/* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.orekit.propagation.numerical;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hipparchus.analysis.differentiation.Gradient;
import org.hipparchus.exception.LocalizedCoreFormats;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.FieldVector3D;
import org.hipparchus.linear.MatrixUtils;
import org.hipparchus.linear.QRDecomposition;
import org.hipparchus.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.hipparchus.util.Precision;
import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProvider;
import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProviderModifier;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.forces.ForceModel;
import org.orekit.orbits.OrbitType;
import org.orekit.orbits.PositionAngleType;
import org.orekit.propagation.FieldSpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.integration.AdditionalDerivativesProvider;
import org.orekit.propagation.integration.CombinedDerivatives;
import org.orekit.utils.DoubleArrayDictionary;
import org.orekit.utils.ParameterDriver;
import org.orekit.utils.TimeSpanMap.Span;

/** Generator for State Transition Matrix.
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
 * @author Melina Vanel
 * @since 11.1
class StateTransitionMatrixGenerator implements AdditionalDerivativesProvider {

    /** Threshold for matrix solving. */
    private static final double THRESHOLD = Precision.SAFE_MIN;

    /** Space dimension. */
    private static final int SPACE_DIMENSION = 3;

    /** State dimension. */
    public static final int STATE_DIMENSION = 2 * SPACE_DIMENSION;

    /** Name of the Cartesian STM additional state. */
    private final String stmName;

    /** Force models used in propagation. */
    private final List<ForceModel> forceModels;

    /** Attitude provider used in propagation. */
    private final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider;

    /** Observers for partial derivatives. */
    private final Map<String, PartialsObserver> partialsObservers;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * @param stmName name of the Cartesian STM additional state
     * @param forceModels force models used in propagation
     * @param attitudeProvider attitude provider used in propagation
    StateTransitionMatrixGenerator(final String stmName, final List<ForceModel> forceModels,
                                   final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider) {
        this.stmName           = stmName;
        this.forceModels       = forceModels;
        this.attitudeProvider  = attitudeProvider;
        this.partialsObservers = new HashMap<>();

    /** Register an observer for partial derivatives.
     * <p>
     * The observer {@link PartialsObserver#partialsComputed(SpacecraftState, double[], double[])} partialsComputed}
     * method will be called when partial derivatives are computed, as a side effect of
     * calling {@link #generate(SpacecraftState)}
     * </p>
     * @param name name of the parameter driver this observer is interested in (may be null)
     * @param observer observer to register
    void addObserver(final String name, final PartialsObserver observer) {
        partialsObservers.put(name, observer);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getName() {
        return stmName;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int getDimension() {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean yields(final SpacecraftState state) {
        return !state.hasAdditionalState(getName());

    /** Set the initial value of the State Transition Matrix.
     * <p>
     * The returned state must be added to the propagator.
     * </p>
     * @param state initial state
     * @param dYdY0 initial State Transition Matrix ∂Y/∂Y₀,
     * if null (which is the most frequent case), assumed to be 6x6 identity
     * @param orbitType orbit type used for states Y and Y₀ in {@code dYdY0}
     * @param positionAngleType position angle used states Y and Y₀ in {@code dYdY0}
     * @return state with initial STM (converted to Cartesian ∂C/∂Y₀) added
    SpacecraftState setInitialStateTransitionMatrix(final SpacecraftState state,
                                                    final RealMatrix dYdY0,
                                                    final OrbitType orbitType,
                                                    final PositionAngleType positionAngleType) {

        final RealMatrix nonNullDYdY0;
        if (dYdY0 == null) {
            nonNullDYdY0 = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(STATE_DIMENSION);
        } else {
            if (dYdY0.getRowDimension() != STATE_DIMENSION ||
                            dYdY0.getColumnDimension() != STATE_DIMENSION) {
                throw new OrekitException(LocalizedCoreFormats.DIMENSIONS_MISMATCH_2x2,
                                          dYdY0.getRowDimension(), dYdY0.getColumnDimension(),
                                          STATE_DIMENSION, STATE_DIMENSION);
            nonNullDYdY0 = dYdY0;

        // convert to Cartesian STM
        final RealMatrix dCdY0;
        if (state.isOrbitDefined()) {
            final double[][] dYdC = new double[STATE_DIMENSION][STATE_DIMENSION];
            orbitType.convertType(state.getOrbit()).getJacobianWrtCartesian(positionAngleType, dYdC);
            dCdY0 = new QRDecomposition(MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(dYdC), THRESHOLD).getSolver().solve(nonNullDYdY0);
        } else {
            dCdY0 = nonNullDYdY0;

        // flatten matrix
        final double[] flat = new double[STATE_DIMENSION * STATE_DIMENSION];
        int k = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < STATE_DIMENSION; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < STATE_DIMENSION; ++j) {
                flat[k++] = dCdY0.getEntry(i, j);

        // set additional state
        return state.addAdditionalState(stmName, flat);


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public CombinedDerivatives combinedDerivatives(final SpacecraftState state) {

        // Assuming position is (px, py, pz), velocity is (vx, vy, vz) and the acceleration
        // due to the force models is (Σ ax, Σ ay, Σ az), the differential equation for
        // Cartesian State Transition Matrix ∂C/∂Y₀ for the contribution of all force models is:
        //                   [     0          0          0            1          0          0   ]
        //                   [     0          0          0            0          1          0   ]
        //  d(∂C/∂Y₀)/dt  =  [     0          0          0            1          0          1   ] ⨯ ∂C/∂Y₀
        //                   [Σ dax/dpx  Σ dax/dpy  Σ dax/dpz    Σ dax/dvx  Σ dax/dvy  Σ dax/dvz]
        //                   [Σ day/dpx  Σ day/dpy  Σ dax/dpz    Σ day/dvx  Σ day/dvy  Σ dax/dvz]
        //                   [Σ daz/dpx  Σ daz/dpy  Σ dax/dpz    Σ daz/dvx  Σ daz/dvy  Σ dax/dvz]
        // some force models depend on velocity (either directly or through attitude),
        // whereas some other force models depend only on position.
        // For the latter, the lower right part of the matrix is zero
        final double[] factor = computePartials(state);

        // retrieve current State Transition Matrix
        final double[] p    = state.getAdditionalState(getName());
        final double[] pDot = new double[p.length];

        // perform multiplication
        multiplyMatrix(factor, p, pDot, STATE_DIMENSION);

        return new CombinedDerivatives(pDot, null);


    /** Compute evolution matrix product.
     * <p>
     * This method computes \(Y = F \times X\) where the factor matrix is:
     * \[F = \begin{matrix}
     *               0         &             0         &             0         &             1         &             0         &             0        \\
     *               0         &             0         &             0         &             0         &             1         &             0        \\
     *               0         &             0         &             0         &             0         &             0         &             1        \\
     *  \sum \frac{da_x}{dp_x} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dp_y} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dp_z} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dv_x} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dv_y} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dv_z}\\
     *  \sum \frac{da_y}{dp_x} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dp_y} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dp_z} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dv_x} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dv_y} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dv_z}\\
     *  \sum \frac{da_z}{dp_x} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dp_y} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dp_z} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dv_x} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dv_y} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dv_z}
     * \end{matrix}\]
     * </p>
     * @param factor factor matrix
     * @param x right factor of the multiplication, as a flatten array in row major order
     * @param y placeholder where to put the result, as a flatten array in row major order
     * @param columns number of columns of both x and y (so their dimensions are 6 x columns)
    static void multiplyMatrix(final double[] factor, final double[] x, final double[] y, final int columns) {

        final int n = SPACE_DIMENSION * columns;

        // handle first three rows by a simple copy
        System.arraycopy(x, n, y, 0, n);

        // regular multiplication for the last three rows
        for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j) {
            y[n + j              ] = factor[ 0] * x[j              ] + factor[ 1] * x[j +     columns] + factor[ 2] * x[j + 2 * columns] +
                                     factor[ 3] * x[j + 3 * columns] + factor[ 4] * x[j + 4 * columns] + factor[ 5] * x[j + 5 * columns];
            y[n + j +     columns] = factor[ 6] * x[j              ] + factor[ 7] * x[j +     columns] + factor[ 8] * x[j + 2 * columns] +
                                     factor[ 9] * x[j + 3 * columns] + factor[10] * x[j + 4 * columns] + factor[11] * x[j + 5 * columns];
            y[n + j + 2 * columns] = factor[12] * x[j              ] + factor[13] * x[j +     columns] + factor[14] * x[j + 2 * columns] +
                                     factor[15] * x[j + 3 * columns] + factor[16] * x[j + 4 * columns] + factor[17] * x[j + 5 * columns];


    /** Compute the various partial derivatives.
     * @param state current spacecraft state
     * @return factor matrix
    private double[] computePartials(final SpacecraftState state) {

        // set up containers for partial derivatives
        final double[]              factor               = new double[SPACE_DIMENSION * STATE_DIMENSION];
        final DoubleArrayDictionary accelerationPartials = new DoubleArrayDictionary();

        // evaluate contribution of all force models
        final AttitudeProvider equivalentAttitudeProvider = wrapAttitudeProviderIfPossible(forceModels, attitudeProvider);
        final boolean isThereAnyForceNotDependingOnlyOnPosition = -> !force.dependsOnPositionOnly());
        final NumericalGradientConverter posOnlyConverter = new NumericalGradientConverter(state, SPACE_DIMENSION, equivalentAttitudeProvider);
        final NumericalGradientConverter fullConverter = isThereAnyForceNotDependingOnlyOnPosition ?
            new NumericalGradientConverter(state, STATE_DIMENSION, equivalentAttitudeProvider) : posOnlyConverter;

        for (final ForceModel forceModel : forceModels) {

            final NumericalGradientConverter     converter    = forceModel.dependsOnPositionOnly() ? posOnlyConverter : fullConverter;
            final FieldSpacecraftState<Gradient> dsState      = converter.getState(forceModel);
            final Gradient[]                     parameters   = converter.getParametersAtStateDate(dsState, forceModel);
            final FieldVector3D<Gradient>        acceleration = forceModel.acceleration(dsState, parameters);
            final double[]                       gradX        = acceleration.getX().getGradient();
            final double[]                       gradY        = acceleration.getY().getGradient();
            final double[]                       gradZ        = acceleration.getZ().getGradient();

            // lower left part of the factor matrix
            factor[ 0] += gradX[0];
            factor[ 1] += gradX[1];
            factor[ 2] += gradX[2];
            factor[ 6] += gradY[0];
            factor[ 7] += gradY[1];
            factor[ 8] += gradY[2];
            factor[12] += gradZ[0];
            factor[13] += gradZ[1];
            factor[14] += gradZ[2];

            if (!forceModel.dependsOnPositionOnly()) {
                // lower right part of the factor matrix
                factor[ 3] += gradX[3];
                factor[ 4] += gradX[4];
                factor[ 5] += gradX[5];
                factor[ 9] += gradY[3];
                factor[10] += gradY[4];
                factor[11] += gradY[5];
                factor[15] += gradZ[3];
                factor[16] += gradZ[4];
                factor[17] += gradZ[5];

            // partials derivatives with respect to parameters
            int paramsIndex = converter.getFreeStateParameters();
            for (ParameterDriver driver : forceModel.getParametersDrivers()) {
                if (driver.isSelected()) {

                    // for each span (for each estimated value) corresponding name is added
                    for (Span<String> span = driver.getNamesSpanMap().getFirstSpan(); span != null; span = {

                        // get the partials derivatives for this driver
                        DoubleArrayDictionary.Entry entry = accelerationPartials.getEntry(span.getData());
                        if (entry == null) {
                            // create an entry filled with zeroes
                            accelerationPartials.put(span.getData(), new double[SPACE_DIMENSION]);
                            entry = accelerationPartials.getEntry(span.getData());

                        // add the contribution of the current force model
                        entry.increment(new double[] {
                            gradX[paramsIndex], gradY[paramsIndex], gradZ[paramsIndex]

            // notify observers
            for (Map.Entry<String, PartialsObserver> observersEntry : partialsObservers.entrySet()) {
                final DoubleArrayDictionary.Entry entry = accelerationPartials.getEntry(observersEntry.getKey());
                observersEntry.getValue().partialsComputed(state, factor, entry == null ? new double[SPACE_DIMENSION] : entry.getValue());


        return factor;


     * Method that first checks if it is possible to replace the attitude provider with a computationally cheaper one
     * to evaluate. If applicable, the new provider only computes the rotation and uses dummy rate and acceleration,
     * since they should not be used later on.
     * @param forceModels list of forces
     * @param attitudeProvider original attitude provider
     * @return same provider if at least one forces used attitude derivatives, otherwise one wrapping the old one for
     * the rotation
    private static AttitudeProvider wrapAttitudeProviderIfPossible(final List<ForceModel> forceModels,
                                                                   final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider) {
        if ( {
            // at least one force uses an attitude rate, need to keep the original provider
            return attitudeProvider;
        } else {
            // the original provider can be replaced by a lighter one for performance
            return AttitudeProviderModifier.getFrozenAttitudeProvider(attitudeProvider);

    /** Interface for observing partials derivatives. */
    public interface PartialsObserver {

        /** Callback called when partial derivatives have been computed.
         * <p>
         * The factor matrix is:
         * \[F = \begin{matrix}
         *               0         &             0         &             0         &             1         &             0         &             0        \\
         *               0         &             0         &             0         &             0         &             1         &             0        \\
         *               0         &             0         &             0         &             0         &             0         &             1        \\
         *  \sum \frac{da_x}{dp_x} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dp_y} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dp_z} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dv_x} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dv_y} & \sum\frac{da_x}{dv_z}\\
         *  \sum \frac{da_y}{dp_x} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dp_y} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dp_z} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dv_x} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dv_y} & \sum\frac{da_y}{dv_z}\\
         *  \sum \frac{da_z}{dp_x} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dp_y} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dp_z} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dv_x} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dv_y} & \sum\frac{da_z}{dv_z}
         * \end{matrix}\]
         * </p>
         * @param state current spacecraft state
         * @param factor factor matrix, flattened along rows
         * @param accelerationPartials partials derivatives of acceleration with respect to the parameter driver
         * that was registered (zero if no parameters were not selected or parameter is unknown)
        void partialsComputed(SpacecraftState state, double[] factor, double[] accelerationPartials);

