1   /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
2    * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.orekit.time;
19  import java.io.Serializable;
20  import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
21  import java.util.Locale;
22  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
23  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
25  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitIllegalArgumentException;
26  import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
28  /** Class representing a date broken up as year, month and day components.
29   * <p>This class uses the astronomical convention for calendars,
30   * which is also the convention used by <code>java.util.Date</code>:
31   * a year zero is present between years -1 and +1, and 10 days are
32   * missing in 1582. The calendar used around these special dates are:</p>
33   * <ul>
34   *   <li>up to 0000-12-31 : proleptic julian calendar</li>
35   *   <li>from 0001-01-01 to 1582-10-04: julian calendar</li>
36   *   <li>from 1582-10-15: gregorian calendar</li>
37   * </ul>
38   * <p>Instances of this class are guaranteed to be immutable.</p>
39   * @see TimeComponents
40   * @see DateTimeComponents
41   * @author Luc Maisonobe
42   */
43  public class DateComponents implements Serializable, Comparable<DateComponents> {
45      /** Reference epoch for julian dates: -4712-01-01.
46       * <p>Both <code>java.util.Date</code> and {@link DateComponents} classes
47       * follow the astronomical conventions and consider a year 0 between
48       * years -1 and +1, hence this reference date lies in year -4712 and not
49       * in year -4713 as can be seen in other documents or programs that obey
50       * a different convention (for example the <code>convcal</code> utility).</p>
51       */
52      public static final DateComponents JULIAN_EPOCH;
54      /** Reference epoch for modified julian dates: 1858-11-17. */
55      public static final DateComponents MODIFIED_JULIAN_EPOCH;
57      /** Reference epoch for 1950 dates: 1950-01-01. */
58      public static final DateComponents FIFTIES_EPOCH;
60      /** Reference epoch for CCSDS Time Code Format (CCSDS 301.0-B-4): 1958-01-01. */
61      public static final DateComponents CCSDS_EPOCH;
63      /** Reference epoch for Galileo System Time: 1999-08-22. */
64      public static final DateComponents GALILEO_EPOCH;
66      /** Reference epoch for GPS weeks: 1980-01-06. */
67      public static final DateComponents GPS_EPOCH;
69      /** Reference epoch for QZSS weeks: 1980-01-06. */
70      public static final DateComponents QZSS_EPOCH;
72      /** Reference epoch for IRNSS weeks: 1999-08-22. */
73      public static final DateComponents IRNSS_EPOCH;
75      /** Reference epoch for BeiDou weeks: 2006-01-01. */
76      public static final DateComponents BEIDOU_EPOCH;
78      /** Reference epoch for GLONASS four-year interval number: 1996-01-01. */
79      public static final DateComponents GLONASS_EPOCH;
81      /** J2000.0 Reference epoch: 2000-01-01. */
82      public static final DateComponents J2000_EPOCH;
84      /** Java Reference epoch: 1970-01-01. */
85      public static final DateComponents JAVA_EPOCH;
87      /** Maximum supported date.
88       * <p>
89       * This is date 5881610-07-11 which corresponds to {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}
90       * days after {@link #J2000_EPOCH}.
91       * </p>
92       * @since 9.0
93       */
94      public static final DateComponents MAX_EPOCH;
96      /** Maximum supported date.
97       * <p>
98       * This is date -5877490-03-03, which corresponds to {@code Integer.MIN_VALUE}
99       * days before {@link #J2000_EPOCH}.
100      * </p>
101      * @since 9.0
102      */
103     public static final DateComponents MIN_EPOCH;
105     /** Serializable UID. */
106     private static final long serialVersionUID = -2462694707837970938L;
108     /** Factory for proleptic julian calendar (up to 0000-12-31). */
109     private static final YearFactory PROLEPTIC_JULIAN_FACTORY = new ProlepticJulianFactory();
111     /** Factory for julian calendar (from 0001-01-01 to 1582-10-04). */
112     private static final YearFactory JULIAN_FACTORY           = new JulianFactory();
114     /** Factory for gregorian calendar (from 1582-10-15). */
115     private static final YearFactory GREGORIAN_FACTORY        = new GregorianFactory();
117     /** Factory for leap years. */
118     private static final MonthDayFactory LEAP_YEAR_FACTORY    = new LeapYearFactory();
120     /** Factory for non-leap years. */
121     private static final MonthDayFactory COMMON_YEAR_FACTORY  = new CommonYearFactory();
123     /** Formatting symbols used in {@link #toString()}. */
124     private static final DecimalFormatSymbols US_SYMBOLS = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
126     /** Offset between J2000 epoch and modified julian day epoch. */
127     private static final int MJD_TO_J2000 = 51544;
129     /** Basic and extended format calendar date. */
130     private static final Pattern CALENDAR_FORMAT = Pattern.compile("^(-?\\d\\d\\d\\d)-?(\\d\\d)-?(\\d\\d)$");
132     /** Basic and extended format ordinal date. */
133     private static final Pattern ORDINAL_FORMAT = Pattern.compile("^(-?\\d\\d\\d\\d)-?(\\d\\d\\d)$");
135     /** Basic and extended format week date. */
136     private static final Pattern WEEK_FORMAT = Pattern.compile("^(-?\\d\\d\\d\\d)-?W(\\d\\d)-?(\\d)$");
138     static {
139         // this static statement makes sure the reference epoch are initialized
140         // once AFTER the various factories have been set up
141         JULIAN_EPOCH          = new DateComponents(-4712,  1,  1);
142         MODIFIED_JULIAN_EPOCH = new DateComponents(1858, 11, 17);
143         FIFTIES_EPOCH         = new DateComponents(1950, 1, 1);
144         CCSDS_EPOCH           = new DateComponents(1958, 1, 1);
145         GALILEO_EPOCH         = new DateComponents(1999, 8, 22);
146         GPS_EPOCH             = new DateComponents(1980, 1, 6);
147         QZSS_EPOCH            = new DateComponents(1980, 1, 6);
148         IRNSS_EPOCH           = new DateComponents(1999, 8, 22);
149         BEIDOU_EPOCH          = new DateComponents(2006, 1, 1);
150         GLONASS_EPOCH         = new DateComponents(1996, 1, 1);
151         J2000_EPOCH           = new DateComponents(2000, 1, 1);
152         JAVA_EPOCH            = new DateComponents(1970, 1, 1);
153         MAX_EPOCH             = new DateComponents(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
154         MIN_EPOCH             = new DateComponents(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
155     }
157     /** Year number. */
158     private final int year;
160     /** Month number. */
161     private final int month;
163     /** Day number. */
164     private final int day;
166     /** Build a date from its components.
167      * @param year year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
168      * @param month month number from 1 to 12
169      * @param day day number from 1 to 31
170      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if inconsistent arguments
171      * are given (parameters out of range, february 29 for non-leap years,
172      * dates during the gregorian leap in 1582 ...)
173      */
174     public DateComponents(final int year, final int month, final int day)
175         throws IllegalArgumentException {
177         // very rough range check
178         // (just to avoid ArrayOutOfboundException in MonthDayFactory later)
179         if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
180             throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.NON_EXISTENT_MONTH, month);
181         }
183         // start by trusting the parameters
184         this.year  = year;
185         this.month = month;
186         this.day   = day;
188         // build a check date from the J2000 day
189         final DateComponents check = new DateComponents(getJ2000Day());
191         // check the parameters for mismatch
192         // (i.e. invalid date components, like 29 february on non-leap years)
193         if (year != check.year || month != check.month || day != check.day) {
194             throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.NON_EXISTENT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY,
195                                                       year, month, day);
196         }
198     }
200     /** Build a date from its components.
201      * @param year year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
202      * @param month month enumerate
203      * @param day day number from 1 to 31
204      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if inconsistent arguments
205      * are given (parameters out of range, february 29 for non-leap years,
206      * dates during the gregorian leap in 1582 ...)
207      */
208     public DateComponents(final int year, final Month month, final int day)
209         throws IllegalArgumentException {
210         this(year, month.getNumber(), day);
211     }
213     /** Build a date from a year and day number.
214      * @param year year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
215      * @param dayNumber day number in the year from 1 to 366
216      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if dayNumber is out of range
217      * with respect to year
218      */
219     public DateComponents(final int year, final int dayNumber)
220         throws IllegalArgumentException {
221         this(J2000_EPOCH, new DateComponents(year - 1, 12, 31).getJ2000Day() + dayNumber);
222         if (dayNumber != getDayOfYear()) {
223             throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.NON_EXISTENT_DAY_NUMBER_IN_YEAR,
224                                                      dayNumber, year);
225         }
226     }
228     /** Build a date from its offset with respect to a {@link #J2000_EPOCH}.
229      * @param offset offset with respect to a {@link #J2000_EPOCH}
230      * @see #getJ2000Day()
231      */
232     public DateComponents(final int offset) {
234         // we follow the astronomical convention for calendars:
235         // we consider a year zero and 10 days are missing in 1582
236         // from 1582-10-15: gregorian calendar
237         // from 0001-01-01 to 1582-10-04: julian calendar
238         // up to 0000-12-31 : proleptic julian calendar
239         YearFactory yFactory = GREGORIAN_FACTORY;
240         if (offset < -152384) {
241             if (offset > -730122) {
242                 yFactory = JULIAN_FACTORY;
243             } else {
244                 yFactory = PROLEPTIC_JULIAN_FACTORY;
245             }
246         }
247         year = yFactory.getYear(offset);
248         final int dayInYear = offset - yFactory.getLastJ2000DayOfYear(year - 1);
250         // handle month/day according to the year being a common or leap year
251         final MonthDayFactory mdFactory =
252             yFactory.isLeap(year) ? LEAP_YEAR_FACTORY : COMMON_YEAR_FACTORY;
253         month = mdFactory.getMonth(dayInYear);
254         day   = mdFactory.getDay(dayInYear, month);
256     }
258     /** Build a date from its offset with respect to a reference epoch.
259      * <p>This constructor is mainly useful to build a date from a modified
260      * julian day (using {@link #MODIFIED_JULIAN_EPOCH}) or a GPS week number
261      * (using {@link #GPS_EPOCH}).</p>
262      * @param epoch reference epoch
263      * @param offset offset with respect to a reference epoch
264      * @see #DateComponents(int)
265      * @see #getMJD()
266      */
267     public DateComponents(final DateComponents epoch, final int offset) {
268         this(epoch.getJ2000Day() + offset);
269     }
271     /** Build a date from week components.
272      * <p>The calendar week number is a number between 1 and 52 or 53 depending
273      * on the year. Week 1 is defined by ISO as the one that includes the first
274      * Thursday of a year. Week 1 may therefore start the previous year and week
275      * 52 or 53 may end in the next year. As an example calendar date 1995-01-01
276      * corresponds to week date 1994-W52-7 (i.e. Sunday in the last week of 1994
277      * is in fact the first day of year 1995). This date would beAnother example is calendar date
278      * 1996-12-31 which corresponds to week date 1997-W01-2 (i.e. Tuesday in the
279      * first week of 1997 is in fact the last day of year 1996).</p>
280      * @param wYear year associated to week numbering
281      * @param week week number in year, from 1 to 52 or 53
282      * @param dayOfWeek day of week, from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)
283      * @return a builded date
284      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if inconsistent arguments
285      * are given (parameters out of range, week 53 on a 52 weeks year ...)
286      */
287     public static DateComponents createFromWeekComponents(final int wYear, final int week, final int dayOfWeek)
288         throws IllegalArgumentException {
290         final DateComponents firstWeekMonday = new DateComponents(getFirstWeekMonday(wYear));
291         final DateComponents d = new DateComponents(firstWeekMonday, 7 * week + dayOfWeek - 8);
293         // check the parameters for invalid date components
294         if (week != d.getCalendarWeek() || dayOfWeek != d.getDayOfWeek()) {
295             throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.NON_EXISTENT_WEEK_DATE,
296                                                      wYear, week, dayOfWeek);
297         }
299         return d;
301     }
303     /** Parse a string in ISO-8601 format to build a date.
304      * <p>The supported formats are:
305      * <ul>
306      *   <li>basic format calendar date: YYYYMMDD</li>
307      *   <li>extended format calendar date: YYYY-MM-DD</li>
308      *   <li>basic format ordinal date: YYYYDDD</li>
309      *   <li>extended format ordinal date: YYYY-DDD</li>
310      *   <li>basic format week date: YYYYWwwD</li>
311      *   <li>extended format week date: YYYY-Www-D</li>
312      * </ul>
313      *
314      * <p> As shown by the list above, only the complete representations defined in section 4.1
315      * of ISO-8601 standard are supported, neither expended representations nor representations
316      * with reduced accuracy are supported.
317      *
318      * <p>
319      * Parsing a single integer as a julian day is <em>not</em> supported as it may be ambiguous
320      * with either the basic format calendar date or the basic format ordinal date depending
321      * on the number of digits.
322      * </p>
323      * @param string string to parse
324      * @return a parsed date
325      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if string cannot be parsed
326      */
327     public static  DateComponents parseDate(final String string) {
329         // is the date a calendar date ?
330         final Matcher calendarMatcher = CALENDAR_FORMAT.matcher(string);
331         if (calendarMatcher.matches()) {
332             return new DateComponents(Integer.parseInt(calendarMatcher.group(1)),
333                                       Integer.parseInt(calendarMatcher.group(2)),
334                                       Integer.parseInt(calendarMatcher.group(3)));
335         }
337         // is the date an ordinal date ?
338         final Matcher ordinalMatcher = ORDINAL_FORMAT.matcher(string);
339         if (ordinalMatcher.matches()) {
340             return new DateComponents(Integer.parseInt(ordinalMatcher.group(1)),
341                                       Integer.parseInt(ordinalMatcher.group(2)));
342         }
344         // is the date a week date ?
345         final Matcher weekMatcher = WEEK_FORMAT.matcher(string);
346         if (weekMatcher.matches()) {
347             return createFromWeekComponents(Integer.parseInt(weekMatcher.group(1)),
348                                             Integer.parseInt(weekMatcher.group(2)),
349                                             Integer.parseInt(weekMatcher.group(3)));
350         }
352         throw new OrekitIllegalArgumentException(OrekitMessages.NON_EXISTENT_DATE, string);
354     }
356     /** Get the year number.
357      * @return year number (may be 0 or negative for BC years)
358      */
359     public int getYear() {
360         return year;
361     }
363     /** Get the month.
364      * @return month number from 1 to 12
365      */
366     public int getMonth() {
367         return month;
368     }
370     /** Get the month as an enumerate.
371      * @return month as an enumerate
372      */
373     public Month getMonthEnum() {
374         return Month.getMonth(month);
375     }
377     /** Get the day.
378      * @return day number from 1 to 31
379      */
380     public int getDay() {
381         return day;
382     }
384     /** Get the day number with respect to J2000 epoch.
385      * @return day number with respect to J2000 epoch
386      */
387     public int getJ2000Day() {
388         YearFactory yFactory = GREGORIAN_FACTORY;
389         if (year < 1583) {
390             if (year < 1) {
391                 yFactory = PROLEPTIC_JULIAN_FACTORY;
392             } else if (year < 1582 || month < 10 || month < 11 && day < 5) {
393                 yFactory = JULIAN_FACTORY;
394             }
395         }
396         final MonthDayFactory mdFactory =
397             yFactory.isLeap(year) ? LEAP_YEAR_FACTORY : COMMON_YEAR_FACTORY;
398         return yFactory.getLastJ2000DayOfYear(year - 1) +
399                mdFactory.getDayInYear(month, day);
400     }
402     /** Get the modified julian day.
403      * @return modified julian day
404      */
405     public int getMJD() {
406         return MJD_TO_J2000 + getJ2000Day();
407     }
409     /** Get the calendar week number.
410      * <p>The calendar week number is a number between 1 and 52 or 53 depending
411      * on the year. Week 1 is defined by ISO as the one that includes the first
412      * Thursday of a year. Week 1 may therefore start the previous year and week
413      * 52 or 53 may end in the next year. As an example calendar date 1995-01-01
414      * corresponds to week date 1994-W52-7 (i.e. Sunday in the last week of 1994
415      * is in fact the first day of year 1995). Another example is calendar date
416      * 1996-12-31 which corresponds to week date 1997-W01-2 (i.e. Tuesday in the
417      * first week of 1997 is in fact the last day of year 1996).</p>
418      * @return calendar week number
419      */
420     public int getCalendarWeek() {
421         final int firstWeekMonday = getFirstWeekMonday(year);
422         int daysSincefirstMonday = getJ2000Day() - firstWeekMonday;
423         if (daysSincefirstMonday < 0) {
424             // we are still in a week from previous year
425             daysSincefirstMonday += firstWeekMonday - getFirstWeekMonday(year - 1);
426         } else if (daysSincefirstMonday > 363) {
427             // up to three days at end of year may belong to first week of next year
428             // (by chance, there is no need for a specific check in year 1582 ...)
429             final int weekYearLength = getFirstWeekMonday(year + 1) - firstWeekMonday;
430             if (daysSincefirstMonday >= weekYearLength) {
431                 daysSincefirstMonday -= weekYearLength;
432             }
433         }
434         return 1 + daysSincefirstMonday / 7;
435     }
437     /** Get the monday of a year first week.
438      * @param year year to consider
439      * @return day of the monday of the first weak of year
440      */
441     private static int getFirstWeekMonday(final int year) {
442         final int yearFirst = new DateComponents(year, 1, 1).getJ2000Day();
443         final int offsetToMonday = 4 - (yearFirst + 2) % 7;
444         return yearFirst + offsetToMonday + ((offsetToMonday > 3) ? -7 : 0);
445     }
447     /** Get the day of week.
448      * <p>Day of week is a number between 1 (Monday) and 7 (Sunday).</p>
449      * @return day of week
450      */
451     public int getDayOfWeek() {
452         final int dow = (getJ2000Day() + 6) % 7; // result is between -6 and +6
453         return (dow < 1) ? (dow + 7) : dow;
454     }
456     /** Get the day number in year.
457      * <p>Day number in year is between 1 (January 1st) and either 365 or
458      * 366 inclusive depending on year.</p>
459      * @return day number in year
460      */
461     public int getDayOfYear() {
462         return getJ2000Day() - new DateComponents(year - 1, 12, 31).getJ2000Day();
463     }
465     /** Get a string representation (ISO-8601) of the date.
466      * @return string representation of the date.
467      */
468     public String toString() {
469         return String.format(Locale.US, "%04d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day);
470     }
472     /** {@inheritDoc} */
473     public int compareTo(final DateComponents other) {
474         final int j2000Day = getJ2000Day();
475         final int otherJ2000Day = other.getJ2000Day();
476         if (j2000Day < otherJ2000Day) {
477             return -1;
478         } else if (j2000Day > otherJ2000Day) {
479             return 1;
480         }
481         return 0;
482     }
484     /** {@inheritDoc} */
485     public boolean equals(final Object other) {
486         try {
487             final DateComponents otherDate = (DateComponents) other;
488             return otherDate != null && year == otherDate.year &&
489                    month == otherDate.month && day == otherDate.day;
490         } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
491             return false;
492         }
493     }
495     /** {@inheritDoc} */
496     public int hashCode() {
497         return (year << 16) ^ (month << 8) ^ day;
498     }
500     /** Interface for dealing with years sequences according to some calendar. */
501     private interface YearFactory {
503         /** Get the year number for a given day number with respect to J2000 epoch.
504          * @param j2000Day day number with respect to J2000 epoch
505          * @return year number
506          */
507         int getYear(int j2000Day);
509         /** Get the day number with respect to J2000 epoch for new year's Eve.
510          * @param year year number
511          * @return day number with respect to J2000 epoch for new year's Eve
512          */
513         int getLastJ2000DayOfYear(int year);
515         /** Check if a year is a leap or common year.
516          * @param year year number
517          * @return true if year is a leap year
518          */
519         boolean isLeap(int year);
521     }
523     /** Class providing a years sequence compliant with the proleptic Julian calendar. */
524     private static class ProlepticJulianFactory implements YearFactory {
526         /** {@inheritDoc} */
527         public int getYear(final int j2000Day) {
528             return  (int) -((-4l * j2000Day - 2920488l) / 1461l);
529         }
531         /** {@inheritDoc} */
532         public int getLastJ2000DayOfYear(final int year) {
533             return 365 * year + (year + 1) / 4 - 730123;
534         }
536         /** {@inheritDoc} */
537         public boolean isLeap(final int year) {
538             return (year % 4) == 0;
539         }
541     }
543     /** Class providing a years sequence compliant with the Julian calendar. */
544     private static class JulianFactory implements YearFactory {
546         /** {@inheritDoc} */
547         public int getYear(final int j2000Day) {
548             return  (int) ((4l * j2000Day + 2921948l) / 1461l);
549         }
551         /** {@inheritDoc} */
552         public int getLastJ2000DayOfYear(final int year) {
553             return 365 * year + year / 4 - 730122;
554         }
556         /** {@inheritDoc} */
557         public boolean isLeap(final int year) {
558             return (year % 4) == 0;
559         }
561     }
563     /** Class providing a years sequence compliant with the Gregorian calendar. */
564     private static class GregorianFactory implements YearFactory {
566         /** {@inheritDoc} */
567         public int getYear(final int j2000Day) {
569             // year estimate
570             int year = (int) ((400l * j2000Day + 292194288l) / 146097l);
572             // the previous estimate is one unit too high in some rare cases
573             // (240 days in the 400 years gregorian cycle, about 0.16%)
574             if (j2000Day <= getLastJ2000DayOfYear(year - 1)) {
575                 --year;
576             }
578             // exact year
579             return year;
581         }
583         /** {@inheritDoc} */
584         public int getLastJ2000DayOfYear(final int year) {
585             return 365 * year + year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400 - 730120;
586         }
588         /** {@inheritDoc} */
589         public boolean isLeap(final int year) {
590             return (year % 4) == 0 && ((year % 400) == 0 || (year % 100) != 0);
591         }
593     }
595     /** Interface for dealing with months sequences according to leap/common years. */
596     private interface MonthDayFactory {
598         /** Get the month number for a given day number within year.
599          * @param dayInYear day number within year
600          * @return month number
601          */
602         int getMonth(int dayInYear);
604         /** Get the day number for given month and day number within year.
605          * @param dayInYear day number within year
606          * @param month month number
607          * @return day number
608          */
609         int getDay(int dayInYear, int month);
611         /** Get the day number within year for given month and day numbers.
612          * @param month month number
613          * @param day day number
614          * @return day number within year
615          */
616         int getDayInYear(int month, int day);
618     }
620     /** Class providing the months sequence for leap years. */
621     private static class LeapYearFactory implements MonthDayFactory {
623         /** Months succession definition. */
624         private static final int[] PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY = {
625             0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335
626         };
628         /** {@inheritDoc} */
629         public int getMonth(final int dayInYear) {
630             return (dayInYear < 32) ? 1 : (10 * dayInYear + 313) / 306;
631         }
633         /** {@inheritDoc} */
634         public int getDay(final int dayInYear, final int month) {
635             return dayInYear - PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY[month];
636         }
638         /** {@inheritDoc} */
639         public int getDayInYear(final int month, final int day) {
640             return day + PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY[month];
641         }
643     }
645     /** Class providing the months sequence for common years. */
646     private static class CommonYearFactory implements MonthDayFactory {
648         /** Months succession definition. */
649         private static final int[] PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY = {
650             0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334
651         };
653         /** {@inheritDoc} */
654         public int getMonth(final int dayInYear) {
655             return (dayInYear < 32) ? 1 : (10 * dayInYear + 323) / 306;
656         }
658         /** {@inheritDoc} */
659         public int getDay(final int dayInYear, final int month) {
660             return dayInYear - PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY[month];
661         }
663         /** {@inheritDoc} */
664         public int getDayInYear(final int month, final int day) {
665             return day + PREVIOUS_MONTH_END_DAY[month];
666         }
668     }
670 }