public interface Frames
s. This interface defines methods for
obtaining instances of many commonly used reference frames.FramesFactory
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Frame |
buildUncachedITRF(UT1Scale ut1)
Build an uncached International Terrestrial Reference Frame with specific
EOP history . |
FactoryManagedFrame |
getCIRF(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get the CIRF2000 reference frame.
Frame |
getEcliptic(IERSConventions conventions)
Get the ecliptic frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
Get the unique EME2000 frame.
EOPHistory |
getEOPHistory(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get Earth Orientation Parameters history.
Frame |
getFrame(Predefined factoryKey)
Get one of the predefined frames.
Frame |
Get the unique GCRF frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getGTOD(boolean applyEOPCorr)
Get the GTOD reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getGTOD(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get the GTOD reference frame.
Frame |
Get the unique ICRF frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getITRF(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get an unspecified International Terrestrial Reference Frame.
VersionedITRF |
getITRF(ITRFVersion version,
IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get an specific International Terrestrial Reference Frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getITRFEquinox(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get the equinox-based ITRF reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getMOD(boolean applyEOPCorr)
Get the MOD reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getMOD(IERSConventions conventions)
Get the MOD reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getPZ9011(IERSConventions convention,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get the PZ-90.11 (Parametry Zemly – 1990.11) reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
Get the TEME reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getTIRF(IERSConventions conventions)
Get the TIRF reference frame, ignoring tidal effects.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getTIRF(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get the TIRF reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getTOD(boolean applyEOPCorr)
Get the TOD reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
getTOD(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP)
Get the TOD reference frame.
FactoryManagedFrame |
Get the VEIS 1950 reference frame.
static Frames |
of(TimeScales timeScales,
CelestialBodies celestialBodies)
Create a set of frames from the given data.
static Frames |
of(TimeScales timeScales,
Supplier<Frame> icrfSupplier)
Create a set of frames from the given data.
EOPHistory getEOPHistory(IERSConventions conventions, boolean simpleEOP)
- conventions for which EOP history is requestedsimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPFrame getFrame(Predefined factoryKey)
- key of the frame within the factoryFrame getGCRF()
The GCRF frame is the root frame in the frame tree.
Frame getICRF()
The ICRF frame is centered at solar system barycenter and aligned with GCRF.
Frame getEcliptic(IERSConventions conventions)
This implementation agrees with the JPL 406 ephemerides to within 0.5 arc seconds.
- IERS conventions to applyFactoryManagedFrame getEME2000()
The EME2000 frame is also called the J2000 frame. The former denomination is preferred in Orekit.
FactoryManagedFrame getITRF(IERSConventions conventions, boolean simpleEOP)
The frame returned uses the Earth Orientation Parameters
blindly. So if for example one loads only EOP 14 C04 files to retrieve
the parameters, the frame will be an ITRFVersion.ITRF_2014
. However,
if parameters are loaded from different files types, or even for file
types that changed their reference (like Bulletin A switching from
to ITRFVersion.ITRF_2014
with Vol. XXXI No. 013 published on 2018-03-29), then the ITRF returned
by this method will jump from one version to another version.
IF a specific version of ITRF is needed, then getITRF(ITRFVersion,
IERSConventions, boolean)
should be used instead.
- IERS conventions to applysimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPgetITRF(ITRFVersion, IERSConventions, boolean)
FactoryManagedFrame getTIRF(IERSConventions conventions)
- IERS conventions to applyVersionedITRF getITRF(ITRFVersion version, IERSConventions conventions, boolean simpleEOP)
Note that if a specific version of ITRF is required, then simpleEOP
should most probably be set to false
, as ignoring tidal effects
has an effect of the same order of magnitude as the differences between
the various ITRF versions
- ITRF versionconventions
- IERS conventions to applysimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPFrame buildUncachedITRF(UT1Scale ut1)
EOP history
This frame and its parent frames (TIRF and CIRF) will not be cached, they are
rebuilt from scratch each time this method is called. This factory method is intended
to be used when EOP history is changed at run time. For regular ITRF use, the
getITRF(IERSConventions, boolean)
and {link getITRF(ITRFVersion, IERSConventions, boolean)
are more suitable.
- UT1 time scale (contains the EOP history
)FactoryManagedFrame getTIRF(IERSConventions conventions, boolean simpleEOP)
- IERS conventions to applysimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPFactoryManagedFrame getCIRF(IERSConventions conventions, boolean simpleEOP)
- IERS conventions to applysimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPFactoryManagedFrame getVeis1950()
Its parent frame is the GTOD frame with IERS 1996 conventions without EOP corrections.
FactoryManagedFrame getITRFEquinox(IERSConventions conventions, boolean simpleEOP)
- IERS conventions to applysimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPFactoryManagedFrame getGTOD(boolean applyEOPCorr)
The applyEOPCorr parameter is available mainly for testing purposes or for
consistency with legacy software that don't handle EOP correction parameters.
Beware that setting this parameter to false
leads to crude accuracy
(order of magnitudes for errors might be above 250m in LEO and 1400m in GEO).
For this reason, setting this parameter to false is restricted to IERS 1996
conventions, and hence the IERS conventions
cannot be freely chosen here.
- if true, EOP corrections are applied (here, dut1 and lod)FactoryManagedFrame getGTOD(IERSConventions conventions, boolean simpleEOP)
- IERS conventions to applysimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPFactoryManagedFrame getTOD(boolean applyEOPCorr)
The applyEOPCorr parameter is available mainly for testing purposes or for
consistency with legacy software that don't handle EOP correction parameters.
Beware that setting this parameter to false
leads to crude accuracy
(order of magnitudes for errors might be above 1m in LEO and 10m in GEO).
For this reason, setting this parameter to false is restricted to IERS 1996
conventions, and hence the IERS conventions
cannot be freely chosen here.
- if true, EOP corrections are applied (here, nutation)FactoryManagedFrame getTOD(IERSConventions conventions, boolean simpleEOP)
- IERS conventions to applysimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPFactoryManagedFrame getMOD(boolean applyEOPCorr)
The applyEOPCorr parameter is available mainly for testing purposes or for
consistency with legacy software that don't handle EOP correction parameters.
Beware that setting this parameter to false
leads to crude accuracy
(order of magnitudes for errors might be above 1m in LEO and 10m in GEO).
For this reason, setting this parameter to false is restricted to IERS 1996
conventions, and hence the IERS conventions
cannot be freely chosen here.
- if true, EOP corrections are applied (EME2000/GCRF bias compensation)FactoryManagedFrame getMOD(IERSConventions conventions)
- IERS conventions to applyFactoryManagedFrame getTEME()
The TEME frame is used for the SGP4 model in TLE propagation. This frame has no official definition and there are some ambiguities about whether it should be used as "of date" or "of epoch". This frame should therefore be used only for TLE propagation and not for anything else, as recommended by the CCSDS Orbit Data Message blue book.
FactoryManagedFrame getPZ9011(IERSConventions convention, boolean simpleEOP)
The PZ-90.11 reference system was updated on all operational GLONASS satellites starting from 3:00 pm on December 31, 2013.
The transition between parent frame (ITRF-2008) and PZ-90.11 frame is performed using a seven parameters Helmert transformation.
From To ΔX(m) ΔY(m) ΔZ(m) RX(mas) RY(mas) RZ(mas) Epoch ITRF-2008 PZ-90.11 +0.003 +0.001 -0.000 +0.019 -0.042 +0.002 2010
- IERS conventions to applysimpleEOP
- if true, tidal effects are ignored when interpolating EOPstatic Frames of(TimeScales timeScales, CelestialBodies celestialBodies)
- used to build the frames as well as the EOP data set.celestialBodies
- used to get getICRF()
which is the inertial frame
of the solar system barycenter.of(TimeScales, Supplier)
static Frames of(TimeScales timeScales, Supplier<Frame> icrfSupplier)
- used to build the frames as well as the EOP data set.icrfSupplier
- used to get getICRF()
. For example, celestialBodies.getSolarSystemBarycenter().getInertiallyOrientedFrame()
TimeScales.of(Collection, BiFunction)
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