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Re: [Orekit Users] Newbye question on how to get satellite location given a TLE
Hi Marco,
Marco Serioli <mserioli@gmail.com> a écrit :
Hi and compliments for your super project!
Thanks a lot for these kind words.
I'm a newbye and moreover I know nothing about background concept of this
I'm simply developing a software in which I have to find azimuth and
elevation of a Satellite at a given time from a given Ground Station.
Moreover I want to find Satellite lat and long.
What I have tryed to do is: after setting OREKIT_DATA_PATH, create a TLE
TLE tle = new TLE(
"1 07530U 74089B 14068.85842801 -.00000028 00000-0 96998-4 0
"2 07530 101.4628 53.9967 0012290 127.9050 292.4577
TLEPropagator propagator = TLEPropagator.selectExtrapolator(tle);
But I have not found a way to create a ground station.
You can use TopocentricFrame for this, and even better
ElevationDetector (which is built from a topocentric frame) if you
want to automatically display start and end of visibilities from this
specified station. You can look in the src/tutorials folder in the
source distribution (fr.cs.examples.propagation.VisibilityCheck).
Moreover I can get
only PVCoordinates from propagator and I don't know how to get relative
angular coordinates to plot satellite position projected on a world map.
In order to display geodetic coordinates, you can look at another
tutorial: MasterMode. There, you will see a local implementation of
OrekitFixedStepHandler. Copy it and replace the print part in the
handleStep with a new print dedicated to geodetic coordinates. In
order to compute these coordinates, you would have first created a
model for Earth as follows:
Frame earthFrame = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
BodyShape earth = new
and then in the handleStep method you can do:
GeodeticPoint gp =
Then you can print gp.getLatitude(), gp.getLongitude(), get.getAltitude().
How can I get information requested?
You should browse the tutorials and look at
Thank you and sorry if my question is silly
No problem, you're welcome
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