Class NeQuickModel

    • Field Detail

      • RE

        public static final double RE
        Mean Earth radius in m (Ref Table 2.5.2).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • NeQuickModel

        protected NeQuickModel​(TimeScale utc)
        Simple constructor.
        utc - UTC time scale
    • Method Detail

      • pathDelay

        public double pathDelay​(SpacecraftState state,
                                TopocentricFrame baseFrame,
                                double frequency,
                                double[] parameters)
        Calculates the ionospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.

        This method is intended to be used for orbit determination issues. In that respect, if the elevation is below 0° the path delay will be equal to zero.

        For individual use of the ionospheric model (i.e. not for orbit determination), another method signature can be implemented to compute the path delay for any elevation angle.

        Specified by:
        pathDelay in interface IonosphericModel
        state - spacecraft state
        baseFrame - base frame associated with the station
        frequency - frequency of the signal in Hz
        parameters - ionospheric model parameters at state date
        the path delay due to the ionosphere in m
      • pathDelay

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T pathDelay​(FieldSpacecraftState<T> state,
                                                               TopocentricFrame baseFrame,
                                                               double frequency,
                                                               T[] parameters)
        Calculates the ionospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.

        This method is intended to be used for orbit determination issues. In that respect, if the elevation is below 0° the path delay will be equal to zero.

        For individual use of the ionospheric model (i.e. not for orbit determination), another method signature can be implemented to compute the path delay for any elevation angle.

        Specified by:
        pathDelay in interface IonosphericModel
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the elements
        state - spacecraft state
        baseFrame - base frame associated with the station
        frequency - frequency of the signal in Hz
        parameters - ionospheric model parameters at state date
        the path delay due to the ionosphere in m
      • stec

        public double stec​(AbsoluteDate date,
                           GeodeticPoint recP,
                           GeodeticPoint satP)
        This method allows the computation of the Slant Total Electron Content (STEC).
        date - current date
        recP - receiver position
        satP - satellite position
        the STEC in TECUnits
      • stec

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T stec​(FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date,
                                                          FieldGeodeticPoint<T> recP,
                                                          FieldGeodeticPoint<T> satP)
        This method allows the computation of the Slant Total Electron Content (STEC).
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the elements
        date - current date
        recP - receiver position
        satP - satellite position
        the STEC in TECUnits
      • electronDensity

        public double electronDensity​(DateTimeComponents dateTime,
                                      double modip,
                                      double az,
                                      double latitude,
                                      double longitude,
                                      double h)
        Computes the electron density at a given height.
        dateTime - date
        modip - modified dip latitude
        az - effective ionization level
        latitude - latitude along the integration path
        longitude - longitude along the integration path
        h - height along the integration path in m
        electron density [m⁻³]
      • electronDensity

        public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T electronDensity​(DateTimeComponents dateTime,
                                                                     T modip,
                                                                     T az,
                                                                     T latitude,
                                                                     T longitude,
                                                                     T h)
        Computes the electron density at a given height.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the elements
        dateTime - date
        modip - modified dip latitude
        az - effective ionization level
        latitude - latitude along the integration path
        longitude - longitude along the integration path
        h - height along the integration path in m
        electron density [m⁻³]
      • clipExp

        protected double clipExp​(double power)
        A clipped exponential function.

        This function, describe in section F.2.12.2 of the reference document, is recommended for the computation of exponential values.

        power - power for exponential function
        clipped exponential value
      • clipExp

        protected <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T clipExp​(T power)
        A clipped exponential function.

        This function, describe in section F.2.12.2 of the reference document, is recommended for the computation of exponential values.

        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the elements
        power - power for exponential function
        clipped exponential value