public class DSSTThirdBody extends Object implements DSSTForceModel
.Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
Name of the single parameter of this model: the attraction coefficient.
static double |
Truncation tolerance for big, eccentric orbits.
static int |
Max power for summation.
static String |
Name of the prefix for short period coefficients keys.
static double |
Truncation tolerance for small orbits.
Constructor and Description |
DSSTThirdBody(CelestialBody body,
double mu)
Complete constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CelestialBody |
Get third body.
<T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
getMeanElementRate(FieldSpacecraftState<T> currentState,
FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
T[] parameters)
Computes the mean equinoctial elements rates dai / dt.
double[] |
getMeanElementRate(SpacecraftState currentState,
AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements,
double[] parameters)
Computes the mean equinoctial elements rates dai / dt.
List<ParameterDriver> |
Get the drivers for parameters.
List<ShortPeriodTerms> |
initializeShortPeriodTerms(AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements,
PropagationType type,
double[] parameters)
Computes the highest power of the eccentricity and the highest power
of a/R3 to appear in the truncated analytical power series expansion.
<T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
initializeShortPeriodTerms(FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
PropagationType type,
T[] parameters)
Performs initialization prior to propagation for the current force model.
void |
registerAttitudeProvider(AttitudeProvider provider)
Register an attitude provider.
void |
updateShortPeriodTerms(double[] parameters,
SpacecraftState... meanStates)
Update the short period terms.
<T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> |
updateShortPeriodTerms(T[] parameters,
FieldSpacecraftState<T>... meanStates)
Update the short period terms.
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
extractParameters, extractParameters, getEventDetectors, getFieldEventDetectors, init, init
getNbParametersDriversValue, getParameterDriver, getParameters, getParameters, getParameters, getParameters, getParametersAllValues, getParametersAllValues, isSupported
getEventDetectors, getFieldEventDetectors
public static final String SHORT_PERIOD_PREFIX
public static final String ATTRACTION_COEFFICIENT
public static final int MAX_POWER
public static final double BIG_TRUNCATION_TOLERANCE
public static final double SMALL_TRUNCATION_TOLERANCE
public DSSTThirdBody(CelestialBody body, double mu)
- the 3rd body to considermu
- central attraction coefficient
(i.e., attraction coefficient of the central body, not the one of the 3rd body)CelestialBodies
public CelestialBody getBody()
public List<ShortPeriodTerms> initializeShortPeriodTerms(AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements, PropagationType type, double[] parameters)
This method computes the upper value for the 3rd body potential and determines the maximal powers for the eccentricity and a/R3 producing potential terms bigger than a defined tolerance.
in interface DSSTForceModel
- auxiliary elements related to the current orbittype
- type of the elements used during the propagationparameters
- values of the force model parameters for state date (1 value for each parameters)public <T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> List<FieldShortPeriodTerms<T>> initializeShortPeriodTerms(FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements, PropagationType type, T[] parameters)
This method aims at being called at the very beginning of a propagation.
in interface DSSTForceModel
- type of the elementsauxiliaryElements
- auxiliary elements related to the current orbittype
- type of the elements used during the propagationparameters
- values of the force model parameters for specific date
(1 value only per parameter driver) obtained for example by calling
on force model or
AbstractGradientConverter.getParametersAtStateDate(FieldSpacecraftState, ParameterDriversProvider)
on gradient converter.public double[] getMeanElementRate(SpacecraftState currentState, AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements, double[] parameters)
in interface DSSTForceModel
- current state information: date, kinematics, attitudeauxiliaryElements
- auxiliary elements related to the current orbitparameters
- values of the force model parameters at state date (only 1 span for
each parameter driver) obtained for example by calling ParameterDriversProvider.getParameters(AbsoluteDate)
on force model.public <T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] getMeanElementRate(FieldSpacecraftState<T> currentState, FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements, T[] parameters)
in interface DSSTForceModel
- type of the elementscurrentState
- current state information: date, kinematics, attitudeauxiliaryElements
- auxiliary elements related to the current orbitparameters
- values of the force model parameters at state date (only 1 span for
each parameter driver) obtained for example by calling ParameterDriversProvider.getParameters(Field, FieldAbsoluteDate)
on force model or
AbstractGradientConverter.getParametersAtStateDate(FieldSpacecraftState, ParameterDriversProvider)
on gradient converter.public void updateShortPeriodTerms(double[] parameters, SpacecraftState... meanStates)
The short period terms
that will be updated
are the ones that were returned during the call to DSSTForceModel.initializeShortPeriodTerms(AuxiliaryElements, PropagationType, double[])
in interface DSSTForceModel
- values of the force model parameters (all span values for each parameters)
obtained for example by calling
on force model. The extract parameter method DSSTForceModel.extractParameters(double[], AbsoluteDate)
is called in
the method to select the right parameter corresponding to the mean state date.meanStates
- mean states information: date, kinematics, attitudepublic <T extends org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement<T>> void updateShortPeriodTerms(T[] parameters, FieldSpacecraftState<T>... meanStates)
The short period terms
that will be updated
are the ones that were returned during the call to DSSTForceModel.initializeShortPeriodTerms(AuxiliaryElements, PropagationType, double[])
in interface DSSTForceModel
- type of the elementsparameters
- values of the force model parameters (all span values for each parameters)
obtained for example by calling ParameterDriversProvider.getParametersAllValues(Field)
on force model or
AbstractGradientConverter.getParameters(FieldSpacecraftState, ParameterDriversProvider)
on gradient converter. The extract parameter method
DSSTForceModel.extractParameters(CalculusFieldElement[], FieldAbsoluteDate)
is called in
the method to select the right parameter.meanStates
- mean states information: date, kinematics, attitudepublic void registerAttitudeProvider(AttitudeProvider provider)
Register an attitude provider that can be used by the force model.
in interface DSSTForceModel
- the AttitudeProvider
public List<ParameterDriver> getParametersDrivers()
in interface ParameterDriversProvider
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