
/* Copyright 2002-2017 CS Systèmes d'Information
 * Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.orekit.models.earth.displacement;

import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.orekit.data.BodiesElements;
import org.orekit.data.PoissonSeries.CompiledSeries;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.utils.IERSConventions;
import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinatesProvider;

 * Modeling of displacement of reference points due to tidal effects.
 * <p>
 * This class implements displacement of reference point (i.e.
 * {@link org.orekit.estimation.measurements.GroundStation ground stations})
 * due to tidal effects, as per IERS conventions.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Displacement can be computed with respect to either <em>conventional tide free</em>
 * or <em>mean tide</em> coordinates. The difference between the two systems is
 * about -12cm at poles and +6cm at equator. Selecting one system or the other
 * depends on how the station coordinates have been computed (i.e. it depends
 * whether the coordinates already include the permanent deformation or not).
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Instances of this class are guaranteed to be immutable
 * </p>
 * @see org.orekit.estimation.measurements.GroundStation
 * @since 9.1
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
public class TidalDisplacement implements StationDisplacement {

    /** Sun motion model. */
    private final PVCoordinatesProvider sun;

    /** Moon motion model. */
    private final PVCoordinatesProvider moon;

    /** Flag for permanent deformation. */
    private final boolean removePermanentDeformation;

    /** Ratio for degree 2 tide generated by Sun. */
    private final double ratio2S;

    /** Ratio for degree 3 tide generated by Sun. */
    private final double ratio3S;

    /** Ratio for degree 2 tide generated by Moon. */
    private final double ratio2M;

    /** Ratio for degree 3 tide generated by Moon. */
    private final double ratio3M;

    /** Displacement Shida number h⁽⁰⁾. */
    private final double hSup0;

    /** Displacement Shida number h⁽²⁾. */
    private final double hSup2;

    /** Displacement Shida number h₃. */
    private final double h3;

    /** Displacement Shida number hI diurnal. */
    private final double hIDiurnal;

    /** Displacement Shida number hI semi-diurnal. */
    private final double hISemiDiurnal;

    /** Displacement Love number l⁽⁰⁾. */
    private final double lSup0;

    /** Displacement Love number l⁽¹⁾ diurnal. */
    private final double lSup1Diurnal;

    /** Displacement Love number l⁽¹⁾ semi-diurnal. */
    private final double lSup1SemiDiurnal;

    /** Displacement Love number l⁽²⁾. */
    private final double lSup2;

    /** Displacement Love number l₃. */
    private final double l3;

    /** Displacement Love number lI diurnal. */
    private final double lIDiurnal;

    /** Displacement Love number lI semi-diurnal. */
    private final double lISemiDiurnal;

    /** Permanent deformation amplitude. */
    private final double h0Permanent;

    /** Function computing corrections in the frequency domain for diurnal tides.
     * <ul>
     *  <li>f[0]: radial correction, longitude cosine part</li>
     *  <li>f[1]: radial correction, longitude sine part</li>
     *  <li>f[2]: North correction, longitude cosine part</li>
     *  <li>f[3]: North correction, longitude sine part</li>
     *  <li>f[4]: East correction, longitude cosine part</li>
     *  <li>f[5]: East correction, longitude sine part</li>
     * </ul>
    private final CompiledSeries frequencyCorrectionDiurnal;

    /** Function computing corrections in the frequency domain for zonal tides.
     * <ul>
     *  <li>f[0]: radial correction</li>
     *  <li>f[1]: North correction, longitude cosine part</li>
     * </ul>
    private final CompiledSeries frequencyCorrectionZonal;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * @param rEarth Earth equatorial radius (from gravity field model)
     * @param sunEarthSystemMassRatio Sun/(Earth + Moon) mass ratio
     * (typically {@link org.orekit.utils.Constants#JPL_SSD_SUN_EARTH_PLUS_MOON_MASS_RATIO Constants.JPL_SSD_SUN_EARTH_PLUS_MOON_MASS_RATIO})
     * @param earthMoonMassRatio Earth/Moon mass ratio
     * (typically {@link org.orekit.utils.Constants#JPL_SSD_EARTH_MOON_MASS_RATIO Constants.JPL_SSD_EARTH_MOON_MASS_RATIO})
     * @param sun Sun model
     * @param moon Moon model
     * @param conventions IERS conventions to use
     * @param removePermanentDeformation if true, the station coordinates are
     * considered <em>mean tide</em> and already include the permanent deformation, hence
     * it should be removed from the displacement to avoid considering it twice;
     * if false, the station coordinates are considered <em>conventional tide free</em>
     * so the permanent deformation must be included in the displacement
     * @see org.orekit.frames.FramesFactory#getITRF(IERSConventions, boolean)
     * @see org.orekit.frames.FramesFactory#getEOPHistory(IERSConventions, boolean)
     * @see org.orekit.utils.Constants#JPL_SSD_SUN_EARTH_PLUS_MOON_MASS_RATIO
     * @see org.orekit.utils.Constants#JPL_SSD_EARTH_MOON_MASS_RATIO
     * @exception OrekitException if fundamental nutation arguments cannot be loaded
    public TidalDisplacement(final double rEarth,
                             final double sunEarthSystemMassRatio,
                             final double earthMoonMassRatio,
                             final PVCoordinatesProvider sun, final PVCoordinatesProvider moon,
                             final IERSConventions conventions,
                             final boolean removePermanentDeformation)
        throws OrekitException {

        final double sunEarthMassRatio = sunEarthSystemMassRatio * (1 + 1 / earthMoonMassRatio);
        final double moonEarthMassRatio = 1.0 / earthMoonMassRatio;

        this.sun                         = sun;
        this.moon                        = moon;
        this.removePermanentDeformation = removePermanentDeformation;

        final double r2 = rEarth * rEarth;
        final double r4 = r2 * r2;
        this.ratio2S    = r4 * sunEarthMassRatio;
        this.ratio3S    = ratio2S * rEarth;
        this.ratio2M    = r4 * moonEarthMassRatio;
        this.ratio3M    = ratio2M * rEarth;

        // Get the nominal values for the Love and Shiva numbers
        final double[] hl = conventions.getNominalTidalDisplacement();
        hSup0            = hl[ 0];
        hSup2            = hl[ 1];
        h3               = hl[ 2];
        hIDiurnal        = hl[ 3];
        hISemiDiurnal    = hl[ 4];
        lSup0            = hl[ 5];
        lSup1Diurnal     = hl[ 6];
        lSup1SemiDiurnal = hl[ 7];
        lSup2            = hl[ 8];
        l3               = hl[ 9];
        lIDiurnal        = hl[10];
        lISemiDiurnal    = hl[11];
        h0Permanent      = hl[12];

        this.frequencyCorrectionDiurnal = conventions.getTidalDisplacementFrequencyCorrectionDiurnal();
        this.frequencyCorrectionZonal   = conventions.getTidalDisplacementFrequencyCorrectionZonal();


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Vector3D displacement(final BodiesElements elements, final Frame earthFrame, final Vector3D referencePoint)
        throws OrekitException {

        final AbsoluteDate date = elements.getDate();

        // preliminary computation (we hold everything in local variables so method is thread-safe)
        final PointData      pointData    = new PointData(referencePoint);
        final Vector3D       sunPosition  = sun.getPVCoordinates(date, earthFrame).getPosition();
        final BodyData       sunData      = new BodyData(sunPosition, ratio2S, ratio3S, pointData);
        final Vector3D       moonPosition = moon.getPVCoordinates(date, earthFrame).getPosition();
        final BodyData       moonData     = new BodyData(moonPosition, ratio2M, ratio3M, pointData);

        // step 1 in IERS procedure: corrections in the time domain
        Vector3D displacement = timeDomainCorrection(pointData, sunData, moonData);

        // step 2 in IERS procedure: corrections in the frequency domain
        displacement = displacement.add(frequencyDomainCorrection(elements, pointData));

        if (removePermanentDeformation) {
            // the station coordinates already include permanent deformation,
            // so it should not be included in the displacement that will be
            // added to these coordinates to avoid considering this deformation twice
            // as step 1 did include permanent deformation, we remove it here
            displacement = displacement.subtract(permanentDeformation(pointData));

        return displacement;


    /** Compute the corrections in the time domain (step 1 in IERS procedure).
     * @param pointData reference point data
     * @param sunData Sun data
     * @param moonData Moon data
     * @return displacement of the reference point
     * @exception OrekitException if Sun or Moon position cannot be retrieved in Earth frame
    private Vector3D timeDomainCorrection(final PointData pointData,
                                          final BodyData sunData, final BodyData moonData)
        throws OrekitException {

        final double h2  = hSup0 + hSup2 * pointData.f;
        final double l2  = lSup0 + lSup2 * pointData.f;

        // in-phase, degree 2 (equation 7.5 in IERS conventions 2010)
        final double s2R = sunData.factor2  * 3.0 * l2 * sunData.dot;
        final double s2r = sunData.factor2  * 0.5 * h2 * (3 * sunData.dot2 - 1) - s2R * sunData.dot;
        final double m2R = moonData.factor2 * 3.0 * l2 * moonData.dot;
        final double m2r = moonData.factor2 * 0.5 * h2 * (3 * moonData.dot2 - 1) - m2R * moonData.dot;

        // in-phase, degree 3 (equation 7.6 in IERS conventions 2010)
        final double s3R = sunData.factor3  * l3 * (7.5 * sunData.dot2 - 1.5);
        final double s3r = sunData.factor3  * h3 * sunData.dot * (2.5 * sunData.dot2 - 1.5) - s3R * sunData.dot;
        final double m3R = moonData.factor3 * l3 * (7.5 * moonData.dot2 - 1.5);
        final double m3r = moonData.factor3 * h3 * moonData.dot * (2.5 * moonData.dot2 - 1.5) - m3R * moonData.dot;

        // combine contributions along radial, Sun and Moon directions
        final Vector3D inPhaseDisplacement = new Vector3D(s2r + m2r + s3r + m3r,    pointData.radial,
                                                          (s2R + s3R) / sunData.r,  sunData.position,
                                                          (m2R + m3R) / moonData.r, moonData.position);

        // out-of-phase, degree 2, diurnal tides (equations 7.10a and 7.10b in IERS conventions 2010)
        final double drOd = -0.75 * hIDiurnal * pointData.sin2Phi *
                            (sunData.factor2  * sunData.sin2Phi  * sunData.sinDeltaLambda +
                             moonData.factor2 * moonData.sin2Phi * moonData.sinDeltaLambda);
        final double dnOd = -1.5 * lIDiurnal * pointData.cos2Phi *
                            (sunData.factor2  * sunData.sin2Phi  * sunData.sinDeltaLambda +
                             moonData.factor2 * moonData.sin2Phi * moonData.sinDeltaLambda);
        final double deOd = -1.5 * lIDiurnal * pointData.sinPhi *
                            (sunData.factor2  * sunData.sin2Phi  * sunData.cosDeltaLambda +
                             moonData.factor2 * moonData.sin2Phi * moonData.cosDeltaLambda);

        // out-of-phase, degree 2, semi-diurnal tides (equation 7.11 in IERS conventions 2010)
        final double drOsd = -0.75 * hISemiDiurnal * pointData.cosPhi2 *
                             (sunData.factor2  * sunData.cosPhi2  * sunData.sin2DeltaLambda +
                              moonData.factor2 * moonData.cosPhi2 * moonData.sin2DeltaLambda);
        final double dnOsd = 0.75 * lISemiDiurnal * pointData.sin2Phi *
                             (sunData.factor2  * sunData.cosPhi2  * sunData.sin2DeltaLambda +
                              moonData.factor2 * moonData.cosPhi2 * moonData.sin2DeltaLambda);
        final double deOsd = -1.5 * lISemiDiurnal * pointData.cosPhi *
                             (sunData.factor2  * sunData.cosPhi2  * sunData.cos2DeltaLambda +
                              moonData.factor2 * moonData.cosPhi2 * moonData.cos2DeltaLambda);

        // latitude dependency, diurnal tides (equation 7.8 in IERS conventions 2010)
        final double dnLd = -lSup1Diurnal * pointData.sinPhi2 *
                            (sunData.factor2  * sunData.p21  * sunData.cosDeltaLambda +
                             moonData.factor2 * moonData.p21 * moonData.cosDeltaLambda);
        final double deLd =  lSup1Diurnal * pointData.sinPhi * pointData.cos2Phi *
                            (sunData.factor2  * sunData.p21  * sunData.sinDeltaLambda +
                             moonData.factor2 * moonData.p21 * moonData.sinDeltaLambda);

        // latitude dependency, semi-diurnal tides (equation 7.9 in IERS conventions 2010)
        final double dnLsd = -0.25 * lSup1SemiDiurnal * pointData.sin2Phi *
                             (sunData.factor2  * sunData.p22  * sunData.cos2DeltaLambda +
                              moonData.factor2 * moonData.p22 * moonData.cos2DeltaLambda);
        final double deLsd = -0.25 * lSup1SemiDiurnal * pointData.sin2Phi * pointData.sinPhi *
                             (sunData.factor2  * sunData.p22  * sunData.sin2DeltaLambda +
                              moonData.factor2 * moonData.p22 * moonData.sin2DeltaLambda);

        // combine diurnal and semi-diurnal tides
        final Vector3D outOfPhaseDisplacement = new Vector3D(drOd + drOsd,                pointData.radial,
                                                             dnOd + dnOsd + dnLd + dnLsd, pointData.north,
                                                             deOd + deOsd + deLd + deLsd, pointData.east);

        return inPhaseDisplacement.add(outOfPhaseDisplacement);


    /** Compute the corrections in the frequency domain (step 2 in IERS procedure).
     * @param elements elements affecting Earth orientation
     * @param pointData reference point data
     * @return displacement of the reference point
    private Vector3D frequencyDomainCorrection(final BodiesElements elements, final PointData pointData) {

        // corrections due to diurnal tides
        final double[] cD  = frequencyCorrectionDiurnal.value(elements);
        final double   drD = pointData.sin2Phi * (cD[0] * pointData.cosLambda + cD[1] * pointData.sinLambda);
        final double   dnD = pointData.cos2Phi * (cD[2] * pointData.cosLambda + cD[3] * pointData.sinLambda);
        final double   deD = pointData.sinPhi  * (cD[4] * pointData.cosLambda + cD[5] * pointData.sinLambda);

        // corrections due to zonal long period tides
        final double[] cZ  = frequencyCorrectionZonal.value(elements);
        final double   drZ = (1.5 * pointData.sinPhi2 - 0.5) * cZ[0];
        final double   dnZ = pointData.sin2Phi               * cZ[1];

        return new Vector3D(drD + drZ, pointData.radial,
                            dnD + dnZ, pointData.north,
                            deD,       pointData.east);


    /** Compute the permanent part of the deformation.
     * @param pointData reference point data
     * @return displacement of the reference point
    private Vector3D permanentDeformation(final PointData pointData) {

        final double h2  = hSup0 + hSup2 * pointData.f;
        final double l2  = lSup0 + lSup2 * pointData.f;

        // permanent deformation, which depend only on latitude
        final double factor = FastMath.sqrt(1.25 / FastMath.PI);
        final double dr = factor *       h2 * h0Permanent * pointData.f;
        final double dn = factor * 1.5 * l2 * h0Permanent * pointData.sin2Phi;

        return new Vector3D(dr, pointData.radial,
                            dn, pointData.north);


    /** Holder for various intermediate data related to reference point. */
    private static class PointData {

        /** Reference point position in {@link #getEarthFrame() Earth frame}. */
        private final Vector3D position;

        /** Distance to geocenter. */
        private final double   r;

        /** Sine of geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double   sinPhi;

        /** Cosine of geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double   cosPhi;

        /** Square of the sine of the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double   sinPhi2;

        /** Square of the cosine of the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double   cosPhi2;

        /** Sine of twice the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double   sin2Phi;

        /** Cosine of twice the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double   cos2Phi;

        /** Sine of longitude. */
        private final double   sinLambda;

        /** Cosine of longitude. */
        private final double   cosLambda;

        /** Unit radial vector (NOT zenith as it starts from geocenter). */
        private final Vector3D radial;

        /** Unit vector in North direction. */
        private final Vector3D north;

        /** Unit vector in East direction. */
        private final Vector3D east;

        /** (3 sin²φ - 1) / 2 where φ is geoCENTRIC latitude of the reference point (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double f;

        /** Simple constructor.
         * @param position reference point position in {@link #getEarthFrame() Earth frame}
        PointData(final Vector3D position) {

            this.position   = position;
            final double x  = position.getX();
            final double y  = position.getY();
            final double z  = position.getZ();
            final double x2 = x * x;
            final double y2 = y * y;
            final double z2 = z * z;

            // preliminary computation related to station position
            final double rho2 = x2 + y2;
            final double rho  = FastMath.sqrt(rho2);
            final double r2   = rho2 + z2;
            r                 = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
            sinPhi            = z / r;
            cosPhi            = rho / r;
            sinPhi2           = sinPhi * sinPhi;
            cosPhi2           = cosPhi * cosPhi;
            sin2Phi           = 2 * sinPhi * cosPhi;
            cos2Phi           = cosPhi2 - sinPhi2;
            if (rho == 0.0) {
                // at pole
                sinLambda = 0.0;
                cosLambda = 1.0;
            } else {
                // regular point
                sinLambda = y / rho;
                cosLambda = x / rho;
            radial = new Vector3D(x / r, y / r, sinPhi);
            north  = new Vector3D(-cosLambda * sinPhi, -sinLambda * sinPhi, cosPhi);
            east   = new Vector3D(-sinLambda, cosLambda, 0);

            // (3 sin²φ - 1) / 2 where φ is geoCENTRIC latitude of the reference point (NOT geodetic latitude)
            f = (z2 - 0.5 * rho2) / r2;



    /** Holder for various intermediate data related to tide generating body. */
    private static class BodyData {

        /** Body position in Earth frame. */
        private final Vector3D position;

        /** Distance to geocenter. */
        private final double r;

        /** Dot product with reference point direction. */
        private final double dot;

        /** Squared dot product with reference point direction. */
        private final double dot2;

        /** Factor for degree 2 tide. */
        private final double factor2;

        /** Factor for degree 3 tide. */
        private final double factor3;

        /** Square of the cosine of the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double   cosPhi2;

        /** Sine of twice the geocentric latitude (NOT geodetic latitude). */
        private final double   sin2Phi;

        /** Legendre function P₂¹. */
        private final double p21;

        /** Legendre function P₂². */
        private final double p22;

        /** Sine of the longitude difference with reference point. */
        private final double sinDeltaLambda;

        /** Cosine of the longitude difference with reference point. */
        private final double cosDeltaLambda;

        /** Sine of twice the longitude difference with reference point. */
        private final double sin2DeltaLambda;

        /** Cosine of twice the longitude difference with reference point. */
        private final double cos2DeltaLambda;

        /** Simple constructor.
         * @param position body position in Earth frame
         * @param ratio2 ratio for the degree 2 tide generated by this body
         * @param ratio3 ratio for the degree 3 tide generated by this body
         * @param pointData reference point data
        BodyData(final Vector3D position, final double ratio2, final double ratio3,
                 final PointData pointData) {

            final double x  = position.getX();
            final double y  = position.getY();
            final double z  = position.getZ();
            final double x2 = x * x;
            final double y2 = y * y;
            final double z2 = z * z;

            this.position    = position;
            final double r2  = x2 + y2 + z2;
            r                = FastMath.sqrt(r2);
            dot              = Vector3D.dotProduct(position, pointData.position) / (r * pointData.r);
            dot2             = dot * dot;

            factor2          = ratio2 / (r2 * r);
            factor3          = ratio3 / (r2 * r2);

            final double rho       = FastMath.sqrt(x2 + y2);
            final double sinPhi    = z / r;
            final double cosPhi    = rho / r;
            final double sinCos    = sinPhi * cosPhi;
            cosPhi2                = cosPhi * cosPhi;
            sin2Phi                = 2 * sinCos;
            p21                    = 3 * sinCos;
            p22                    = 3 * cosPhi2;

            final double sinLambda = y / rho;
            final double cosLambda = x / rho;
            sinDeltaLambda  = pointData.sinLambda * cosLambda  - pointData.cosLambda * sinLambda;
            cosDeltaLambda  = pointData.cosLambda * cosLambda  + pointData.sinLambda * sinLambda;
            sin2DeltaLambda = 2 * sinDeltaLambda * cosDeltaLambda;
            cos2DeltaLambda = cosDeltaLambda * cosDeltaLambda - sinDeltaLambda * sinDeltaLambda;


