/* Copyright 2002-2025 CS GROUP
* Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.orekit.files.sinex;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
import org.orekit.gnss.GnssSignal;
import org.orekit.gnss.SatInSystem;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.time.TimeScales;
import org.orekit.utils.TimeSpanMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
/** Parse information for Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) files.
* @author Bryan Cazabonne
* @author Luc Maisonobe
* @since 13.0
public class SinexParseInfo extends ParseInfo<Sinex> {
/** Satellites antennas. */
private final Map<SatInSystem, Map<GnssSignal, Vector3D>> satellitesPhaseCenters;
/** Stations phase centers. */
private final Map<AntennaKey, Map<GnssSignal, Vector3D>> stationsPhaseCenters;
/** Station data. */
private final Map<String, Station> stations;
/** Earth Orientation Parameters data. */
private final Map<AbsoluteDate, SinexEopEntry> eop;
/** Station position X coordinate. */
private double px;
/** Station position Y coordinate. */
private double py;
/** Station position Z coordinate. */
private double pz;
/** Station velocity X coordinate. */
private double vx;
/** Station velocity Y coordinate. */
private double vy;
/** Station velocity Z coordinate. */
private double vz;
/** Correction axis. */
private PsdCorrection.Axis axis;
/** Correction time evolution. */
private PsdCorrection.TimeEvolution evolution;
/** Correction amplitude. */
private double amplitude;
/** Correction relaxation time. */
private double relaxationTime;
/** Phase centers. */
private final Map<GnssSignal, Vector3D> phaseCenters;
/** Simple constructor.
* @param timeScales time scales
SinexParseInfo(final TimeScales timeScales) {
this.satellitesPhaseCenters = new HashMap<>();
this.stationsPhaseCenters = new HashMap<>();
this.stations = new HashMap<>();
this.eop = new HashMap<>();
this.phaseCenters = new HashMap<>();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
void newSource(final String name) {
/** Add satellite phase center.
* @param satInSystem satellite id
* @param signal signal
* @param phaseCenter phase center
void addSatellitePhaseCenter(final SatInSystem satInSystem, final GnssSignal signal, final Vector3D phaseCenter) {
computeIfAbsent(satInSystem, s -> new HashMap<>()).
put(signal, phaseCenter);
/** Add station phase center.
* @param key antenna key
* @param phaseCenter phase center
* @param signals signals to use in order
void addStationPhaseCenter(final AntennaKey key, final Vector3D phaseCenter, final GnssSignal[] signals) {
phaseCenters.put(signals[phaseCenters.size()], phaseCenter);
if (phaseCenters.size() == signals.length) {
// we have parsed all expected signals
stationsPhaseCenters.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new HashMap<>()).putAll(phaseCenters);
/** Add station.
* @param station station to add
void addStation(final Station station) {
stations.putIfAbsent(station.getSiteCode(), station);
/** Get station from current line.
* @param index index of station in current line
* @return station
Station getCurrentLineStation(final int index) {
return stations.get(parseString(index, 4));
/** Get start date from current line.
* @return start date
AbsoluteDate getCurrentLineStartDate() {
return stringEpochToAbsoluteDate(parseString(16, 12), true);
/** Get end date from current line.
* @return end date
AbsoluteDate getCurrentLineEndDate() {
return stringEpochToAbsoluteDate(parseString(29, 12), false);
/** Set station position X coordinate.
* @param x station position X coordinate
* @param station station
* @param epoch coordinates epoch
void setPx(final double x, final Station station, final AbsoluteDate epoch) {
this.px = x;
finalizePositionIfComplete(station, epoch);
/** Set station position Y coordinate.
* @param y station position Y coordinate
* @param station station
* @param epoch coordinates epoch
void setPy(final double y, final Station station, final AbsoluteDate epoch) { = y;
finalizePositionIfComplete(station, epoch);
/** Set station position Z coordinate.
* @param z station position Z coordinate
* @param station station
* @param epoch coordinates epoch
void setPz(final double z, final Station station, final AbsoluteDate epoch) {
this.pz = z;
finalizePositionIfComplete(station, epoch);
/** Finalize station position if complete.
* @param station station
* @param epoch coordinates epoch
private void finalizePositionIfComplete(final Station station, final AbsoluteDate epoch) {
if (!Double.isNaN(px + py + pz)) {
// all coordinates are available, position is complete
station.setPosition(new Vector3D(px, py, pz));
/** Reset position.
void resetPosition() {
px = Double.NaN;
py = Double.NaN;
pz = Double.NaN;
/** Set station velocity X coordinate.
* @param x station velocity X coordinate
* @param station station
void setVx(final double x, final Station station) {
this.vx = x;
/** Set station velocity Y coordinate.
* @param y station velocity Y coordinate
* @param station station
void setVy(final double y, final Station station) {
this.vy = y;
/** Set station velocity Z coordinate.
* @param z station velocity Z coordinate
* @param station station
void setVz(final double z, final Station station) {
this.vz = z;
/** Finalize station velocity if complete.
* @param station station
private void finalizeVelocityIfComplete(final Station station) {
if (!Double.isNaN(vx + vy + vz)) {
// all coordinates are available, velocity is complete
station.setVelocity(new Vector3D(vx, vy, vz));
/** Reset velocity.
void resetVelocity() {
vx = Double.NaN;
vy = Double.NaN;
vz = Double.NaN;
/** Set correction axis.
* @param axis correction axis
void setAxis(final PsdCorrection.Axis axis) {
this.axis = axis;
/** Set correction time evolution.
* @param evolution correction time evolution
void setEvolution(final PsdCorrection.TimeEvolution evolution) {
this.evolution = evolution;
/** Set correction amplitude.
* @param correctionAmplitude correction amplitude
* @param station station
* @param epoch coordinates epoch
void setAmplitude(final double correctionAmplitude, final Station station, final AbsoluteDate epoch) {
this.amplitude = correctionAmplitude;
finalizePsdCorrectionIfComplete(station, epoch);
/** Set correction relaxation time.
* @param correctionRelaxationTime correction relaxation time
* @param station station
* @param epoch coordinates epoch
void setRelaxationTime(final double correctionRelaxationTime,
final Station station, final AbsoluteDate epoch) {
this.relaxationTime = correctionRelaxationTime;
finalizePsdCorrectionIfComplete(station, epoch);
/** Finalize a Post-Seismic Deformation correction model if complete.
* @param station station
* @param epoch coordinates epoch
private void finalizePsdCorrectionIfComplete(final Station station, final AbsoluteDate epoch) {
if (!Double.isNaN(amplitude + relaxationTime)) {
// both amplitude and relaxation time are available, correction is complete
final PsdCorrection correction = new PsdCorrection(axis, evolution, epoch, amplitude, relaxationTime);
station.addPsdCorrectionValidAfter(correction, epoch);
/** Reset Post-Seismic Deformation correction model.
private void resetPsdCorrection() {
axis = null;
evolution = null;
amplitude = Double.NaN;
relaxationTime = Double.NaN;
/** Create EOP entry.
* @param date EOP date
* @return EOP entry at date, creating it if needed
SinexEopEntry createEOPEntry(final AbsoluteDate date) {
return eop.computeIfAbsent(date, SinexEopEntry::new);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Sinex build() {
// set up phase centers for stations
for (final Station station : stations.values()) {
// time span map we need to populate
final TimeSpanMap<Map<GnssSignal, Vector3D>> phaseCentersMap = station.getPhaseCentersMap();
if (station.getAntennaKeyTimeSpanMap().getSpansNumber() > 1) {
for (TimeSpanMap.Span<AntennaKey> keySpan = station.getAntennaKeyTimeSpanMap().getFirstNonNullSpan();
keySpan != null; keySpan = {
// get the existing map for this span
Map<GnssSignal, Vector3D> centers =
phaseCentersMap.get(AbsoluteDate.createMedian(keySpan.getStart(), keySpan.getEnd()));
if (centers == null) {
// this is the first time we process this time span
centers = new HashMap<>();
phaseCentersMap.addValidBetween(centers, keySpan.getStart(), keySpan.getEnd());
if (keySpan.getData() != null) {
// try to identify the closest match for antenna
AntennaKey closestKey = null;
for (final AntennaKey candidate : keySpan.getData().matchingCandidates()) {
if (stationsPhaseCenters.containsKey(candidate)) {
closestKey = candidate;
if (closestKey == null) {
throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.UNKNOWN_GNSS_ANTENNA,
// add the phase centers for the closest key
return new Sinex(getTimeScales(), getCreationDate(), getStartDate(), getEndDate(),
satellitesPhaseCenters, stations, eop);