Interface EphemerisFile.EphemerisSegment

    • Method Detail

      • getMu

        double getMu()
        Get the standard gravitational parameter for the satellite.
        the gravitational parameter use in getPropagator(), in m^3 / s^2.
      • getFrameCenterString

        String getFrameCenterString()
        Get the name of the center of the coordinate system the ephemeris is provided in. This may be a natural origin, such as the center of the Earth, another satellite, etc.
        the name of the frame center
      • getFrameString

        String getFrameString()
        Get the defining frame for this ephemeris segment.
        the frame identifier, as specified in the ephemeris file, or null if the ephemeris file does not specify a frame.
      • getFrame

        Frame getFrame()
        Get the reference frame for this ephemeris segment.
        the reference frame for this segment. Never null.
      • getTimeScaleString

        String getTimeScaleString()
        Get the time scale for this ephemeris segment.
        the time scale identifier, as specified in the ephemeris file, or null if the ephemeris file does not specify a time scale.
      • getTimeScale

        TimeScale getTimeScale()
        Get the time scale for this ephemeris segment.
        the time scale for this segment. Never null.
      • getInterpolationSamples

        int getInterpolationSamples()
        Get the number of samples to use in interpolation.
        the number of points to use for interpolation.
      • getAvailableDerivatives

        CartesianDerivativesFilter getAvailableDerivatives()
        Get which derivatives of position are available in this ephemeris segment.

        While getCoordinates() always returns position, velocity, and acceleration the return value from this method indicates which of those are in the ephemeris file and are actually valid.

        a value indicating if the file contains velocity and/or acceleration data.
      • getCoordinates

        List<? extends TimeStampedPVCoordinates> getCoordinates()
        Get the coordinates for this ephemeris segment.
        a list of state vectors in chronological order. The coordinates are not necessarily evenly spaced in time. The value of getAvailableDerivatives() indicates if the velocity or accelerations were specified in the file. Any position, velocity, or acceleration coordinates that are not specified in the ephemeris file are zero in the returned values.
      • getStart

        AbsoluteDate getStart()
        Get the start date of this ephemeris segment.

        The date returned by this method is equivalent to getPropagator().getMinDate().

        ephemeris segment start date.
      • getStop

        AbsoluteDate getStop()
        Get the end date of this ephemeris segment.

        The date returned by this method is equivalent to getPropagator().getMaxDate().

        ephemeris segment end date.
      • getPropagator

        default BoundedPropagator getPropagator()
        View this ephemeris segment as a propagator.

        In order to view the ephemeris for this satellite as a Propagator several conditions must be met. An Orekit Frame and TimeScale must be constructable from the frame and time scale specification in the ephemeris file. This condition is met when getFrame() and getTimeScale() return normally. Additionally, getMu() must return a valid value. If these conditions are not met an OrekitException may be thrown by this method or by one of the methods of the returned Propagator.

        Each call to this method creates a new propagator.

        a propagator for this ephemeris segment.