The Hipparchus 1.2 Java mathematical library has been released recently. Here is the official announcement:
The Hipparchus community is pleased to announce the release of Hipparchus 1.2.
Hipparchus is a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components addressing the most common problems not available in the Java programming language.
Hipparchus 1.2 is now available for download from the Hipparchus download page or on Maven central and its mirrors under the groupId org.hipparchus. Highlights in the 1.2 release are:
- new RealFieldElement implementations computing a tuple
- method to compute the orientation of a triplet of points in 2D
- bracketing helper methods in UnivariateSolverUtils for RealFieldUnivariateFunction
- getBRep method to PolyhedronsSet to extract a Boundary REPresentation in regular cases
This new version will be used for Orekit and Rugged next versions.
News summary