1   /* Copyright 2002-2015 CS Systèmes d'Information
2    * Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces;
19  import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
20  import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
21  import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathUtils;
22  import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;
23  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
24  import org.orekit.forces.SphericalSpacecraft;
25  import org.orekit.forces.radiation.RadiationSensitive;
26  import org.orekit.forces.radiation.SolarRadiationPressure;
27  import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
28  import org.orekit.propagation.events.EventDetector;
29  import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinatesProvider;
31  /** Solar radiation pressure contribution to the
32   *  {@link org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.DSSTPropagator DSSTPropagator}.
33   *  <p>
34   *  The solar radiation pressure acceleration is computed through the
35   *  acceleration model of
36   *  {@link org.orekit.forces.radiation.SolarRadiationPressure SolarRadiationPressure}.
37   *  </p>
38   *
39   *  @author Pascal Parraud
40   */
41  public class DSSTSolarRadiationPressure extends AbstractGaussianContribution {
43      /** Reference distance for the solar radiation pressure (m). */
44      private static final double D_REF = 149597870000.0;
46      /** Reference solar radiation pressure at D_REF (N/m²). */
47      private static final double P_REF = 4.56e-6;
49      /** Threshold for the choice of the Gauss quadrature order. */
50      private static final double GAUSS_THRESHOLD = 1.0e-15;
52      /** Threshold for shadow equation. */
53      private static final double S_ZERO = 1.0e-6;
55      /** Sun model. */
56      private final PVCoordinatesProvider sun;
58      /** Central Body radius. */
59      private final double                ae;
61      /** Spacecraft model for radiation acceleration computation. */
62      private final RadiationSensitive spacecraft;
65      /**
66       * Simple constructor with default reference values and spherical spacecraft.
67       * <p>
68       * When this constructor is used, the reference values are:
69       * </p>
70       * <ul>
71       * <li>d<sub>ref</sub> = 149597870000.0 m</li>
72       * <li>p<sub>ref</sub> = 4.56 10<sup>-6</sup> N/m²</li>
73       * </ul>
74       * <p>
75       * The spacecraft has a spherical shape.
76       * </p>
77       *
78       * @param cr satellite radiation pressure coefficient (assuming total specular reflection)
79       * @param area cross sectionnal area of satellite
80       * @param sun Sun model
81       * @param equatorialRadius central body equatorial radius (for shadow computation)
82       */
83      public DSSTSolarRadiationPressure(final double cr, final double area,
84              final PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
85              final double equatorialRadius) {
86          this(D_REF, P_REF, cr, area, sun, equatorialRadius);
87      }
89      /**
90       * Simple constructor with default reference values, but custom spacecraft.
91       * <p>
92       * When this constructor is used, the reference values are:
93       * </p>
94       * <ul>
95       * <li>d<sub>ref</sub> = 149597870000.0 m</li>
96       * <li>p<sub>ref</sub> = 4.56 10<sup>-6</sup> N/m²</li>
97       * </ul>
98       *
99       * @param sun Sun model
100      * @param equatorialRadius central body equatorial radius (for shadow computation)
101      * @param spacecraft spacecraft model
102      */
103     public DSSTSolarRadiationPressure(final PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
104             final double equatorialRadius,
105             final RadiationSensitive spacecraft) {
106         this(D_REF, P_REF, sun, equatorialRadius, spacecraft);
107     }
109     /**
110      * Constructor with customizable reference values but spherical spacecraft.
111      * <p>
112      * Note that reference solar radiation pressure <code>pRef</code> in N/m² is linked
113      * to solar flux SF in W/m² using formula pRef = SF/c where c is the speed of light
114      * (299792458 m/s). So at 1UA a 1367 W/m² solar flux is a 4.56 10<sup>-6</sup>
115      * N/m² solar radiation pressure.
116      * </p>
117      *
118      * @param dRef reference distance for the solar radiation pressure (m)
119      * @param pRef reference solar radiation pressure at dRef (N/m²)
120      * @param cr satellite radiation pressure coefficient (assuming total specular reflection)
121      * @param area cross sectionnal area of satellite
122      * @param sun Sun model
123      * @param equatorialRadius central body equatrial radius (for shadow computation)
124      */
125     public DSSTSolarRadiationPressure(final double dRef, final double pRef,
126             final double cr, final double area,
127             final PVCoordinatesProvider sun,
128             final double equatorialRadius) {
130         // cR being the DSST SRP coef and assuming a spherical spacecraft,
131         // the conversion is:
132         // cR = 1 + (1 - kA) * (1 - kR) * 4 / 9
133         // with kA arbitrary sets to 0
134         this(dRef, pRef, sun, equatorialRadius, new SphericalSpacecraft(
135                 area, 0.0, 0.0, 3.25 - 2.25 * cr));
136     }
138     /**
139      * Complete constructor.
140      * <p>
141      * Note that reference solar radiation pressure <code>pRef</code> in N/m² is linked
142      * to solar flux SF in W/m² using formula pRef = SF/c where c is the speed of light
143      * (299792458 m/s). So at 1UA a 1367 W/m² solar flux is a 4.56 10<sup>-6</sup>
144      * N/m² solar radiation pressure.
145      * </p>
146      *
147      * @param dRef reference distance for the solar radiation pressure (m)
148      * @param pRef reference solar radiation pressure at dRef (N/m²)
149      * @param sun Sun model
150      * @param equatorialRadius central body equatrial radius (for shadow computation)
151      * @param spacecraft spacecraft model
152      */
153     public DSSTSolarRadiationPressure(final double dRef, final double pRef,
154             final PVCoordinatesProvider sun, final double equatorialRadius,
155             final RadiationSensitive spacecraft) {
157         //Call to the constructor from superclass using the numerical SRP model as ForceModel
158         super(GAUSS_THRESHOLD, new SolarRadiationPressure(
159                 dRef, pRef, sun, equatorialRadius, spacecraft));
161         this.sun  = sun;
162         this.ae   = equatorialRadius;
163         this.spacecraft = spacecraft;
164     }
166     /** Get spacecraft shape.
167      * @return the spacecraft shape.
168      */
169     public RadiationSensitive getSpacecraft() {
170         return spacecraft;
171     }
173     /** {@inheritDoc} */
174     public EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors() {
175         // TODO: add eclipses handling
176         return null;
177     }
179     /** {@inheritDoc} */
180     protected double[] getLLimits(final SpacecraftState state) throws OrekitException {
181         // Default bounds without shadow [-PI, PI]
182         final double[] ll = {-FastMath.PI + MathUtils.normalizeAngle(state.getLv(), 0),
183                              FastMath.PI + MathUtils.normalizeAngle(state.getLv(), 0)};
185         // Direction cosines of the Sun in the equinoctial frame
186         final Vector3D sunDir = sun.getPVCoordinates(state.getDate(), state.getFrame()).getPosition().normalize();
187         final double alpha = sunDir.dotProduct(f);
188         final double beta  = sunDir.dotProduct(g);
189         final double gamma = sunDir.dotProduct(w);
191         // Compute limits only if the perigee is close enough from the central body to be in the shadow
192         if (FastMath.abs(gamma * a * (1. - ecc)) < ae) {
194             // Compute the coefficients of the quartic equation in cos(L) 3.5-(2)
195             final double bet2 = beta * beta;
196             final double h2 = h * h;
197             final double k2 = k * k;
198             final double m  = ae / (a * B);
199             final double m2 = m * m;
200             final double m4 = m2 * m2;
201             final double bb = alpha * beta + m2 * h * k;
202             final double b2 = bb * bb;
203             final double cc = alpha * alpha - bet2 + m2 * (k2 - h2);
204             final double dd = 1. - bet2 - m2 * (1. + h2);
205             final double[] a = new double[5];
206             a[0] = 4. * b2 + cc * cc;
207             a[1] = 8. * bb * m2 * h + 4. * cc * m2 * k;
208             a[2] = -4. * b2 + 4. * m4 * h2 - 2. * cc * dd + 4. * m4 * k2;
209             a[3] = -8. * bb * m2 * h - 4. * dd * m2 * k;
210             a[4] = -4. * m4 * h2 + dd * dd;
211             // Compute the real roots of the quartic equation 3.5-2
212             final double[] roots = new double[4];
213             final int nbRoots = realQuarticRoots(a, roots);
214             if (nbRoots > 0) {
215                 // Check for consistency
216                 boolean entryFound = false;
217                 boolean exitFound  = false;
218                 // Eliminate spurious roots
219                 for (int i = 0; i < nbRoots; i++) {
220                     final double cosL = roots[i];
221                     final double sL = FastMath.sqrt((1. - cosL) * (1. + cosL));
222                     // Check both angles: L and -L
223                     for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) {
224                         final double sinL = j * sL;
225                         final double cPhi = alpha * cosL + beta * sinL;
226                         // Is the angle on the shadow side of the central body (eq. 3.5-3) ?
227                         if (cPhi < 0.) {
228                             final double range = 1. + k * cosL + h * sinL;
229                             final double S  = 1. - m2 * range * range - cPhi * cPhi;
230                             // Is the shadow equation 3.5-1 satisfied ?
231                             if (FastMath.abs(S) < S_ZERO) {
232                                 // Is this the entry or exit angle ?
233                                 final double dSdL = m2 * range * (k * sinL - h * cosL) + cPhi * (alpha * sinL - beta * cosL);
234                                 if (dSdL > 0.) {
235                                     // Exit from shadow: 3.5-4
236                                     exitFound = true;
237                                     ll[0] = FastMath.atan2(sinL, cosL);
238                                 } else {
239                                     // Entry into shadow: 3.5-5
240                                     entryFound = true;
241                                     ll[1] = FastMath.atan2(sinL, cosL);
242                                 }
243                             }
244                         }
245                     }
246                 }
247                 // Must be one entry and one exit or none
248                 if (!(entryFound == exitFound)) {
249                     // entry or exit found but not both ! In this case, consider there is no eclipse...
250                     ll[0] = -FastMath.PI;
251                     ll[1] = FastMath.PI;
252                 }
253                 // Quadrature between L at exit and L at entry so Lexit must be lower than Lentry
254                 if (ll[0] > ll[1]) {
255                     // Keep the angles between [-2PI, 2PI]
256                     if (ll[1] < 0.) {
257                         ll[1] += 2. * FastMath.PI;
258                     } else {
259                         ll[0] -= 2. * FastMath.PI;
260                     }
261                 }
262             }
263         }
264         return ll;
265     }
267     /** Get the central body equatorial radius.
268      *  @return central body equatorial radius (m)
269      */
270     public double getEquatorialRadius() {
271         return ae;
272     }
274     /**
275      * Compute the real roots of a quartic equation.
276      *
277      * <pre>
278      * a[0] * x⁴ + a[1] * x³ + a[2] * x² + a[3] * x + a[4] = 0.
279      * </pre>
280      *
281      * @param a the 5 coefficients
282      * @param y the real roots
283      * @return the number of real roots
284      */
285     private int realQuarticRoots(final double[] a, final double[] y) {
286         /* Treat the degenerate quartic as cubic */
287         if (Precision.equals(a[0], 0.)) {
288             final double[] aa = new double[a.length - 1];
289             System.arraycopy(a, 1, aa, 0, aa.length);
290             return realCubicRoots(aa, y);
291         }
293         // Transform coefficients
294         final double b  = a[1] / a[0];
295         final double c  = a[2] / a[0];
296         final double d  = a[3] / a[0];
297         final double e  = a[4] / a[0];
298         final double bh = b * 0.5;
300         // Solve resolvant cubic
301         final double[] z3 = new double[3];
302         final int i3 = realCubicRoots(new double[] {1.0, -c, b * d - 4. * e, e * (4. * c - b * b) - d * d}, z3);
303         if (i3 == 0) {
304             return 0;
305         }
307         // Largest real root of resolvant cubic
308         final double z = z3[0];
310         // Compute auxiliary quantities
311         final double zh = z * 0.5;
312         final double p  = FastMath.max(z + bh * bh - c, 0.);
313         final double q  = FastMath.max(zh * zh - e, 0.);
314         final double r  = bh * z - d;
315         final double pp = FastMath.sqrt(p);
316         final double qq = FastMath.copySign(FastMath.sqrt(q), r);
318         // Solve quadratic factors of quartic equation
319         final double[] y1 = new double[2];
320         final int n1 = realQuadraticRoots(new double[] {1.0, bh - pp, zh - qq}, y1);
321         final double[] y2 = new double[2];
322         final int n2 = realQuadraticRoots(new double[] {1.0, bh + pp, zh + qq}, y2);
324         if (n1 == 2) {
325             if (n2 == 2) {
326                 y[0] = y1[0];
327                 y[1] = y1[1];
328                 y[2] = y2[0];
329                 y[3] = y2[1];
330                 return 4;
331             } else {
332                 y[0] = y1[0];
333                 y[1] = y1[1];
334                 return 2;
335             }
336         } else {
337             if (n2 == 2) {
338                 y[0] = y2[0];
339                 y[1] = y2[1];
340                 return 2;
341             } else {
342                 return 0;
343             }
344         }
345     }
347     /**
348      * Compute the real roots of a cubic equation.
349      *
350      * <pre>
351      * a[0] * x³ + a[1] * x² + a[2] * x + a[3] = 0.
352      * </pre>
353      *
354      * @param a the 4 coefficients
355      * @param y the real roots sorted in descending order
356      * @return the number of real roots
357      */
358     private int realCubicRoots(final double[] a, final double[] y) {
359         if (Precision.equals(a[0], 0.)) {
360             // Treat the degenerate cubic as quadratic
361             final double[] aa = new double[a.length - 1];
362             System.arraycopy(a, 1, aa, 0, aa.length);
363             return realQuadraticRoots(aa, y);
364         }
366         // Transform coefficients
367         final double b  = -a[1] / (3. * a[0]);
368         final double c  =  a[2] / a[0];
369         final double d  =  a[3] / a[0];
370         final double b2 =  b * b;
371         final double p  =  b2 - c / 3.;
372         final double q  =  b * (b2 - c * 0.5) - d * 0.5;
374         // Compute discriminant
375         final double disc = p * p * p - q * q;
377         if (disc < 0.) {
378             // One real root
379             final double alpha  = q + FastMath.copySign(FastMath.sqrt(-disc), q);
380             final double cbrtAl = FastMath.cbrt(alpha);
381             final double cbrtBe = p / cbrtAl;
383             if (p < 0.) {
384                 y[0] = b + 2. * q / (cbrtAl * cbrtAl + cbrtBe * cbrtBe - p);
385             } else if (p > 0.) {
386                 y[0] = b + cbrtAl + cbrtBe;
387             } else {
388                 y[0] = b + cbrtAl;
389             }
391             return 1;
393         } else if (disc > 0.) {
394             // Three distinct real roots
395             final double phi = FastMath.atan2(FastMath.sqrt(disc), q) / 3.;
396             final double sqP = 2.0 * FastMath.sqrt(p);
398             y[0] = b + sqP * FastMath.cos(phi);
399             y[1] = b - sqP * FastMath.cos(FastMath.PI / 3. + phi);
400             y[2] = b - sqP * FastMath.cos(FastMath.PI / 3. - phi);
402             return 3;
404         } else {
405             // One distinct and two equals real roots
406             final double cbrtQ = FastMath.cbrt(q);
407             final double root1 = b + 2. * cbrtQ;
408             final double root2 = b - cbrtQ;
409             if (q < 0.) {
410                 y[0] = root2;
411                 y[1] = root2;
412                 y[2] = root1;
413             } else {
414                 y[0] = root1;
415                 y[1] = root2;
416                 y[2] = root2;
417             }
419             return 3;
420         }
421     }
423     /**
424      * Compute the real roots of a quadratic equation.
425      *
426      * <pre>
427      * a[0] * x² + a[1] * x + a[2] = 0.
428      * </pre>
429      *
430      * @param a the 3 coefficients
431      * @param y the real roots sorted in descending order
432      * @return the number of real roots
433      */
434     private int realQuadraticRoots(final double[] a, final double[] y) {
435         if (Precision.equals(a[0], 0.)) {
436             // Degenerate quadratic
437             if (Precision.equals(a[1], 0.)) {
438                 // Degenerate linear equation: no real roots
439                 return 0;
440             }
441             // Linear equation: one real root
442             y[0] = -a[2] / a[1];
443             return 1;
444         }
446         // Transform coefficients
447         final double b = -0.5 * a[1] / a[0];
448         final double c =  a[2] / a[0];
450         // Compute discriminant
451         final double d =  b * b - c;
453         if (d < 0.) {
454             // No real roots
455             return 0;
456         } else if (d > 0.) {
457             // Two distinct real roots
458             final double y0 = b + FastMath.copySign(FastMath.sqrt(d), b);
459             final double y1 = c / y0;
460             y[0] = FastMath.max(y0, y1);
461             y[1] = FastMath.min(y0, y1);
462             return 2;
463         } else {
464             // Discriminant is zero: two equal real roots
465             y[0] = b;
466             y[1] = b;
467             return 2;
468         }
469     }
470 }