See: Description
Interface | Description |
ShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod |
Interface common to all short-term encounter probability of collision computing methods.
Class | Description |
AbstractAlfriend1999 |
Abstract class for Alfriend1999 normal and maximised methods as they share lots of similarities.
AbstractShortTermEncounter1DNumerical2DPOCMethod |
This abstract class serves as a foundation to create 1D numerical 2D probability of collision computing method.
AbstractShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethod |
This abstract class serves as a foundation to create 2D probability of collision computing method assuming a short term
encounter model.
Alfano2005 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in :"S.
Alfriend1999 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in : "Kyle Alfriend, Maruthi Akella, Joseph Frisbee, James
Foster, Deok-Jin Lee, and Matthew Wilkins.
Alfriend1999Max |
Compute the probability of collision assuming the worst case described in : "Kyle Alfriend, Maruthi Akella, Joseph
Frisbee, James Foster, Deok-Jin Lee, and Matthew Wilkins.
Chan1997 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in :
"Chan, K. |
FieldShortTermEncounter2DDefinition<T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
Defines the encounter between two collision object at time of closest approach assuming a short-term encounter model .
Laas2015 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in : "SERRA, Romain, ARZELIER, Denis, JOLDES, Mioara, et
Patera2005 |
Compute the probability of collision using the method described in :"PATERA, Russell P.
ShortTermEncounter2DDefinition |
Defines the encounter between two collision object at time of closest approach assuming a short-term encounter model .
Enum | Description |
ShortTermEncounter2DPOCMethodType |
This enum stores every probability of collision computing method using the short-term encounter model available in
Note that in the current implementation, the shape of the collision objects is assumed to be a sphere.
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