The Hipparchus 1.4 Java mathematical library has been released recently. Here is the official announcement:
Hipparchus 1.4 is now available for download from the Hipparchus download pages or on Maven central and its mirrors under the groupId org.hipparchus. Highlights in the 1.4 release are:
- bilinear interpolation for 2D grids.
- field version of sinCos.
- support for complex ordinary differential equations (both primary and secondary equations).
- accessors for state transition matrix, Jacobian matrix H, innovation covariance matrix and Kalman gain in Kalman filters.
- way to build three-dimensional field arrays.
- several fixes in the Euclidean 3D and spherical 2D partitioning
This new version will be used for Orekit and Rugged next versions.
News summary