Package | Description |
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm |
This package contains the base hierarchy for CCSDS ADM, ODM and TDM.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Attitude Data Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.aem |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Attitude Ephemeris Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.apm |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Attitude Parameter Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.cdm |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Conjunction Data Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Data Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm.ocm |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Comprehensive Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm.oem |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Ephemeris Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm.omm |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Mean-Elements Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm.opm |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Parameter Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.tdm |
This package contains class managing CCSDS Tracking Data Message.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.utils |
This package contains utilities shared by many CCSDS messages parsers/writers.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.utils.lexical |
This package contains utilities for CCSDS messages lexical analysis.
org.orekit.files.ccsds.utils.parsing |
This package contains classes related to the processing
of parse tokens using the state design pattern.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ParsedUnitsBehavior |
Get the behavior to adopt for handling parsed units.
static ParsedUnitsBehavior |
ParsedUnitsBehavior.valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ParsedUnitsBehavior[] |
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ParserBuilder |
ParserBuilder.withParsedUnitsBehavior(ParsedUnitsBehavior newParsedUnitsBehavior)
Set up the behavior to adopt for handling parsed units.
Constructor and Description |
AdmParser(String root,
String formatVersionKey,
IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
AbsoluteDate missionReferenceDate,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
AemParser(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
AbsoluteDate missionReferenceDate,
int defaultInterpolationDegree,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
ApmParser(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
AbsoluteDate missionReferenceDate,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
CdmParser(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
OdmParser(String root,
String formatVersionKey,
IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
AbsoluteDate missionReferenceDate,
double mu,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
OcmParser(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
double mu,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
OemParser(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
AbsoluteDate missionReferenceDate,
double mu,
int defaultInterpolationDegree,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
OmmParser(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
AbsoluteDate missionReferenceDate,
double mu,
double defaultMass,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
OpmParser(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
AbsoluteDate missionReferenceDate,
double mu,
double defaultMass,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
Constructor and Description |
TdmParser(IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior,
RangeUnitsConverter converter)
Complete constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ParsedUnitsBehavior |
Get the behavior to adopt for handling parsed units.
Constructor and Description |
ContextBinding(Supplier<IERSConventions> conventionsSupplier,
BooleanSupplier simpleEOPSupplier,
Supplier<DataContext> dataContextSupplier,
Supplier<ParsedUnitsBehavior> behaviorSupplier,
Supplier<AbsoluteDate> referenceDateSupplier,
Supplier<TimeSystem> timeSystemSupplier,
DoubleSupplier clockCountSupplier,
DoubleSupplier clockRateSupplier)
Create a new context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ParseToken.processAsDouble(Unit standard,
ParsedUnitsBehavior behavior,
ParseToken.DoubleConsumer consumer)
Process the content as a double.
boolean |
ParseToken.processAsDoublyIndexedDouble(int i,
int j,
Unit standard,
ParsedUnitsBehavior behavior,
ParseToken.DoublyIndexedDoubleConsumer consumer)
Process the content as a doubly-indexed double.
boolean |
ParseToken.processAsIndexedDouble(int i,
Unit standard,
ParsedUnitsBehavior behavior,
ParseToken.IndexedDoubleConsumer consumer)
Process the content as an indexed double.
boolean |
ParseToken.processAsLabeledDouble(char label,
Unit standard,
ParsedUnitsBehavior behavior,
ParseToken.LabeledDoubleConsumer consumer)
Process the content as an labeled double.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ParsedUnitsBehavior |
Get the behavior to adopt for handling parsed units.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractConstituentParser(String root,
String formatVersionKey,
IERSConventions conventions,
boolean simpleEOP,
DataContext dataContext,
ParsedUnitsBehavior parsedUnitsBehavior)
Complete constructor.
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