Uses of Package
Packages that use org.orekit.frames Package Description org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple This package provides interface to represent the position and geometry of space objects such as stars, planets or This package provides routines to model the adjoint dynamics as in the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, as used in indirect This package provides classes relative to the propagation part of indirect This package provide base classes for exploring the configured data directory tree and read external data that can be used by the This package provides initial orbit determination The measurements package defines everything that is related to orbit determination This package provides Orbit Determination measurements This package provides measurement The sequential package provides an implementation of a Kalman Filter engine to perform an orbit This package contains definitions for CCSDS objects (frames, time systems...).org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm This package contains class managing CCSDS Attitude Data This package contains class managing CCSDS Attitude Comprehensive This package contains class managing CCSDS Attitude Ephemeris This package contains class managing CCSDS Attitude Parameter This package contains class managing CCSDS Conjunction Data This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Data This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Comprehensive This package contains class managing CCSDS Orbit Ephemeris This package provides interfaces for orbit file representations and corresponding This package provides parsers and writers for Improved Interrange Vector (IIRV) This package collects classes representing the individual terms that make up an IIRV This package provides parsers for laser ranging data stored in CDR and CPF This package provides classes related to navigation clock This package provides classes related to station This package provides a parser for orbit data stored in SP3 This package provides a parser for STK ephemeris This package provides all drag-related This package provides all gravity-related This package provides inertial force This package provides models of simple This package provides all radiation pressure related This package provides classes to handle frames and transforms between Package specific to encounter local orbital This package provides classes for representing a spacecraft sensor Field Of This package provides classes related to GNSS This package provides classes related to receiver and satellites antenna This package provides classes related to navigation satellites attitude This package provides models that simulate certain physical phenomena of Earth and the near-Earth This package provides the atmosphere model interface and several This package provides models computing reference points displacements on Earth This package provides models that simulate the impact of the This package provides classes for implementing NeQuick ionosphere This package provides classes to represent Propagationorg.orekit.propagation.analytical Top level package for analytical This package provides classes to propagate GNSS This package provides classes related to navigation data containing in GNSS almanacs and navigation This package provides classes to propagate Intelsat's 11 This package provides classes to read and extrapolate tle' This package provides classes related to TLE This package provides tools to convert a given propagator or a set ofSpacecraftState
into another This package wraps methods from various (semi)analytical models in Orekit to convert back and forth between an averaged orbital state and an osculating This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during This package provides built-in implementations ofAdaptableInterval
.org.orekit.propagation.integration Utilities for integration-based propagators (both numerical and semi-analytical).org.orekit.propagation.numerical Top level package for numerical This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with step handling during This package provides an implementation of the Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces This package provides force models for Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities This package provides utilities for Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory (DSST).org.orekit.time This independent package provides classes to handle epochs, time scales, and to compare instants This package provides useful objects. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.attitudes Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class.LOF Interface for local orbital frame. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.bodies Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.control.indirect.adjoint Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class.Transform Transformation class in three dimensional space. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.control.indirect.shooting.propagation Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description Frames A collection of commonly usedFrame
s.LazyLoadedFrames This class lazily loads auxiliary data when it is needed by a requested frame. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.estimation.iod Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.estimation.measurements Class Description EOPHistory This class loads any kind of Earth Orientation Parameter data throughout a large time range.FieldStaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation.FieldTransform Transformation class in three-dimensional space.Frame Tridimensional references frames class.StaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation.TopocentricFrame Topocentric frame.Transform Transformation class in three dimensional space.TransformProvider Interface for Transform providers. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.estimation.measurements.generation Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.estimation.measurements.modifiers Class Description FieldTransform Transformation class in three-dimensional space.Frame Tridimensional references frames class.StaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.estimation.sequential Class Description LOFType Enumerate for different types of Local Orbital Frames. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.definitions Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class.LOFType Enumerate for different types of Local Orbital Frames.Transform Transformation class in three dimensional space. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.acm Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.aem Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.adm.apm Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.cdm Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm.ocm Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ccsds.ndm.odm.oem Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.general Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.iirv Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.iirv.terms Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.ilrs Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class.Frames A collection of commonly usedFrame
s. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.rinex.clock Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.sinex Class Description EOPEntry This class holds an Earth Orientation Parameters entry.EopHistoryLoader Interface for loading Earth Orientation Parameters history.ITRFVersion Enumerate for ITRF versions. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.sp3 Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.files.stk Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.forces.drag Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.forces.gravity Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.forces.inertia Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.forces.maneuvers Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.forces.radiation Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.frames Class Description AbstractFrames This class is an implementation ofFrames
that creates frames when they are first used and uses synchronization to ensure that each frame is only created once.EOPBasedTransformProvider Interface for Transform providers that useEarth Orientation Parameters
.EOPEntry This class holds an Earth Orientation Parameters entry.EOPFittedModel Container for fitted model for Earth Orientation Parameters.EOPFitter Earth Orientation Parameters fitter forEOP prediction
.EOPHistory This class loads any kind of Earth Orientation Parameter data throughout a large time range.EopHistoryLoader Interface for loading Earth Orientation Parameters history.EopHistoryLoader.Parser Interface for parsing EOP data files.FactoryManagedFrame Base class for the predefined frames that are managed byFrames
.FieldKinematicTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation as well as their respective rates.FieldPoleCorrection Simple container class for pole correction parameters.FieldStaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation.FieldTransform Transformation class in three-dimensional space.Frame Tridimensional references frames class.Frames A collection of commonly usedFrame
s.GTODProvider Greenwich True Of Date Frame, also known as True of Date Rotating frame (TDR) or Greenwich Rotating Coordinate frame (GCR).HelmertTransformation Transformation class for geodetic systems.HelmertTransformation.Predefined Enumerate for predefined Helmert transformations.ITRFVersion Enumerate for ITRF versions.ITRFVersion.Converter Specialized transform provider between ITRF frames.ITRFVersionLoader.ITRFVersionConfiguration ITRF version configuration entry.ItrfVersionProvider Interface for retrieving the ITRF version for a given set of EOP data.KinematicTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation as well as their respective rates.LazyLoadedEop Loads Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) from a configured set ofEopHistoryLoader
s on demand.LazyLoadedFrames This class lazily loads auxiliary data when it is needed by a requested frame.LocalMagneticFieldFrame.LOFBuilderVector Enum defining how the +j axis of the local orbital frame will be defined.LOF Interface for local orbital frame.LOFType Enumerate for different types of Local Orbital Frames.OrphanFrame Prototype frame that can be built from leaf to roots and later attached to a tree.PoleCorrection Simple container class for pole correction parameters.Predefined Predefined frames provided byFrames
.SingleParameterFitter Fitter for one Earth Orientation Parameter.StaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation.Transform Transformation class in three dimensional space.TransformProvider Interface for Transform providers.VersionedITRF Specific version of International Terrestrial Reference Frame. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.frames.encounter Class Description LOF Interface for local orbital frame. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.geometry.fov Class Description Transform Transformation class in three dimensional space. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.gnss Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class.Frames A collection of commonly usedFrame
s. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.gnss.antenna Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.gnss.attitude Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description TopocentricFrame Topocentric frame. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description TopocentricFrame Topocentric frame. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.orbits Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation Class Description FieldStaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation.FieldTransform Transformation class in three-dimensional space.Frame Tridimensional references frames class.Frames A collection of commonly usedFrame
s.LOF Interface for local orbital frame.LOFType Enumerate for different types of Local Orbital Frames.StaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation.Transform Transformation class in three dimensional space. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.analytical Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.analytical.gnss Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class.Frames A collection of commonly usedFrame
s. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class.Frames A collection of commonly usedFrame
s. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.analytical.intelsat Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle.generation Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.conversion Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.conversion.averaging Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class.TopocentricFrame Topocentric frame. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by Class Description TopocentricFrame Topocentric frame. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.integration Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.numerical Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.sampling Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces Class Description FieldStaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation.Frame Tridimensional references frames class.StaticTransform A transform that only includes translation and rotation. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities Class Description Frame Tridimensional references frames class. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.time Class Description EOPEntry This class holds an Earth Orientation Parameters entry.EOPHistory This class loads any kind of Earth Orientation Parameter data throughout a large time range.LazyLoadedEop Loads Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) from a configured set ofEopHistoryLoader
s on demand. -
Classes in org.orekit.frames used by org.orekit.utils Class Description EOPHistory This class loads any kind of Earth Orientation Parameter data throughout a large time range.Frame Tridimensional references frames class.LOFType Enumerate for different types of Local Orbital Frames.