/* Copyright 2002-2016 CS Systèmes d'Information
 * Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.orekit.gnss;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
import org.orekit.propagation.analytical.gnss.GPSOrbitalElements;

 * This class reads SEM almanac files and provides {@link GPSAlmanac GPS almanacs}.
 * <p>The definition of a SEM almanac comes from the
 * <a href="">U.S. COAST GUARD NAVIGATION CENTER</a>.</p>
 * <p>The format of the files holding SEM almanacs is not precisely specified,
 * so the parsing rules have been deduced from the downloadable files at
 * <a href="">NAVCEN</a>
 * and at <a href="">CelesTrak</a>.</p>
 * @author Pascal Parraud
 * @since 8.0
public class SEMParser implements DataLoader {

    // Constants
    /** The source of the almanacs. */
    private static final String SOURCE = "SEM";

    /** the reference value for the inclination of GPS orbit: 0.30 semicircles. */
    private static final double INC_REF = 0.30;

    /** Default supported files name pattern. */
    private static final String DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_NAMES = ".*\\.al3$";

    /** Separator for parsing. */
    private static final String SEPARATOR = "\\s+";

    // Fields
    /** Regular expression for supported files names. */
    private final String supportedNames;

    /** the list of all the almanacs read from the file. */
    private final List<GPSAlmanac> almanacs;

    /** the list of all the PRN numbers of all the almanacs read from the file. */
    private final List<Integer> prnList;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * <p>This constructor does not load any data by itself. Data must be loaded
     * later on by calling one of the {@link #loadData() loadData()} method or
     * the {@link #loadData(InputStream, String) loadData(inputStream, fileName)}
     * method.</p>
     * <p>The supported files names are used when getting data from the
     * {@link #loadData() loadData()} method that relies on the
     * {@link DataProvidersManager data providers manager}. They are useless when
     * getting data from the {@link #loadData(InputStream, String) loadData(input, name)}
     * method.</p>
     * @param supportedNames regular expression for supported files names
     * (if null, a default pattern matching files with a ".al3" extension will be used)
     * @see #loadData()
    public SEMParser(final String supportedNames) {
        this.supportedNames = (supportedNames == null) ? DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_NAMES : supportedNames;
        this.almanacs =  new ArrayList<GPSAlmanac>();
        this.prnList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

     * Loads almanacs.
     * <p>The almanacs already loaded in the instance will be discarded
     * and replaced by the newly loaded data.</p>
     * <p>This feature is useful when the file selection is already set up by
     * the {@link DataProvidersManager data providers manager} configuration.</p>
     * @exception OrekitException if some data can't be read, some
     * file content is corrupted or no GPS almanac is available.
    public void loadData() throws OrekitException {
        // load the data from the configured data providers
        DataProvidersManager.getInstance().feed(supportedNames, this);
        if (almanacs.isEmpty()) {
            throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.NO_SEM_ALMANAC_AVAILABLE);

    public void loadData(final InputStream input, final String name)
        throws IOException, ParseException, OrekitException {

        // Clears the lists

        // Creates the reader
        final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input, "UTF-8"));

        try {
            // Reads the number of almanacs in the file from the first line
            String[] token = getTokens(reader);
            final int almanacNb = Integer.parseInt(token[0].trim());

            // Reads the week number and the time of applicability from the second line
            token = getTokens(reader);
            final int week = Integer.parseInt(token[0].trim());
            final double toa = Double.parseDouble(token[1].trim());

            // Loop over data blocks
            for (int i = 0; i < almanacNb; i++) {
                // Reads the next lines to get one almanac from
                readAlmanac(reader, week, toa);
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) {
            throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.NOT_A_SUPPORTED_SEM_ALMANAC_FILE, name);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.NOT_A_SUPPORTED_SEM_ALMANAC_FILE, name);

    public boolean stillAcceptsData() {
        return almanacs.isEmpty();

     * Gets all the {@link GPSAlmanac GPS almanacs} read from the file.
     * @return the list of {@link GPSAlmanac} from the file
    public List<GPSAlmanac> getAlmanacs() {
        return almanacs;

     * Gets the PRN numbers of all the {@link GPSAlmanac GPS almanacs} read from the file.
     * @return the PRN numbers of all the {@link GPSAlmanac GPS almanacs} read from the file
    public List<Integer> getPRNNumbers() {
        return prnList;

    /** Get the supported names for data files.
     * @return regular expression for the supported names for data files
    public String getSupportedNames() {
        return supportedNames;

     * Builds {@link GPSAlmanac GPS almanacs} from data read in the file.
     * @param reader the reader
     * @param week the GPS week
     * @param toa the Time of Applicability
     * @throws IOException if GPSAlmanacs can't be built from the file
    private void readAlmanac(final BufferedReader reader, final int week, final double toa)
        throws IOException {
        // Skips the empty line

        try {
            // Reads the PRN number from the first line
            String[] token = getTokens(reader);
            final int prn = Integer.parseInt(token[0].trim());

            // Reads the SV number from the second line
            token = getTokens(reader);
            final int svn = Integer.parseInt(token[0].trim());

            // Reads the average URA number from the third line
            token = getTokens(reader);
            final int ura = Integer.parseInt(token[0].trim());

            // Reads the fourth line to get ecc, inc and dom
            token = getTokens(reader);
            final double ecc = Double.parseDouble(token[0].trim());
            final double inc = getInclination(Double.parseDouble(token[1].trim()));
            final double dom = toRadians(Double.parseDouble(token[2].trim()));

            // Reads the fifth line to get sqa, raan and aop
            token = getTokens(reader);
            final double sqa  = Double.parseDouble(token[0].trim());
            final double om0 = toRadians(Double.parseDouble(token[1].trim()));
            final double aop  = toRadians(Double.parseDouble(token[2].trim()));

            // Reads the sixth line to get anom, af0 and af1
            token = getTokens(reader);
            final double anom = toRadians(Double.parseDouble(token[0].trim()));
            final double af0 = Double.parseDouble(token[1].trim());
            final double af1 = Double.parseDouble(token[2].trim());

            // Reads the seventh line to get health
            token = getTokens(reader);
            final int health = Integer.parseInt(token[0].trim());

            // Reads the eighth line to get Satellite Configuration
            token = getTokens(reader);
            final int conf = Integer.parseInt(token[0].trim());

            // Adds the almanac to the list
            almanacs.add(new GPSAlmanac(SOURCE, prn, svn, week, toa, sqa, ecc, inc, om0,
                                        dom, aop, anom, af0, af1, health, ura, conf));

            // Adds the PRN to the list
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) {
            throw new IOException();

    /** Read a line and get tokens from.
     *  @param reader the reader
     *  @return the tokens from the read line
     *  @throws IOException if the line is null
    private String[] getTokens(final BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
        final String line = reader.readLine();
        if (line != null) {
            return line.trim().split(SEPARATOR);
        } else {
            throw new IOException();

     * Gets the inclination from the inclination offset.
     * @param incOffset the inclination offset (semicircles)
     * @return the inclination (rad)
    private double getInclination(final double incOffset) {
        return toRadians(INC_REF + incOffset);

     * Converts an angular value from semicircles to radians.
     * @param semicircles the angular value in semicircles
     * @return the angular value in radians
    private double toRadians(final double semicircles) {
        return GPSOrbitalElements.GPS_PI * semicircles;
