1   /* Copyright 2002-2015 CS Systèmes d'Information
2    * Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces;
19  import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateVectorFunction;
20  import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
21  import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
22  import org.orekit.attitudes.Attitude;
23  import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProvider;
24  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
25  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitExceptionWrapper;
26  import org.orekit.forces.ForceModel;
27  import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
28  import org.orekit.orbits.EquinoctialOrbit;
29  import org.orekit.orbits.Orbit;
30  import org.orekit.orbits.OrbitType;
31  import org.orekit.orbits.PositionAngle;
32  import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
33  import org.orekit.propagation.numerical.TimeDerivativesEquations;
34  import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.AuxiliaryElements;
35  import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.CjSjCoefficient;
36  import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient;
37  import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
39  /** Common handling of {@link DSSTForceModel} methods for Gaussian contributions to DSST propagation.
40   * <p>
41   * This abstract class allows to provide easily a subset of {@link DSSTForceModel} methods
42   * for specific Gaussian contributions.
43   * </p><p>
44   * This class implements the notion of numerical averaging of the DSST theory.
45   * Numerical averaging is mainly used for non-conservative disturbing forces such as
46   * atmospheric drag and solar radiation pressure.
47   * </p><p>
48   * Gaussian contributions can be expressed as: da<sub>i</sub>/dt = δa<sub>i</sub>/δv . q<br>
49   * where:
50   * <ul>
51   * <li>a<sub>i</sub> are the six equinoctial elements</li>
52   * <li>v is the velocity vector</li>
53   * <li>q is the perturbing acceleration due to the considered force</li>
54   * </ul>
55   * The averaging process and other considerations lead to integrate this contribution
56   * over the true longitude L possibly taking into account some limits.
57   * </p><p>
58   * To create a numerically averaged contribution, one needs only to provide a
59   * {@link ForceModel} and to implement in the derived class the method:
60   * {@link #getLLimits(SpacecraftState)}.
61   * </p>
62   * @author Pascal Parraud
63   */
64  public abstract class AbstractGaussianContribution implements DSSTForceModel {
66      /** Available orders for Gauss quadrature. */
67      private static final int[] GAUSS_ORDER = {12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48};
69      /** Max rank in Gauss quadrature orders array. */
70      private static final int MAX_ORDER_RANK = GAUSS_ORDER.length - 1;
72      /** Number of points for interpolation. */
73      private static final int INTERPOLATION_POINTS = 3;
75      /** Maximum value for j index. */
76      private static final int JMAX = 12;
77      // CHECKSTYLE: stop VisibilityModifierCheck
79      /** Retrograde factor. */
80      protected int I;
82      /** a. */
83      protected double a;
84      /** e<sub>x</sub>. */
85      protected double k;
86      /** e<sub>y</sub>. */
87      protected double h;
88      /** h<sub>x</sub>. */
89      protected double q;
90      /** h<sub>y</sub>. */
91      protected double p;
93      /** Eccentricity. */
94      protected double ecc;
96      /** Kepler mean motion: n = sqrt(μ / a³). */
97      protected double n;
99      /** Mean longitude. */
100     protected double lm;
102     /** Equinoctial frame f vector. */
103     protected Vector3D f;
104     /** Equinoctial frame g vector. */
105     protected Vector3D g;
106     /** Equinoctial frame w vector. */
107     protected Vector3D w;
109     /** A = sqrt(μ * a). */
110     protected double A;
111     /** B = sqrt(1 - h² - k²). */
112     protected double B;
113     /** C = 1 + p² + q². */
114     protected double C;
116     /** 2 / (n² * a) . */
117     protected double ton2a;
118     /** 1 / A .*/
119     protected double ooA;
120     /** 1 / (A * B) .*/
121     protected double ooAB;
122     /** C / (2 * A * B) .*/
123     protected double co2AB;
124     /** 1 / (1 + B) .*/
125     protected double ooBpo;
126     /** 1 / μ .*/
127     protected double ooMu;
128     /** μ .*/
129     protected double mu;
131     // CHECKSTYLE: resume VisibilityModifierCheck
133     /** Contribution to be numerically averaged. */
134     private final ForceModel contribution;
136     /** Gauss integrator. */
137     private final double threshold;
139     /** Gauss integrator. */
140     private GaussQuadrature integrator;
142     /** Flag for Gauss order computation. */
143     private boolean isDirty;
145     /** Attitude provider. */
146     private AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider;
148     /** The C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients used to compute
149      * the short-periodic gaussian contribution. */
150     private GaussianShortPeriodicCoefficients gaussianSPCoefs;
152     /** The frame used to describe the orbits. */
153     private Frame frame;
155     /** Build a new instance.
156      *
157      *  @param threshold tolerance for the choice of the Gauss quadrature order
158      *  @param contribution the {@link ForceModel} to be numerically averaged
159      */
160     protected AbstractGaussianContribution(final double threshold,
161             final ForceModel contribution) {
162         this.contribution = contribution;
163         this.threshold  = threshold;
164         this.integrator = new GaussQuadrature(GAUSS_ORDER[MAX_ORDER_RANK]);
165         this.isDirty    = true;
166     }
168     /** {@inheritDoc} */
169     @Override
170     public void initialize(final AuxiliaryElements aux, final boolean meanOnly)
171         throws OrekitException {
173         // save the frame
174         this.frame = aux.getFrame();
176         if (!meanOnly) {
177             // initialize the short periodic coefficient generator, if needed.
178             this.gaussianSPCoefs = new GaussianShortPeriodicCoefficients(JMAX, INTERPOLATION_POINTS);
179         }
180     }
182     /** {@inheritDoc} */
183     @Override
184     public void initializeStep(final AuxiliaryElements aux)
185         throws OrekitException {
187         // Equinoctial elements
188         a  = aux.getSma();
189         k  = aux.getK();
190         h  = aux.getH();
191         q  = aux.getQ();
192         p  = aux.getP();
194         // Retrograde factor
195         I = aux.getRetrogradeFactor();
197         // Eccentricity
198         ecc = aux.getEcc();
200         // Equinoctial coefficients
201         A = aux.getA();
202         B = aux.getB();
203         C = aux.getC();
205         // Equinoctial frame vectors
206         f = aux.getVectorF();
207         g = aux.getVectorG();
208         w = aux.getVectorW();
210         // Kepler mean motion
211         n = aux.getMeanMotion();
213         // Mean longitude
214         lm = aux.getLM();
216         // 1 / A
217         ooA = 1. / A;
218         // 1 / AB
219         ooAB = ooA / B;
220         // C / 2AB
221         co2AB = C * ooAB / 2.;
222         // 1 / (1 + B)
223         ooBpo = 1. / (1. + B);
224         // 2 / (n² * a)
225         ton2a = 2. / (n * n * a);
226         // mu
227         mu = aux.getMu();
228         // 1 / mu
229         ooMu  = 1. / mu;
230     }
232     /** {@inheritDoc} */
233     @Override
234     public double[] getMeanElementRate(final SpacecraftState state) throws OrekitException {
236         double[] meanElementRate = new double[6];
237         // Computes the limits for the integral
238         final double[] ll = getLLimits(state);
239         // Computes integrated mean element rates if Llow < Lhigh
240         if (ll[0] < ll[1]) {
241             meanElementRate = getMeanElementRate(state, integrator, ll[0], ll[1]);
242             if (isDirty) {
243                 boolean next = true;
244                 for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ORDER_RANK && next; i++) {
245                     final double[] meanRates = getMeanElementRate(state, new GaussQuadrature(GAUSS_ORDER[i]), ll[0], ll[1]);
246                     if (getRatesDiff(meanElementRate, meanRates) < threshold) {
247                         integrator = new GaussQuadrature(GAUSS_ORDER[i]);
248                         next = false;
249                     }
250                 }
251                 isDirty = false;
252             }
253         }
254         return meanElementRate;
255     }
257     /** Compute the acceleration due to the non conservative perturbing force.
258      *
259      *  @param state current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
260      *  @return the perturbing acceleration
261      *  @exception OrekitException if some specific error occurs
262      */
263     protected Vector3D getAcceleration(final SpacecraftState state)
264         throws OrekitException {
265         final AccelerationRetriever retriever = new AccelerationRetriever(state);
266         contribution.addContribution(state, retriever);
268         return retriever.getAcceleration();
269     }
271     /** Compute the limits in L, the true longitude, for integration.
272      *
273      *  @param  state current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
274      *  @return the integration limits in L
275      *  @exception OrekitException if some specific error occurs
276      */
277     protected abstract double[] getLLimits(final SpacecraftState state) throws OrekitException;
279     /** Computes the mean equinoctial elements rates da<sub>i</sub> / dt.
280      *
281      *  @param state current state
282      *  @param gauss Gauss quadrature
283      *  @param low lower bound of the integral interval
284      *  @param high upper bound of the integral interval
285      *  @return the mean element rates
286      *  @throws OrekitException if some specific error occurs
287      */
288     private double[] getMeanElementRate(final SpacecraftState state,
289             final GaussQuadrature gauss,
290             final double low,
291             final double high) throws OrekitException {
292         final double[] meanElementRate = gauss.integrate(new IntegrableFunction(state, true, 0), low, high);
293         // Constant multiplier for integral
294         final double coef = 1. / (2. * FastMath.PI * B);
295         // Corrects mean element rates
296         for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
297             meanElementRate[i] *= coef;
298         }
299         return meanElementRate;
300     }
302     /** Estimates the weighted magnitude of the difference between 2 sets of equinoctial elements rates.
303      *
304      *  @param meanRef reference rates
305      *  @param meanCur current rates
306      *  @return estimated magnitude of weighted differences
307      */
308     private double getRatesDiff(final double[] meanRef, final double[] meanCur) {
309         double maxDiff = FastMath.abs(meanRef[0] - meanCur[0]) / a;
310         // Corrects mean element rates
311         for (int i = 1; i < meanRef.length; i++) {
312             final double diff = FastMath.abs(meanRef[i] - meanCur[i]);
313             if (maxDiff < diff) maxDiff = diff;
314         }
315         return maxDiff;
316     }
318     /** {@inheritDoc} */
319     @Override
320     public void registerAttitudeProvider(final AttitudeProvider provider) {
321         this.attitudeProvider = provider;
322     }
324     /** {@inheritDoc} */
325     @Override
326     public double[] getShortPeriodicVariations(final AbsoluteDate date,
327             final double[] meanElements) throws OrekitException {
329         // Build an Orbit object from the mean elements
330         final Orbit meanOrbit = OrbitType.EQUINOCTIAL.mapArrayToOrbit(
331                 meanElements, PositionAngle.MEAN, date, this.mu, this.frame);
333         // Get the True longitude L
334         final double L = meanOrbit.getLv();
336         // Compute the center (l - λ)
337         final double center =  L - meanElements[5];
338         // Compute (l - λ)²
339         final double center2 = center * center;
341         // Initialize short periodic variations
342         final double[] shortPeriodicVariation = new double[6];
343         for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
344             shortPeriodicVariation[i] = gaussianSPCoefs.getCij(i, 0, date) +
345                     center * gaussianSPCoefs.getDij(i, 1, date);
346             if (i == 5) {
347                 shortPeriodicVariation[i] += center2 * gaussianSPCoefs.getDij(i, 2, date);
348             }
349         }
351         for (int j = 1; j <= JMAX; j++) {
352             for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
353                 // Get Cij and Sij
354                 final double cij = gaussianSPCoefs.getCij(i, j, date);
355                 final double sij = gaussianSPCoefs.getSij(i, j, date);
357                 // add corresponding term to the short periodic variation
358                 shortPeriodicVariation[i] += cij * FastMath.cos(j * L);
359                 shortPeriodicVariation[i] += sij * FastMath.sin(j * L);
360             }
361         }
363         return shortPeriodicVariation;
365     }
367     /** {@inheritDoc} */
368     @Override
369     public void computeShortPeriodicsCoefficients(final SpacecraftState state)
370         throws OrekitException {
372         //Compute the coefficients
373         gaussianSPCoefs.computeCoefficients(state);
374     }
376     /** {@inheritDoc} */
377     @Override
378     public void resetShortPeriodicsCoefficients() {
379         if (gaussianSPCoefs != null) {
380             // reset the coefficients
381             gaussianSPCoefs.resetCoefficients();
382         }
383     }
385     /** Internal class for retrieving acceleration from a {@link ForceModel}. */
386     private static class AccelerationRetriever implements TimeDerivativesEquations {
388         /** acceleration vector. */
389         private Vector3D acceleration;
391         /** state. */
392         private final SpacecraftState state;
394         /** Simple constructor.
395          *  @param state input state
396          */
397         public AccelerationRetriever(final SpacecraftState state) {
398             this.acceleration = Vector3D.ZERO;
399             this.state = state;
400         }
402         /** {@inheritDoc} */
403         @Override
404         public void addKeplerContribution(final double mu) {
405         }
407         /** {@inheritDoc} */
408         @Override
409         public void addXYZAcceleration(final double x, final double y,
410                 final double z) {
411             //TODO How to be sure we are in the good frame ???
412             acceleration = new Vector3D(x, y, z);
413         }
415         /** {@inheritDoc} */
416         @Override
417         public void addAcceleration(final Vector3D gamma, final Frame frame)
418             throws OrekitException {
419             acceleration = frame.getTransformTo(state.getFrame(),
420                     state.getDate()).transformVector(gamma);
421         }
423         /** {@inheritDoc} */
424         @Override
425         public void addMassDerivative(final double q) {
426         }
428         /** Get the acceleration vector.
429          * @return acceleration vector
430          */
431         public Vector3D getAcceleration() {
432             return acceleration;
433         }
435     }
437     /** Internal class for numerical quadrature. */
438     private class IntegrableFunction implements UnivariateVectorFunction {
440         /** Current state. */
441         private final SpacecraftState state;
443         /** Signal that this class is used to compute the values required by the mean element variations
444          * or by the short periodic element variations. */
445         private final boolean meanMode;
447         /** The j index.
448          * <p>
449          * Used only for short periodic variation. Ignored for mean elements variation.
450          * </p> */
451         private final int j;
453         /** Build a new instance.
454          *  @param  state current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
455          *  @param meanMode if true return the value associated to the mean elements variation,
456          *                  if false return the values associated to the short periodic elements variation
457          * @param j the j index. used only for short periodic variation. Ignored for mean elements variation.
458          */
459         public IntegrableFunction(final SpacecraftState state, final boolean meanMode, final int j) {
460             this.state = state;
461             this.meanMode = meanMode;
462             this.j = j;
463         }
465         /** {@inheritDoc} */
466         @Override
467         public double[] value(final double x) {
469             //Compute the time difference from the true longitude difference
470             final double shiftedLm = trueToMean(x);
471             final double dLm = shiftedLm - lm;
472             final double dt = dLm / n;
474             final double cosL = FastMath.cos(x);
475             final double sinL = FastMath.sin(x);
476             final double roa  = B * B / (1. + h * sinL + k * cosL);
477             final double roa2 = roa * roa;
478             final double r    = a * roa;
479             final double X    = r * cosL;
480             final double Y    = r * sinL;
481             final double naob = n * a / B;
482             final double Xdot = -naob * (h + sinL);
483             final double Ydot =  naob * (k + cosL);
484             final Vector3D vel = new Vector3D(Xdot, f, Ydot, g);
486             // Compute acceleration
487             Vector3D acc = Vector3D.ZERO;
488             try {
490                 // shift the orbit to dt
491                 final Orbit shiftedOrbit = state.getOrbit().shiftedBy(dt);
493                 // Recompose an orbit with time held fixed to be compliant with DSST theory
494                 final Orbit recomposedOrbit =
495                         new EquinoctialOrbit(shiftedOrbit.getA(),
496                                              shiftedOrbit.getEquinoctialEx(),
497                                              shiftedOrbit.getEquinoctialEy(),
498                                              shiftedOrbit.getHx(),
499                                              shiftedOrbit.getHy(),
500                                              shiftedOrbit.getLv(),
501                                              PositionAngle.TRUE,
502                                              shiftedOrbit.getFrame(),
503                                              state.getDate(),
504                                              shiftedOrbit.getMu());
506                 // Get the corresponding attitude
507                 final Attitude recomposedAttitude =
508                         attitudeProvider.getAttitude(recomposedOrbit,
509                                                      recomposedOrbit.getDate(),
510                                                      recomposedOrbit.getFrame());
512                 // create shifted SpacecraftState with attitude at specified time
513                 final SpacecraftState shiftedState =
514                         new SpacecraftState(recomposedOrbit, recomposedAttitude, state.getMass());
516                 acc = getAcceleration(shiftedState);
518             } catch (OrekitException oe) {
519                 throw new OrekitExceptionWrapper(oe);
520             }
521             //Compute the derivatives of the elements by the speed
522             final double[] deriv = new double[6];
523             // da/dv
524             deriv[0] = getAoV(vel).dotProduct(acc);
525             // dex/dv
526             deriv[1] = getKoV(X, Y, Xdot, Ydot).dotProduct(acc);
527             // dey/dv
528             deriv[2] = getHoV(X, Y, Xdot, Ydot).dotProduct(acc);
529             // dhx/dv
530             deriv[3] = getQoV(X).dotProduct(acc);
531             // dhy/dv
532             deriv[4] = getPoV(Y).dotProduct(acc);
533             // dλ/dv
534             deriv[5] = getLoV(X, Y, Xdot, Ydot).dotProduct(acc);
536             // Compute mean elements rates
537             double[] val = null;
538             if (meanMode) {
539                 val = new double[6];
540                 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
541                     // da<sub>i</sub>/dt
542                     val[i] = roa2 * deriv[i];
543                 }
544             } else {
545                 val = new double [12];
546                 //Compute cos(j*L) and sin(j*L);
547                 final double cosjL = j == 1 ? cosL : FastMath.cos(j * x);
548                 final double sinjL = j == 1 ? sinL : FastMath.sin(j * x);
550                 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
551                     // da<sub>i</sub>/dv * cos(jL)
552                     val[i] = cosjL * deriv[i];
553                     // da<sub>i</sub>/dv * sin(jL)
554                     val[i + 6] = sinjL * deriv[i];
555                 }
556             }
557             return val;
558         }
560         /** Converts true longitude to eccentric longitude.
561          * @param lv True longitude
562          * @return Eccentric longitude
563          */
564         private double trueToEccentric (final double lv) {
565             final double cosLv   = FastMath.cos(lv);
566             final double sinLv   = FastMath.sin(lv);
567             final double num     = h * cosLv - k * sinLv;
568             final double den     = B + 1 + k * cosLv + h * sinLv;
569             return lv + 2 * FastMath.atan(num / den);
570         }
572         /** Converts eccentric longitude to mean longitude.
573          * @param le Eccentric longitude
574          * @return Mean longitude
575          */
576         private double eccentricToMean (final double le) {
577             return le - k * FastMath.sin(le) + h * FastMath.cos(le);
578         }
580         /** Converts true longitude to mean longitude.
581          * @param lv True longitude
582          * @return Eccentric longitude
583          */
584         private double trueToMean (final double lv) {
585             return eccentricToMean(trueToEccentric(lv));
586         }
588         /** Compute δa/δv.
589          *  @param vel satellite velocity
590          *  @return δa/δv
591          */
592         private Vector3D getAoV(final Vector3D vel) {
593             return new Vector3D(ton2a, vel);
594         }
596         /** Compute δh/δv.
597          *  @param X satellite position component along f, equinoctial reference frame 1st vector
598          *  @param Y satellite position component along g, equinoctial reference frame 2nd vector
599          *  @param Xdot satellite velocity component along f, equinoctial reference frame 1st vector
600          *  @param Ydot satellite velocity component along g, equinoctial reference frame 2nd vector
601          *  @return δh/δv
602          */
603         private Vector3D getHoV(final double X, final double Y, final double Xdot, final double Ydot) {
604             final double kf = (2. * Xdot * Y - X * Ydot) * ooMu;
605             final double kg = X * Xdot * ooMu;
606             final double kw = k * (I * q * Y - p * X) * ooAB;
607             return new Vector3D(kf, f, -kg, g, kw, w);
608         }
610         /** Compute δk/δv.
611          *  @param X satellite position component along f, equinoctial reference frame 1st vector
612          *  @param Y satellite position component along g, equinoctial reference frame 2nd vector
613          *  @param Xdot satellite velocity component along f, equinoctial reference frame 1st vector
614          *  @param Ydot satellite velocity component along g, equinoctial reference frame 2nd vector
615          *  @return δk/δv
616          */
617         private Vector3D getKoV(final double X, final double Y, final double Xdot, final double Ydot) {
618             final double kf = Y * Ydot * ooMu;
619             final double kg = (2. * X * Ydot - Xdot * Y) * ooMu;
620             final double kw = h * (I * q * Y - p * X) * ooAB;
621             return new Vector3D(-kf, f, kg, g, -kw, w);
622         }
624         /** Compute δp/δv.
625          *  @param Y satellite position component along g, equinoctial reference frame 2nd vector
626          *  @return δp/δv
627          */
628         private Vector3D getPoV(final double Y) {
629             return new Vector3D(co2AB * Y, w);
630         }
632         /** Compute δq/δv.
633          *  @param X satellite position component along f, equinoctial reference frame 1st vector
634          *  @return δq/δv
635          */
636         private Vector3D getQoV(final double X) {
637             return new Vector3D(I * co2AB * X, w);
638         }
640         /** Compute δλ/δv.
641          *  @param X satellite position component along f, equinoctial reference frame 1st vector
642          *  @param Y satellite position component along g, equinoctial reference frame 2nd vector
643          *  @param Xdot satellite velocity component along f, equinoctial reference frame 1st vector
644          *  @param Ydot satellite velocity component along g, equinoctial reference frame 2nd vector
645          *  @return δλ/δv
646          */
647         private Vector3D getLoV(final double X, final double Y, final double Xdot, final double Ydot) {
648             final Vector3D pos = new Vector3D(X, f, Y, g);
649             final Vector3D v2  = new Vector3D(k, getHoV(X, Y, Xdot, Ydot), -h, getKoV(X, Y, Xdot, Ydot));
650             return new Vector3D(-2. * ooA, pos, ooBpo, v2, (I * q * Y - p * X) * ooA, w);
651         }
653     }
655     /** Class used to {@link #integrate(UnivariateVectorFunction, double, double) integrate}
656      *  a {@link org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateVectorFunction function}
657      *  of the orbital elements using the Gaussian quadrature rule to get the acceleration.
658      */
659     private static class GaussQuadrature {
661         // CHECKSTYLE: stop NoWhitespaceAfter
663         // Points and weights for the available quadrature orders
665         /** Points for quadrature of order 12. */
666         private static final double[] P_12 = {
667             -0.98156063424671910000,
668             -0.90411725637047490000,
669             -0.76990267419430470000,
670             -0.58731795428661740000,
671             -0.36783149899818024000,
672             -0.12523340851146890000,
673             0.12523340851146890000,
674             0.36783149899818024000,
675             0.58731795428661740000,
676             0.76990267419430470000,
677             0.90411725637047490000,
678             0.98156063424671910000
679         };
681         /** Weights for quadrature of order 12. */
682         private static final double[] W_12 = {
683             0.04717533638651220000,
684             0.10693932599531830000,
685             0.16007832854334633000,
686             0.20316742672306584000,
687             0.23349253653835478000,
688             0.24914704581340286000,
689             0.24914704581340286000,
690             0.23349253653835478000,
691             0.20316742672306584000,
692             0.16007832854334633000,
693             0.10693932599531830000,
694             0.04717533638651220000
695         };
697         /** Points for quadrature of order 16. */
698         private static final double[] P_16 = {
699             -0.98940093499164990000,
700             -0.94457502307323260000,
701             -0.86563120238783160000,
702             -0.75540440835500310000,
703             -0.61787624440264380000,
704             -0.45801677765722737000,
705             -0.28160355077925890000,
706             -0.09501250983763745000,
707             0.09501250983763745000,
708             0.28160355077925890000,
709             0.45801677765722737000,
710             0.61787624440264380000,
711             0.75540440835500310000,
712             0.86563120238783160000,
713             0.94457502307323260000,
714             0.98940093499164990000
715         };
717         /** Weights for quadrature of order 16. */
718         private static final double[] W_16 = {
719             0.02715245941175405800,
720             0.06225352393864777000,
721             0.09515851168249283000,
722             0.12462897125553388000,
723             0.14959598881657685000,
724             0.16915651939500256000,
725             0.18260341504492360000,
726             0.18945061045506847000,
727             0.18945061045506847000,
728             0.18260341504492360000,
729             0.16915651939500256000,
730             0.14959598881657685000,
731             0.12462897125553388000,
732             0.09515851168249283000,
733             0.06225352393864777000,
734             0.02715245941175405800
735         };
737         /** Points for quadrature of order 20. */
738         private static final double[] P_20 = {
739             -0.99312859918509490000,
740             -0.96397192727791390000,
741             -0.91223442825132600000,
742             -0.83911697182221890000,
743             -0.74633190646015080000,
744             -0.63605368072651510000,
745             -0.51086700195082700000,
746             -0.37370608871541955000,
747             -0.22778585114164507000,
748             -0.07652652113349734000,
749             0.07652652113349734000,
750             0.22778585114164507000,
751             0.37370608871541955000,
752             0.51086700195082700000,
753             0.63605368072651510000,
754             0.74633190646015080000,
755             0.83911697182221890000,
756             0.91223442825132600000,
757             0.96397192727791390000,
758             0.99312859918509490000
759         };
761         /** Weights for quadrature of order 20. */
762         private static final double[] W_20 = {
763             0.01761400713915226400,
764             0.04060142980038684000,
765             0.06267204833410904000,
766             0.08327674157670477000,
767             0.10193011981724048000,
768             0.11819453196151844000,
769             0.13168863844917678000,
770             0.14209610931838212000,
771             0.14917298647260380000,
772             0.15275338713072600000,
773             0.15275338713072600000,
774             0.14917298647260380000,
775             0.14209610931838212000,
776             0.13168863844917678000,
777             0.11819453196151844000,
778             0.10193011981724048000,
779             0.08327674157670477000,
780             0.06267204833410904000,
781             0.04060142980038684000,
782             0.01761400713915226400
783         };
785         /** Points for quadrature of order 24. */
786         private static final double[] P_24 = {
787             -0.99518721999702130000,
788             -0.97472855597130950000,
789             -0.93827455200273270000,
790             -0.88641552700440100000,
791             -0.82000198597390300000,
792             -0.74012419157855440000,
793             -0.64809365193697550000,
794             -0.54542147138883950000,
795             -0.43379350762604520000,
796             -0.31504267969616340000,
797             -0.19111886747361634000,
798             -0.06405689286260563000,
799             0.06405689286260563000,
800             0.19111886747361634000,
801             0.31504267969616340000,
802             0.43379350762604520000,
803             0.54542147138883950000,
804             0.64809365193697550000,
805             0.74012419157855440000,
806             0.82000198597390300000,
807             0.88641552700440100000,
808             0.93827455200273270000,
809             0.97472855597130950000,
810             0.99518721999702130000
811         };
813         /** Weights for quadrature of order 24. */
814         private static final double[] W_24 = {
815             0.01234122979998733500,
816             0.02853138862893380600,
817             0.04427743881741981000,
818             0.05929858491543691500,
819             0.07334648141108027000,
820             0.08619016153195320000,
821             0.09761865210411391000,
822             0.10744427011596558000,
823             0.11550566805372553000,
824             0.12167047292780335000,
825             0.12583745634682825000,
826             0.12793819534675221000,
827             0.12793819534675221000,
828             0.12583745634682825000,
829             0.12167047292780335000,
830             0.11550566805372553000,
831             0.10744427011596558000,
832             0.09761865210411391000,
833             0.08619016153195320000,
834             0.07334648141108027000,
835             0.05929858491543691500,
836             0.04427743881741981000,
837             0.02853138862893380600,
838             0.01234122979998733500
839         };
841         /** Points for quadrature of order 32. */
842         private static final double[] P_32 = {
843             -0.99726386184948160000,
844             -0.98561151154526840000,
845             -0.96476225558750640000,
846             -0.93490607593773970000,
847             -0.89632115576605220000,
848             -0.84936761373256990000,
849             -0.79448379596794250000,
850             -0.73218211874028970000,
851             -0.66304426693021520000,
852             -0.58771575724076230000,
853             -0.50689990893222950000,
854             -0.42135127613063540000,
855             -0.33186860228212767000,
856             -0.23928736225213710000,
857             -0.14447196158279646000,
858             -0.04830766568773831000,
859             0.04830766568773831000,
860             0.14447196158279646000,
861             0.23928736225213710000,
862             0.33186860228212767000,
863             0.42135127613063540000,
864             0.50689990893222950000,
865             0.58771575724076230000,
866             0.66304426693021520000,
867             0.73218211874028970000,
868             0.79448379596794250000,
869             0.84936761373256990000,
870             0.89632115576605220000,
871             0.93490607593773970000,
872             0.96476225558750640000,
873             0.98561151154526840000,
874             0.99726386184948160000
875         };
877         /** Weights for quadrature of order 32. */
878         private static final double[] W_32 = {
879             0.00701861000947013600,
880             0.01627439473090571200,
881             0.02539206530926214200,
882             0.03427386291302141000,
883             0.04283589802222658600,
884             0.05099805926237621600,
885             0.05868409347853559000,
886             0.06582222277636193000,
887             0.07234579410884862000,
888             0.07819389578707042000,
889             0.08331192422694673000,
890             0.08765209300440380000,
891             0.09117387869576390000,
892             0.09384439908080441000,
893             0.09563872007927487000,
894             0.09654008851472784000,
895             0.09654008851472784000,
896             0.09563872007927487000,
897             0.09384439908080441000,
898             0.09117387869576390000,
899             0.08765209300440380000,
900             0.08331192422694673000,
901             0.07819389578707042000,
902             0.07234579410884862000,
903             0.06582222277636193000,
904             0.05868409347853559000,
905             0.05099805926237621600,
906             0.04283589802222658600,
907             0.03427386291302141000,
908             0.02539206530926214200,
909             0.01627439473090571200,
910             0.00701861000947013600
911         };
913         /** Points for quadrature of order 40. */
914         private static final double[] P_40 = {
915             -0.99823770971055930000,
916             -0.99072623869945710000,
917             -0.97725994998377420000,
918             -0.95791681921379170000,
919             -0.93281280827867660000,
920             -0.90209880696887420000,
921             -0.86595950321225960000,
922             -0.82461223083331170000,
923             -0.77830565142651940000,
924             -0.72731825518992710000,
925             -0.67195668461417960000,
926             -0.61255388966798030000,
927             -0.54946712509512820000,
928             -0.48307580168617870000,
929             -0.41377920437160500000,
930             -0.34199409082575850000,
931             -0.26815218500725370000,
932             -0.19269758070137110000,
933             -0.11608407067525522000,
934             -0.03877241750605081600,
935             0.03877241750605081600,
936             0.11608407067525522000,
937             0.19269758070137110000,
938             0.26815218500725370000,
939             0.34199409082575850000,
940             0.41377920437160500000,
941             0.48307580168617870000,
942             0.54946712509512820000,
943             0.61255388966798030000,
944             0.67195668461417960000,
945             0.72731825518992710000,
946             0.77830565142651940000,
947             0.82461223083331170000,
948             0.86595950321225960000,
949             0.90209880696887420000,
950             0.93281280827867660000,
951             0.95791681921379170000,
952             0.97725994998377420000,
953             0.99072623869945710000,
954             0.99823770971055930000
955         };
957         /** Weights for quadrature of order 40. */
958         private static final double[] W_40 = {
959             0.00452127709853309800,
960             0.01049828453115270400,
961             0.01642105838190797300,
962             0.02224584919416689000,
963             0.02793700698002338000,
964             0.03346019528254786500,
965             0.03878216797447199000,
966             0.04387090818567333000,
967             0.04869580763507221000,
968             0.05322784698393679000,
969             0.05743976909939157000,
970             0.06130624249292891000,
971             0.06480401345660108000,
972             0.06791204581523394000,
973             0.07061164739128681000,
974             0.07288658239580408000,
975             0.07472316905796833000,
976             0.07611036190062619000,
977             0.07703981816424793000,
978             0.07750594797842482000,
979             0.07750594797842482000,
980             0.07703981816424793000,
981             0.07611036190062619000,
982             0.07472316905796833000,
983             0.07288658239580408000,
984             0.07061164739128681000,
985             0.06791204581523394000,
986             0.06480401345660108000,
987             0.06130624249292891000,
988             0.05743976909939157000,
989             0.05322784698393679000,
990             0.04869580763507221000,
991             0.04387090818567333000,
992             0.03878216797447199000,
993             0.03346019528254786500,
994             0.02793700698002338000,
995             0.02224584919416689000,
996             0.01642105838190797300,
997             0.01049828453115270400,
998             0.00452127709853309800
999         };
1001         /** Points for quadrature of order 48. */
1002         private static final double[] P_48 = {
1003             -0.99877100725242610000,
1004             -0.99353017226635080000,
1005             -0.98412458372282700000,
1006             -0.97059159254624720000,
1007             -0.95298770316043080000,
1008             -0.93138669070655440000,
1009             -0.90587913671556960000,
1010             -0.87657202027424800000,
1011             -0.84358826162439350000,
1012             -0.80706620402944250000,
1013             -0.76715903251574020000,
1014             -0.72403413092381470000,
1015             -0.67787237963266400000,
1016             -0.62886739677651370000,
1017             -0.57722472608397270000,
1018             -0.52316097472223300000,
1019             -0.46690290475095840000,
1020             -0.40868648199071680000,
1021             -0.34875588629216070000,
1022             -0.28736248735545555000,
1023             -0.22476379039468908000,
1024             -0.16122235606889174000,
1025             -0.09700469920946270000,
1026             -0.03238017096286937000,
1027             0.03238017096286937000,
1028             0.09700469920946270000,
1029             0.16122235606889174000,
1030             0.22476379039468908000,
1031             0.28736248735545555000,
1032             0.34875588629216070000,
1033             0.40868648199071680000,
1034             0.46690290475095840000,
1035             0.52316097472223300000,
1036             0.57722472608397270000,
1037             0.62886739677651370000,
1038             0.67787237963266400000,
1039             0.72403413092381470000,
1040             0.76715903251574020000,
1041             0.80706620402944250000,
1042             0.84358826162439350000,
1043             0.87657202027424800000,
1044             0.90587913671556960000,
1045             0.93138669070655440000,
1046             0.95298770316043080000,
1047             0.97059159254624720000,
1048             0.98412458372282700000,
1049             0.99353017226635080000,
1050             0.99877100725242610000
1051         };
1053         /** Weights for quadrature of order 48. */
1054         private static final double[] W_48 = {
1055             0.00315334605230596250,
1056             0.00732755390127620800,
1057             0.01147723457923446900,
1058             0.01557931572294386600,
1059             0.01961616045735556700,
1060             0.02357076083932435600,
1061             0.02742650970835688000,
1062             0.03116722783279807000,
1063             0.03477722256477045000,
1064             0.03824135106583080600,
1065             0.04154508294346483000,
1066             0.04467456085669424000,
1067             0.04761665849249054000,
1068             0.05035903555385448000,
1069             0.05289018948519365000,
1070             0.05519950369998416500,
1071             0.05727729210040315000,
1072             0.05911483969839566000,
1073             0.06070443916589384000,
1074             0.06203942315989268000,
1075             0.06311419228625403000,
1076             0.06392423858464817000,
1077             0.06446616443595010000,
1078             0.06473769681268386000,
1079             0.06473769681268386000,
1080             0.06446616443595010000,
1081             0.06392423858464817000,
1082             0.06311419228625403000,
1083             0.06203942315989268000,
1084             0.06070443916589384000,
1085             0.05911483969839566000,
1086             0.05727729210040315000,
1087             0.05519950369998416500,
1088             0.05289018948519365000,
1089             0.05035903555385448000,
1090             0.04761665849249054000,
1091             0.04467456085669424000,
1092             0.04154508294346483000,
1093             0.03824135106583080600,
1094             0.03477722256477045000,
1095             0.03116722783279807000,
1096             0.02742650970835688000,
1097             0.02357076083932435600,
1098             0.01961616045735556700,
1099             0.01557931572294386600,
1100             0.01147723457923446900,
1101             0.00732755390127620800,
1102             0.00315334605230596250
1103         };
1104         // CHECKSTYLE: resume NoWhitespaceAfter
1106         /** Node points. */
1107         private final double[] nodePoints;
1109         /** Node weights. */
1110         private final double[] nodeWeights;
1112         /** Creates a Gauss integrator of the given order.
1113          *
1114          *  @param numberOfPoints Order of the integration rule.
1115          */
1116         public GaussQuadrature(final int numberOfPoints) {
1118             switch(numberOfPoints) {
1119             case 12 :
1120                 this.nodePoints  = P_12.clone();
1121                 this.nodeWeights = W_12.clone();
1122                 break;
1123             case 16 :
1124                 this.nodePoints  = P_16.clone();
1125                 this.nodeWeights = W_16.clone();
1126                 break;
1127             case 20 :
1128                 this.nodePoints  = P_20.clone();
1129                 this.nodeWeights = W_20.clone();
1130                 break;
1131             case 24 :
1132                 this.nodePoints  = P_24.clone();
1133                 this.nodeWeights = W_24.clone();
1134                 break;
1135             case 32 :
1136                 this.nodePoints  = P_32.clone();
1137                 this.nodeWeights = W_32.clone();
1138                 break;
1139             case 40 :
1140                 this.nodePoints  = P_40.clone();
1141                 this.nodeWeights = W_40.clone();
1142                 break;
1143             case 48 :
1144             default :
1145                 this.nodePoints  = P_48.clone();
1146                 this.nodeWeights = W_48.clone();
1147                 break;
1148             }
1150         }
1152         /** Integrates a given function on the given interval.
1153          *
1154          *  @param f Function to integrate.
1155          *  @param lowerBound Lower bound of the integration interval.
1156          *  @param upperBound Upper bound of the integration interval.
1157          *  @return the integral of the weighted function.
1158          */
1159         public double[] integrate(final UnivariateVectorFunction f,
1160                 final double lowerBound, final double upperBound) {
1162             final double[] adaptedPoints  = nodePoints.clone();
1163             final double[] adaptedWeights = nodeWeights.clone();
1164             transform(adaptedPoints, adaptedWeights, lowerBound, upperBound);
1165             return basicIntegrate(f, adaptedPoints, adaptedWeights);
1166         }
1168         /** Performs a change of variable so that the integration
1169          *  can be performed on an arbitrary interval {@code [a, b]}.
1170          *  <p>
1171          *  It is assumed that the natural interval is {@code [-1, 1]}.
1172          *  </p>
1173          *
1174          * @param points  Points to adapt to the new interval.
1175          * @param weights Weights to adapt to the new interval.
1176          * @param a Lower bound of the integration interval.
1177          * @param b Lower bound of the integration interval.
1178          */
1179         private void transform(final double[] points, final double[] weights,
1180                 final double a, final double b) {
1181             // Scaling
1182             final double scale = (b - a) / 2;
1183             final double shift = a + scale;
1184             for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
1185                 points[i]   = points[i] * scale + shift;
1186                 weights[i] *= scale;
1187             }
1188         }
1190         /** Returns an estimate of the integral of {@code f(x) * w(x)},
1191          *  where {@code w} is a weight function that depends on the actual
1192          *  flavor of the Gauss integration scheme.
1193          *
1194          * @param f Function to integrate.
1195          * @param points  Nodes.
1196          * @param weights Nodes weights.
1197          * @return the integral of the weighted function.
1198          */
1199         private double[] basicIntegrate(final UnivariateVectorFunction f,
1200                 final double[] points,
1201                 final double[] weights) {
1202             double x = points[0];
1203             double w = weights[0];
1204             double[] v = f.value(x);
1205             final double[] y = new double[v.length];
1206             for (int j = 0; j < v.length; j++) {
1207                 y[j] = w * v[j];
1208             }
1209             final double[] t = y.clone();
1210             final double[] c = new double[v.length];
1211             final double[] s = t.clone();
1212             for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
1213                 x = points[i];
1214                 w = weights[i];
1215                 v = f.value(x);
1216                 for (int j = 0; j < v.length; j++) {
1217                     y[j] = w * v[j] - c[j];
1218                     t[j] =  s[j] + y[j];
1219                     c[j] = (t[j] - s[j]) - y[j];
1220                     s[j] = t[j];
1221                 }
1222             }
1223             return s;
1224         }
1226     }
1228     /** Compute the C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and the S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1229      *  <p>
1230      *  Those coefficients are given in Danielson paper by expression 4.4-(6)
1231      *  </p>
1232      *  @author Petre Bazavan
1233      *  @author Lucian Barbulescu
1234      */
1235     private class FourierCjSjCoefficients {
1237         /** Maximum possible value for j. */
1238         private final int jMax;
1240         /** The C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1241          * <p>
1242          * the index i corresponds to the following elements: <br/>
1243          * - 0 for a <br>
1244          * - 1 for k <br>
1245          * - 2 for h <br>
1246          * - 3 for q <br>
1247          * - 4 for p <br>
1248          * - 5 for λ <br>
1249          * </p>
1250          */
1251         private final double[][] cCoef;
1253         /** The C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1254          * <p>
1255          * the index i corresponds to the following elements: <br/>
1256          * - 0 for a <br>
1257          * - 1 for k <br>
1258          * - 2 for h <br>
1259          * - 3 for q <br>
1260          * - 4 for p <br>
1261          * - 5 for λ <br>
1262          * </p>
1263          */
1264         private final double[][] sCoef;
1266         /** Standard constructor.
1267          * @param state the current state
1268          * @param jMax maximum value for j
1269          * @throws OrekitException in case of an error
1270          */
1271         public FourierCjSjCoefficients(final SpacecraftState state, final int jMax) throws OrekitException {
1272             //Initialise the fields
1273             this.jMax = jMax;
1275             //Allocate the arrays
1276             cCoef = new double[jMax + 1][6];
1277             sCoef = new double[jMax + 1][6];
1279             //Compute the coefficients
1280             computeCoefficients(state);
1281         }
1283         /**
1284          * Compute the Fourrier coefficients.
1285          * <p>
1286          * Only the C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients need to be computed
1287          * as D<sub>i</sub><sup>m</sup> is always 0.
1288          * </p>
1289          * @param state the current state
1290          * @throws OrekitException in case of an error
1291          */
1292         private void computeCoefficients(final SpacecraftState state) throws OrekitException {
1293             // Computes the limits for the integral
1294             final double[] ll = getLLimits(state);
1295             // Computes integrated mean element rates if Llow < Lhigh
1296             if (ll[0] < ll[1]) {
1297                 //Compute 1 / PI
1298                 final double ooPI = 1 / FastMath.PI;
1300                 // loop through all values of j
1301                 for (int j = 0; j <= jMax; j++) {
1302                     final double[] curentCoefficients = integrator.integrate(new IntegrableFunction(state, false, j), ll[0], ll[1]);
1304                     //divide by PI and set the values for the coefficients
1305                     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
1306                         cCoef[j][i] = ooPI * curentCoefficients[i];
1307                         sCoef[j][i] = ooPI * curentCoefficients[i + 6];
1308                     }
1309                 }
1310             }
1311         }
1313         /** Get the coefficient C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
1314          * @param i i index - corresponds to the required variation
1315          * @param j j index
1316          * @return the coefficient C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>
1317          */
1318         public double getCij(final int i, final int j) {
1319             return cCoef[j][i];
1320         }
1322         /** Get the coefficient S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
1323          * @param i i index - corresponds to the required variation
1324          * @param j j index
1325          * @return the coefficient S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>
1326          */
1327         public double getSij(final int i, final int j) {
1328             return sCoef[j][i];
1329         }
1330     }
1332     /** This class handles the short periodic coefficients described in Danielson 2.5.3-26.
1333      *
1334      * <p>
1335      * The value of M is 0. Also, since the values of the Fourier coefficient D<sub>i</sub><sup>m</sup> is 0
1336      * then the values of the coefficients D<sub>i</sub><sup>m</sup> for m > 2 are also 0.
1337      * </p>
1338      * @author Petre Bazavan
1339      * @author Lucian Barbulescu
1340      *
1341      */
1342     private class GaussianShortPeriodicCoefficients {
1344         /** Maximum value for j index. */
1345         private final int jMax;
1347         /**The coefficients D<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
1348          * <p>
1349          * Only for j = 1 and j = 2 the coefficients are not 0. <br>
1350          * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows:
1351          * - i=0 for a <br/>
1352          * - i=1 for k <br/>
1353          * - i=2 for h <br/>
1354          * - i=3 for q <br/>
1355          * - i=4 for p <br/>
1356          * - i=5 for λ <br/>
1357          * </p>
1358          */
1359         private final ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[][] dij;
1361         /** The coefficients C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
1362          * <p>
1363          * The index order is cij[j][i] <br/>
1364          * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows: <br/>
1365          * - i=0 for a <br/>
1366          * - i=1 for k <br/>
1367          * - i=2 for h <br/>
1368          * - i=3 for q <br/>
1369          * - i=4 for p <br/>
1370          * - i=5 for λ <br/>
1371          * </p>
1372          */
1373         private final ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[][] cij;
1375         /** The coefficients S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
1376          * <p>
1377          * The index order is sij[j][i] <br/>
1378          * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows: <br/>
1379          * - i=0 for a <br/>
1380          * - i=1 for k <br/>
1381          * - i=2 for h <br/>
1382          * - i=3 for q <br/>
1383          * - i=4 for p <br/>
1384          * - i=5 for λ <br/>
1385          * </p>
1386          */
1387         private final ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[][] sij;
1389         /** The current computed values for the ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub> coefficients.
1390          * <p>
1391          * Index 0 corresponds to ρ, index 1 corresponds to σ
1392          * Used to compute the U<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and V<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1393          * </p>
1394          */
1395         private final double[][] currentRhoSigmaj;
1397         /** Constructor.
1398          *  @param jMax maximum value for j index
1399          *  @param interpolationPoints number of points used in the interpolation process
1400          */
1401         public GaussianShortPeriodicCoefficients(final int jMax, final int interpolationPoints) {
1402             //Initialise fields
1403             this.jMax = jMax;
1405             this.dij = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[3][6];
1407             this.cij = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[jMax + 1][6];
1408             this.sij = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[jMax + 1][6];
1410             this.currentRhoSigmaj = new double[2][3 * jMax + 1];
1412             // Initialise the C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>, S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and D<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients
1413             for (int j = 0; j <= jMax; j++) {
1414                 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
1415                     this.cij[j][i] = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient(interpolationPoints);
1416                     if (j > 0) {
1417                         this.sij[j][i] = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient(interpolationPoints);
1418                     }
1419                     // Initialise only the non-zero D<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients
1420                     if (j == 1 || (j == 2 && i == 5)) {
1421                         this.dij[j][i] = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient(interpolationPoints);
1422                     }
1423                 }
1424             }
1425         }
1427         /** Compute the short periodic coefficients.
1428          *
1429          * @param state current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
1430          * @throws OrekitException if an error occurs
1431          */
1432         public void computeCoefficients(final SpacecraftState state)
1433             throws OrekitException {
1435             // get the current date
1436             final AbsoluteDate date = state.getDate();
1438             // Compute ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub>
1439             computeRhoSigmaCoefficients(date);
1441             // Compute the Fourier coefficients
1442             final FourierCjSjCoefficients fourierCjSj = new FourierCjSjCoefficients(state, jMax);
1444             // Compute the required U and V coefficients
1445             final UijVijCoefficients uijvij = new UijVijCoefficients(currentRhoSigmaj, fourierCjSj, jMax);
1447             // compute the k₂⁰ coefficient
1448             final double k20 = computeK20(jMax);
1450             // 1. / n
1451             final double oon = 1. / n;
1452             // 3. / (2 * a * n)
1453             final double to2an = 1.5 * oon / a;
1454             // 3. / (4 * a * n)
1455             final double to4an = to2an / 2;
1457             // Compute the coefficients for each element
1458             for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
1460                 // compute D<sub>i</sub>¹ and D<sub>i</sub>² (all others are 0)
1461                 double di1 = -oon * fourierCjSj.getCij(i, 0);
1462                 if (i == 5) {
1463                     di1 += to2an * uijvij.getU1(0, 0);
1464                 }
1465                 double di2 = 0.;
1466                 if (i == 5) {
1467                     di2 += -to4an * fourierCjSj.getCij(0, 0);
1468                 }
1470                 //the C<sub>i</sub>⁰ is computed based on all others
1471                 double currentCi0 = -di2 * k20;
1473                 for (int j = 1; j <= jMax; j++) {
1474                     // compute the current C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>
1475                     double currentCij = oon * uijvij.getU1(j, i);
1476                     if (i == 5) {
1477                         currentCij += -to2an * uijvij.getU2(j);
1478                     }
1479                     double currentSij = oon * uijvij.getV1(j, i);
1480                     if (i == 5) {
1481                         currentSij += -to2an * uijvij.getV2(j);
1482                     }
1484                     // add the computed coefficients to C<sub>i</sub>⁰
1485                     currentCi0 += -(currentCij * currentRhoSigmaj[0][j] + currentSij * currentRhoSigmaj[1][j]);
1487                     // add the values to the interpolators
1488                     cij[j][i].addGridPoint(date, currentCij);
1489                     sij[j][i].addGridPoint(date, currentSij);
1490                 }
1492                 // add the computed values to the interpolators
1493                 cij[0][i].addGridPoint(date, currentCi0);
1494                 dij[1][i].addGridPoint(date, di1);
1495                 if (i == 5) {
1496                     dij[2][i].addGridPoint(date, di2);
1497                 }
1498             }
1499         }
1500         /** Reset the coefficients.
1501          * <p>
1502          * For each coefficient, clear history of computed points
1503          * </p>
1504          */
1505         public void resetCoefficients() {
1507             for (int j = 0; j <= jMax; j++) {
1508                 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
1509                     this.cij[j][i].clearHistory();
1510                     if (j > 0) {
1511                         this.sij[j][i].clearHistory();
1512                     }
1513                     if (j == 1 || (j == 2 && i == 5)) {
1514                         this.dij[j][i].clearHistory();
1515                     }
1516                 }
1517             }
1518         }
1520         /**
1521          * Compute the auxiliary quantities ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub>.
1522          * <p>
1523          * The expressions used are equations 2.5.3-(4) from the Danielson paper. <br/>
1524          *  ρ<sub>j</sub> = (1+jB)(-b)<sup>j</sup>C<sub>j</sub>(k, h) <br/>
1525          *  σ<sub>j</sub> = (1+jB)(-b)<sup>j</sup>S<sub>j</sub>(k, h) <br/>
1526          * </p>
1527          * @param date current date
1528          */
1529         private void computeRhoSigmaCoefficients(final AbsoluteDate date) {
1530             final CjSjCoefficient cjsjKH = new CjSjCoefficient(k, h);
1531             final double b = 1. / (1 + B);
1533             // (-b)<sup>j</sup>
1534             double mbtj = 1;
1536             for (int j = 1; j <= 3 * jMax; j++) {
1538                 //Compute current rho and sigma;
1539                 mbtj *= -b;
1540                 final double coef = (1 + j * B) * mbtj;
1541                 currentRhoSigmaj[0][j] = coef * cjsjKH.getCj(j);
1542                 currentRhoSigmaj[1][j] = coef * cjsjKH.getSj(j);
1543             }
1544         }
1546         /** Compute the coefficient k₂⁰ by using the equation
1547          * 2.5.3-(9a) from Danielson.
1548          * <p>
1549          * After inserting 2.5.3-(8) into 2.5.3-(9a) the result becomes:<br>
1550          * k₂⁰ = &Sigma;<sub>k=1</sub><sup>kMax</sup>[(2 / k²) * (σ<sub>k</sub>² + ρ<sub>k</sub>²)]
1551          * </p>
1552          * @param kMax max value fot k index
1553          * @return the coefficient k₂⁰
1554          */
1555         private double computeK20(final int kMax) {
1556             double k20 = 0.;
1558             for (int kIndex = 1; kIndex <= kMax; kIndex++) {
1559                 // After inserting 2.5.3-(8) into 2.5.3-(9a) the result becomes:
1560                 //k₂⁰ = &Sigma;<sub>k=1</sub><sup>kMax</sup>[(2 / k²) * (σ<sub>k</sub>² + ρ<sub>k</sub>²)]
1561                 double currentTerm = currentRhoSigmaj[1][kIndex] * currentRhoSigmaj[1][kIndex] +
1562                                      currentRhoSigmaj[0][kIndex] * currentRhoSigmaj[0][kIndex];
1564                 //multiply by 2 / k²
1565                 currentTerm *= 2. / (kIndex * kIndex);
1567                 // add the term to the result
1568                 k20 += currentTerm;
1569             }
1571             return k20;
1572         }
1574         /** Get C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
1575          *
1576          * @param i i index
1577          * @param j j index
1578          * @param date the date
1579          * @return C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>
1580          */
1581         public double getCij(final int i, final int j, final AbsoluteDate date) {
1582             return cij[j][i].value(date);
1583         }
1585         /** Get S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
1586          *
1587          * @param i i index
1588          * @param j j index
1589          * @param date the date
1590          * @return S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>
1591          */
1592         public double getSij(final int i, final int j, final AbsoluteDate date) {
1593             return sij[j][i].value(date);
1594         }
1596         /** Get D<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
1597          * @param i i index
1598          * @param j j index
1599          * @param date target date
1600          * @return D<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>
1601          */
1602         public double getDij(final int i, final int j, final AbsoluteDate date) {
1603             return dij[j][i].value(date);
1604         }
1605     }
1607     /** The U<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and V<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients described by
1608      * equations 2.5.3-(21) and 2.5.3-(22) from Danielson.
1609      * <p>
1610      * The index i takes only the values 1 and 2<br>
1611      * For U only the index 0 for j is used.
1612      * </p>
1613      *
1614      * @author Petre Bazavan
1615      * @author Lucian Barbulescu
1616      */
1617     private static class UijVijCoefficients {
1619         /** The U₁<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1620          * <p>
1621          * The first index identifies the Fourier coefficients used<br>
1622          * Those coefficients are computed for all Fourier C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup><br>
1623          * The only exception is when j = 0 when only the coefficient for fourier index = 1 (i == 0) is needed.<br>
1624          * Also, for fourier index = 1 (i == 0), the coefficients up to 2 * jMax are computed, because are required
1625          * to compute the coefficients U₂<sup>j</sup>
1626          * </p>
1627          */
1628         private final double[][] u1ij;
1630         /** The V₁<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1631          * <p>
1632          * The first index identifies the Fourier coefficients used<br>
1633          * Those coefficients are computed for all Fourier C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup><br>
1634          * for fourier index = 1 (i == 0), the coefficients up to 2 * jMax are computed, because are required
1635          * to compute the coefficients V₂<sup>j</sup>
1636          * </p>
1637          */
1638         private final double[][] v1ij;
1640         /** The U₂<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1641          * <p>
1642          * Only the coefficients that use the Fourier index = 1 (i == 0) are computed as they are the only ones required.
1643          * </p>
1644          */
1645         private final double[] u2ij;
1647         /** The V₂<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1648          * <p>
1649          * Only the coefficients that use the Fourier index = 1 (i == 0) are computed as they are the only ones required.
1650          * </p>
1651          */
1652         private final double[] v2ij;
1654         /** The current computed values for the ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub> coefficients. */
1655         private final double[][] currentRhoSigmaj;
1657         /** The C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and the S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> Fourier coefficients. */
1658         private final FourierCjSjCoefficients fourierCjSj;
1660         /** The maximum value for j index. */
1661         private final int jMax;
1663         /** Constructor.
1664          * @param currentRhoSigmaj the current computed values for the ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub> coefficients
1665          * @param fourierCjSj the fourier coefficients C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and the S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>
1666          * @param jMax maximum value for j index
1667          */
1668         public UijVijCoefficients(final double[][] currentRhoSigmaj, final FourierCjSjCoefficients fourierCjSj, final int jMax) {
1669             this.currentRhoSigmaj = currentRhoSigmaj;
1670             this.fourierCjSj = fourierCjSj;
1671             this.jMax = jMax;
1673             // initialize the internal arrays.
1674             this.u1ij = new double[6][2 * jMax + 1];
1675             this.v1ij = new double[6][2 * jMax + 1];
1676             this.u2ij = new double[jMax + 1];
1677             this.v2ij = new double[jMax + 1];
1679             //compute the coefficients
1680             computeU1V1Coefficients();
1681             computeU2V2Coefficients();
1682         }
1684         /** Build the U₁<sup>j</sup> and V₁<sup>j</sup> coefficients. */
1685         private void computeU1V1Coefficients() {
1686             // generate the U₁<sup>j</sup> and V₁<sup>j</sup> coefficients
1687             // for j >= 1
1688             // also the U₁⁰ for Fourier index = 1 (i == 0) coefficient will be computed
1689             u1ij[0][0] = 0;
1690             for (int j = 1; j <= jMax; j++) {
1691                 // compute 1 / j
1692                 final double ooj = 1. / j;
1694                 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
1695                     //j is aready between 1 and J
1696                     u1ij[i][j] = fourierCjSj.getSij(i, j);
1697                     v1ij[i][j] = fourierCjSj.getCij(i, j);
1699                     // 1 - δ<sub>1j</sub> is 1 for all j > 1
1700                     if (j > 1) {
1701                         // k starts with 1 because j-J is less than or equal to 0
1702                         for (int kIndex = 1; kIndex <= j - 1; kIndex++) {
1703                             // C<sub>i</sub><sup>j-k</sup> * σ<sub>k</sub> +
1704                             // S<sub>i</sub><sup>j-k</sup> * ρ<sub>k</sub>
1705                             u1ij[i][j] +=   fourierCjSj.getCij(i, j - kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][kIndex] +
1706                                             fourierCjSj.getSij(i, j - kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][kIndex];
1708                             // C<sub>i</sub><sup>j-k</sup> * ρ<sub>k</sub> -
1709                             // S<sub>i</sub><sup>j-k</sup> * σ<sub>k</sub>
1710                             v1ij[i][j] +=   fourierCjSj.getCij(i, j - kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][kIndex] -
1711                                             fourierCjSj.getSij(i, j - kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][kIndex];
1712                         }
1713                     }
1715                     // since j must be between 1 and J-1 and is already between 1 and J
1716                     // the following sum is skiped only for j = jMax
1717                     if (j != jMax) {
1718                         for (int kIndex = 1; kIndex <= jMax - j; kIndex++) {
1719                             // -C<sub>i</sub><sup>j+k</sup> * σ<sub>k</sub> +
1720                             // S<sub>i</sub><sup>j+k</sup> * ρ<sub>k</sub>
1721                             u1ij[i][j] +=   -fourierCjSj.getCij(i, j + kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][kIndex] +
1722                                             fourierCjSj.getSij(i, j + kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][kIndex];
1724                             // C<sub>i</sub><sup>j+k</sup> * ρ<sub>k</sub> +
1725                             // S<sub>i</sub><sup>j+k</sup> * σ<sub>k</sub>
1726                             v1ij[i][j] +=   fourierCjSj.getCij(i, j + kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][kIndex] +
1727                                             fourierCjSj.getSij(i, j + kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][kIndex];
1728                         }
1729                     }
1731                     for (int kIndex = 1; kIndex <= jMax; kIndex++) {
1732                         // C<sub>i</sub><sup>k</sup> * σ<sub>j+k</sub> -
1733                         // S<sub>i</sub><sup>k</sup> * ρ<sub>j+k</sub>
1734                         u1ij[i][j] +=   -fourierCjSj.getCij(i, kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][j + kIndex] -
1735                                         fourierCjSj.getSij(i, kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][j + kIndex];
1737                         // C<sub>i</sub><sup>k</sup> * ρ<sub>j+k</sub> +
1738                         // S<sub>i</sub><sup>k</sup> * σ<sub>j+k</sub>
1739                         v1ij[i][j] +=   fourierCjSj.getCij(i, kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][j + kIndex] +
1740                                         fourierCjSj.getSij(i, kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][j + kIndex];
1741                     }
1743                     // divide by 1 / j
1744                     u1ij[i][j] *= -ooj;
1745                     v1ij[i][j] *= ooj;
1747                     // if index = 1 (i == 0) add the computed terms to U₁⁰
1748                     if (i == 0) {
1749                         //- (U₁<sup>j</sup> * ρ<sub>j</sub> + V₁<sup>j</sup> * σ<sub>j</sub>
1750                         u1ij[0][0] += -u1ij[0][j] * currentRhoSigmaj[0][j] - v1ij[0][j] * currentRhoSigmaj[1][j];
1751                     }
1752                 }
1753             }
1755             // Terms with j > jMax are required only when computing the coefficients
1756             // U₂<sup>j</sup> and V₂<sup>j</sup>
1757             // and those coefficients are only required for Fourier index = 1 (i == 0).
1758             for (int j = jMax + 1; j <= 2 * jMax; j++) {
1759                 // compute 1 / j
1760                 final double ooj = 1. / j;
1761                 //the value of i is 0
1762                 u1ij[0][j] = 0.;
1763                 v1ij[0][j] = 0.;
1765                 //k starts from j-J as it is always greater than or equal to 1
1766                 for (int kIndex = j - jMax; kIndex <= j - 1; kIndex++) {
1767                     // C<sub>i</sub><sup>j-k</sup> * σ<sub>k</sub> +
1768                     // S<sub>i</sub><sup>j-k</sup> * ρ<sub>k</sub>
1769                     u1ij[0][j] +=   fourierCjSj.getCij(0, j - kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][kIndex] +
1770                                     fourierCjSj.getSij(0, j - kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][kIndex];
1772                     // C<sub>i</sub><sup>j-k</sup> * ρ<sub>k</sub> -
1773                     // S<sub>i</sub><sup>j-k</sup> * σ<sub>k</sub>
1774                     v1ij[0][j] +=   fourierCjSj.getCij(0, j - kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][kIndex] -
1775                                     fourierCjSj.getSij(0, j - kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][kIndex];
1776                 }
1777                 for (int kIndex = 1; kIndex <= jMax; kIndex++) {
1778                     // C<sub>i</sub><sup>k</sup> * σ<sub>j+k</sub> -
1779                     // S<sub>i</sub><sup>k</sup> * ρ<sub>j+k</sub>
1780                     u1ij[0][j] +=   -fourierCjSj.getCij(0, kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][j + kIndex] -
1781                                     fourierCjSj.getSij(0, kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][j + kIndex];
1783                     // C<sub>i</sub><sup>k</sup> * ρ<sub>j+k</sub> +
1784                     // S<sub>i</sub><sup>k</sup> * σ<sub>j+k</sub>
1785                     v1ij[0][j] +=   fourierCjSj.getCij(0, kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[0][j + kIndex] +
1786                                     fourierCjSj.getSij(0, kIndex) * currentRhoSigmaj[1][j + kIndex];
1787                 }
1789                 // divide by 1 / j
1790                 u1ij[0][j] *= -ooj;
1791                 v1ij[0][j] *= ooj;
1792             }
1793         }
1795         /** Build the U₁<sup>j</sup> and V₁<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
1796          * <p>
1797          * Only the coefficients for Fourier index = 1 (i == 0) are required.
1798          * </p>
1799          */
1800         private void computeU2V2Coefficients() {
1801             for (int j = 1; j <= jMax; j++) {
1802                 // compute 1 / j
1803                 final double ooj = 1. / j;
1805                 // only the values for i == 0 are computed
1806                 u2ij[j] = v1ij[0][j];
1807                 v2ij[j] = u1ij[0][j];
1809                 // 1 - δ<sub>1j</sub> is 1 for all j > 1
1810                 if (j > 1) {
1811                     for (int l = 1; l <= j - 1; l++) {
1812                         // U₁<sup>j-l</sup> * σ<sub>l</sub> +
1813                         // V₁<sup>j-l</sup> * ρ<sub>l</sub>
1814                         u2ij[j] +=   u1ij[0][j - l] * currentRhoSigmaj[1][l] +
1815                                      v1ij[0][j - l] * currentRhoSigmaj[0][l];
1817                         // U₁<sup>j-l</sup> * ρ<sub>l</sub> -
1818                         // V₁<sup>j-l</sup> * σ<sub>l</sub>
1819                         v2ij[j] +=   u1ij[0][j - l] * currentRhoSigmaj[0][l] -
1820                                      v1ij[0][j - l] * currentRhoSigmaj[1][l];
1821                     }
1822                 }
1824                 for (int l = 1; l <= jMax; l++) {
1825                     // -U₁<sup>j+l</sup> * σ<sub>l</sub> +
1826                     // U₁<sup>l</sup> * σ<sub>j+l</sub> +
1827                     // V₁<sup>j+l</sup> * ρ<sub>l</sub> -
1828                     // V₁<sup>l</sup> * ρ<sub>j+l</sub>
1829                     u2ij[j] +=   -u1ij[0][j + l] * currentRhoSigmaj[1][l] +
1830                                   u1ij[0][l] * currentRhoSigmaj[1][j + l] +
1831                                   v1ij[0][j + l] * currentRhoSigmaj[0][l] -
1832                                   v1ij[0][l] * currentRhoSigmaj[0][j + l];
1834                     // U₁<sup>j+l</sup> * ρ<sub>l</sub> +
1835                     // U₁<sup>l</sup> * ρ<sub>j+l</sub> +
1836                     // V₁<sup>j+l</sup> * σ<sub>l</sub> +
1837                     // V₁<sup>l</sup> * σ<sub>j+l</sub>
1838                     u2ij[j] +=   u1ij[0][j + l] * currentRhoSigmaj[0][l] +
1839                                  u1ij[0][l] * currentRhoSigmaj[0][j + l] +
1840                                  v1ij[0][j + l] * currentRhoSigmaj[1][l] +
1841                                  v1ij[0][l] * currentRhoSigmaj[1][j + l];
1842                 }
1844                 // divide by 1 / j
1845                 u2ij[j] *= -ooj;
1846                 v2ij[j] *= ooj;
1847             }
1848         }
1850         /** Get the coefficient U₁<sup>j</sup> for Fourier index i.
1851          *
1852          * @param j j index
1853          * @param i Fourier index (starts at 0)
1854          * @return the coefficient U₁<sup>j</sup> for the given Fourier index i
1855          */
1856         public double getU1(final int j, final int i) {
1857             return u1ij[i][j];
1858         }
1860         /** Get the coefficient V₁<sup>j</sup> for Fourier index i.
1861          *
1862          * @param j j index
1863          * @param i Fourier index (starts at 0)
1864          * @return the coefficient V₁<sup>j</sup> for the given Fourier index i
1865          */
1866         public double getV1(final int j, final int i) {
1867             return v1ij[i][j];
1868         }
1870         /** Get the coefficient U₂<sup>j</sup> for Fourier index = 1 (i == 0).
1871          *
1872          * @param j j index
1873          * @return the coefficient U₂<sup>j</sup> for Fourier index = 1 (i == 0)
1874          */
1875         public double getU2(final int j) {
1876             return u2ij[j];
1877         }
1879         /** Get the coefficient V₂<sup>j</sup> for Fourier index = 1 (i == 0).
1880          *
1881          * @param j j index
1882          * @return the coefficient V₂<sup>j</sup> for Fourier index = 1 (i == 0)
1883          */
1884         public double getV2(final int j) {
1885             return v2ij[j];
1886         }
1887     }
1888 }