Class LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector
    extends AbstractDetector<LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector>
    Detector for geographic longitude crossing.

    This detector identifies when a spacecraft crosses a fixed longitude range with respect to a central body.

    Alberto Ferrero
    • Constructor Detail

      • LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector

        public LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector​(OneAxisEllipsoid body,
                                              double fromLongitude,
                                              double toLongitude)
        Build a new detector.

        The new instance uses default values for maximal checking interval (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_MAXCHECK) and convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

        body - body on which the longitude is defined
        fromLongitude - longitude to be crossed, lower range boundary
        toLongitude - longitude to be crossed, upper range boundary
      • LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector

        public LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector​(double maxCheck,
                                              double threshold,
                                              OneAxisEllipsoid body,
                                              double fromLongitude,
                                              double toLongitude)
        Build a detector.
        maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
        threshold - convergence threshold (s)
        body - body on which the longitude is defined
        fromLongitude - longitude to be crossed, lower range boundary
        toLongitude - longitude to be crossed, upper range boundary
      • LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector

        protected LongitudeRangeCrossingDetector​(AdaptableInterval maxCheck,
                                                 double threshold,
                                                 int maxIter,
                                                 EventHandler handler,
                                                 OneAxisEllipsoid body,
                                                 double fromLongitude,
                                                 double toLongitude)
        Private constructor with full parameters.

        This constructor is private as users are expected to use the builder API with the various withXxx() methods to set up the instance in a readable manner without using a huge amount of parameters.

        maxCheck - maximum checking interval (s)
        threshold - convergence threshold (s)
        maxIter - maximum number of iterations in the event time search
        handler - event handler to call at event occurrences
        body - body on which the longitude is defined
        fromLongitude - longitude to be crossed, lower range boundary
        toLongitude - longitude to be crossed, upper range boundary
    • Method Detail

      • getBody

        public OneAxisEllipsoid getBody()
        Get the body on which the geographic zone is defined.
        body on which the geographic zone is defined
      • getFromLongitude

        public double getFromLongitude()
        Get the fixed longitude range to be crossed (radians), lower boundary.
        fixed lower boundary longitude range to be crossed (radians)
      • getToLongitude

        public double getToLongitude()
        Get the fixed longitude range to be crossed (radians), upper boundary.
        fixed upper boundary longitude range to be crossed (radians)
      • g

        public double g​(SpacecraftState s)
        Compute the value of the detection function.

        The value is positive if the spacecraft longitude is inside the longitude range. The longitude value is reflected from [-PI, +PI] to [0, 2 PI] to ensure continuity.

        s - the current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
        positive if spacecraft inside the range