public abstract class AbstractAnalyticalPropagator extends AbstractPropagator
methods for analytical propagators.
This abstract class allows to provide easily the full set of Propagator
methods, including all propagation
modes support and discrete events support for any simple propagation method. Only
two methods must be implemented by derived classes: propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate)
and getMass(AbsoluteDate)
. The first method should perform straightforward
propagation starting from some internally stored initial state up to the specified target date.
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
AbstractAnalyticalPropagator(AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
Build a new instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SpacecraftState |
acceptStep(OrekitStepInterpolator interpolator,
AbsoluteDate target)
Accept a step, triggering events and step handlers.
<T extends EventDetector> |
addEventDetector(T detector)
Add an event detector.
protected SpacecraftState |
basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
Propagate an orbit without any fancy features.
void |
Remove all events detectors.
EphemerisGenerator |
Set up an ephemeris generator that will monitor the propagation for building
an ephemeris from it once completed.
Collection<EventDetector> |
Get all the events detectors that have been added.
protected List<String> |
Get the names of the parameters in the matrix returned by
MatricesHarvester.getParametersJacobian(org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState) . |
protected abstract double |
getMass(AbsoluteDate date)
Get the mass.
PVCoordinatesProvider |
Get PV coordinates provider.
SpacecraftState |
propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
AbsoluteDate target)
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
protected abstract Orbit |
propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
Extrapolate an orbit up to a specific target date.
protected abstract void |
resetIntermediateState(SpacecraftState state,
boolean forward)
Reset an intermediate state.
addAdditionalStateProvider, createHarvester, getAdditionalStateProviders, getAttitudeProvider, getFrame, getHarvester, getInitialState, getManagedAdditionalStates, getMultiplexer, getPVCoordinates, getStartDate, initializeAdditionalStates, initializePropagation, isAdditionalStateManaged, propagate, resetInitialState, setAttitudeProvider, setStartDate, setupMatricesComputation, stateChanged, updateAdditionalStates, updateUnmanagedStates
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
clearStepHandlers, getDefaultLaw, setStepHandler, setStepHandler
protected AbstractAnalyticalPropagator(AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
- provider for attitude computationpublic EphemerisGenerator getEphemerisGenerator()
This generator can be used when the user needs fast random access to the orbit state at any time between the initial and target times. A typical example is the implementation of search and iterative algorithms that may navigate forward and backward inside the propagation range before finding their result even if the propagator used is integration-based and only goes from one initial time to one target time.
Beware that when used with integration-based propagators, the generator will store all intermediate results. It is therefore memory intensive for long integration-based ranges and high precision/short time steps. When used with analytical propagators, the generator only stores start/stop time and a reference to the analytical propagator itself to call it back as needed, so it is less memory intensive.
The returned ephemeris generator will be initially empty, it will be filled
with propagation data when a subsequent call to either propagate(target)
or propagate(start, target)
is called. The proper way to use this method is
therefore to do:
EphemerisGenerator generator = propagator.getEphemerisGenerator(); propagator.propagate(target); BoundedPropagator ephemeris = generator.getGeneratedEphemeris();
public <T extends EventDetector> void addEventDetector(T detector)
- class type for the generic versiondetector
- event detector to addPropagator.clearEventsDetectors()
public Collection<EventDetector> getEventsDetectors()
public void clearEventsDetectors()
public SpacecraftState propagate(AbsoluteDate start, AbsoluteDate target)
Those propagators use a start date and a target date to compute the propagated state. For propagators using event detection mechanism, if the provided start date is different from the initial state date, a first, simple propagation is performed, without processing any event computation. Then complete propagation is performed from start date to target date.
- start date from which orbit state should be propagatedtarget
- target date to which orbit state should be propagatedprotected SpacecraftState acceptStep(OrekitStepInterpolator interpolator, AbsoluteDate target) throws org.hipparchus.exception.MathRuntimeException
- interpolator for the current steptarget
- final propagation timeorg.hipparchus.exception.MathRuntimeException
- if an event cannot be locatedprotected abstract double getMass(AbsoluteDate date)
- target date for the orbitpublic PVCoordinatesProvider getPvProvider()
protected abstract void resetIntermediateState(SpacecraftState state, boolean forward)
- new intermediate state to considerforward
- if true, the intermediate state is valid for
propagations after itselfprotected abstract Orbit propagateOrbit(AbsoluteDate date)
- target date for the orbitprotected SpacecraftState basicPropagate(AbsoluteDate date)
This method is similar in spirit to the propagate(org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate, org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate)
except that it does not call any handler during
propagation, nor any discrete events, not additional states. It always
stop exactly at the specified date.
- target date for propagationprotected List<String> getJacobiansColumnsNames()
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