Class PolynomialRotation

    • Constructor Detail

      • PolynomialRotation

        public PolynomialRotation​(String name,
                                  Vector3D axis,
                                  AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
                                  double... angleCoeffs)
        Simple constructor.

        The angle of the rotation is evaluated as a polynomial in t, where t is the duration in seconds between evaluation date and reference date. The parameters are the polynomial coefficients, with the constant term at index 0.

        name - name of the rotation (used for estimated parameters identification)
        axis - rotation axis
        referenceDate - reference date for the polynomial angle
        angleCoeffs - polynomial coefficients of the polynomial angle, with the constant term at index 0
      • PolynomialRotation

        public PolynomialRotation​(String name,
                                  Vector3D axis,
                                  AbsoluteDate referenceDate,
                                  PolynomialFunction angle)
        Simple constructor.

        The angle of the rotation is evaluated as a polynomial in t, where t is the duration in seconds between evaluation date and reference date. The parameters are the polynomial coefficients, with the constant term at index 0.

        name - name of the rotation (used for estimated parameters identification)
        axis - rotation axis
        referenceDate - reference date for the polynomial angle
        angle - polynomial angle
    • Method Detail

      • transformLOS

        public Vector3D transformLOS​(int i,
                                     Vector3D los,
                                     AbsoluteDate date)
        Transform a line-of-sight.
        Specified by:
        transformLOS in interface LOSTransform
        i - los pixel index
        los - line-of-sight to transform
        date - current date
        transformed line-of-sight
      • transformLOS

        public <T extends Derivative<T>> FieldVector3D<T> transformLOS​(int i,
                                                                       FieldVector3D<T> los,
                                                                       AbsoluteDate date,
                                                                       DerivativeGenerator<T> generator)
        Transform a line-of-sight and its partial derivatives.

        This method is used for LOS calibration purposes. It allows to compute the Jacobian matrix of the LOS with respect to the parameters, which are typically polynomials coefficients representing rotation angles. These polynomials can be used for example to model thermo-elastic effects.

        Specified by:
        transformLOS in interface LOSTransform
        Type Parameters:
        T - derivative type
        i - los pixel index
        los - line-of-sight to transform
        date - date
        generator - generator to use for building DerivativeStructure instances
        line of sight, and its first partial derivatives with respect to the parameters