Class DifferentialSignalBias

  • public class DifferentialSignalBias
    extends Object
    Container for differential signal bias for a single link endpoint (either emitter or receiver).

    This class is made to handle both station and satellite DSB data. Bias values are stored in TimeSpanMaps associated with a given pair of observation types. Those TimeSpanMaps are stored in a Map, which associate a pair of observation types to a TimeSpanMap of double values.

    Louis Aucouturier
    • Constructor Detail

      • DifferentialSignalBias

        public DifferentialSignalBias()
        Simple constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • addBias

        public void addBias​(ObservationType obs1,
                            ObservationType obs2,
                            AbsoluteDate spanBegin,
                            AbsoluteDate spanEnd,
                            double biasValue)
        Add a bias.
        obs1 - first observation used for the DSB computation
        obs2 - second observation used for the DSB computation
        spanBegin - beginning of the validity span for this bias value
        spanEnd - end of the validity span for this bias value
        biasValue - DSB bias value (meters for code and cycle for phase)
      • getBias

        public double getBias​(ObservationType obs1,
                              ObservationType obs2,
                              AbsoluteDate date)
        Get the value of the Differential Signal Bias for a given observation pair at a given date.
        obs1 - first observation type
        obs2 - second observation type
        date - date at which to obtain the DSB
        the value of the DSB (meters for code and cycle for phase)
      • getAvailableObservationPairs

        public HashSet<Pair<ObservationType,​ObservationType>> getAvailableObservationPairs()
        Get all available observation type pairs for the satellite.
        observation type pairs obtained.
      • getMinimumValidDateForObservationPair

        public AbsoluteDate getMinimumValidDateForObservationPair​(ObservationType obs1,
                                                                  ObservationType obs2)
        Get the minimum valid date for a given observation pair.
        obs1 - first observation type
        obs2 - second observation type
        minimum valid date for the observation pair
      • getMaximumValidDateForObservationPair

        public AbsoluteDate getMaximumValidDateForObservationPair​(ObservationType obs1,
                                                                  ObservationType obs2)
        Get the maximum valid date for a given observation pair.
        obs1 - first observation type
        obs2 - second observation type
        maximum valid date for the observation pair