public class TriggerDate extends Object implements AdditionalStateProvider, ManeuverTriggersResetter
Typical use cases for this are estimation of maneuver start and stop date during either orbit determination or maneuver optimization.
Let (t0,y0) be the state at propagation start, (t1,y1) be the state at maneuver trigger time, (tt,yt) be the state at any arbitrary time t during propagation, and fm(t,y) be the contribution of the maneuver to the global ODE dydt=f(t,y). We are interested in the Jacobian column ∂yt∂t1.
There are two parts in this Jacobian: the primary part corresponds to the full contribution of the acceleration due to the maneuver as it is delayed by a small amount dt1, whereas the secondary part corresponds to change of acceleration after maneuver start as the mass depletion is delayed and therefore the spacecraft mass is different from the mass for nominal start time.
The primary part is computed as follows. After trigger time t1 (according to propagation direction), ∂yt∂t1=±∂yt∂y1fm(t1,y1) where the sign depends on t1 being a start or stop trigger and propagation being forward or backward.
We don't have ∂yt∂y1 available if t1≠t0, but we have ∂yt∂y0 at any time since it can be computed by integrating variational equations for numerical propagation or by other closed form expressions for analytical propagators. We use the classical composition rule to recover the state transition matrix with respect to intermediate time t1: ∂yt∂y0=∂yt∂y1∂y1∂y0 We deduce ∂yt∂y1=∂yt∂y0(∂y1∂y0)−1
The contribution of the primary part to the Jacobian column can therefore be computed using the following closed-form expression: ∂yt∂t1=±∂yt∂y0(∂y1∂y0)−1fm(t1,y1)=∂yt∂y0c1 where c1 is the signed contribution of maneuver at t1 and is computed at trigger time by solving ∂y1∂y0c1=±fm(t1,y1).
As the primary part of the column is generated using a closed-form expression, this generator
implements the AdditionalStateProvider
interface and stores the column directly
in the primary state during propagation.
As the closed-form expression requires picking c1 at trigger time t1, it works only if propagation starts outside of the maneuver and passes over t1 during integration.
The secondary part is computed as follows. We have acceleration →Γ=→Fm and m=m0−q(t−ts), where m is current mass, m0 is initial mass and ts is maneuver trigger time. A delay dts on trigger time induces delaying mass depletion. We get: d→Γ=−→Fm2dm=−→Fm2qdts=−→Γqmdts From this total differential, we extract the partial derivative of the acceleration ∂→Γ∂ts=−→Γqm
The contribution of the secondary part to the Jacobian column can therefore be computed by integrating the partial derivative of the acceleration, to get the partial derivative of the position.
As the secondary part of the column is generated using a differential equation, a separate
underlying generator implementing the AdditionalDerivativesProvider
interface is set up to
perform the integration during propagation.
This generator takes care to sum up the primary and secondary parts so the full column of the Jacobian is computed.
The implementation takes care to not resetting c1 at propagation start. This allows to get proper Jacobian if we interrupt propagation in the middle of a maneuver and restart propagation where it left.
Constructor and Description |
TriggerDate(String stmName,
String triggerName,
boolean manageStart,
Maneuver maneuver,
double threshold)
Simple constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double[] |
getAdditionalState(SpacecraftState state)
Get the additional state.
MassDepletionDelay |
Get the mass depletion effect processor.
String |
Get the name of the additional state.
void |
init(SpacecraftState initialState,
AbsoluteDate target)
Initialize the additional state provider at the start of propagation.
void |
maneuverTriggered(SpacecraftState state,
boolean start)
Observe a maneuver trigger.
SpacecraftState |
resetState(SpacecraftState state)
Reset state as a maneuver triggers.
boolean |
yield(SpacecraftState state)
Check if this provider should yield so another provider has an opportunity to add missing parts.
public TriggerDate(String stmName, String triggerName, boolean manageStart, Maneuver maneuver, double threshold)
- name of State Transition Matrix statetriggerName
- name of the parameter corresponding to the trigger date columnmanageStart
- if true, we compute derivatives with respect to maneuver startmaneuver
- maneuver force modelthreshold
- event detector thresholdpublic String getName()
in interface AdditionalStateProvider
public boolean yield(SpacecraftState state)
Decision to yield is often based on an additional state being already available
in the provided state
(but it could theoretically also depend on
an additional state derivative being already available
, or any other criterion). If for example a provider needs the state transition
matrix, it could implement this method as:
public boolean yield(final SpacecraftState state) {
return !state.getAdditionalStates().containsKey("STM");
The default implementation returns false
, meaning that state data can be
The column state can be computed only if the State Transition Matrix state is available.
in interface AdditionalStateProvider
- state to handlepublic MassDepletionDelay getMassDepletionDelay()
public void init(SpacecraftState initialState, AbsoluteDate target)
in interface ManeuverTriggersResetter
in interface AdditionalStateProvider
- initial state information at the start of propagationtarget
- date of propagationpublic double[] getAdditionalState(SpacecraftState state)
in interface AdditionalStateProvider
- spacecraft state to which additional state should correspondpublic void maneuverTriggered(SpacecraftState state, boolean start)
The start
parameter corresponds to physical flow of time
from past to future, not to propagation direction which can be backward.
This means that during forward propagations, the first call will have
set to true
and the second call will have
set to false
, whereas in backward propagation,
the first call will have start
set to false
and the second
call will have start
set to true
in interface ManeuverTriggersResetter
- spacecraft state at trigger date (before applying the maneuver)start
- if true, the trigger is the start of the maneuverpublic SpacecraftState resetState(SpacecraftState state)
in interface ManeuverTriggersResetter
- spacecraft state at trigger dateCopyright © 2002-2022 CS GROUP. All rights reserved.