AbstractCartesianCost |
Abstract class for cost with Cartesian coordinates.
BoundedCartesianEnergy |
Class for bounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianCost |
Interface to definite cost function in the frame of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle using Cartesian coordinates.
CartesianFlightDurationCost |
Class for minimizing the flight duration (a.k.a.
CartesianFuelCost |
Class for fuel cost with Cartesian coordinates.
FieldAbstractCartesianCost |
Abstract class for cost with Cartesian coordinates.
FieldCartesianCost |
Interface to definite cost function in the frame of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle using Cartesian coordinates.
FieldPenalizedCartesianFuelCost |
Abstract class for fuel cost with a penalty term proportional to a weight parameter epsilon.
LogarithmicBarrierCartesianFuel |
Fuel cost penalized with a logarithmic term, which is a barrier so is not defined for epsilon equal to 0 or 1.
PenalizedCartesianFuelCost |
Abstract class for fuel cost with a penalty term proportional to a weight parameter epsilon.
QuadraticPenaltyCartesianFuel |
Fuel cost penalized with a quadratic term.
UnboundedCartesianEnergy |
Class for unbounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates.
UnboundedCartesianEnergyNeglectingMass |
Class for unbounded energy cost with Cartesian coordinates neglecting the mass consumption.