstract class for handlers counting event occurrences.
FieldCylindricalShadowEclipseDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Event detector for eclipses from a single, infinitely-distant light source, occulted by a spherical central body.
FieldDateDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Finder for date events.
FieldDeepSDP4<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class contains the methods that compute deep space perturbation terms.
FieldDelaunayArguments<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Delaunay arguments used for nutation or tides.
FieldDetectorModifier<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Base class for modifying an existing getDetector().
FieldDSSTGravityContext<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldDSSTJ2SquaredClosedFormContext<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldDSSTNewtonianAttractionContext<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldDSSTPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class propagates orbits using the DSST theory.
FieldDSSTTesseralContext<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class is a container for the common "field" parameters used in DSSTTesseral .
FieldDSSTThirdBodyDynamicContext<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class is a container for the common "field" parameters used in DSSTThirdBody .
FieldDSSTZonalContext<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class is a container for the common "field" parameters used in DSSTZonal .
FieldEcksteinHechlerPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldEclipseDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Finder for satellite eclipse related events.
FieldElevationDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Finder for satellite raising/setting events that allows for the
setting of azimuth and/or elevation bounds or a ground azimuth/elevation
mask input.
FieldElevationExtremumDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Detector for elevation extremum with respect to a ground point.
FieldEllipse<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Model of a 2D ellipse in 3D space.
FieldEnablingPredicate<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface represents an event enabling predicate function.
FieldEphemerisGenerator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Generator for ephemerides.
FieldEquinoctialLongitudeArgumentUtility |
FieldEquinoctialOrbit<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class handles equinoctial orbital parameters, which can support both
circular and equatorial orbits.
FieldEventDetectionSettings<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Class containing parameters for event detection.
FieldEventDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface represents space-dynamics aware events detectors.
FieldEventEnablingPredicateFilter<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Wrapper used to detect events only when enabled by an external predicated function.
FieldEventHandler<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
An interface defining how to handle events occurring during propagation..
FieldEventsLogger<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class logs events detectors events during propagation.
FieldEventsLogger.FieldLoggedEvent<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Class for logged events entries.
FieldEventSlopeFilter<D extends FieldEventDetector<T>,T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Wrapper used to detect only increasing or decreasing events.
FieldEventState<D extends FieldEventDetector<T>,T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class handles the state for one event detector during integration steps.
FieldEventState.EventOccurrence<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Class to hold the data related to an event occurrence that is needed to decide how
to modify integration.
FieldExplicitRungeKuttaIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface is the top-level abstraction to build first order integrators for propagators conversion.
FieldExtremumApproachDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Finder for extremum approach events.
FieldFixedNumberInterpolationGrid<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interpolation grid where a fixed number of points are
evenly spaced between the start and the end of the integration step.
FieldForceModelContext<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Base class for dsst force models parameter containers.
FieldFunctionalDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldGammaMnsFunction<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Compute the Γmn,s(γ) function from equation 2.7.1-(13).
FieldGeodeticPoint<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldGHIJjsPolynomials<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Compute the Gjs, Hjs, Ijs and Jjs
polynomials in the equinoctial elements h, k and the direction cosines α and β
and their partial derivatives with respect to k, h, α and β.
FieldGHmsjPolynomials<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Compute the Gmsj and the Hmsj
polynomials in the equinoctial elements h, k and the direction cosines α and β
and their partial derivatives with respect to k, h, α and β.
FieldHansenTesseralLinear<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Hansen coefficients K(t,n,s) for t!=0 and n < 0.
FieldHansenThirdBodyLinear<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Hansen coefficients K(t,n,s) for t=0 and n > 0.
FieldHansenZonalLinear<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Hansen coefficients K(t,n,s) for t=0 and n < 0.
Fieldifier |
Utility class used to convert class to their Field equivalent.
FieldImpulseManeuver<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Impulse maneuver model for propagators working with Fields.
FieldImpulseProvider<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interface providing velocity increment vectors to impulsive maneuvers (Field version).
FieldInertia<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for inertia of a 3D object.
FieldInertiaAxis<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for inertial axis.
FieldIntegratedEphemeris<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class stores sequentially generated orbital parameters for
later retrieval.
FieldIntelsatElevenElements<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class is a container for a single set of Intelsat's 11 Elements data.
FieldIntelsatElevenElementsPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class provides elements to propagate Intelsat's 11 elements.
FieldInterpolationGrid<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interface for interpolation grids.
FieldKeplerianAnomalyUtility |
Utility methods for converting between different Keplerian anomalies.
FieldKeplerianOrbit<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class handles traditional Keplerian orbital parameters.
FieldKeplerianPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Simple Keplerian orbit propagator.
FieldKinematicTransform<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
A transform that only includes translation and rotation as well as their respective rates.
FieldLatitudeCrossingDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Detector for geographic latitude crossing.
FieldLatitudeRangeCrossingDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Detector for geographic latitude crossing.
FieldLegendrePolynomials<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Computes the Pnm(t) coefficients.
FieldLnsCoefficients<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Compute the Lns(γ).
FieldLogarithmicBarrierCartesianFuel<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Fuel cost penalized with a logarithmic term, which is a barrier so is not defined for epsilon equal to 0 or 1.
FieldLongitudeCrossingDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Detector for geographic longitude crossing.
FieldLongitudeRangeCrossingDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Detector for geographic longitude crossing.
FieldManeuverTriggersResetter<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Resetter for maneuver triggers.
FieldMaxGapInterpolationGrid<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interpolation grid where points obey a maximum time gap.
FieldNegateDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
An event detector that negates the sign on another event detector's g function.
FieldNodeDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Finder for node crossing events.
FieldNumericalPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class propagates orbits using
numerical integration.
FieldODEIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface is the top-level abstraction to build first order integrators for propagators conversion.
FieldOfView |
Interface representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of View.
FieldOfViewDetector |
Finder for target entry/exit events with respect to a satellite sensor
Field Of View .
FieldOrbit<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class handles orbital parameters.
FieldOrbitBlender<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Orbit blender.
FieldOrbitHermiteInterpolator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Class using a Hermite interpolator to interpolate orbits.
FieldOrekitFixedStepHandler<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface is a space-dynamics aware fixed size step handler.
FieldOrekitStepHandler<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface is a space-dynamics aware step handler.
FieldOrekitStepInterpolator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface is a space-dynamics aware step interpolator.
FieldOrekitStepNormalizer<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldParameterDrivenDateIntervalDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Detector for date intervals that may be offset thanks to parameter drivers.
FieldPenalizedCartesianFuelCost<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Abstract class for fuel cost with a penalty term proportional to a weight parameter epsilon.
FieldPoleCorrection<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Simple container class for pole correction parameters.
FieldPressureTemperature<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for pressure and temperature.
FieldPressureTemperatureHumidity<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for pressure, temperature, and humidity.
FieldProbabilityOfCollision<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for values relative to the probability of collision :
Value of the probability of collision.
Name of the method with which it was computed.
Upper and lower limit of the value if the method provides them (such as Laas2015 for example).
Flag defining if the probability was maximized in any way (such as Alfriend1999Max for example).
FieldPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface provides a way to propagate an orbit at any time.
FieldPVCoordinates<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldPVCoordinatesProvider<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interface for PV coordinates providers.
FieldQuadraticPenaltyCartesianFuel<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Fuel cost penalized with a quadratic term.
FieldRecallLastOccurrence<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Event handler wrapping another, arbitrary one whilst remembering date of last detection.
FieldRecordAndContinue<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Handler that will record every time an event occurs and always return Action.CONTINUE .
FieldRecordAndContinue.Event<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
A single event detected during propagation.
FieldRelativeDistanceDetector<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Detector of specific value for the distance relative to another trajectory (using the Euclidean norm).
FieldResetDerivativesOnEvent<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Event handler which will always return continue as a state.
FieldSGP4<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class contains methods to compute propagated coordinates with the SGP4 model.
FieldShiftingPVCoordinatesProvider<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interpolated short periodics coefficients.
FieldShortPeriodTerms<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Additive short period terms contributing to the mean to osculating orbit mapping.
FieldShortTermEncounter2DDefinition<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Defines the encounter between two collision object at time of closest approach assuming a short-term encounter model .
FieldSortedListTrimmer |
A trimmer for externally stored chronologically sorted lists.
FieldSpacecraftState<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class is the representation of a complete state holding orbit, attitude
and mass information at a given date, meant primarily for propagation.
FieldSpacecraftStateInterpolator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Generic class for spacecraft state interpolator.
FieldStateCovariance<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class is the representation of a covariance matrix at a given date.
FieldStateMapper<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldStaticTransform<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
A transform that only includes translation and rotation.
FieldStepHandlerMultiplexer<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldStopOnDecreasing<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Handle a detection event and choose what to do next.
FieldStopOnEvent<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Event handler which will always return continue as a state.
FieldStopOnIncreasing<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Handle a detection event and choose what to do next.
FieldTimeDerivativesEquations<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Interface summing up the contribution of several forces into orbit and mass derivatives.
FieldTimeInterpolator<T extends FieldTimeStamped<KK>,KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
This interface represents objects that can interpolate a time stamped value with respect to time.
FieldTimeShiftable<T extends FieldTimeShiftable<T,KK>,KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
This interface represents objects that can be shifted in time.
FieldTimeSpanMap<T,D extends CalculusFieldElement<D>> |
Container for objects that apply to spans of time.
FieldTimeSpanMap.Transition<S,D extends CalculusFieldElement<D>> |
Local class holding transition times.
FieldTimeStamped<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This interface represents objects that have a AbsoluteDate
date attached to them.
FieldTimeStampedCache<T extends FieldTimeStamped<KK>,KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Interface for a data structure that can provide concurrent access to FieldTimeStamped data surrounding a given
FieldTimeStampedPair<F extends FieldTimeStamped<KK>,S extends FieldTimeStamped<KK>,KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Pair of time stamped values being defined at the same date.
FieldTLE<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class is a container for a single set of TLE data.
FieldTLEPropagator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
This class provides elements to propagate TLE's.
FieldTrackingCoordinates<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for azimut/elevation/range coordinates as seen from a ground point.
FieldTransform<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Transformation class in three-dimensional space.
FieldTransformGenerator<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FieldTroposphericDelay<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for tropospheric delay.
FieldUnboundedCartesianEnergy<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Class for unbounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates.
FieldUnboundedCartesianEnergyNeglectingMass<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Class for unbounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates neglecting the mass consumption.
FieldViennaACoefficients<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
FileFormat |
Enumerate for file format.
FilesListCrawler |
Provider for data files in an explicit list.
FiltersManager |
FilterType |
FiniteDifferencePropagatorConverter |
Propagator converter using finite differences to compute the Jacobian.
FixedFrameBuilder |
Builder that assumes angular coordinates are given in a fixed frame.
FixedNumberInterpolationGrid |
Interpolation grid where a fixed number of points are
evenly spaced between the start and the end of the integration step.
FixedPanel |
Class representing one panel of a satellite, fixed with respect to satellite body.
FixedPointOsculatingToAveragedConverter<T extends AveragedOrbitalState> |
Abstract class for osculating-to-averaged converters based on a fixed-point algorithm.
FixedPointTleGenerationAlgorithm |
Fixed Point method to reverse SGP4 and SDP4 propagation algorithm
and generate a usable TLE from a spacecraft state.
FixedRate |
This class handles a simple attitude provider at constant rate around a fixed axis.
FixedStepSelector |
Selector generating a continuous stream of dates separated by a constant step.
FixedTimeBoundaryOrbits |
Defines two-point boundary values for indirect shooting methods with Cartesian coordinates.
FixedTimeCartesianBoundaryStates |
Defines two-point boundary values for indirect shooting methods with Cartesian coordinates.
FixedTransformProvider |
Transform provider using fixed transform.
FixedTroposphericDelay |
A static tropospheric model that interpolates the actual tropospheric delay
based on values read from a configuration file (tropospheric-delay.txt) via
the DataProvidersManager .
FootprintOverlapDetector |
Detector triggered by geographical region entering/leaving a spacecraft sensor
Field Of View .
ForceModel |
This interface represents a force modifying spacecraft motion.
ForceModelContext |
Base class for dsst force models attributes containers.
ForceModelModifier |
Interface to wrap another force model.
Frame |
Tridimensional references frames class.
FrameAdapter |
FrameAlignedProvider |
This class handles an attitude provider aligned with a frame or a fixed offset to it.
FrameAncestorException |
FrameFacade |
Facade in front of several frames types in CCSDS messages.
Frames |
A collection of commonly used Frame s.
FramesFactory |
Factory for predefined reference frames.
FrequencyPattern |
Pattern for GNSS antenna model on one frequency.
FunctionalDetector |
FundamentalNutationArguments |
Class computing the fundamental arguments for nutation and tides.
Galileo |
Attitude providers for Galileo navigation satellites.
GalileoAlmanac |
Class for Galileo almanac.
GalileoNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a Galileo navigation message.
GalileoScale |
Galileo system time scale.
GammaMnsFunction |
Compute the Γmn,s(γ) function from equation 2.7.1-(13).
GatheringSubscriber |
Subscriber that gather all generated measurements in a sorted set.
GeneratedMeasurementSubscriber |
Generator |
Generator |
Generation interface for CCSDS messages.
GenericGNSS |
Attitude providers for navigation satellites for which no specialized model is known.
GenericTimeStampedCache<T extends TimeStamped> |
GeodeticPoint |
Point location relative to a 2D body surface.
GeographicZoneDetector |
Detector for entry/exit of a zone defined by geographic boundaries.
Geoid |
A geoid is a level surface of the gravity potential of a body.
GeoMagneticElements |
Contains the elements to represent a magnetic field at a single point.
GeoMagneticField |
Used to calculate the geomagnetic field at a given geodetic point on earth.
GeoMagneticFieldFactory |
GeoMagneticFieldFactory.FieldModel |
The currently supported geomagnetic field models.
GeoMagneticFields |
Methods for obtaining geomagnetic fields.
GeoMagneticModelLoader |
Loads geomagnetic field models from a given input stream.
GeometryFreeCombination |
Geometry-free combination.
GeometryFreeCycleSlipDetector |
Geometry free cycle slip detectors.
GHIJjsPolynomials |
Compute the Gjs, Hjs, Ijs and Jjs
polynomials in the equinoctial elements h, k and the direction cosines α and β
and their partial derivatives with respect to k, h, α and β.
GHmsjPolynomials |
Compute the Gmsj and the Hmsj
polynomials in the equinoctial elements h, k and the direction cosines α and β
and their partial derivatives with respect to k, h, α and β.
GillFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for GillFieldIntegrator.
GillIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for GillIntegrator.
GlobalIonosphereMapModel |
Global Ionosphere Map (GIM) model.
GlobalMappingFunctionModel |
The Global Mapping Function model for radio techniques.
GlobalPressureTemperature |
The Global Pressure and Temperature model.
GlobalPressureTemperature2 |
The Global Pressure and Temperature 2 (GPT2) model.
GlobalPressureTemperature2w |
The Global Pressure and Temperature 2w (GPT2w) model.
GlobalPressureTemperature3 |
The Global Pressure and Temperature 3 (GPT3) model.
Glonass |
Attitude providers for Glonass navigation satellites.
GLONASSAlmanac |
This class holds a GLONASS almanac as read from .agl files.
GLONASSAnalyticalPropagator |
GLONASSAnalyticalPropagatorBuilder |
This nested class aims at building a GLONASSAnalyticalPropagator.
Container for date in GLONASS form.
GLONASSEphemeris |
GLONASSNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a Glonass navigation message.
GLONASSNumericalPropagator |
This class propagates GLONASS orbits using numerical integration.
GLONASSNumericalPropagatorBuilder |
This nested class aims at building a GLONASSNumericalPropagator.
GLONASSOrbitalElements |
GlonassSatelliteChannel |
Container for association between GLONASS satellites and frequency channels (f = f₀ + k Δf with k ranging-7 to +6).
GLONASS time scale.
GlonassUserRangeAccuracy |
Enumerate for GLONASS User Range Accuracy.
GMSTScale |
Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time.
GNSSAttitudeProvider |
Attitude providers for navigation satellites.
GNSSClockElements |
GNSSConstants |
Set of useful physical constants used in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).
GnssData |
GNSS data retrieved from Ntrip caster.
GNSSDate |
Container for date in GNSS form.
GNSSOrbitalElements |
This interface provides the minimal set of orbital elements needed by the GNSSPropagator .
GNSSPropagator |
GNSSPropagatorBuilder |
This nested class aims at building a GNSSPropagator.
GnssSignal |
Intermediate level interface for radio waves related to GNSS common frequency.
GPSAlmanac |
This class holds a GPS almanac as read from SEM or YUMA files.
Attitude providers for GPS block IIA navigation satellites.
Attitude providers for GPS block IIF navigation satellites.
Attitude providers for GPS block IIR navigation satellites.
GPSCivilianNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a GPS navigation message.
GPSLegacyNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a GPS navigation message.
GPSScale |
GPS time scale.
GraggBulirschStoerIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for GraggBulirschStoerIntegrator.
GRAPHICCombination |
GRoup And Phase Ionospheric Calibration (GRAPHIC) combination.
GravityFieldFactory |
Factory used to read gravity field files in several supported formats.
GravityFields |
Defines methods for obtaining gravity fields.
GRGSFormatReader |
Reader for the GRGS gravity field format.
GroundAtNightDetector |
Detector for ground location being at night.
GroundFieldOfViewDetector |
Finder for satellite entry/exit events with respect to a sensor Field Of View attached to an arbitrary frame.
GroundPointing |
Base class for ground pointing attitude providers.
GroundPointingAttitudeModifier |
Abstract class for attitude provider modifiers using an underlying ground pointing law.
GroundPointTarget |
GroundReceiverCommonParametersWithDerivatives |
Common intermediate parameters used to estimate measurements where receiver is a ground station.
GroundReceiverCommonParametersWithoutDerivatives |
Common intermediate parameters used to estimate measurements where receiver is a ground station.
GroundReceiverMeasurement<T extends GroundReceiverMeasurement<T>> |
Base class modeling a measurement where receiver is a ground station.
GroundStation |
Class modeling a ground station that can perform some measurements.
GTODProvider |
Greenwich True Of Date Frame, also known as True of Date Rotating frame (TDR)
or Greenwich Rotating Coordinate frame (GCR).
GzipFilter |
Filter for gzip compressed data.
HaloOrbit |
Class calculating different parameters of a Halo Orbit.
HaloXZPlaneCrossingDetector |
Detector for XZ Plane crossing.
HansenTesseralLinear |
Hansen coefficients K(t,n,s) for t!=0 and n < 0.
HansenThirdBodyLinear |
Hansen coefficients K(t,n,s) for t=0 and n > 0.
HansenUtilities |
Utilities class.
HansenZonalLinear |
Hansen coefficients K(t,n,s) for t=0 and n < 0.
HarmonicAccelerationModel |
Harmonic acceleration model.
HarrisPriester |
This atmosphere model is the realization of the Modified Harris-Priester model.
HatanakaCompressFilter |
Decompression filter for Hatanaka compressed RINEX files.
Header |
Header of a CCSDS Navigation Data Message.
HeaderKey |
HeaderProcessingState |
HeightDependentPressureTemperatureHumidityConverter |
Converter for weather parameters that change with height.
HelmertTransformation |
Transformation class for geodetic systems.
HelmertTransformation.Predefined |
Enumerate for predefined Helmert transformations.
HexadecimalSequenceEncodedMessage |
Encoded message as an hexadecimal characters sequence.
HighamHall54FieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for HighamHall54Integrator.
HighamHall54IntegratorBuilder |
Builder for HighamHall54Integrator.
HolmesFeatherstoneAttractionModel |
This class represents the gravitational field of a celestial body.
IAUPole |
Interface for IAU pole and prime meridian orientations.
ICGEMFormatReader |
Reader for the ICGEM gravity field format.
IdentityConverter |
Identity converter for Range Units.
IERSConventions |
Supported IERS conventions.
IERSConventions.NutationCorrectionConverter |
Interface for functions converting nutation corrections between
δΔψ/δΔε to δX/δY.
IgsSsrDataField |
Enum containing all intermediate level data fields that can be parsed
to build an IGS SSR message.
IgsSsrMessagesParser |
Parser for SSR encoded messages.
IgsSsrMessageType |
Enum containing the supported IGS SSR messages types.
IGSUtils |
Utility for IGS files.
ILRSHeader |
Container for common data contains in International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) files header.
ImmutableFieldTimeStampedCache<T extends FieldTimeStamped<KK>,KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
A cache of TimeStamped data that provides concurrency through immutability.
ImmutableTimeStampedCache<T extends TimeStamped> |
A cache of TimeStamped data that provides concurrency through
ImpulseManeuver |
Impulse maneuver model.
ImpulseProvider |
Interface providing velocity increment vectors to impulsive maneuvers.
Inertia |
Container for inertia of a 3D object.
Inertia |
InertiaAxis |
Container for inertial axis.
InertiaKey |
InertialForces |
Inertial force model.
InputStreamEncodedMessage |
Encoded message from an input stream.
IntegerBootstrapping |
Bootstrapping engine for ILS problem solving.
IntegerLeastSquareComparator |
IntegerLeastSquareSolution |
Class holding a solution to an Integer Least Square problem.
IntegerLeastSquareSolver |
Interface for algorithms solving integer least square problems.
IntegratedEphemeris |
This class stores sequentially generated orbital parameters for
later retrieval.
IntegrationReference |
Relationship between time tag and integration interval.
IntelsatElevenElements |
This class is a container for a single set of Intelsat's 11 Elements data.
IntelsatElevenElementsPropagator |
This class provides elements to propagate Intelsat's 11 elements.
InterpolatingTransformProvider |
Transform provider using thread-safe interpolation on transforms sample.
InterpolationGrid |
Interface for interpolation grids.
InterpolationMethod |
OEM interpolation method.
InterpolationTableLoader |
Used to read an interpolation table from a data file.
InterSatDirectViewDetector |
Detector for inter-satellites direct view (i.e.
InterSatellitesOneWayRangeRate |
One way range-rate measurement between two satellites.
InterSatellitesOneWayRangeRateBuilder |
InterSatellitesPhase |
Phase measurement between two satellites.
InterSatellitesPhaseBuilder |
InterSatellitesRange |
One-way or two-way range measurements between two satellites.
InterSatellitesRangeBuilder |
InterSatellitesWindUp |
InterSatellitesWindUpFactory |
IntervalEventTrigger<T extends AbstractDetector<T>> |
Maneuver triggers based on a single event detector that defines firing intervals.
IodGauss |
Gauss angles-only Initial Orbit Determination (IOD) algorithm.
IodGibbs |
Gibbs position-based Initial Orbit Determination (IOD) algorithm.
IodGooding |
Gooding angles only Initial Orbit Determination (IOD) algorithm, assuming Keplerian motion.
IodLambert |
Lambert position-based Initial Orbit Determination (IOD) algorithm, assuming Keplerian motion.
IodLaplace |
Laplace angles-only Initial Orbit Determination (IOD) algorithm, assuming Keplerian motion.
IonosphereBaseMessage |
Base container for data contained in a ionosphere message.
IonosphereBDGIMMessage |
Container for data contained in a ionosphere BDGIM message.
IonosphereFreeCombination |
Ionosphere-free combination.
IonosphereKlobucharMessage |
Container for data contained in a ionosphere Klobuchar message.
IonosphereNequickGMessage |
Container for data contained in a ionosphere Nequick G message.
IonosphericCorrectionType |
Ionospheric correction type.
IonosphericMappingFunction |
Interface for mapping functions used in the ionospheric delay computation.
IonosphericModel |
Defines a ionospheric model, used to calculate the path delay imposed to
electro-magnetic signals between an orbital satellite and a ground station.
IRNSSAlmanac |
Class for IRNSS almanac.
IRNSSNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in an IRNSS navigation message.
IRNSSScale |
IRNSS time scale (also called IRNWT for IRNSS NetWork Time).
IsotropicDrag |
This class models isotropic drag effects.
IsotropicRadiationClassicalConvention |
This class represents the features of a simplified spacecraft.
IsotropicRadiationCNES95Convention |
This class represents the features of a simplified spacecraft.
IsotropicRadiationSingleCoefficient |
This class represents the features of a simplified spacecraft.
ITRFVersion |
Enumerate for ITRF versions.
ITRFVersion.Converter |
Specialized transform provider between ITRF frames.
ITRFVersionLoader |
Loader for ITRF version configuration file.
ITRFVersionLoader.ITRFVersionConfiguration |
ITRF version configuration entry.
ItrfVersionProvider |
Interface for retrieving the ITRF version for a given set of EOP data.
ITURP834AtmosphericRefraction |
Implementation of refraction model for Earth exponential atmosphere based on ITU-R P.834 recommendation.
ITURP834MappingFunction |
ITU-R P.834 mapping function.
ITURP834PathDelay |
The ITU-R P.834 tropospheric model.
ITURP834WeatherParametersProvider |
Provider for the ITU-R P.834 weather parameters.
J2DifferentialEffect |
Analytical model for J2 effect.
J2OnlyPerturbation |
J2-only force model.
J2SquaredModel |
Semi-analytical J2-squared model.
JacobianPropagatorConverter |
Propagator converter using the real Jacobian.
JacobiPolynomials |
Provider of the Jacobi polynomials Plv,w.
JB2008 |
This is the realization of the Jacchia-Bowman 2008 atmospheric model.
JB2008InputParameters |
Interface for solar activity and magnetic activity data.
JB2008SpaceEnvironmentData |
This class provides a container for the solar indices data required by the JB2008
atmospheric model.
JPLEphemeridesLoader |
Loader for JPL ephemerides binary files (DE 4xx) and similar formats (INPOP 06/08/10).
JPLEphemeridesLoader.EphemerisType |
List of supported ephemerides types.
JPLEphemeridesLoader.RawPVProvider |
Interface for raw position-velocity retrieval.
KalmanEstimation |
KalmanEstimator |
Implementation of a Kalman filter to perform orbit determination.
KalmanEstimatorBuilder |
Builder for a Kalman filter estimator.
KalmanEstimatorUtil |
Utility class for Kalman Filter.
KalmanModel |
KalmanObserver |
KeplerianAnomalyUtility |
Utility methods for converting between different Keplerian anomalies.
KeplerianElements |
Container for Keplerian elements.
KeplerianElementsKey |
KeplerianMotionCartesianUtility |
Utility class to predict position and velocity under Keplerian motion, using lightweight routines based on Cartesian
KeplerianOrbit |
This class handles traditional Keplerian orbital parameters.
KeplerianPropagator |
Simple Keplerian orbit propagator.
KeplerianPropagatorBuilder |
Builder for Keplerian propagator.
KinematicTransform |
A transform that only includes translation and rotation as well as their respective rates.
KlobucharIonoCoefficientsLoader |
Loads Klobuchar-Style ionospheric coefficients a given input stream.
KlobucharIonoModel |
Klobuchar ionospheric delay model.
KnockeRediffusedForceModel |
The Knocke Earth Albedo and IR emission force model.
KvnGenerator |
Generator for Key-Value Notation CCSDS messages.
KvnLexicalAnalyzer |
Lexical analyzer for Key-Value Notation CCSDS messages.
KvnStructureKey |
KvnStructureProcessingState |
L1Frame |
L1TransformProvider |
L1 Transform provider for a frame on the L1 Lagrange point of two celestial bodies.
L2Frame |
Class to create a L2 centered frame with L2TransformProvider .
Laas2015 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in : "SERRA, Romain, ARZELIER, Denis, JOLDES, Mioara, et
LagrangianPoints |
Enumerate for selecting which Lagrangian Point to consider in different classes.
LambdaMethod |
Decorrelation/reduction engine for LAMBDA method.
LatitudeCrossingDetector |
Detector for geographic latitude crossing.
LatitudeExtremumDetector |
Detector for geographic latitude extremum.
LatitudeRangeCrossingDetector |
Detector for geographic latitude crossing.
LazyLoadedCelestialBodies |
This class lazily loads auxiliary data when it is needed by a requested body.
LazyLoadedDataContext |
A data context that aims to match the behavior of Orekit 10.0 regarding auxiliary data.
LazyLoadedEop |
Loads Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) from a configured set of EopHistoryLoader s on demand.
LazyLoadedFrames |
This class lazily loads auxiliary data when it is needed by a requested frame.
LazyLoadedGeoMagneticFields |
Loads magnetic fields on request and can be configured after creation.
LazyLoadedGravityFields |
Loads gravity fields when first requested and can be configured until then.
LazyLoadedTimeScales |
An implementation of TimeScales that loads auxiliary data, leap seconds and
UT1-UTC, when it is first accessed.
LeastSquaresTleGenerationAlgorithm |
Least squares method to generate a usable TLE from a spacecraft state.
LegacyNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a GPS/QZNSS legacy navigation message.
LegendrePolynomials |
Computes the Pnm(t) coefficients.
LenseThirringRelativity |
Lense-Thirring post-Newtonian correction force due to general relativity.
LexicalAnalyzer |
Interface for CCSDS messages lexical analysis.
LexicalAnalyzerSelector |
LibrationOrbit |
Base class for libration orbits.
LibrationOrbitFamily |
LibrationOrbitType |
LightFluxModel |
Interface describing flux models from a light source, including shadowing effects from occulting bodies.
LineOrientedFilteringReader |
Base class for implementing line-oriented data filtering readers.
LineParser<T extends ParseInfo<?>> |
Parser class for one line.
LnsCoefficients |
Compute the Lns(γ).
LocalizedException |
This interface specified methods implemented by localized exception classes.
LocalMagneticFieldFrame |
This class handles a magnetic field variation attitude provider.
LocalMagneticFieldFrame.LOFBuilderVector |
Enum defining how the +j axis of the local orbital frame will be defined.
LocalOrbitalFrame |
Class for frames moving with an orbiting satellite.
Interface for local orbital frame.
LofOffset |
Attitude law defined by fixed Roll, Pitch and Yaw angles (in any order)
with respect to a local orbital frame.
LofOffsetPointing |
This class provides a default attitude provider.
LOFType |
Enumerate for different types of Local Orbital Frames.
LogarithmicBarrierCartesianFuel |
Fuel cost penalized with a logarithmic term, which is a barrier so is not defined for epsilon equal to 0 or 1.
LongitudeCrossingDetector |
Detector for geographic longitude crossing.
LongitudeExtremumDetector |
Detector for geographic longitude extremum.
LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector |
Detector for geographic longitude crossing.
LoveNumbers |
Container for Love numbers.
Loxodrome |
Perform calculations on a loxodrome (commonly, a rhumb line) on an ellipsoid.
LoxodromeArc |
Loxodrome defined by a start and ending point.
LutherFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for LutherFieldIntegrator.
LutherIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for LutherIntegrator.
LyapunovOrbit |
Class calculating different parameters of a Lyapunov Orbit.
MagneticFieldDetector |
Detector for Earth magnetic field strength.
ManBasis |
Maneuver |
Maneuver in an APM file.
Maneuver |
Maneuver in an OPM file.
Maneuver |
A generic model for maneuvers with finite-valued acceleration magnitude, as opposed to instantaneous changes
in the velocity vector which are defined via detectors (in ImpulseManeuver and
FieldImpulseManeuver ).
ManeuverFieldType |
ManeuverKey |
ManeuverKey |
ManeuverTriggers |
Generic interface for the maneuver triggers used in a Maneuver .
ManeuverTriggersResetter |
Resetter for maneuver triggers.
Maneuvrable |
Maneuvrable possibilities used in CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
MariniMurray |
The Marini-Murray tropospheric delay model for laser ranging.
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation |
This class provides solar activity data needed by atmospheric models: F107 solar flux, Ap and Kp indexes.
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.StrengthLevel |
Strength level of activity.
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimationLoader |
This class reads solar activity data needed by atmospheric models: F107 solar flux, Ap and Kp indexes.
MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimationLoader.LineParameters |
Container class for Solar activity indexes.
MassDepletionDelay |
Generator for effect of delaying mass depletion when delaying a maneuver.
MatricesHarvester |
Interface for extracting State Transition Matrices and Jacobians matrices from spacecraft state .
MaxGapInterpolationGrid |
Interpolation grid where points obey a maximum time gap.
MeasurementBuilder<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
MeasurementCombination |
Interface for combination of measurements.
MeasurementCombinationFactory |
Factory for predefined combination of measurements.
MeasurementDecorator |
MeasurementFilter<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Interface for measurement pre-processing filter.
MeasurementType |
Enumerate for measurement type.
MedianDate |
Generator for one column of a Jacobian matrix for special case of maneuver median date.
MelbourneWubbenaCombination |
Melbourne-Wübbena combination.
MendesPavlisModel |
The Mendes - Pavlis tropospheric delay model for optical techniques.
MessageObserver |
Interface for objects that needs to be notified when new encoded messages are available.
MessageParser<T> |
Parser for CCSDS messages.
MessagesParser |
Parser for IGS encoded messages.
MessageType |
Interface for encoded message types.
MessageVersionXmlTokenBuilder |
Builder for the root element with CCSDS message version.
MessageWriter<H extends Header,S extends Segment<?,?>,F extends NdmConstituent<H,S>> |
Interface for writing Navigation Data Message (NDM) files.
Metadata |
This class gathers the meta-data present in the Navigation Data Message (ADM, ODM and TDM).
MetadataKey |
MidpointFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for MidpointFieldIntegrator.
MidpointIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for MidpointIntegrator.
ModelObserver |
Observer for model calls.
ModifiedFrame |
A reference frame created from the REF_FRAME and CENTER_NAME is a CCSDS
OPM, OMM, or OEM file.
ModifiedHopfieldModel |
The modified Hopfield model.
ModifiedLambdaMethod |
Decorrelation/reduction engine for Modified LAMBDA method.
ModifiedSaastamoinenModel |
The modified Saastamoinen model.
ModifierGradientConverter |
Converter for states and parameters arrays.
Month |
Enumerate representing a calendar month.
MultipleShooter |
Multiple shooting method applicable for trajectories, in an ephemeris model.
MultipleShooting |
Interface for Multiple shooting methods.
MultiplexedMeasurement |
Class multiplexing several measurements as one.
MultiplexedMeasurementBuilder |
MultiSatFixedStepHandler |
MultiSatStepHandler |
MultisatStepNormalizer |
NadirPointing |
This class handles nadir pointing attitude provider.
NarrowLaneCombination |
Narrow-Lane combination.
NavigationSystem |
NbsNrcSteamTable |
Steam table from US National Bureau of Standards (NBS) and National Research Council (NRC) of Canada.
Ndm |
CCSDS Navigation Data Message.
NdmConstituent<H extends Header,S extends Segment<?,?>> |
Constituents of a CCSDS Navigation Data Message.
NdmParser |
A parser for the CCSDS NDM (Navigation Data Message).
NdmWriter |
Writer for CCSDS Navigation Data Message.
NegateDetector |
An event detector that negates the sign on another event detector's g function.
NeQuickGalileo |
Galileo-specific version of NeQuick engine.
NeQuickItu |
Original model from Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory
of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste, Italy.
NeQuickModel |
NeQuick ionospheric delay model.
NeQuickParameters |
This class performs the computation of the parameters used by the NeQuick model.
NetworkCrawler |
Provider for data files directly fetched from network.
NetworkRecord |
Network record in source table.
NewcombOperators |
Implementation of the Modified Newcomb Operators.
NewtonFixedBoundaryCartesianSingleShooting |
Class for indirect single shooting methods with Cartesian coordinates for fixed time fixed boundary.
NewtonianAttraction |
Force model for Newtonian central body attraction.
NiellMappingFunctionModel |
The Niell Mapping Function model for radio wavelengths.
NodeDetector |
Finder for node crossing events.
NormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider |
Interface used to provide normalized spherical harmonics coefficients.
NormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.NormalizedSphericalHarmonics |
The normalized geopotential coefficients at a specific instance in time.
NormBasedCartesianConditionChecker |
Class defining convergence criterion on the norm of relative position and velocity vectors, with absolute tolerances.
This class implements the mathematical representation of the 2001
Naval Research Laboratory Mass Spectrometer and Incoherent Scatter
Radar Exosphere (NRLMSISE-00) of the MSIS® class model.
NRLMSISE00InputParameters |
Container for solar activity data, compatible with NRLMSISE-00 atmosphere model.
NsgfV00Filter |
Filter for some non-official files from CDDIS.
NtripClient |
Source table for ntrip streams retrieval.
NumericalPropagator |
This class propagates orbits using
numerical integration.
NumericalPropagatorBuilder |
Builder for numerical propagator.
ObjectType |
ObservableSatellite |
Class modeling a satellite that can be observed.
ObservableSpecificSignalBias |
Container for observation-specific signal bias for a single link endpoint
(either emitter or receiver).
Observation |
The Observation class contains the data from an observation line.
ObservationData |
Observation Data.
ObservationDataSet |
Observation Data set.
ObservationsBlock |
The Observations Block class contain metadata and the list of observation data lines.
ObservationTimeScale |
Observation time scales.
ObservationType |
ObservationType |
Observation Types for GNSS measurements.
ObservedMeasurement<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Interface for measurements used for orbit determination.
OccultationEngine |
Computation engine for occultation events.
OccultationEngine.FieldOccultationAngles<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Container for occultation angles.
OccultationEngine.OccultationAngles |
Container for occultation angles.
OceanLoadDeformationCoefficients |
Supported Ocean load Deformation coefficients (Love numbers k'i).
OceanLoading |
Modeling of displacement of reference points due to ocean loading.
OceanLoadingCoefficients |
Site specific coefficients for ocean loading.
OceanLoadingCoefficientsBLQFactory |
Factory for ocean loading coefficients, using Onsala Space Observatory files in BLQ format.
OceanLoadingCoefficientsBlqParser |
Parser for ocean loading coefficients, using Onsala Space Observatory files in BLQ format.
OceanTides |
Ocean tides force model.
OceanTidesReader |
Reader for ocean tides coefficients.
OceanTidesWave |
Container for ocen tides coefficients for one tide wave.
Ocm |
This class gathers the informations present in the Orbit Comprehensive Message (OCM).
OcmData |
Data container for Orbit Comprehensive Messages.
OcmDataSubStructureKey |
Keywords for OCM data sub-structure.
OcmElements |
OcmMetadata |
OcmMetadataKey |
OcmParser |
A parser for the CCSDS OCM (Orbit Comprehensive Message).
OcmSatelliteEphemeris |
OCM ephemeris blocks for a single satellite.
OcmWriter |
Writer for CCSDS Orbit Comprehensive Message.
ODEIntegratorBuilder |
This interface is the top-level abstraction to build first order integrators for propagators conversion.
OdmCommonMetadata |
Common metadata for Orbit Parameter/Ephemeris/Mean Messages.
OdMethodFacade |
Facade in front of several orbit determination methods in CCSDS messages.
OdMethodType |
OdmHeader |
Header of a CCSDS Orbit Data Message.
OdmMetadata |
This class gathers the meta-data present in the Orbital Data Message (ODM).
OdmMetadataKey |
OdmParser<T extends NdmConstituent<OdmHeader,?>,P extends OdmParser<T,?>> |
Common parser for Orbit Parameter/Ephemeris/Mean/Comprehensive Messages.
ODParameters |
Container for OD parameters data block.
ODParametersKey |
ODParametersWriter |
Writer for OD parameters data block for CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
Oem |
This class stores all the information of the OEM File parsed by OEMParser.
OemData |
The Ephemerides data blocks class contain list of orbital data points.
OemMetadata |
Metadata for Orbit Ephemeris Messages.
OemMetadataKey |
OemParser |
A parser for the CCSDS OEM (Orbit Ephemeris Message).
OemSatelliteEphemeris |
OEM ephemeris blocks for a single satellite.
OemSegment |
The Ephemerides Blocks class contain metadata, the list of ephemerides data
lines and optional covariance matrices (and their metadata).
OemWriter |
A writer for Orbit Ephemeris Message (OEM) files.
OffsetModel |
TAI UTC offset model.
Omm |
This class gathers the informations present in the Orbital Mean-Elements Message (OMM).
OmmData |
Container for Orbit Mean-elements Message data.
OmmMetadata |
Metadata for Orbit Mean Messages.
OmmMetadataKey |
OmmParser |
A parser for the CCSDS OMM (Orbiter Mean-Elements Message).
OmmTle |
Container for TLE data.
OmmTleKey |
OmmWriter |
Writer for CCSDS Orbit Mean Mean-Elements Message.
OnBoardAntennaInterSatellitesPhaseModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on inter-satellites phase measurements.
OnBoardAntennaInterSatellitesRangeModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on inter-satellites range measurements.
OnBoardAntennaOneWayGNSSPhaseModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on one-way GNSS phase measurements.
OnBoardAntennaOneWayGNSSRangeModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on one-way GNSS range measurements.
OnBoardAntennaTurnAroundRangeModifier |
On-board antenna offset effect on turn around range measurements.
OnBoardCommonParametersWithDerivatives |
Common intermediate parameters used to estimate measurements where receiver is a satellite.
OnBoardCommonParametersWithoutDerivatives |
Common intermediate parameters used to estimate measurements where receiver is a satellite.
OneAxisEllipsoid |
Modeling of a one-axis ellipsoid.
OneDVariation |
Interpolator for 1D phase center variation data.
OneWayGNSSPhase |
One-way GNSS phase measurement.
OneWayGNSSPhaseBuilder |
OneWayGNSSRange |
One-way GNSS range measurement.
OneWayGNSSRangeBuilder |
OneWayGNSSRangeRate |
One-way GNSS range rate measurement.
OneWayGNSSRangeRateBuilder |
OnOff |
On/Off status for various elements.
Opm |
This class gathers the informations present in the Orbital Parameter Message (OPM).
OpmData |
Container for Orbit Parameter Message data.
OpmParser |
A parser for the CCSDS OPM (Orbit Parameter Message).
OpmWriter |
Writer for CCSDS Orbit Parameter Message.
OpsStatus |
Orbit |
This class handles orbital parameters.
OrbitBlender |
Orbit blender.
OrbitCategory |
OrbitCorrection |
Container for SSR orbit correction data.
OrbitCovariance |
Covariance entry.
OrbitCovarianceHistory |
Covariance history.
OrbitCovarianceHistoryMetadata |
Metadata for covariance history.
OrbitCovarianceHistoryMetadataKey |
OrbitDetermination |
Orbit determination data.
OrbitDeterminationKey |
OrbitElementsType |
OrbitHermiteInterpolator |
Class using a Hermite interpolator to interpolate orbits.
OrbitManeuver |
Maneuver entry.
OrbitManeuverHistory |
Maneuver history.
OrbitManeuverHistoryMetadata |
Metadata for maneuver history.
OrbitManeuverHistoryMetadataKey |
OrbitPhysicalProperties |
Spacecraft physical properties.
OrbitPhysicalPropertiesKey |
OrbitRelativeFrame |
Frames used in CCSDS Orbit Data Messages.
OrbitType |
Ordering |
OrekitAttitudeEphemerisFile |
A class for encapsulating Orekit propagators within an AttitudeEphemerisFile
complaint object that makes for easy serialization to external ephemeris
formats like AEM.
OrekitAttitudeEphemerisFile.OrekitAttitudeEphemerisSegment |
Ephemeris segment.
OrekitAttitudeEphemerisFile.OrekitSatelliteAttitudeEphemeris |
OrekitConfiguration |
Utility class for setting global configuration parameters.
OrekitEphemerisFile |
A class for encapsulating Orekit propagators within an EphemerisFile
complaint object that makes for easy serialization to external ephemeris
formats like OEM.
OrekitEphemerisFile.OrekitEphemerisSegment |
Ephemeris segment.
OrekitEphemerisFile.OrekitSatelliteEphemeris |
OrekitException |
This class is the base class for all specific exceptions thrown by
the Orekit classes.
OrekitFixedStepHandler |
This interface is a space-dynamics aware fixed size step handler.
OrekitIllegalArgumentException |
OrekitIllegalStateException |
OrekitInternalError |
Extension of Runtime with localized message for internal errors only.
OrekitIOException |
OrekitMessages |
Enumeration for localized messages formats.
OrekitParseException |
OrekitStepHandler |
This interface is a space-dynamics aware step handler.
OrekitStepInterpolator |
This interface is a space-dynamics aware step interpolator.
OrekitStepNormalizer |
OrphanFrame |
Prototype frame that can be built from leaf to roots and later attached to a tree.
OsculatingToAveragedConverter<T extends AveragedOrbitalState> |
Interface for osculating-to-averaged converters.
OsculatingToBrouwerLyddaneConverter |
Class for osculating-to-averaged conversion according to Brouwer-Lyddane theory.
OsculatingToDSST6X0Converter |
Class for osculating-to-averaged conversion according to DSST theory, using 6 zonal harmonics as
the only perturbations.
OsculatingToEcksteinHechlerConverter |
Class for osculating-to-averaged conversion according to Eckstein-Hechler theory.
OsculatingToMeanElementsConverter |
This class converts osculating orbital elements into mean elements.
OsculatingToSGP4Converter |
Class for osculating-to-averaged conversion according to "SGP4" theory, meant as the set of
models associated to Two-Line Elements.
OutlierFilter<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Modifier that sets estimated measurement weight to 0 if residual is too far from expected domain.
Panel |
Base class representing one panel of a satellite.
ParameterDrivenDateIntervalDetector |
Detector for date intervals that may be offset thanks to parameter drivers.
ParameterDriver |
Class allowing to drive the value of a parameter.
ParameterDriversList |
ParameterDriversList.DelegatingDriver |
Specialized driver delegating to several other managing
the same parameter name.
ParameterDriversProvider |
ParameterFunction |
ParameterObserver |
Interface for observing parameters changes.
ParametricAcceleration |
This class implements a parametric acceleration.
ParametricModelEffect |
Functional interface for parametric models.
ParametricModelEffectGradient |
Functional interface for parametric models.
ParsedMessage |
Abstract base class for decoded IGS messages.
ParsedUnitsBehavior |
Behavior adopted for units that have been parsed from a CCSDS message.
ParseInfo<T extends AbstractSinex> |
Transient data used for parsing a SINEX file.
Parser |
Parser for units.
ParserBuilder |
ParseToken |
Token occurring during CCSDS file parsing.
ParseToken.BooleanConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume boolean values.
ParseToken.CenterConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume center values.
ParseToken.CenterListConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume center lists.
ParseToken.CharConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume character values.
ParseToken.DateConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume date values.
ParseToken.DoubleArrayConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume double array.
ParseToken.DoubleConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume double values.
ParseToken.DoublyIndexedDoubleConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume doubly-indexed double values.
ParseToken.EnumConsumer<T extends Enum<T>> |
Interface representing instance methods that consume enum values.
ParseToken.EnumListConsumer<T extends Enum<T>> |
Interface representing instance methods that consume lists of enum values.
ParseToken.FrameConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume frame values.
ParseToken.IndexedDoubleArrayConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume indexed double array values.
ParseToken.IndexedDoubleConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume indexed double values.
ParseToken.IndexedIntConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume indexed integer values.
ParseToken.IndexedStringConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume indexed string values.
ParseToken.IntConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume integer values.
ParseToken.IntegerArrayConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume integer array.
ParseToken.LabeledDoubleConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume labeled double values.
ParseToken.ManeuvrableConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume Maneuvrable values.
ParseToken.RotationOrderConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume otation order values.
ParseToken.StringConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume string values.
ParseToken.StringListConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume lists of strings values.
ParseToken.TimeSystemConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume time systems values.
ParseToken.UnitListConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume units lists values.
ParseToken.VectorConsumer |
Interface representing instance methods that consume vector values.
Patera2005 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in :"PATERA, Russell P.
PenalizedCartesianFuelCost |
Abstract class for fuel cost with a penalty term proportional to a weight parameter epsilon.
PerfectClockModel |
Clock model for perfect clock with constant zero offset.
Perturbations |
Perturbation parameters.
PerturbationsKey |
Phase |
Class modeling a phase measurement from a ground station.
PhaseBias |
Container for phase bias data.
PhaseBuilder |
Builder for Phase measurements.
PhaseCentersGroundReceiverBaseModifier<T extends GroundReceiverMeasurement<T>> |
Ground and on-board antennas offsets effect on range measurements.
PhaseCentersInterSatellitesBaseModifier<T extends AbstractMeasurement<T>> |
On-board antenna offset effect on inter-satellites phase measurements.
PhaseCentersOffsetComputer |
Compute phase centers offset on an emitter-receiver link.
PhaseCentersOneWayGNSSBaseModifier<T extends AbstractMeasurement<T>> |
On-board antenna offset effect on inter-satellites phase measurements.
PhaseCentersPhaseModifier |
Ground and on-board antennas offsets effect on phase measurements.
PhaseCentersRangeModifier |
Ground and on-board antennas offsets effect on range measurements.
PhaseCenterVariationFunction |
Model for antennas phase center variations.
PhaseIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurement with ionospheric delay.
PhaseMinusCodeCombination |
Phase minus Code combination.
PhaseMinusCodeCycleSlipDetector |
Phase minus code cycle slip detectors.
PhaseShiftCorrection |
Phase Shift corrections.
PhaseTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurement with tropospheric delay.
PocMethodFacade |
Facade in front of several probability of collision methods in CCSDS messages.
PocMethodType |
PointingPanel |
Class representing one panel of a satellite, roughly pointing towards some target.
PoissonSeries |
Class representing a Poisson series for nutation or ephemeris computations.
PoissonSeries.CompiledSeries |
This interface represents a fast evaluator for Poisson series.
PoissonSeriesParser |
PoleCorrection |
Simple container class for pole correction parameters.
PolygonalFieldOfView |
Class representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of View with polygonal shape.
PolygonalFieldOfView.DefiningConeType |
Enumerate for cone/polygon relative position.
PolynomialAccelerationModel |
Polynomial acceleration model.
PolynomialFunctionMatrix |
PolynomialNutation |
Polynomial nutation function.
PolynomialParser |
Parser for polynomials in IERS tables.
PolynomialParser.Unit |
Unit for the coefficients.
PolynomialThrustSegment |
Thrust vector given as polynomials for the Cartesian coordinates.
Position |
Class modeling a position only measurement.
PositionAngleBased<T> |
This interface represent orbit-like trajectory whose definition is based on a so-called position angle.
PositionAngleDetector |
Detector for in-orbit position angle.
PositionAngleType |
Enumerate for true, eccentric and mean position angles.
PositionBuilder |
PostSeismicDeformation |
Modeling of displacement of one reference point due to post-seismic effects.
PotentialCoefficientsReader |
This abstract class represents a Gravitational Potential Coefficients file reader.
PowerTerm |
A container for a term with associated power.
Predefined |
Predefined frames provided by Frames .
PredefinedGnssSignal |
Enumerate for GNSS predefined signals.
PredefinedObservationType |
Enumerate for all the Observation Types for Rinex 2 and 3.
PredefinedTarget |
PredictedEOPHistory |
This class extends an EOPHistory for some weeks using fitting.
PressureTemperature |
Container for pressure and temperature.
PressureTemperatureHumidity |
Container for pressure, temperature, and humidity.
PressureTemperatureHumidityProvider |
Interface for providing weather parameters.
ProbabilityOfCollision |
Container for values relative to the probability of collision :
Value of the probability of collision.
Name of the method with which it was computed.
Upper and lower limit of the value if the method provides them (such as Laas2015 for example).
Flag defining if the probability was maximized in any way (such as Alfriend1999Max for example).
ProcessingState |
Interface for processing parsing tokens for CCSDS NDM files.
ProfileThrustPropulsionModel |
Thrust propulsion model based on segmented profile.
PropagationType |
Enumerate to define the propagation type used by the propagator.
Propagator |
This interface provides a way to propagate an orbit at any time.
PropagatorBuilder |
This interface is the top-level abstraction to build propagators for conversion.
PropagatorConverter |
This interface is the top-level abstraction for propagators conversions.
PropagatorsParallelizer |
This class provides a way to propagate simultaneously several orbits.
PropulsionModel |
Generic interface for a propulsion model used in a Maneuver .
PsdCorrection |
Model for post-seismic deformation corrections.
PsdCorrection.Axis |
Enumerate for correction axis.
PsdCorrection.TimeEvolution |
Enumerate for correction time evolution.
PV |
Class modeling a position-velocity measurement.
PVBuilder |
Builder for PV measurements.
PVCoordinates |
Simple container for Position/Velocity/Acceleration triplets.
PVCoordinatesProvider |
Interface for PV coordinates providers.
QuadraticClockModel |
Quadratic clock model.
QuadraticFieldClockModel<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Quadratic clock model.
QuadraticPenaltyCartesianFuel |
Fuel cost penalized with a quadratic term.
QZSSAlmanac |
This class holds a QZSS almanac as read from YUMA files.
QZSSCivilianNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a QZSS navigation message.
QZSSLegacyNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a QZSS navigation message.
QZSSScale |
QZSS time scale.
RadiationForceModel |
Interface for radiation-related force models.
RadiationPressureModel |
Class representing a light-induced radiation pressure force, by leveraging on a given flux model.
RadiationSensitive |
Interface for spacecraft that are sensitive to radiation pressure forces.
RadioWave |
Top level interface for radio waves.
Range |
Class modeling a range measurement from a ground station.
RangeBuilder |
Builder for Range measurements.
RangeIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with ionospheric delay.
RangeMode |
Type of range tones.
RangeModifierUtil |
Utility class modifying theoretical range measurement.
RangeRate |
Class modeling one-way or two-way range rate measurement between two vehicles.
RangeRateBuilder |
RangeRateIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement with ionospheric delay.
RangeRateModifierUtil |
Utility class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement.
RangeRateTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range-rate measurements with tropospheric delay.
RangeTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with tropospheric delay.
RangeUnits |
Units of the range observable.
RangeUnitsConverter |
RateElementsType |
RawSphericalHarmonicsProvider |
Interface used to provide raw spherical harmonics coefficients.
RawSphericalHarmonicsProvider.RawSphericalHarmonics |
The raw spherical harmonics at a particular instant.
Ray |
Container for ray-perigee parameters.
RecallLastOccurrence |
Event handler wrapping another, arbitrary one whilst remembering date of last detection.
ReceiverAntenna |
GNSS receiver antenna model.
Record |
Record in source table.
RecordAndContinue |
Handler that will record every time an event occurs and always return Action.CONTINUE .
RecordAndContinue.Event |
A single event detected during propagation.
RecordType |
Enumerate for record types in sourcetable.
ReferenceEllipsoid |
A Reference Ellipsoid for use in geodesy.
RegionCode |
Enumerate for region code.
RegularXmlTokenBuilder |
Regular builder using XML elements names and content for tokens.
RelativeDistanceDetector |
Detector of specific value for the distance relative to another trajectory (using the Euclidean norm).
RelativisticClockInterSatellitesOneWayRangeRateModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement with relativistic frequency deviation.
RelativisticClockInterSatellitesPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical inter-satellites phase measurement with relativistic clock correction.
RelativisticClockInterSatellitesRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical inter-satellites range measurement with relativistic clock correction.
RelativisticClockOneWayGNSSPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical one-way GNSS phase measurement with relativistic clock correction.
RelativisticClockOneWayGNSSRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical one-way GNSS range measurement with relativistic clock correction.
RelativisticClockOneWayGNSSRangeRateModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement with relativistic frequency deviation.
RelativisticClockPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurement with relativistic clock correction.
RelativisticClockRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with relativistic clock correction.
RelativisticClockRangeRateModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement with relativistic frequency deviation.
RelativisticJ2ClockInterSatellitesPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical inter-satellites phase measurements with relativistic J2 clock correction.
RelativisticJ2ClockInterSatellitesRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical inter-satellites range measurements with relativistic J2 clock correction.
RelativisticJ2ClockOneWayGNSSPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical one-way phase measurements with relativistic J2 clock correction.
RelativisticJ2ClockOneWayGNSSRangeModifier |
Class modifying one-way GNSS range theoretical measurements with relativistic J2 clock correction.
RelativisticJ2ClockPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurements with relativistic J2 clock correction.
RelativisticJ2ClockRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurements with relativistic J2 clock correction.
Relativity |
Post-Newtonian correction force due to general relativity.
ResetDerivativesOnEvent |
Event handler which will always return stop as a state.
ResettableManeuverTriggers |
Interface for maneuver triggers with resetters.
ResidualFilter<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
Residual pre-processing filter.
RevisedChaoMappingFunction |
Chao mapping function for radio wavelengths.
RichardsonExpansion |
Class implementing the Third-Order Richardson Expansion.
RinexBaseHeader |
Base container for Rinex headers.
RinexClock |
Represents a parsed clock file from the IGS.
RinexClock.ClockDataType |
Clock data type.
RinexClock.Receiver |
Represents a receiver or a satellite with its position in the considered frame.
RinexClock.ReferenceClock |
Represents a reference clock with its validity time span.
RinexClockParser |
A parser for the clock file from the IGS.
RinexComment |
Container for comment in RINEX file.
RinexFile<T extends RinexBaseHeader> |
Container for Rinex file.
RinexFileType |
Enumerate for RINEX files types.
RinexLabels |
Labels for Rinex files.
RinexNavigation |
Represents a parsed RINEX navigation messages files.
RinexNavigationHeader |
Header for Rinex Navigation.
RinexNavigationParser |
Parser for RINEX navigation messages files.
RinexObservation |
Container for Rinex observation file.
RinexObservationHeader |
Container for Rinex observation file header.
RinexObservationParser |
Parser for Rinex measurements files.
RinexObservationWriter |
Writer for Rinex observation file.
RinexUtils |
Utilities for RINEX various messages files.
RotationXmlTokenBuilder |
Builder for rotation angles and rates.
Rtcm1019 |
RTCM 1019 message: GPS Satellite Ephemeris Data.
Rtcm1019Data |
Container for RTCM 1019 data.
Rtcm1020 |
RTCM 1020 message: Glonass Satellite Ephemeris Data.
Rtcm1020Data |
Container for RTCM 1020 data.
Rtcm1042 |
RTCM 1042 message: Beidou Satellite Ephemeris Data.
Rtcm1042Data |
Container for RTCM 1042 data.
Rtcm1044 |
RTCM 1044 message: QZSS Satellite Ephemeris Data.
Rtcm1044Data |
Container for RTCM 1044 data.
Rtcm1045 |
RTCM 1045 message: Galileo F/NAV Satellite Ephemeris Data.
Rtcm1045Data |
Container for RTCM 1045 data.
Rtcm1057 |
RTCM 1057 message: GPS Orbit Correction Message.
Rtcm1058 |
RTCM 1057 message: GPS Clock Correction Message.
Rtcm1060 |
RTCM 1060 message: GPS Combined Orbit and Clock Correction Message.
Rtcm1063 |
RTCM 1063 message: GLONASS Orbit Correction Message.
Rtcm1064 |
RTCM 1064 message: GLONASS Clock Correction Message.
Rtcm1066 |
RTCM 1066 message: GLONASS Combined Orbit and Clock Correction Message.
Rtcm1240 |
RTCM 1240 message: Galileo Orbit Correction Message.
Rtcm1241 |
RTCM 1241 message: Galileo Clock Correction Message.
Rtcm1243 |
RTCM 1242 message: Combined Galileo Clock Correction Message.
RtcmClockCorrectionData |
Container for common data in RTCM clock correction message type.
RtcmCombinedCorrectionData |
Container for common data in RTCM combined corrections message type.
RtcmCorrectionData |
Container for common data in RTCM corrections message type.
RtcmCorrectionHeader |
Container for common data in RTCM Correction Message type header.
RtcmCorrectionMessage<H extends RtcmCorrectionHeader,D extends RtcmCorrectionData> |
The RTCM Correction Message types provide elements
to calculate GNSS satellite corrections.
RtcmData |
Container for common data in RTCM message.
RtcmDataField |
Enum containing all intermediate level data fields that can be parsed
to build a RTCM message.
RtcmEphemerisData |
Container for common data in RTCM ephemeris message type.
RtcmEphemerisMessage<D extends RtcmEphemerisData> |
Base class for RTCM ephemeris messages.
RtcmMessage<D extends RtcmData> |
Base class for RTCM messages.
RtcmMessagesParser |
Parser for RTCM encoded messages.
RtcmMessageType |
Enum containing the supported RTCM messages types.
RtcmOrbitCorrectionData |
Container for common data in RTCM orbit correction message type.
RtcmOrbitCorrectionHeader |
Container for common data in RTCM Orbit Correction Message type header.
RTNCovariance |
Container for RTN covariance matrix data.
RTNCovarianceKey |
RTNCovarianceWriter |
Writer for RTN covariance matrix data block for CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
SampledClockModel |
Offset clock model backed up by a sample.
SatelliteAntenna |
GNSS satellite antenna model.
SatelliteClockScale |
Scale for on-board clock.
SatelliteDifferentialSignalBias |
Class based on DSB, used to store the data parsed in SinexBiasParser
for Differential Signal Biases computed for satellites.
SatelliteObservableSpecificSignalBias |
Class based on OSB, used to store the data parsed in SinexBiasParser
for Observation Signal Biases computed for satellites.
SatelliteSystem |
Enumerate for satellite system.
SatelliteType |
Enumerate for satellite types.
SatInSystem |
Container for satellite system and PRN.
SbasId |
Enumerate for the SBAS ids.
SBASNavigationMessage |
Container for data contained in a SBAS navigation message.
SBASOrbitalElements |
This interface provides the minimal set of orbital elements needed by the SBASPropagator .
SBASPropagator |
SBASPropagatorBuilder |
This nested class aims at building a SBASPropagator.
ScaledConstantThrustPropulsionModel |
Thrust propulsion model with parameters (for estimation) represented by scale factors
on the X, Y and Z axis of the spacecraft frame.
ScaleFactorCorrection |
Scale Factor to be applied.
Scheduler<T extends ObservedMeasurement<T>> |
ScreenType |
Screening type options allowed in CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
ScreenVolumeFrame |
Screening volume frame possibilities used in CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
ScreenVolumeShape |
Screening volume shape possibilities used in CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
SeasonalModelType |
Type of seasonal model used in Global Pressure Temperature models.
Section |
Top level interface for all CCSDS message sections.
SecularAndHarmonic |
Class for fitting evolution of osculating orbital parameters.
Segment<M extends Metadata,D extends Data> |
Segment |
Performs the computation of the coordinates along the integration path.
SemiAnalyticalKalmanEstimator |
Implementation of an Extended Semi-analytical Kalman Filter (ESKF) to perform orbit determination.
SemiAnalyticalKalmanEstimatorBuilder |
Builder for a Semi-analytical Kalman Filter.
SemiAnalyticalKalmanModel |
SemiAnalyticalMeasurementHandler |
SemiAnalyticalProcess |
SemiAnalyticalUnscentedKalmanEstimator |
Implementation of an Unscented Semi-analytical Kalman filter (USKF) to perform orbit determination.
SemiAnalyticalUnscentedKalmanEstimatorBuilder |
Builder for an Unscented Semi-analytical Kalman filter estimator.
SemiAnalyticalUnscentedKalmanModel |
SEMParser |
This class reads SEM almanac files and provides GPS almanacs .
SequentialBatchLSEstimator |
Sequential least squares estimator for orbit determination.
SexagesimalAngle |
Container for sexagesimal angle.
SGP4 |
This class contains methods to compute propagated coordinates with the SGP4 model.
SGP4OrbitalState |
Class representing an averaged orbital state as in the TLE-related theory.
ShadowModel |
Shadow model for solar radiation pressure.
SHAFormatReader |
Reader for the SHA gravity field format.
ShapiroInterSatellitePhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical inter-satellites phase measurement with Shapiro time delay.
ShapiroInterSatelliteRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with Shapiro time delay.
ShapiroOneWayGNSSPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical one-way GNSS phase measurement with Shapiro time delay.
ShapiroOneWayGNSSRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with Shapiro time delay.
ShapiroPhaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical phase measurement with Shapiro time delay.
ShapiroRangeModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with Shapiro time delay.
ShiftingPVCoordinatesProvider |
ShiftingTransformProvider |
Transform provider using thread-safe shifts on transforms sample.
SHMFormatReader |
Reader for the SHM gravity field format.
ShootingBoundaryOutput |
Data container for two-point boundary output of indirect shooting methods.
ShootingIntegrationSettings |
Defines integration settings for indirect shooting methods.
ShootingIntegrationSettingsFactory |
Factory for some common schemes.
ShootingPropagationSettings |
Defines propagation settings for indirect shooting methods.
ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient |
Interpolated short periodics coefficients.
ShortPeriodTerms |
Additive short period terms contributing to the mean to osculating orbit mapping.
ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition |
Defines the encounter between two collision object at time of closest approach assuming a short-term encounter model .
ShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod |
Interface common to all short-term encounter probability of collision computing methods.
ShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethodType |
This enum stores every probability of collision computing method using the short-term encounter model available in
SigmaEigenvectorsCovariance |
Container for Sigma/Eigenvectors Covariance data.
SigmaEigenvectorsCovarianceKey |
SignalCode |
Enumerate for satellite signal code.
SignalInSpaceAccuracy |
Signal-In-Space Accuracy (SISA).
SignSemantic |
Enumerate for the semantic of the g function sign during measurements generation.
SimpleExponentialAtmosphere |
Simple exponential atmospheric model.
SimpleRatioAmbiguityAcceptance |
Ambiguity acceptance test based on a ratio of the two best candidates.
SimpleTimeStampedTableParser<T extends TimeStamped> |
SimpleTimeStampedTableParser.RowConverter<S extends TimeStamped> |
Interface for converting a table row into time-stamped data.
Sinex |
Container for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) files.
SinexBias |
Container for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) files.
SinexBiasParseInfo |
Parse information for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) bias files.
SinexBiasParser |
Parser for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) bias files.
SinexEopEntry |
Container for EOP entry read in a Sinex file.
SinexParseInfo |
Parse information for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) files.
SinexParser |
Parser for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) files.
SingleBodyAbsoluteAttraction |
Body attraction force model computed as absolute acceleration towards a body.
SingleBodyRelativeAttraction |
Body attraction force model computed as relative acceleration towards frame center.
SingleFrequencyHatchFilter |
Single frequency Hatch filter.
SingleFrequencySmoother |
Handler to perform pseudo-range smoothing using single frequency measurements.
SingleLayerModelMappingFunction |
Single Layer Model (SLM) ionospheric mapping function.
SingleParameterFitter |
Fitter for one Earth Orientation Parameter.
SlewingPanel |
Class representing one panel of a satellite, slewing about an axis at constant rate.
SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel |
Analytical model for small maneuvers.
SmoothedObservationDataSet |
Container used to store smoothed observation data along with the original data set it originates from.
SmoothFieldOfView |
Class representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of View with shape defined by a smooth single loop.
SolarRadiationPressure |
Solar radiation pressure force model.
SOLFSMYDataLoader |
SOLFSMYDataLoader.LineParameters |
Container class for Solar activity indexes.
SolidTides |
Solid tides force model.
SortedListTrimmer |
A trimmer for externally stored chronologically sorted lists.
SourceTable |
Source table for ntrip streams retrieval.
SP3 |
Represents a parsed SP3 orbit file.
SP3Coordinate |
A single record of position clock and possibly derivatives in an SP3 file.
SP3CoordinateHermiteInterpolator |
SP3Ephemeris |
Single satellite ephemeris from an SP3 file.
SP3FileType |
File type indicator.
SP3Header |
Header for SP3 files.
SP3OrbitType |
Orbit type indicator.
SP3Parser |
A parser for the SP3 orbit file format.
SP3Segment |
SP3Utils |
Constants for SP3 files.
SP3Writer |
Writer for SP3 file.
SpacecraftBodyFrame |
Frames used in CCSDS Attitude Data Messages for the spacecraft body.
SpacecraftBodyFrame.BaseEquipment |
Equipment on which the frame is located.
SpacecraftParameters |
Container for spacecraft parameters.
SpacecraftParametersKey |
SpacecraftParametersWriter |
Writer for spacecraft parameters data.
SpacecraftState |
This class is the representation of a complete state holding orbit, attitude
and mass information at a given date, meant primarily for propagation.
SpacecraftStateInterpolator |
Generic class for spacecraft state interpolator.
SphericalHarmonicsProvider |
Interface used to provide spherical harmonics coefficients.
SpinStabilized |
This class handles a spin stabilized attitude provider.
SpinStabilized |
Container for Attitude Parameter Message data lines.
SpinStabilizedKey |
SsrData |
Container for common data in SSR message data.
SsrHeader |
Container for common data in SSR messages header.
SsrIgm01 |
GNSS SSR Orbit Correction Message.
SsrIgm01Data |
Container for SSR IGM01 data.
SsrIgm01Header |
Container for SSR IGM01 header.
SsrIgm02 |
GNSS SSR Clock Correction Message.
SsrIgm02Data |
Container for SSR IGM02 data.
SsrIgm02Header |
Container for SSR IGM02 header.
SsrIgm03 |
GNSS SSR Combined Orbit and Clock Correction Message.
SsrIgm03Data |
Container for SSR IGM03 data.
SsrIgm03Header |
Container for SSR IGM03 header.
SsrIgm04 |
GNSS SSR High Rate Clock Correction Message.
SsrIgm04Data |
Container for SSR IGM04 data.
SsrIgm04Header |
Container for SSR IGM04 header.
SsrIgm05 |
GNSS SSR Code Bias Message.
SsrIgm05Data |
Container for SSR IGM05 data.
SsrIgm05Header |
Container for SSR IGM05 header.
SsrIgm06 |
GNSS SSR Phase Bias Message.
SsrIgm06Data |
Container for SSR IGM06 data.
SsrIgm06Header |
Container for SSR IGM06 header.
SsrIgm07 |
SsrIgm07Data |
Container for SSR IGM07 data.
SsrIgm07Header |
Container for SSR IGM07 header.
SsrIgmData |
Container for common data in IGS Generic SSR Message type.
SsrIgmHeader |
Container for common data in IGS Generic SSR Message type header.
SsrIgmMessage<H extends SsrIgmHeader,D extends SsrIgmData> |
The IGS Generic SSR Message types provide elements
to calculate GNSS satellite corrections.
SsrIm201 |
SSR Ionosphere VTEC Spherical Harmonics Message.
SsrIm201Data |
Container for SSR IM201 data.
SsrIm201Header |
Container for SSR IM201 header.
SsrMessage<H extends SsrHeader,D extends SsrData> |
Base class for SSR messages.
SsrUpdateInterval |
SSR Update interval.
SsrVtecIonosphericModel |
Ionospheric model based on SSR IM201 message.
StartStopEventsTrigger<A extends AbstractDetector<A>,O extends AbstractDetector<O>> |
Maneuver triggers based on a pair of event detectors that defines firing start and stop.
StateCovariance |
This class is the representation of a covariance matrix at a given date.
StateCovarianceBlender |
State covariance blender.
StateCovarianceKeplerianHermiteInterpolator |
State covariance Keplerian quintic interpolator.
StateCovarianceMatrixProvider |
Additional state provider for state covariance matrix.
StateFunction |
StateJacobian |
Interface representing the Jacobian of a vector function depending on SpacecraftState .
StateMapper |
StateVector |
Container for state vector data.
StateVector |
Container for state vector data.
StateVectorKey |
StateVectorKey |
StateVectorWriter |
Writer for state vector data for CCSDS Conjunction Data Messages.
StateVectorWriter |
Writer for state vector data.
StaticTransform |
A transform that only includes translation and rotation.
Station |
Station model.
Station.ReferenceSystem |
Eccentricity reference system.
StationDifferentialSignalBias |
StationDisplacement |
Interface for computing reference points displacement.
StationObservableSpecificSignalBias |
Class based on OSB, used to store the data parsed in SinexBiasParser
for Observation Signal Biases computed for stations.
StepHandlerMultiplexer |
STKEphemerisFile |
STK ephemeris file.
STKEphemerisFile.STKCoordinateSystem |
STK coordinate system.
STKEphemerisFile.STKEphemeris |
Ephemeris from an STK ephemeris file.
STKEphemerisFile.STKEphemerisSegment |
Ephemeris segment from an STK ephemeris file.
STKEphemerisFileParser |
STMEquations |
Class calculating the state transition matrix coefficient for CR3BP Computation.
StopOnDecreasing |
Handle a detection event and choose what to do next.
StopOnEvent |
Event handler which will always return stop as a state.
StopOnIncreasing |
Handle a detection event and choose what to do next.
StreamedMessage |
Container for streamed messages meta-data.
StreamingAemWriter |
A writer for AEM files.
StreamingCpfWriter |
A writer for CPF files.
StreamingCpfWriter.HeaderLineWriter |
Writer for specific header lines.
StreamingOcmWriter |
A writer for OCM files.
StreamingOemWriter |
A writer for OEM files.
StreamMonitor |
Monitor for retrieving streamed data from one mount point.
SubFrame |
Container for sub-frames in a GPS navigation message.
SubFrame1 |
Container for sub-frames 1.
SubFrame2 |
Container for sub-frames 2.
SubFrame3 |
Container for sub-frames 3.
SubFrame45 |
Base container for sub-frames 4 and 5.
SubFrame4A |
Container for sub-frames 4, pages 1, 6, 11, 16 and 21,
but also for sub-frames 4, pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9
which have a similar structure.
SubFrame4A0 |
Container for sub-frames 4, pages 1, 6, 11, 16 and 21.
SubFrame4A1 |
Container for sub-frames 4, pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9.
SubFrame4B |
Container for sub-frames 4, pages 10, 14, 15, 17.
SubFrame4C |
Container for sub-frames 4, page 13.
SubFrame4D |
Container for sub-frames 4, page 18.
SubFrame4E |
Container for sub-frames 4, page 25.
SubFrame5B |
Container for sub-frames 5, page 25.
SubFrameAlmanac |
Container for sub-frames 5, page 1-24.
SubFrameDummyAlmanac |
Almanac for dummy SV.
SystemTimeOffsetMessage |
Container for data contained in a System Time Offset navigation message.
TabulatedLofOffset |
This class handles an attitude provider interpolating from a predefined table
containing offsets from a Local Orbital Frame.
TabulatedProvider |
This class handles an attitude provider interpolating from a predefined table.
TAIScale |
International Atomic Time.
TAIUTCDatFilesLoader |
Loader for UTC-TAI extracted from tai-utc.dat file from USNO.
TAIUTCDatFilesLoader.Parser |
Internal class performing the parsing.
TargetPointing |
This class handles target pointing attitude provider.
TargetProvider |
Provider for target vector.
TCBScale |
Barycentric Coordinate Time.
TCGScale |
Geocentric Coordinate Time.
TDBScale |
Barycentric Dynamic Time.
Tdm |
This class stores all the information of the CCSDS Tracking Data Message parsed by TDMParser or TDMXMLParser.
TdmDataKey |
TdmHeader |
Header of a CCSDS Tracking Data Message.
TdmMetadata |
The TDMMetadata class gathers the meta-data present in the Tracking Data Message (TDM).
TdmMetadataKey |
TdmParser |
Class for CCSDS Tracking Data Message parsers.
TdmWriter |
Writer for CCSDS Tracking Data Message.
Class modeling a Time Difference of Arrival measurement with a satellite as emitter
and two ground stations as receivers.
TDOABuilder |
Builder for TDOA measurements.
TDOAIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical TDOA measurements with ionospheric delay.
TDOATroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical TDOA measurements with tropospheric delay.
TectonicsDisplacement |
Modeling of displacement of reference points due to plate tectonics.
ThirdBodyAttraction |
Third body attraction force model.
ThirdBodyAttractionEpoch |
Third body attraction force model.
ThreeEighthesFieldIntegratorBuilder<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Builder for ThreeEighthesFieldIntegrator.
ThreeEighthesIntegratorBuilder |
Builder for ThreeEighthesIntegrator.
ThrustPropulsionModel |
Interface for a thrust-based propulsion model.
ThrustVectorProvider |
Interface defining thrust vectors depending on date and mass only.
TidalDisplacement |
Modeling of displacement of reference points due to tidal effects.
Tide |
Class representing a tide.
TideSystem |
Enumerate for tie systems.
TideSystemProvider |
Tile |
Simple data structure for a quadrilateral tile shape on a body surface.
TileAiming |
Interface defining the aiming direction of tiles .
TimeComponents |
Class representing a time within the day broken up as hour,
minute and second components.
TimeConverter |
Dates reader/writer.
TimeDerivativesEquations |
Interface summing up the contribution of several forces into orbit and mass derivatives.
TimeInterpolator<T extends TimeStamped> |
This interface represents objects that can interpolate a time stamped value with respect to time.
TimeOffset |
This class represents a time range split into seconds and attoseconds.
TimeScalarFunction |
This interface represents a scalar function of time.
TimeScale |
Interface for time scales.
TimeScales |
TimeScalesFactory |
Factory for predefined time scales.
TimeShiftable<T extends TimeShiftable<T>> |
This interface represents objects that can be shifted in time.
TimeSpanDragForce |
TimeSpanEstimatedModel |
Time span estimated tropospheric model.
TimeSpanMap<T> |
Container for objects that apply to spans of time.
TimeSpanMap.Span<S> |
Holder for one time span.
TimeSpanMap.Transition<S> |
Class holding transition times.
TimeSpanParametricAcceleration |
Time span parametric acceleration model.
TimeStamped |
This interface represents objects that have a AbsoluteDate
date attached to them.
TimeStampedAngularCoordinates |
TimeStampedAngularCoordinatesHermiteInterpolator |
Class using Hermite interpolator to interpolate time stamped angular coordinates.
TimeStampedCache<T extends TimeStamped> |
Interface for a data structure that can provide concurrent access to
TimeStamped data surrounding a given date.
TimeStampedCacheException |
TimeStampedDouble |
Class that associates a double with a date.
TimeStampedDoubleAndDerivative |
Class that associates a double, its time derivative with a date.
TimeStampedDoubleAndDerivativeHermiteInterpolator |
Hermite interpolator of time stamped double value.
TimeStampedDoubleHermiteInterpolator |
Hermite interpolator of time stamped double value.
TimeStampedField<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Class that associates a field with a date.
TimeStampedFieldAngularCoordinates<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
TimeStampedFieldAngularCoordinatesHermiteInterpolator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Class using Hermite interpolator to interpolate time stamped angular coordinates.
TimeStampedFieldHermiteInterpolator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Hermite interpolator of time stamped field value.
TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinatesHermiteInterpolator<KK extends CalculusFieldElement<KK>> |
Class using a Hermite interpolator to interpolate time stamped position-velocity-acceleration coordinates.
TimeStampedGenerator<T extends TimeStamped> |
TimeStampedPair<K extends TimeStamped,V extends TimeStamped> |
Pair of time stamped values being defined at the same date.
TimeStampedPVCoordinates |
TimeStampedPVCoordinatesHermiteInterpolator |
Class using a Hermite interpolator to interpolate time stamped position-velocity-acceleration coordinates.
TimeSystem |
The set of time systems defined in CCSDS standards (ADM, ODM, NDM).
TimeSystem |
Enumerate for the time systems used in navigation files.
TimeSystemCorrection |
Container for time system corrections.
TimetagReference |
Reference for time tag.
TimeVectorFunction |
This interface represents a multi-valued function of time.
This class is a container for a single set of TLE data.
TLEConstants |
Constants necessary to TLE propagation.
TleGenerationAlgorithm |
This interface provides a way to generate a TLE from a spacecraft state.
TleGenerationUtil |
Utility class for TLE generation algorithm.
TLEPropagator |
This class provides elements to propagate TLE's.
TLEPropagatorBuilder |
Builder for TLEPropagator.
TokenType |
Enumerate for tokens occurring during CCSDS file parsing.
ToleranceProvider |
Interface to define integration tolerances for adaptive schemes (like the embedded Runge-Kutta ones) propagating
the position-velocity vector (or an equivalent set of coordinates) and the mass, for a total of 7 primary dependent variables (in that order).
TopocentricFrame |
Topocentric frame.
TorqueFree |
This class handles torque-free motion of a general (non-symmetrical) body.
TrackingCoordinates |
Container for azimut/elevation/range coordinates as seen from a ground point.
TrackingMode |
Tracking mode.
TrajectoryState |
Trajectory state entry.
TrajectoryStateHistory |
Trajectory state history.
TrajectoryStateHistoryMetadata |
Metadata for trajectory state history.
TrajectoryStateHistoryMetadataKey |
Transform |
Transformation class in three dimensional space.
TransformGenerator |
TransformProvider |
Interface for Transform providers.
TransformProviderUtils |
Utility for Transform providers.
TriggerDate |
Generator for one column of a Jacobian matrix for special case of trigger dates.
TroposphereMappingFunction |
Interface for mapping functions used in the tropospheric delay computation.
TroposphericDelay |
Container for tropospheric delay.
TroposphericModel |
Defines a tropospheric model, used to calculate the path delay imposed to
electro-magnetic signals between an orbital satellite and a ground station.
TroposphericModelUtils |
Utility class for tropospheric models.
TruncatingFilter |
Filter for truncating line-oriented files.
TTScale |
Terrestrial Time as defined by IAU(1991) recommendation IV.
TurnAroundRange |
Class modeling a turn-around range measurement using a primary ground station and a secondary ground station.
TurnAroundRangeBuilder |
TurnAroundRangeIonosphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical TurnAroundRange measurement with ionospheric delay.
TurnAroundRangeTroposphericDelayModifier |
Class modifying theoretical turn-around TurnAroundRange measurement with tropospheric delay.
TwoBodiesBaryFrame |
Class creating the inertial barycenter frame from two bodies.
TwoDVariation |
Interpolator for 2D phase center variation data.
Type |
Enumerate for messages type.
TypeSvMessage |
Container for data shared by several navigation messages.
UnboundedCartesianEnergy |
Class for unbounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates.
UnboundedCartesianEnergyNeglectingMass |
Class for unbounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates neglecting the mass consumption.
Unit |
Basic handling of multiplicative units.
Units |
Units used in CCSDS messages.
Units |
Units used in RTCM and IGS SSR messages.
UnitsCache |
Cache for parsed units.
UnitsConverter |
Converter between units.
UnivariateProcessNoise |
Provider for a temporal evolution of the process noise matrix.
UnixCompressFilter |
Filter for Unix compressed data.
UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider |
Interface used to provide un-normalized spherical harmonics coefficients.
UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics |
Un-normalized spherical harmonics coefficients evaluated at a specific instant.
UnscentedKalmanEstimator |
Implementation of an Unscented Kalman filter to perform orbit determination.
UnscentedKalmanEstimatorBuilder |
Builder for an Unscented Kalman filter estimator.
UnscentedKalmanModel |
UnsupportedParameterException |
UpdatableFrame |
Frame whose transform from its parent can be updated.
UpperBounds |
Utility class to compute upper bounds for truncation algorithms.
UserDefined |
Container for user defined data.
UserDefinedWriter |
Writer for user defined parameters data.
UserDefinedXmlTokenBuilder |
Builder for user-defined parameters.
UserRangeAccuracy |
User Range Accuracy.
UT1Scale |
Universal Time 1.
UtcId |
Enumerate for the UTC ids.
UTCScale |
Coordinated Universal Time.
UTCTAIBulletinAFilesLoader |
Loader for UTC-TAI extracted from bulletin A files.
UTCTAIHistoryFilesLoader |
Loader for UTC versus TAI history files.
UTCTAIHistoryFilesLoader.Parser |
Internal class performing the parsing.
UTCTAIOffset |
Offset between UTC and TAI time scales.
UTCTAIOffsetsLoader |
Interface for loading UTC-TAI offsets data files.
UTCTAIOffsetsLoader.Parser |
Interface for parsing UTC-TAI offsets from a stream.
ValsecchiEncounterFrame |
Valsecchi encounter local orbital frame based on Valsecchi formulation from : "Valsecchi, G.
VersionedITRF |
Specific version of International Terrestrial Reference Frame.
ViennaACoefficients |
ViennaAProvider |
ViennaModelCoefficientsLoader |
Loads Vienna tropospheric coefficients a given input stream.
ViennaModelType |
Enumerate for Vienna tropospheric model 1 and 3.
ViennaOne |
The Vienna 1 tropospheric delay model for radio techniques.
ViennaThree |
The Vienna 3 tropospheric delay model for radio techniques.
VisibilityTrigger |
Enumerate for triggering visibility of spherical bodies.
WalkerConstellation |
Builder for orbits of satellites forming a Walker constellation.
WalkerConstellationSlot<O extends Orbit> |
Wang1988 |
Conversion polynomial from "The Principle of the GPS Precise Positioning System", Wang et al, 1988.
WaterVaporPressureProvider |
Interface for converting between relative humidity and water vapor pressure.
WaypointPVBuilder |
Builder class, enabling incremental building of an PVCoordinatesProvider
instance using waypoints defined on an ellipsoid.
WaypointPVBuilder.InterpolationFactory |
WideLaneCombination |
Wide-Lane combination.
WindUp |
WindUpFactory |
WriterBuilder |
XmlGenerator |
Generator for eXtended Markup Language CCSDS messages.
XmlLexicalAnalyzer |
Lexical analyzer for XML CCSDS messages.
XmlStructureKey |
XmlStructureProcessingState |
XmlSubStructureKey |
Keywords for CDM data sub-structure in XML files.
XmlTokenBuilder |
Builder for building ParseToken from XML elements.
XYZCovariance |
Container for XYZ covariance matrix data.
XYZCovarianceKey |
YawCompensation |
This class handles yaw compensation attitude provider.
YawSteering |
This class handles yaw steering law.
YesNoUnknown |
Yes, No, Unknown values for various elements.
YUMAParser |
This class reads Yuma almanac files and provides GPS almanacs .
ZeisModel |
Zeis model for J2-squared second-order terms.
ZipJarCrawler |
Helper class for loading data files from a zip/jar archive.