/* Copyright 2002-2013 CS Systèmes d'Information
* Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider;
import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.events.EventDetector;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.AuxiliaryElements;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.CoefficientsFactory;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.CoefficientsFactory.NSKey;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.UpperBounds;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
/** Zonal contribution to the {@link DSSTCentralBody central body gravitational perturbation}.
* @author Romain Di Costanzo
* @author Pascal Parraud
class ZonalContribution implements DSSTForceModel {
/** Truncation tolerance. */
private static final double TRUNCATION_TOLERANCE = 1e-4;
/** Provider for spherical harmonics. */
private final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider;
/** Maximal degree to consider for harmonics potential. */
private final int maxDegree;
/** Maximal degree to consider for harmonics potential. */
private final int maxOrder;
/** Factorial. */
private final double[] fact;
/** Coefficient used to define the mean disturbing function V<sub>ns</sub> coefficient. */
private final TreeMap<NSKey, Double> Vns;
/** Highest power of the eccentricity to be used in series expansion. */
private int maxEccPow;
// Equinoctial elements (according to DSST notation)
/** a. */
private double a;
/** ex. */
private double k;
/** ey. */
private double h;
/** hx. */
private double q;
/** hy. */
private double p;
/** Retrograde factor. */
private int I;
/** Eccentricity. */
private double ecc;
/** Direction cosine &alpha. */
private double alpha;
/** Direction cosine &beta. */
private double beta;
/** Direction cosine &gamma. */
private double gamma;
// Common factors for potential computation
/** Χ = 1 / sqrt(1 - e<sup>2</sup>) = 1 / B. */
private double X;
/** Χ<sup>2</sup>. */
private double XX;
/** Χ<sup>3</sup>. */
private double XXX;
/** 1 / (A * B) .*/
private double ooAB;
/** B / A .*/
private double BoA;
/** B / A(1 + B) .*/
private double BoABpo;
/** -C / (2 * A * B) .*/
private double mCo2AB;
/** -2 * a / A .*/
private double m2aoA;
/** μ / a .*/
private double muoa;
/** Simple constructor.
* @param provider provider for spherical harmonics
public ZonalContribution(final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider) {
this.provider = provider;
this.maxDegree = provider.getMaxDegree();
this.maxOrder = provider.getMaxOrder();
// Vns coefficients
this.Vns = CoefficientsFactory.computeVns(maxDegree + 1);
// Factorials computation
final int maxFact = 2 * maxDegree + 1;
this.fact = new double[maxFact];
fact[0] = 1.;
for (int i = 1; i < maxFact; i++) {
fact[i] = i * fact[i - 1];
// Initialize default values
this.maxEccPow = (maxDegree == 2) ? 0 : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
/** Get the spherical harmonics provider.
* @return the spherical harmonics provider
public UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider getProvider() {
return provider;
/** Computes the highest power of the eccentricity to appear in the truncated
* analytical power series expansion.
* <p>
* This method computes the upper value for the central body potential and
* determines the maximal power for the eccentricity producing potential
* terms bigger than a defined tolerance.
* </p>
* @param aux auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
* @throws OrekitException if some specific error occurs
public void initialize(final AuxiliaryElements aux)
throws OrekitException {
if (maxDegree == 2) {
maxEccPow = 0;
} else {
// Initializes specific parameters.
final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(aux.getDate());
// Utilities for truncation
final double ax2or = 2. * a / provider.getAe();
double xmuran = provider.getMu() / a;
// Set a lower bound for eccentricity
final double eo2 = FastMath.max(0.0025, ecc / 2.);
final double x2o2 = XX / 2.;
final double[] eccPwr = new double[maxDegree + 1];
final double[] chiPwr = new double[maxDegree + 1];
final double[] hafPwr = new double[maxDegree + 1];
eccPwr[0] = 1.;
chiPwr[0] = X;
hafPwr[0] = 1.;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxDegree; i++) {
eccPwr[i] = eccPwr[i - 1] * eo2;
chiPwr[i] = chiPwr[i - 1] * x2o2;
hafPwr[i] = hafPwr[i - 1] * 0.5;
xmuran /= ax2or;
// Set highest power of e and degree of current spherical harmonic.
maxEccPow = 0;
int n = maxDegree;
// Loop over n
do {
// Set order of current spherical harmonic.
int m = 0;
// Loop over m
do {
// Compute magnitude of current spherical harmonic coefficient.
final double cnm = harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, m);
final double snm = harmonics.getUnnormalizedSnm(n, m);
final double csnm = FastMath.hypot(cnm, snm);
if (csnm == 0.) break;
// Set magnitude of last spherical harmonic term.
double lastTerm = 0.;
// Set current power of e and related indices.
int nsld2 = (n - maxEccPow - 1) / 2;
int l = n - 2 * nsld2;
// Loop over l
double term = 0.;
do {
// Compute magnitude of current spherical harmonic term.
if (m < l) {
term = csnm * xmuran *
(fact[n - l] / (fact[n - m])) *
(fact[n + l] / (fact[nsld2] * fact[nsld2 + l])) *
eccPwr[l] * UpperBounds.getDnl(XX, chiPwr[l], n, l) *
(UpperBounds.getRnml(gamma, n, l, m, 1, I) + UpperBounds.getRnml(gamma, n, l, m, -1, I));
} else {
term = csnm * xmuran *
(fact[n + m] / (fact[nsld2] * fact[nsld2 + l])) *
eccPwr[l] * hafPwr[m - l] * UpperBounds.getDnl(XX, chiPwr[l], n, l) *
(UpperBounds.getRnml(gamma, n, m, l, 1, I) + UpperBounds.getRnml(gamma, n, m, l, -1, I));
// Is the current spherical harmonic term bigger than the truncation tolerance ?
maxEccPow = l;
} else {
// Is the current term smaller than the last term ?
if (term < lastTerm) {
// Proceed to next power of e.
lastTerm = term;
l += 2;
} while (l < n);
// Is the current spherical harmonic term bigger than the truncation tolerance ?
maxEccPow = FastMath.min(maxDegree - 2, maxEccPow);
// Proceed to next order.
} while (m <= FastMath.min(n, maxOrder));
// Procced to next degree.
xmuran *= ax2or;
} while (n > maxEccPow + 2);
maxEccPow = FastMath.min(maxDegree - 2, maxEccPow);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void initializeStep(final AuxiliaryElements aux) throws OrekitException {
// Equinoctial elements
a = aux.getSma();
k = aux.getK();
h = aux.getH();
q = aux.getQ();
p = aux.getP();
// Retrograde factor
I = aux.getRetrogradeFactor();
// Eccentricity
ecc = aux.getEcc();
// Direction cosines
alpha = aux.getAlpha();
beta = aux.getBeta();
gamma = aux.getGamma();
// Equinoctial coefficients
final double AA = aux.getA();
final double BB = aux.getB();
final double CC = aux.getC();
// Χ = 1 / B
X = 1. / BB;
XX = X * X;
XXX = X * XX;
// 1 / AB
ooAB = 1. / (AA * BB);
// B / A
BoA = BB / AA;
// -C / 2AB
mCo2AB = -CC * ooAB / 2.;
// B / A(1 + B)
BoABpo = BoA / (1. + BB);
// -2 * a / A
m2aoA = -2 * a / AA;
// μ / a
muoa = provider.getMu() / a;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double[] getMeanElementRate(final SpacecraftState spacecraftState) throws OrekitException {
// Compute potential derivative
final double[] dU = computeUDerivatives(spacecraftState.getDate());
final double dUda = dU[0];
final double dUdk = dU[1];
final double dUdh = dU[2];
final double dUdAl = dU[3];
final double dUdBe = dU[4];
final double dUdGa = dU[5];
// Compute cross derivatives [Eq. 2.2-(8)]
// U(alpha,gamma) = alpha * dU/dgamma - gamma * dU/dalpha
final double UAlphaGamma = alpha * dUdGa - gamma * dUdAl;
// U(beta,gamma) = beta * dU/dgamma - gamma * dU/dbeta
final double UBetaGamma = beta * dUdGa - gamma * dUdBe;
// Common factor
final double pUAGmIqUBGoAB = (p * UAlphaGamma - I * q * UBetaGamma) * ooAB;
// Compute mean elements rates [Eq. 3.1-(1)]
final double da = 0.;
final double dh = BoA * dUdk + k * pUAGmIqUBGoAB;
final double dk = -BoA * dUdh - h * pUAGmIqUBGoAB;
final double dp = mCo2AB * UBetaGamma;
final double dq = mCo2AB * UAlphaGamma * I;
final double dM = m2aoA * dUda + BoABpo * (h * dUdh + k * dUdk) + pUAGmIqUBGoAB;
return new double[] {da, dk, dh, dq, dp, dM};
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double[] getShortPeriodicVariations(final AbsoluteDate date,
final double[] meanElements)
throws OrekitException {
// TODO: not implemented yet, Short Periodic Variations are set to null
return new double[] {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors() {
return null;
/** Compute the derivatives of the gravitational potential U [Eq. 3.1-(6)].
* <p>
* The result is the array
* [dU/da, dU/dk, dU/dh, dU/dα, dU/dβ, dU/dγ]
* </p>
* @param date current date
* @return potential derivatives
* @throws OrekitException if an error occurs in hansen computation
private double[] computeUDerivatives(final AbsoluteDate date) throws OrekitException {
final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);
// Hansen coefficients
final HansenZonal hansen = new HansenZonal();
// Gs and Hs coefficients
final double[][] GsHs = CoefficientsFactory.computeGsHs(k, h, alpha, beta, maxEccPow);
// Qns coefficients
final double[][] Qns = CoefficientsFactory.computeQns(gamma, maxDegree, maxEccPow);
// r / a up to power degree
final double roa = provider.getAe() / a;
final double[] roaPow = new double[maxDegree + 1];
roaPow[0] = 1.;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxDegree; i++) {
roaPow[i] = roa * roaPow[i - 1];
// Potential derivatives
double dUda = 0.;
double dUdk = 0.;
double dUdh = 0.;
double dUdAl = 0.;
double dUdBe = 0.;
double dUdGa = 0.;
for (int s = 0; s <= maxEccPow; s++) {
// Get the current Gs coefficient
final double gs = GsHs[0][s];
// Compute Gs partial derivatives from 3.1-(9)
double dGsdh = 0.;
double dGsdk = 0.;
double dGsdAl = 0.;
double dGsdBe = 0.;
if (s > 0) {
// First get the G(s-1) and the H(s-1) coefficients
final double sxgsm1 = s * GsHs[0][s - 1];
final double sxhsm1 = s * GsHs[1][s - 1];
// Then compute derivatives
dGsdh = beta * sxgsm1 - alpha * sxhsm1;
dGsdk = alpha * sxgsm1 + beta * sxhsm1;
dGsdAl = k * sxgsm1 - h * sxhsm1;
dGsdBe = h * sxgsm1 + k * sxhsm1;
// Kronecker symbol (2 - delta(0,s))
final double d0s = (s == 0) ? 1 : 2;
for (int n = s + 2; n <= maxDegree; n++) {
// (n - s) must be even
if ((n - s) % 2 == 0) {
// Extract data from previous computation :
final double kns = hansen.getValue(-n - 1, s);
final double dkns = hansen.getDerivative(-n - 1, s);
final double vns = Vns.get(new NSKey(n, s));
final double coef0 = d0s * roaPow[n] * vns * -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);
final double coef1 = coef0 * Qns[n][s];
final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;
// dQns/dGamma = Q(n, s + 1) from Equation 3.1-(8)
final double dqns = Qns[n][s + 1];
// Compute dU / da :
dUda += coef2 * (n + 1) * gs;
// Compute dU / dEx
dUdk += coef1 * (kns * dGsdk + k * XXX * gs * dkns);
// Compute dU / dEy
dUdh += coef1 * (kns * dGsdh + h * XXX * gs * dkns);
// Compute dU / dAlpha
dUdAl += coef2 * dGsdAl;
// Compute dU / dBeta
dUdBe += coef2 * dGsdBe;
// Compute dU / dGamma
dUdGa += coef0 * kns * dqns * gs;
return new double[] {
dUda * muoa / a,
dUdk * -muoa,
dUdh * -muoa,
dUdAl * -muoa,
dUdBe * -muoa,
dUdGa * -muoa
/** Hansen coefficients for zonal contribution to central body force model.
* <p>
* Hansen coefficients are functions of the eccentricity.
* For a given eccentricity, the computed elements are stored in a map.
* </p>
private class HansenZonal {
/** Map to store every Hansen coefficient computed. */
private TreeMap<NSKey, Double> coefficients;
/** Map to store every Hansen coefficient derivative computed. */
private TreeMap<NSKey, Double> derivatives;
/** Simple constructor. */
public HansenZonal() {
coefficients = new TreeMap<CoefficientsFactory.NSKey, Double>();
derivatives = new TreeMap<CoefficientsFactory.NSKey, Double>();
/** Get the K<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> coefficient value.
* @param mnm1 -n-1 value
* @param s s value
* @return K<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup>
public double getValue(final int mnm1, final int s) {
if (coefficients.containsKey(new NSKey(mnm1, s))) {
return coefficients.get(new NSKey(mnm1, s));
} else {
// Compute the K0(-n-1,s) coefficients
return computeValue(-mnm1 - 1, s);
/** Get the dK<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> / dχ coefficient derivative.
* @param mnm1 -n-1 value
* @param s s value
* @return dK<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> / dχ
public double getDerivative(final int mnm1, final int s) {
if (derivatives.containsKey(new NSKey(mnm1, s))) {
return derivatives.get(new NSKey(mnm1, s));
} else {
// Compute the dK0(-n-1,s) / dX derivative
return computeDerivative(-mnm1 - 1, s);
/** Kernels initialization. */
private void initialize() {
// coefficients
// coefficients.put(new NSKey(0, 0), 1.);
coefficients.put(new NSKey(-1, 0), 0.);
coefficients.put(new NSKey(-1, 1), 0.);
coefficients.put(new NSKey(-2, 0), X);
coefficients.put(new NSKey(-2, 1), 0.);
coefficients.put(new NSKey(-3, 0), XXX);
coefficients.put(new NSKey(-3, 1), 0.5 * XXX);
// derivatives
derivatives.put(new NSKey(-1, 0), 0.);
derivatives.put(new NSKey(-2, 0), 1.);
derivatives.put(new NSKey(-2, 1), 0.);
derivatives.put(new NSKey(-3, 1), 1.5 * XX);
/** Compute the K<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> coefficient from equation 2.7.3-(6).
* @param n n positive value. For a given 'n', the K<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> is returned.
* @param s s value
* @return K<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup>
private double computeValue(final int n, final int s) {
// Initialize return value
double kns = 0.;
final NSKey key = new NSKey(-n - 1, s);
if (coefficients.containsKey(key)) {
kns = coefficients.get(key);
} else {
if (n == s) {
kns = 0.;
} else if (n == (s + 1)) {
kns = FastMath.pow(X, 1 + 2 * s) / FastMath.pow(2, s);
} else {
final NSKey keymNS = new NSKey(-n, s);
double kmNS = 0.;
if (coefficients.containsKey(keymNS)) {
kmNS = coefficients.get(keymNS);
} else {
kmNS = computeValue(n - 1, s);
final NSKey keymNp1S = new NSKey(-(n - 1), s);
double kmNp1S = 0.;
if (coefficients.containsKey(keymNp1S)) {
kmNp1S = coefficients.get(keymNp1S);
} else {
kmNp1S = computeValue(n - 2, s);
kns = (n - 1.) * XX * ((2. * n - 3.) * kmNS - (n - 2.) * kmNp1S);
kns /= (n + s - 1.) * (n - s - 1.);
// Add K(-n-1, s)
coefficients.put(key, kns);
return kns;
/** Compute dK<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> / dχ from Equation 3.1-(7).
* @param n n positive value. For a given 'n', the dK<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> / dχ is returned.
* @param s s value
* @return dK<sub>0</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> / dχ
private double computeDerivative(final int n, final int s) {
// Initialize return value
double dkdxns = 0.;
final NSKey key = new NSKey(-n - 1, s);
if (n == s) {
derivatives.put(key, 0.);
} else if (n == s + 1) {
dkdxns = (1. + 2. * s) * FastMath.pow(X, 2 * s) / FastMath.pow(2, s);
} else {
final NSKey keymN = new NSKey(-n, s);
double dkmN = 0.;
if (derivatives.containsKey(keymN)) {
dkmN = derivatives.get(keymN);
} else {
dkmN = computeDerivative(n - 1, s);
final NSKey keymNp1 = new NSKey(-n + 1, s);
double dkmNp1 = 0.;
if (derivatives.containsKey(keymNp1)) {
dkmNp1 = derivatives.get(keymNp1);
} else {
dkmNp1 = computeDerivative(n - 2, s);
final double kns = getValue(-n - 1, s);
dkdxns = (n - 1) * XX * ((2. * n - 3.) * dkmN - (n - 2.) * dkmNp1) / ((n + s - 1.) * (n - s - 1.));
dkdxns += 2. * kns / X;
derivatives.put(key, dkdxns);
return dkdxns;