See: Description
Package | Description |
org.orekit.attitudes |
This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes.
org.orekit.bodies |
This package provides interface to represent the position and geometry of
space objects such as stars, planets or asteroids.
| |
This package provide base classes for exploring the configured data
directory tree and read external data that can be used by the library.
org.orekit.errors |
This package provides classes to generate and handle exceptions.
org.orekit.estimation |
This package is the top level package for orbit determination.
org.orekit.estimation.iod | |
org.orekit.estimation.leastsquares |
The leastsquares package provides an implementation of a batch least
squares estimator engine to perform an orbit determination.
org.orekit.estimation.measurements |
The measurements package defines everything that is related to orbit
determination measurements.
org.orekit.estimation.measurements.modifiers | |
org.orekit.files |
Top level package for various parsers.
org.orekit.files.ccsds |
This package provides a parser for orbit data stored in CCSDS Orbit Data Message format.
org.orekit.files.general |
This package provides interfaces for orbit file representations and corresponding parsers.
org.orekit.files.sp3 |
This package provides a parser for orbit data stored in SP3 format.
org.orekit.forces |
This package provides the interface for force models that will be used by the
NumericalPropagator , as well as
some classical spacecraft models for surface forces (spherical, box and solar array ...). |
org.orekit.forces.drag |
This package provides all drag-related forces.
org.orekit.forces.gravity |
This package provides all gravity-related forces.
org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential |
This package provides classes to read gravity field files and supports several
different formats.
org.orekit.forces.maneuvers |
This package provides models of simple maneuvers.
org.orekit.forces.radiation |
This package provides all radiation pressure related forces.
org.orekit.frames |
This package provides classes to handle frames and transforms between them.
org.orekit.gnss |
This package provides classes related to GNSS applications.
org.orekit.models |
Top level package for physical models.
| |
This package provides models that simulate certain physical phenomena
of Earth and the near-Earth environment.
| |
This package provides ways to do tessellation and sampling of zones of
interest over an ellipsoid surface.
org.orekit.orbits |
This package provides classes to represent orbits.
org.orekit.propagation |
org.orekit.propagation.analytical |
Top level package for analytical propagators.
org.orekit.propagation.analytical.gnss |
This package provides classes to propagate GNSS orbits.
org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle |
This package provides classes to read and extrapolate tle's.
org.orekit.propagation.conversion |
This package provides tools to convert a given propagator or a set of
SpacecraftState into another propagator. | |
This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during propagation.
| |
This package provides an interface and classes dealing with events occurrence only.
org.orekit.propagation.integration |
Utilities for integration-based propagators (both numerical and semi-analytical).
org.orekit.propagation.numerical |
Top level package for numerical propagators.
org.orekit.propagation.sampling |
This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with step handling during propagation.
org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical |
Top level package for semi-analytical propagators.
org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst |
This package provides an implementation of the Draper Semi-analytical
Satellite Theory (DSST).
org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces |
This package provides force models for Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).
org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities |
This package provides utilities for Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).
org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.hansen |
This package provides Hansen coefficient related utilities for Draper
Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).
org.orekit.time |
This independent package provides classes to handle epochs, time scales,
and to compare instants together.
org.orekit.utils |
This package provides useful objects.
OREKIT library is a low-level library for space mechanics projects. It is implemented in the JAVA language.
OREKIT project was initiated by CS with the following goals in mind:
Orekit can be used for many purposes, from simple geometrical or orbital tools up to complex orbits propagators with several perturbing forces, maneuvers and discrete events. Here is a short list of the features offered by the library:
OREKIT has only one dependency: the Hipparchus open-source library. This library provides mathematical tools for many purposes: geometry, polynomial equations, differential equations, and more... It is distributed under the business-friendly Apache Software License version 2.0.
OREKIT is based on several Hipparchus packages:
The use of Hipparchus is hidden in OREKIT as much as possible so users don't need to fully master this library. If they wish, they can limit themselves to understanding the simple classes Vector3D and Rotation from the geometry package, and the interface FirstOrderIntegrator from the ode package.
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