Uses of Class
Packages that use GeodeticPoint Package Description org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple This package provides interface to represent the position and geometry of space objects such as stars, planets or The measurements package defines everything that is related to orbit determination This package provides classes to handle frames and transforms between This package provides classes for representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of This package provides classes related to GNSS This package provides models that simulate certain physical phenomena of Earth and the near-Earth This package provides models computing reference points displacements on Earth This package provides models that simulate the impact of the This package provides classes for implementing NeQuick ionosphere This package provides ways to do tessellation and sampling of zones of interest over an ellipsoid This package provides models that simulate the impact of the This package contains class for the troposphere model OTU-4 This package provides models that simulate global weather conditions on This package provides useful objects. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in org.orekit.attitudes
Constructors in org.orekit.attitudes with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Constructor Description TargetPointing(Frame inertialFrame, GeodeticPoint targetGeo, BodyShape shape)
Creates a new instance from body shape and target expressed in geodetic coordinates. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in org.orekit.bodies
Fields in org.orekit.bodies declared as GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Field Description static GeodeticPoint
GeodeticPoint. NORTH_POLE
North pole.static GeodeticPoint
GeodeticPoint. SOUTH_POLE
South pole.Methods in org.orekit.bodies that return GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description GeodeticPoint
LoxodromeArc. calculatePointAlongArc(double fraction)
Calculate a point at a specific percentage along the arc.GeodeticPoint
LoxodromeArc. getFinalPoint()
Get the final point of the arc.GeodeticPoint
BodyShape. getIntersectionPoint(Line line, Vector3D close, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
Get the intersection point of a line with the surface of the body.GeodeticPoint
OneAxisEllipsoid. getIntersectionPoint(Line line, Vector3D close, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
Get the intersection point of a line with the surface of the body.GeodeticPoint
Loxodrome. getPoint()
Get the geodetic point defining the loxodrome.GeodeticPoint
OneAxisEllipsoid. lowestAltitudeIntermediate(Vector3D endpoint1, Vector3D endpoint2)
Find intermediate point of lowest altitude along a line between two endpoints.GeodeticPoint
Loxodrome. pointAtDistance(double distance)
Calculate the point at the specified distance from the origin point along the loxodrome.GeodeticPoint
FieldGeodeticPoint. toGeodeticPoint()
Get non-Field equivalent.GeodeticPoint
BodyShape. transform(Vector3D point, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a Cartesian point to a surface-relative point.GeodeticPoint
OneAxisEllipsoid. transform(Vector3D point, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a Cartesian point to a surface-relative point.Methods in org.orekit.bodies with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description double
OneAxisEllipsoid. azimuthBetweenPoints(GeodeticPoint origin, GeodeticPoint destination)
Compute the azimuth angle from local north between the two points.Vector3D
BodyShape. transform(GeodeticPoint point)
Transform a surface-relative point to a Cartesian point.Vector3D
OneAxisEllipsoid. transform(GeodeticPoint point)
Transform a surface-relative point to a Cartesian point.Constructors in org.orekit.bodies with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Constructor Description FieldGeodeticPoint(Field<T> field, GeodeticPoint geodeticPoint)
Build a new instance from aGeodeticPoint
.Loxodrome(GeodeticPoint point, double azimuth, OneAxisEllipsoid body)
Constructor building a loxodrome from an initial point and an azimuth-off-local-north heading.Loxodrome(GeodeticPoint point, double azimuth, OneAxisEllipsoid body, double altitude)
Constructor building a loxodrome from an initial point and an azimuth-off-local-north heading.LoxodromeArc(GeodeticPoint point, GeodeticPoint endPoint, OneAxisEllipsoid body)
Class constructor where the arc's altitude is the average of the initial and final points.LoxodromeArc(GeodeticPoint point, GeodeticPoint endPoint, OneAxisEllipsoid body, double altitude)
Class constructor. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in org.orekit.estimation.measurements
Methods in org.orekit.estimation.measurements that return GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description GeodeticPoint
GroundStation. getOffsetGeodeticPoint(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the geodetic point at the center of the offset frame. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in org.orekit.frames
Methods in org.orekit.frames that return GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description GeodeticPoint
TopocentricFrame. computeLimitVisibilityPoint(double radius, double azimuth, double elevation)
Compute the limit visibility point for a satellite in a given direction.GeodeticPoint
TopocentricFrame. getPoint()
Get the surface point defining the origin of the frame.GeodeticPoint
TopocentricFrame. pointAtDistance(double azimuth, double elevation, double distance)
Compute the point observed from the station at some specified distance.Constructors in org.orekit.frames with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Constructor Description TopocentricFrame(BodyShape parentShape, GeodeticPoint point, String name)
Simple constructor. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in org.orekit.geometry.fov
Methods in org.orekit.geometry.fov that return types with arguments of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description List<List<GeodeticPoint>>
FieldOfView. getFootprint(Transform fovToBody, OneAxisEllipsoid body, double angularStep)
Get the footprint of the Field Of View on ground.List<List<GeodeticPoint>>
PolygonalFieldOfView. getFootprint(Transform fovToBody, OneAxisEllipsoid body, double angularStep)
Get the footprint of the Field Of View on ground.List<List<GeodeticPoint>>
SmoothFieldOfView. getFootprint(Transform fovToBody, OneAxisEllipsoid body, double angularStep)
Get the footprint of the Field Of View on ground. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in org.orekit.gnss
Methods in org.orekit.gnss that return GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description GeodeticPoint
DOP. getLocation()
Gets the location with respect to the Earth where DOP was calculated.Methods in org.orekit.gnss with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description static DOPComputer
DOPComputer. create(OneAxisEllipsoid shape, GeodeticPoint location)
Creates a DOP computer for one location.Constructors in org.orekit.gnss with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Constructor Description DOP(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date, int gnssNb, double gdop, double pdop, double hdop, double vdop, double tdop)
Constructor. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in
Methods in that return GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description GeodeticPoint
Geoid. getIntersectionPoint(Line lineInFrame, Vector3D closeInFrame, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
Get the intersection point of a line with the surface of the body.GeodeticPoint
Geoid. transform(Vector3D point, Frame frame, AbsoluteDate date)
Transform a Cartesian point to a surface-relative point.Methods in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description Vector3D
Geoid. transform(GeodeticPoint point)
Transform a surface-relative point to a Cartesian point. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in
Methods in that return GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description GeodeticPoint
OceanLoadingCoefficients. getSiteLocation()
Get the site location.Methods in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description Vector3D
PsdCorrection. displacement(AbsoluteDate date, GeodeticPoint base)
Compute displacement.abstract Vector3D
PsdCorrection.Axis. vector(GeodeticPoint base)
Get axis unit vector.Constructors in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Constructor Description OceanLoadingCoefficients(String siteName, GeodeticPoint siteLocation, Tide[][] tides, double[][] zAmplitude, double[][] zPhase, double[][] wAmplitude, double[][] wPhase, double[][] sAmplitude, double[][] sPhase)
Simple constructor.PostSeismicDeformation(GeodeticPoint base, TimeSpanMap<List<PsdCorrection>> corrections)
Simple constructor. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in
Methods in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description double
KlobucharIonoModel. pathDelay(AbsoluteDate date, GeodeticPoint geo, double elevation, double azimuth, double frequency, double[] parameters)
Calculates the ionospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in
Methods in that return GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description GeodeticPoint
Segment. getPoint(int index)
Get point along the ray.Methods in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description double
NeQuickModel. stec(AbsoluteDate date, GeodeticPoint recP, GeodeticPoint satP)
This method allows the computation of the Slant Total Electron Content (STEC).Constructors in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Constructor Description Ray(GeodeticPoint recP, GeodeticPoint satP)
Constructor. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in
Methods in that return GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description GeodeticPoint
Tile. getCenter()
Get the center point.GeodeticPoint
Tile. getInterpolatedPoint(double u, double v)
Get an interpolated point inside the tile.GeodeticPoint[]
Tile. getVertices()
Get the four vertices.protected GeodeticPoint
EllipsoidTessellator. toGeodetic(S2Point point)
Convert a point on the unit 2-sphere to geodetic coordinates.Methods in that return types with arguments of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description List<GeodeticPoint>
AlongTrackAiming. getSingularPoints()
Get points at which aiming direction cannot be computed.List<GeodeticPoint>
ConstantAzimuthAiming. getSingularPoints()
Get points at which aiming direction cannot be computed.List<GeodeticPoint>
DivertedSingularityAiming. getSingularPoints()
Get points at which aiming direction cannot be computed.List<GeodeticPoint>
TileAiming. getSingularPoints()
Get points at which aiming direction cannot be computed.List<List<GeodeticPoint>>
EllipsoidTessellator. sample(SphericalPolygonsSet zone, double width, double length)
Sample a zone of interest into a grid sample ofgeodetic points
.Methods in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description Vector3D
AlongTrackAiming. alongTileDirection(Vector3D point, GeodeticPoint gp)
Find the along tile direction for tessellation at specified point.Vector3D
ConstantAzimuthAiming. alongTileDirection(Vector3D point, GeodeticPoint gp)
Find the along tile direction for tessellation at specified point.Vector3D
DivertedSingularityAiming. alongTileDirection(Vector3D point, GeodeticPoint gp)
Find the along tile direction for tessellation at specified point.Vector3D
TileAiming. alongTileDirection(Vector3D point, GeodeticPoint gp)
Find the along tile direction for tessellation at specified point.static SphericalPolygonsSet
EllipsoidTessellator. buildSimpleZone(double tolerance, GeodeticPoint... points)
Build a simple zone (connected zone without holes).Constructors in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Constructor Description Tile(GeodeticPoint v0, GeodeticPoint v1, GeodeticPoint v2, GeodeticPoint v3)
Create a tile. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in
Methods in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description double[]
MendesPavlisModel. computeZenithDelay(GeodeticPoint point, AbsoluteDate date)
This method allows the computation of the zenith hydrostatic and zenith wet delay.ViennaACoefficients
ConstantViennaAProvider. getA(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Get coefficients array for VMF mapping function.ViennaACoefficients
ViennaAProvider. getA(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Get coefficients array for VMF mapping function.AzimuthalGradientCoefficients
AzimuthalGradientProvider. getGradientCoefficients(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Get azimuthal asymmetry gradients.AzimuthalGradientCoefficients
ConstantAzimuthalGradientProvider. getGradientCoefficients(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Get azimuthal asymmetry gradients.double[]
AbstractChaoMappingFunction. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.double[]
DummyMappingFunction. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.double[]
GlobalMappingFunctionModel. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.double[]
MendesPavlisModel. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
With the Mendes Pavlis tropospheric model, the mapping function is not split into hydrostatic and wet component.double[]
NiellMappingFunctionModel. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.double[]
TroposphereMappingFunction. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.double[]
ViennaOne. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.double[]
ViennaThree. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
This method allows the computation of the hydrostatic and wet mapping functions.TroposphericDelay
AbstractVienna. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
AskneNordiusModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
CanonicalSaastamoinenModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
ConstantTroposphericModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
EstimatedModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
FixedTroposphericDelay. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
MariniMurray. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
MendesPavlisModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
ModifiedHopfieldModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
ModifiedSaastamoinenModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
TimeSpanEstimatedModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite.TroposphericDelay
TroposphericModel. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in
Methods in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description PressureTemperatureHumidity
ITURP834WeatherParametersProvider. getWeatherParameters(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Provide weather parameters.double[]
ITURP834MappingFunction. mappingFactors(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, AbsoluteDate date)
ITURP834PathDelay. pathDelay(TrackingCoordinates trackingCoordinates, GeodeticPoint point, PressureTemperatureHumidity weather, double[] parameters, AbsoluteDate date)
Calculates the tropospheric path delay for the signal path from a ground station to a satellite. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in
Methods in with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description ViennaACoefficients
AbstractGlobalPressureTemperature. getA(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Get coefficients array for VMF mapping function.AzimuthalGradientCoefficients
AbstractGlobalPressureTemperature. getGradientCoefficients(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Get azimuthal asymmetry gradients.PressureTemperatureHumidity
AbstractGlobalPressureTemperature. getWeatherParameters(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Provide weather parameters.PressureTemperatureHumidity
ConstantPressureTemperatureHumidityProvider. getWeatherParameters(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Provide weather parameters.PressureTemperature
GlobalPressureTemperature. getWeatherParameters(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Provide weather parameters.PressureTemperatureHumidity
PressureTemperatureHumidityProvider. getWeatherParameters(GeodeticPoint location, AbsoluteDate date)
Provide weather parameters. -
Uses of GeodeticPoint in org.orekit.utils
Methods in org.orekit.utils with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Modifier and Type Method Description WaypointPVBuilder
WaypointPVBuilder. addWaypoint(GeodeticPoint point, AbsoluteDate date)
Add a waypoint.PVCoordinatesProvider
WaypointPVBuilder.InterpolationFactory. create(AbsoluteDate date1, GeodeticPoint point1, AbsoluteDate date2, GeodeticPoint point2, OneAxisEllipsoid body)
Create aPVCoordinatesProvider
which interpolates between the provided waypoints.protected PVCoordinatesProvider
WaypointPVBuilder. createFinal(GeodeticPoint lastPoint)
Create the final provider.protected PVCoordinatesProvider
WaypointPVBuilder. createInitial(GeodeticPoint firstPoint)
Create the initial provider.Constructors in org.orekit.utils with parameters of type GeodeticPoint Constructor Description ConstantPVCoordinatesProvider(GeodeticPoint pos, OneAxisEllipsoid body)
Create a the provider from a fixed lat/lon/alt on a central body.