Class BiasDescription

  • public class BiasDescription
    extends Object
    Class to store the bias description parameters.

    This class gives important parameters from the analysis and defines the fields in the block ’BIAS/SOLUTION’ of the loaded Sinex file.

    Louis Aucouturier
    • Constructor Detail

      • BiasDescription

        public BiasDescription()
        Simple constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getDeterminationMethod

        public final String getDeterminationMethod()
        Get the determination mode used to generate the bias results.

        This value is optional. If the value is not present in the file, the method returns an empty string.

        the determination mode used to generate the bias results.
      • getBiasMode

        public final String getBiasMode()
        Get the bias mode.

        The bias mode describes how the included GNSS bias values have to be interpreted and applied.

        the bias mode
      • getTimeSystem

        public final TimeSystem getTimeSystem()
        Get the time system for DSB data.
        the time system
      • getObservationSampling

        public final int getObservationSampling()
        Get the observation sampling interval used for data analysis.

        This value is optional. If the value is not present in the file, the method returns -1.

        the observation sampling interval used for data analysis in seconds
      • getParameterSpacing

        public final int getParameterSpacing()
        Get the parameter spacing interval between the bias value.

        This value is optional. If the value is not present in the file, the method returns -1.

        the pParameter spacing interval between the bias value in seconds
      • setDeterminationMethod

        public void setDeterminationMethod​(String determinationMethod)
        Set the determination mode used to generate the bias results.
        determinationMethod - the determination method to set
      • setBiasMode

        public void setBiasMode​(String biasMode)
        Set the bias mode.
        biasMode - the bias mode to set
      • setTimeSystem

        public void setTimeSystem​(TimeSystem timeSystem)
        Set the time system used for DSB data.
        timeSystem - the time system to set
      • setObservationSampling

        public void setObservationSampling​(int observationSampling)
        Set the observation sampling interval used for data analysis.
        observationSampling - the observation sampling to set in seconds
      • setParameterSpacing

        public void setParameterSpacing​(int parameterSpacing)
        Set the parameter spacing interval between the bias value.
        parameterSpacing - the parameter spacing to set in seconds