Class KeplerianOrbit

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    PositionAngleBased<KeplerianOrbit>, TimeShiftable<Orbit>, TimeStamped, PVCoordinatesProvider

    public class KeplerianOrbit
    extends Orbit
    implements PositionAngleBased<KeplerianOrbit>
    This class handles traditional Keplerian orbital parameters.

    The parameters used internally are the classical Keplerian elements:

    where ω stands for the Perigee Argument, Ω stands for the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node and v stands for the true anomaly.

    This class supports hyperbolic orbits, using the convention that semi major axis is negative for such orbits (and of course eccentricity is greater than 1).

    When orbit is either equatorial or circular, some Keplerian elements (more precisely ω and Ω) become ambiguous so this class should not be used for such orbits. For this reason, equinoctial orbits is the recommended way to represent orbits.

    The instance KeplerianOrbit is guaranteed to be immutable.

    Luc Maisonobe, Guylaine Prat, Fabien Maussion, Véronique Pommier-Maurussane
    See Also:
    Orbit, CircularOrbit, CartesianOrbit, EquinoctialOrbit
    • Constructor Detail

      • KeplerianOrbit

        public KeplerianOrbit​(double a,
                              double e,
                              double i,
                              double pa,
                              double raan,
                              double anomaly,
                              PositionAngleType type,
                              PositionAngleType cachedPositionAngleType,
                              Frame frame,
                              AbsoluteDate date,
                              double mu)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new instance.
        a - semi-major axis (m), negative for hyperbolic orbits
        e - eccentricity (positive or equal to 0)
        i - inclination (rad)
        pa - perigee argument (ω, rad)
        raan - right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
        anomaly - mean, eccentric or true anomaly (rad)
        type - type of anomaly
        cachedPositionAngleType - type of cached anomaly
        frame - the frame in which the parameters are defined (must be a pseudo-inertial frame)
        date - date of the orbital parameters
        mu - central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
        IllegalArgumentException - if frame is not a pseudo-inertial frame or a and e don't match for hyperbolic orbits, or v is out of range for hyperbolic orbits
      • KeplerianOrbit

        public KeplerianOrbit​(double a,
                              double e,
                              double i,
                              double pa,
                              double raan,
                              double anomaly,
                              PositionAngleType type,
                              Frame frame,
                              AbsoluteDate date,
                              double mu)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new instance without derivatives and with cached position angle same as value inputted.
        a - semi-major axis (m), negative for hyperbolic orbits
        e - eccentricity (positive or equal to 0)
        i - inclination (rad)
        pa - perigee argument (ω, rad)
        raan - right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
        anomaly - mean, eccentric or true anomaly (rad)
        type - type of anomaly
        frame - the frame in which the parameters are defined (must be a pseudo-inertial frame)
        date - date of the orbital parameters
        mu - central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
        IllegalArgumentException - if frame is not a pseudo-inertial frame or a and e don't match for hyperbolic orbits, or v is out of range for hyperbolic orbits
      • KeplerianOrbit

        public KeplerianOrbit​(double a,
                              double e,
                              double i,
                              double pa,
                              double raan,
                              double anomaly,
                              double aDot,
                              double eDot,
                              double iDot,
                              double paDot,
                              double raanDot,
                              double anomalyDot,
                              PositionAngleType type,
                              PositionAngleType cachedPositionAngleType,
                              Frame frame,
                              AbsoluteDate date,
                              double mu)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new instance.
        a - semi-major axis (m), negative for hyperbolic orbits
        e - eccentricity (positive or equal to 0)
        i - inclination (rad)
        pa - perigee argument (ω, rad)
        raan - right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
        anomaly - mean, eccentric or true anomaly (rad)
        aDot - semi-major axis derivative (m/s)
        eDot - eccentricity derivative
        iDot - inclination derivative (rad/s)
        paDot - perigee argument derivative (rad/s)
        raanDot - right ascension of ascending node derivative (rad/s)
        anomalyDot - mean, eccentric or true anomaly derivative (rad/s)
        type - type of input anomaly
        cachedPositionAngleType - type of cached anomaly
        frame - the frame in which the parameters are defined (must be a pseudo-inertial frame)
        date - date of the orbital parameters
        mu - central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
        IllegalArgumentException - if frame is not a pseudo-inertial frame or a and e don't match for hyperbolic orbits, or v is out of range for hyperbolic orbits
      • KeplerianOrbit

        public KeplerianOrbit​(double a,
                              double e,
                              double i,
                              double pa,
                              double raan,
                              double anomaly,
                              double aDot,
                              double eDot,
                              double iDot,
                              double paDot,
                              double raanDot,
                              double anomalyDot,
                              PositionAngleType type,
                              Frame frame,
                              AbsoluteDate date,
                              double mu)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new instance with cached position angle same as value inputted.
        a - semi-major axis (m), negative for hyperbolic orbits
        e - eccentricity (positive or equal to 0)
        i - inclination (rad)
        pa - perigee argument (ω, rad)
        raan - right ascension of ascending node (Ω, rad)
        anomaly - mean, eccentric or true anomaly (rad)
        aDot - semi-major axis derivative (m/s)
        eDot - eccentricity derivative
        iDot - inclination derivative (rad/s)
        paDot - perigee argument derivative (rad/s)
        raanDot - right ascension of ascending node derivative (rad/s)
        anomalyDot - mean, eccentric or true anomaly derivative (rad/s)
        type - type of anomaly
        frame - the frame in which the parameters are defined (must be a pseudo-inertial frame)
        date - date of the orbital parameters
        mu - central attraction coefficient (m³/s²)
        IllegalArgumentException - if frame is not a pseudo-inertial frame or a and e don't match for hyperbolic orbits, or v is out of range for hyperbolic orbits
      • KeplerianOrbit

        public KeplerianOrbit​(Orbit op)
        Constructor from any kind of orbital parameters.
        op - orbital parameters to copy
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public OrbitType getType()
        Get the orbit type.
        Specified by:
        getType in class Orbit
        orbit type
      • getA

        public double getA()
        Get the semi-major axis.

        Note that the semi-major axis is considered negative for hyperbolic orbits.

        Specified by:
        getA in class Orbit
        semi-major axis (m)
      • getADot

        public double getADot()
        Get the semi-major axis derivative.

        Note that the semi-major axis is considered negative for hyperbolic orbits.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getADot in class Orbit
        semi-major axis derivative (m/s)
      • getE

        public double getE()
        Get the eccentricity.
        Specified by:
        getE in class Orbit
      • getEDot

        public double getEDot()
        Get the eccentricity derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getEDot in class Orbit
        eccentricity derivative
      • getI

        public double getI()
        Get the inclination.
        Specified by:
        getI in class Orbit
        inclination (rad)
      • getIDot

        public double getIDot()
        Get the inclination derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getIDot in class Orbit
        inclination derivative (rad/s)
      • getPerigeeArgument

        public double getPerigeeArgument()
        Get the perigee argument.
        perigee argument (rad)
      • getPerigeeArgumentDot

        public double getPerigeeArgumentDot()
        Get the perigee argument derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        perigee argument derivative (rad/s)
      • getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode

        public double getRightAscensionOfAscendingNode()
        Get the right ascension of the ascending node.
        right ascension of the ascending node (rad)
      • getRightAscensionOfAscendingNodeDot

        public double getRightAscensionOfAscendingNodeDot()
        Get the right ascension of the ascending node derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        right ascension of the ascending node derivative (rad/s)
      • getTrueAnomaly

        public double getTrueAnomaly()
        Get the true anomaly.
        true anomaly (rad)
      • getTrueAnomalyDot

        public double getTrueAnomalyDot()
        Get the true anomaly derivative.
        true anomaly derivative (rad/s)
      • getEccentricAnomaly

        public double getEccentricAnomaly()
        Get the eccentric anomaly.
        eccentric anomaly (rad)
      • getEccentricAnomalyDot

        public double getEccentricAnomalyDot()
        Get the eccentric anomaly derivative.
        eccentric anomaly derivative (rad/s)
      • getMeanAnomaly

        public double getMeanAnomaly()
        Get the mean anomaly.
        mean anomaly (rad)
      • getMeanAnomalyDot

        public double getMeanAnomalyDot()
        Get the mean anomaly derivative.
        mean anomaly derivative (rad/s)
      • getAnomaly

        public double getAnomaly​(PositionAngleType type)
        Get the anomaly.
        type - type of the angle
        anomaly (rad)
      • getAnomalyDot

        public double getAnomalyDot​(PositionAngleType type)
        Get the anomaly derivative.
        type - type of the angle
        anomaly derivative (rad/s)
      • getEquinoctialEx

        public double getEquinoctialEx()
        Get the first component of the equinoctial eccentricity vector.
        Specified by:
        getEquinoctialEx in class Orbit
        first component of the equinoctial eccentricity vector
      • getEquinoctialExDot

        public double getEquinoctialExDot()
        Get the first component of the equinoctial eccentricity vector derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getEquinoctialExDot in class Orbit
        first component of the equinoctial eccentricity vector derivative
      • getEquinoctialEy

        public double getEquinoctialEy()
        Get the second component of the equinoctial eccentricity vector.
        Specified by:
        getEquinoctialEy in class Orbit
        second component of the equinoctial eccentricity vector
      • getEquinoctialEyDot

        public double getEquinoctialEyDot()
        Get the second component of the equinoctial eccentricity vector derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getEquinoctialEyDot in class Orbit
        second component of the equinoctial eccentricity vector derivative
      • getHx

        public double getHx()
        Get the first component of the inclination vector.
        Specified by:
        getHx in class Orbit
        first component of the inclination vector
      • getHxDot

        public double getHxDot()
        Get the first component of the inclination vector derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getHxDot in class Orbit
        first component of the inclination vector derivative
      • getHy

        public double getHy()
        Get the second component of the inclination vector.
        Specified by:
        getHy in class Orbit
        second component of the inclination vector
      • getHyDot

        public double getHyDot()
        Get the second component of the inclination vector derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getHyDot in class Orbit
        second component of the inclination vector derivative
      • getLv

        public double getLv()
        Get the true longitude argument.
        Specified by:
        getLv in class Orbit
        v + ω + Ω true longitude argument (rad)
      • getLvDot

        public double getLvDot()
        Get the true longitude argument derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getLvDot in class Orbit
        d(v + ω + Ω)/dt true longitude argument derivative (rad/s)
      • getLE

        public double getLE()
        Get the eccentric longitude argument.
        Specified by:
        getLE in class Orbit
        E + ω + Ω eccentric longitude argument (rad)
      • getLEDot

        public double getLEDot()
        Get the eccentric longitude argument derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getLEDot in class Orbit
        d(E + ω + Ω)/dt eccentric longitude argument derivative (rad/s)
      • getLM

        public double getLM()
        Get the mean longitude argument.
        Specified by:
        getLM in class Orbit
        M + ω + Ω mean longitude argument (rad)
      • getLMDot

        public double getLMDot()
        Get the mean longitude argument derivative.

        If the orbit was created without derivatives, the value returned is Double.NaN.

        Specified by:
        getLMDot in class Orbit
        d(M + ω + Ω)/dt mean longitude argument derivative (rad/s)
      • initPosition

        protected Vector3D initPosition()
        Compute the position coordinates from the canonical parameters.
        Specified by:
        initPosition in class Orbit
        computed position coordinates
      • initPVCoordinates

        protected TimeStampedPVCoordinates initPVCoordinates()
        Compute the position/velocity coordinates from the canonical parameters.
        Specified by:
        initPVCoordinates in class Orbit
        computed position/velocity coordinates
      • inFrame

        public KeplerianOrbit inFrame​(Frame inertialFrame)
        Create a new object representing the same physical orbital state, but attached to a different reference frame. If the new frame is not inertial, an exception will be thrown.
        Specified by:
        inFrame in class Orbit
        inertialFrame - reference frame of output orbit
        orbit with different frame
      • shiftedBy

        public KeplerianOrbit shiftedBy​(double dt)
        Get a time-shifted orbit.

        The orbit can be slightly shifted to close dates. The shifting model is a Keplerian one if no derivatives are available in the orbit, or Keplerian plus quadratic effect of the non-Keplerian acceleration if derivatives are available. Shifting is not intended as a replacement for proper orbit propagation but should be sufficient for small time shifts or coarse accuracy.

        Specified by:
        shiftedBy in interface TimeShiftable<Orbit>
        Specified by:
        shiftedBy in class Orbit
        dt - time shift in seconds
        a new orbit, shifted with respect to the instance (which is immutable)
      • shiftedBy

        public KeplerianOrbit shiftedBy​(TimeOffset dt)
        Get a time-shifted orbit.

        The orbit can be slightly shifted to close dates. The shifting model is a Keplerian one if no derivatives are available in the orbit, or Keplerian plus quadratic effect of the non-Keplerian acceleration if derivatives are available. Shifting is not intended as a replacement for proper orbit propagation but should be sufficient for small time shifts or coarse accuracy.

        Specified by:
        shiftedBy in interface TimeShiftable<Orbit>
        Specified by:
        shiftedBy in class Orbit
        dt - time shift
        a new orbit, shifted with respect to the instance (which is immutable)
      • computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesian

        protected double[][] computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesian()
        Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with mean angle with respect to the Cartesian parameters.

        Element jacobian[i][j] is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with respect to Cartesian coordinate j. This means each row correspond to one orbital parameter whereas columns 0 to 5 correspond to the Cartesian coordinates x, y, z, xDot, yDot and zDot.

        The array returned by this method will not be modified.

        Specified by:
        computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesian in class Orbit
        6x6 Jacobian matrix
        See Also:
        Orbit.computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesian(), Orbit.computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesian()
      • computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesian

        protected double[][] computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesian()
        Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with eccentric angle with respect to the Cartesian parameters.

        Element jacobian[i][j] is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with respect to Cartesian coordinate j. This means each row correspond to one orbital parameter whereas columns 0 to 5 correspond to the Cartesian coordinates x, y, z, xDot, yDot and zDot.

        The array returned by this method will not be modified.

        Specified by:
        computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesian in class Orbit
        6x6 Jacobian matrix
        See Also:
        Orbit.computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesian(), Orbit.computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesian()
      • computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesian

        protected double[][] computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesian()
        Compute the Jacobian of the orbital parameters with true angle with respect to the Cartesian parameters.

        Element jacobian[i][j] is the derivative of parameter i of the orbit with respect to Cartesian coordinate j. This means each row correspond to one orbital parameter whereas columns 0 to 5 correspond to the Cartesian coordinates x, y, z, xDot, yDot and zDot.

        The array returned by this method will not be modified.

        Specified by:
        computeJacobianTrueWrtCartesian in class Orbit
        6x6 Jacobian matrix
        See Also:
        Orbit.computeJacobianMeanWrtCartesian(), Orbit.computeJacobianEccentricWrtCartesian()
      • addKeplerContribution

        public void addKeplerContribution​(PositionAngleType type,
                                          double gm,
                                          double[] pDot)
        Add the contribution of the Keplerian motion to parameters derivatives

        This method is used by integration-based propagators to evaluate the part of Keplerian motion to evolution of the orbital state.

        Specified by:
        addKeplerContribution in class Orbit
        type - type of the position angle in the state
        gm - attraction coefficient to use
        pDot - array containing orbital state derivatives to update (the Keplerian part must be added to the array components, as the array may already contain some non-zero elements corresponding to non-Keplerian parts)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this Keplerian parameters object.
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of this object
      • hasNonKeplerianRates

        public boolean hasNonKeplerianRates()
        Tells whether the instance holds rates (first-order time derivatives) for dependent variables that are incompatible with Keplerian motion.
        Specified by:
        hasNonKeplerianRates in interface PositionAngleBased<KeplerianOrbit>
        true if and only if holding non-Keplerian rates