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Re: [Orekit Users] Orekit selected for SOCIS 2014

paulcefo <paulcefo@buffalo.edu> a écrit :


Are students studying in countries that have European Cooperating State Agreements with ESA eligible for this program?
Yes. The important thing is where they study. Here is the exact  
sentence in <http://sophia.estec.esa.int/socis2014/?q=tos>, in the  
"Students Participants" section:
  As an additional requirement, the institution must be based in a state that
  is contributing to the ESA basic Technology Research Programme, that is
  including at least all ESA member states and some other states that have an
  agreement with ESA. In case of doubt, please contact the ESA delegation of
  your country or visit the ESA website.

best regards,


Dr. Paul J. Cefola
Consultant in Aerospace Systems, Spaceflight Mechanics, & Astrodynamics
Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo (SUNY)
4 Moonstone Way
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

508-696-1884 (phone on Martha's Vineyard)
978-201-1393 (cell)


On 05/01/2014 12:17 pm, MAISONOBE Luc wrote:
Hi all,

ESA has announced on 2014-05-01 the list of open-source projects
selected for its Summer Of Code In Space (SOCIS) 2014. We are very
happy that our project has been selected this year, as it was selected
previous years. The complete list of selected projects is available
here: <http://sophia.estec.esa.int/socis2014/?q=node/13>.

Students who are studying in one of the ESA member state can apply to
the SOCIS projects. Our own list of ideas is here:
<https://www.orekit.org/forge/projects/orekit/wiki/SOCIS>. If you are
interested, look at the SOCIS site to see the conditions for
application. If you want to apply to one of the Orekit proposed
subjects (or if you have another subject you want to propose us), feel
free to use our developers mailing lists (see our mailing lists page
for subscribing to the list).

best regards,
Luc, on behalf of the Orekit team

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