/* Copyright 2002-2013 CS Systèmes d'Information
* Licensed to CS Systèmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation.DerivativeStructure;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathUtils;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider;
import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics;
import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
import org.orekit.frames.Transform;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.events.EventDetector;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.AuxiliaryElements;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.CoefficientsFactory;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.CoefficientsFactory.MNSKey;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.GHmsjPolynomials;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.GammaMnsFunction;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.JacobiPolynomials;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.NewcombOperators;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
/** Tesseral contribution to the {@link DSSTCentralBody central body gravitational
* perturbation}.
* <p>
* Only resonant tesserals are considered.
* </p>
* @author Romain Di Costanzo
* @author Pascal Parraud
class TesseralContribution implements DSSTForceModel {
/** Minimum period for analytically averaged high-order resonant
* central body spherical harmonics in seconds.
private static final double MIN_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS = 864000.;
/** Minimum period for analytically averaged high-order resonant
* central body spherical harmonics in satellite revolutions.
private static final double MIN_PERIOD_IN_SAT_REV = 10.;
/** Provider for spherical harmonics. */
private final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider;
/** Central body rotating frame. */
private final Frame bodyFrame;
/** Central body rotation period (seconds). */
private final double bodyPeriod;
/** Maximal degree to consider for harmonics potential. */
private final int maxDegree;
/** List of resonant orders. */
private final List<Integer> resOrders;
/** Factorial. */
private final double[] fact;
/** Maximum power of the eccentricity to use in summation over s. */
private int maxEccPow;
/** Maximum power of the eccentricity to use in Hansen coefficient Kernel expansion. */
private int maxHansen;
/** Keplerian period. */
private double orbitPeriod;
/** Ratio of satellite period to central body rotation period. */
private double ratio;
/** Retrograde factor. */
private int I;
// Equinoctial elements (according to DSST notation)
/** a. */
private double a;
/** ex. */
private double k;
/** ey. */
private double h;
/** hx. */
private double q;
/** hy. */
private double p;
/** lm. */
private double lm;
/** Eccentricity. */
private double ecc;
// Equinoctial reference frame vectors (according to DSST notation)
/** Equinoctial frame f vector. */
private Vector3D f;
/** Equinoctial frame g vector. */
private Vector3D g;
/** Central body rotation angle θ. */
private double theta;
/** Direction cosine α. */
private double alpha;
/** Direction cosine β. */
private double beta;
/** Direction cosine γ. */
private double gamma;
// Common factors from equinoctial coefficients
/** 2 * a / A .*/
private double ax2oA;
/** 1 / (A * B) .*/
private double ooAB;
/** B / A .*/
private double BoA;
/** B / (A * (1 + B)) .*/
private double BoABpo;
/** C / (2 * A * B) .*/
private double Co2AB;
/** μ / a .*/
private double moa;
/** R / a .*/
private double roa;
/** Single constructor.
* @param centralBodyFrame rotating body frame
* @param centralBodyRotationRate central body rotation rate (rad/s)
* @param provider provider for spherical harmonics
public TesseralContribution(final Frame centralBodyFrame,
final double centralBodyRotationRate,
final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider) {
// Central body rotating frame
this.bodyFrame = centralBodyFrame;
// Central body rotation period in seconds
this.bodyPeriod = MathUtils.TWO_PI / centralBodyRotationRate;
// Provider for spherical harmonics
this.provider = provider;
this.maxDegree = provider.getMaxDegree();
// Initialize default values
this.resOrders = new ArrayList<Integer>();
this.maxEccPow = 0;
this.maxHansen = 0;
// Factorials computation
final int maxFact = 2 * maxDegree + 1;
this.fact = new double[maxFact];
fact[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < maxFact; i++) {
fact[i] = i * fact[i - 1];
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void initialize(final AuxiliaryElements aux)
throws OrekitException {
// Keplerian period
orbitPeriod = aux.getKeplerianPeriod();
// Ratio of satellite to central body periods to define resonant terms
ratio = orbitPeriod / bodyPeriod;
// Compute the resonant tesseral harmonic terms if not set by the user
// Set the highest power of the eccentricity in the analytical power
// series expansion for the averaged high order resonant central body
// spherical harmonic perturbation
final double e = aux.getEcc();
if (e <= 0.005) {
maxEccPow = 3;
} else if (e <= 0.02) {
maxEccPow = 4;
} else if (e <= 0.1) {
maxEccPow = 7;
} else if (e <= 0.2) {
maxEccPow = 10;
} else if (e <= 0.3) {
maxEccPow = 12;
} else if (e <= 0.4) {
maxEccPow = 15;
} else {
maxEccPow = 20;
// Set the maximum power of the eccentricity to use in Hansen coefficient Kernel expansion.
maxHansen = maxEccPow / 2;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void initializeStep(final AuxiliaryElements aux) throws OrekitException {
// Equinoctial elements
a = aux.getSma();
k = aux.getK();
h = aux.getH();
q = aux.getQ();
p = aux.getP();
lm = aux.getLM();
// Eccentricity
ecc = aux.getEcc();
// Retrograde factor
I = aux.getRetrogradeFactor();
// Equinoctial frame vectors
f = aux.getVectorF();
g = aux.getVectorG();
// Central body rotation angle from equation 2.7.1-(3)(4).
final Transform t = bodyFrame.getTransformTo(aux.getFrame(), aux.getDate());
final Vector3D xB = t.transformVector(Vector3D.PLUS_I);
final Vector3D yB = t.transformVector(Vector3D.PLUS_J);
theta = FastMath.atan2(-f.dotProduct(yB) + I * g.dotProduct(xB),
f.dotProduct(xB) + I * g.dotProduct(yB));
// Direction cosines
alpha = aux.getAlpha();
beta = aux.getBeta();
gamma = aux.getGamma();
// Equinoctial coefficients
// A = sqrt(μ * a)
final double A = aux.getA();
// B = sqrt(1 - h<sup>2</sup> - k<sup>2</sup>)
final double B = aux.getB();
// C = 1 + p<sup>2</sup> + q<sup>2</sup>
final double C = aux.getC();
// Common factors from equinoctial coefficients
// a / A
ax2oA = 2. * a / A;
// B / A
BoA = B / A;
// 1 / AB
ooAB = 1. / (A * B);
// C / 2AB
Co2AB = C * ooAB / 2.;
// B / (A * (1 + B))
BoABpo = BoA / (1. + B);
// &mu / a
moa = provider.getMu() / a;
// R / a
roa = provider.getAe() / a;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double[] getMeanElementRate(final SpacecraftState spacecraftState) throws OrekitException {
// Compute potential derivatives
final double[] dU = computeUDerivatives(spacecraftState.getDate());
final double dUda = dU[0];
final double dUdh = dU[1];
final double dUdk = dU[2];
final double dUdl = dU[3];
final double dUdAl = dU[4];
final double dUdBe = dU[5];
final double dUdGa = dU[6];
// Compute the cross derivative operator :
final double UAlphaGamma = alpha * dUdGa - gamma * dUdAl;
final double UAlphaBeta = alpha * dUdBe - beta * dUdAl;
final double UBetaGamma = beta * dUdGa - gamma * dUdBe;
final double Uhk = h * dUdk - k * dUdh;
final double pUagmIqUbgoAB = (p * UAlphaGamma - I * q * UBetaGamma) * ooAB;
final double UhkmUabmdUdl = Uhk - UAlphaBeta - dUdl;
final double da = ax2oA * dUdl;
final double dh = BoA * dUdk + k * pUagmIqUbgoAB - h * BoABpo * dUdl;
final double dk = -(BoA * dUdh + h * pUagmIqUbgoAB + k * BoABpo * dUdl);
final double dp = Co2AB * (p * UhkmUabmdUdl - UBetaGamma);
final double dq = Co2AB * (q * UhkmUabmdUdl - I * UAlphaGamma);
final double dM = -ax2oA * dUda + BoABpo * (h * dUdh + k * dUdk) + pUagmIqUbgoAB;
return new double[] {da, dk, dh, dq, dp, dM};
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double[] getShortPeriodicVariations(final AbsoluteDate date,
final double[] meanElements)
throws OrekitException {
// TODO: not implemented yet, Short Periodic Variations are set to null
return new double[] {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors() {
return null;
/** Get the resonant tesseral terms in the central body spherical harmonic field.
private void getResonantTerms() {
// Compute natural resonant terms
final double tolerance = 1. / FastMath.max(MIN_PERIOD_IN_SAT_REV,
// Search the resonant orders in the tesseral harmonic field
final int maxOrder = provider.getMaxOrder();
for (int m = 1; m <= maxOrder; m++) {
final double resonance = ratio * m;
final int j = (int) FastMath.round(resonance);
if (j > 0 && FastMath.abs(resonance - j) <= tolerance) {
// Store each resonant index and order
/** Computes the potential U derivatives.
* <p>The following elements are computed from expression 3.3 - (4).
* <pre>
* dU / da
* dU / dh
* dU / dk
* dU / dλ
* dU / dα
* dU / dβ
* dU / dγ
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param date current date
* @return potential derivatives
* @throws OrekitException if an error occurs
private double[] computeUDerivatives(final AbsoluteDate date) throws OrekitException {
// Potential derivatives
double dUda = 0.;
double dUdh = 0.;
double dUdk = 0.;
double dUdl = 0.;
double dUdAl = 0.;
double dUdBe = 0.;
double dUdGa = 0.;
// Compute only if there is at least one resonant tesseral
if (!resOrders.isEmpty()) {
// Gmsj and Hmsj polynomials
final GHmsjPolynomials ghMSJ = new GHmsjPolynomials(k, h, alpha, beta, I);
// GAMMAmns function
final GammaMnsFunction gammaMNS = new GammaMnsFunction(fact, gamma, I);
// Hansen coefficients
final HansenTesseral hansen = new HansenTesseral(ecc, maxHansen);
// R / a up to power degree
final double[] roaPow = new double[maxDegree + 1];
roaPow[0] = 1.;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxDegree; i++) {
roaPow[i] = roa * roaPow[i - 1];
// SUM over resonant terms {j,m}
for (int m : resOrders) {
// Resonant index for the current resonant order
final int j = FastMath.max(1, (int) FastMath.round(ratio * m));
// Phase angle
final double jlMmt = j * lm - m * theta;
final double sinPhi = FastMath.sin(jlMmt);
final double cosPhi = FastMath.cos(jlMmt);
// Potential derivatives components for a given resonant pair {j,m}
double dUdaCos = 0.;
double dUdaSin = 0.;
double dUdhCos = 0.;
double dUdhSin = 0.;
double dUdkCos = 0.;
double dUdkSin = 0.;
double dUdlCos = 0.;
double dUdlSin = 0.;
double dUdAlCos = 0.;
double dUdAlSin = 0.;
double dUdBeCos = 0.;
double dUdBeSin = 0.;
double dUdGaCos = 0.;
double dUdGaSin = 0.;
// s-SUM from -sMin to sMax
final int sMin = FastMath.min(maxEccPow - j, maxDegree);
final int sMax = FastMath.min(maxEccPow + j, maxDegree);
for (int s = 0; s <= sMax; s++) {
// n-SUM for s positive
final double[][] nSumSpos = computeNSum(date, j, m, s,
roaPow, ghMSJ, gammaMNS, hansen);
dUdaCos += nSumSpos[0][0];
dUdaSin += nSumSpos[0][1];
dUdhCos += nSumSpos[1][0];
dUdhSin += nSumSpos[1][1];
dUdkCos += nSumSpos[2][0];
dUdkSin += nSumSpos[2][1];
dUdlCos += nSumSpos[3][0];
dUdlSin += nSumSpos[3][1];
dUdAlCos += nSumSpos[4][0];
dUdAlSin += nSumSpos[4][1];
dUdBeCos += nSumSpos[5][0];
dUdBeSin += nSumSpos[5][1];
dUdGaCos += nSumSpos[6][0];
dUdGaSin += nSumSpos[6][1];
// n-SUM for s negative
if (s > 0 && s <= sMin) {
final double[][] nSumSneg = computeNSum(date, j, m, -s,
roaPow, ghMSJ, gammaMNS, hansen);
dUdaCos += nSumSneg[0][0];
dUdaSin += nSumSneg[0][1];
dUdhCos += nSumSneg[1][0];
dUdhSin += nSumSneg[1][1];
dUdkCos += nSumSneg[2][0];
dUdkSin += nSumSneg[2][1];
dUdlCos += nSumSneg[3][0];
dUdlSin += nSumSneg[3][1];
dUdAlCos += nSumSneg[4][0];
dUdAlSin += nSumSneg[4][1];
dUdBeCos += nSumSneg[5][0];
dUdBeSin += nSumSneg[5][1];
dUdGaCos += nSumSneg[6][0];
dUdGaSin += nSumSneg[6][1];
// Assembly of potential derivatives componants
dUda += cosPhi * dUdaCos + sinPhi * dUdaSin;
dUdh += cosPhi * dUdhCos + sinPhi * dUdhSin;
dUdk += cosPhi * dUdkCos + sinPhi * dUdkSin;
dUdl += cosPhi * dUdlCos + sinPhi * dUdlSin;
dUdAl += cosPhi * dUdAlCos + sinPhi * dUdAlSin;
dUdBe += cosPhi * dUdBeCos + sinPhi * dUdBeSin;
dUdGa += cosPhi * dUdGaCos + sinPhi * dUdGaSin;
dUda *= -moa / a;
dUdh *= moa;
dUdk *= moa;
dUdl *= moa;
dUdAl *= moa;
dUdBe *= moa;
dUdGa *= moa;
return new double[] {dUda, dUdh, dUdk, dUdl, dUdAl, dUdBe, dUdGa};
/** Compute the n-SUM for potential derivatives components.
* @param date current date
* @param j resonant index <i>j</i>
* @param m resonant order <i>m</i>
* @param s d'Alembert characteristic <i>s</i>
* @param roaPow powers of R/a up to degree <i>n</i>
* @param ghMSJ G<sup>j</sup><sub>m,s</sub> and H<sup>j</sup><sub>m,s</sub> polynomials
* @param gammaMNS Γ<sup>m</sup><sub>n,s</sub>(γ) function
* @param hansen Hansen coefficients
* @return Components of U<sub>n</sub> derivatives for fixed j, m, s
* @throws OrekitException if some error occurred
private double[][] computeNSum(final AbsoluteDate date,
final int j, final int m, final int s,
final double[] roaPow,
final GHmsjPolynomials ghMSJ,
final GammaMnsFunction gammaMNS,
final HansenTesseral hansen) throws OrekitException {
//spherical harmonics
final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);
// Potential derivatives components
double dUdaCos = 0.;
double dUdaSin = 0.;
double dUdhCos = 0.;
double dUdhSin = 0.;
double dUdkCos = 0.;
double dUdkSin = 0.;
double dUdlCos = 0.;
double dUdlSin = 0.;
double dUdAlCos = 0.;
double dUdAlSin = 0.;
double dUdBeCos = 0.;
double dUdBeSin = 0.;
double dUdGaCos = 0.;
double dUdGaSin = 0.;
// I^m
final int Im = I > 0 ? 1 : (m % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1);
// jacobi v, w, indices from 2.7.1-(15)
final int v = FastMath.abs(m - s);
final int w = FastMath.abs(m + s);
// Initialise lower degree nmin = (Max(2, m, |s|)) for summation over n
final int nmin = FastMath.max(FastMath.max(2, m), FastMath.abs(s));
// n max value for computing Hansen kernel from Newcomb operators
final int nmax = nmin + 3;
// n-SUM from nmin to N
for (int n = nmin; n <= maxDegree; n++) {
// Compute Hansen kernel values and derivatives
if (n <= nmax) {
// from Newcomb operators
hansen.valueFromNewcomb(j, -n - 1, s);
hansen.derivFromNewcomb(j, -n - 1, s);
} else {
// from recurrence relations
hansen.valueFromRecurrence(j, -n - 1, s);
hansen.derivFromRecurrence(j, -n - 1, s);
// If (n - s) is odd, the contribution is null because of Vmns
if ((n - s) % 2 == 0) {
// Vmns coefficient
final double fns = fact[n + FastMath.abs(s)];
final double vMNS = CoefficientsFactory.getVmns(m, n, s, fns, fact[n - m]);
// Inclination function Gamma and derivative
final double gaMNS = gammaMNS.getValue(m, n, s);
final double dGaMNS = gammaMNS.getDerivative(m, n, s);
// Hansen kernel value and derivative
final double kJNS = hansen.getValue(j, -n - 1, s);
final double dkJNS = hansen.getDeriv(j, -n - 1, s);
// Gjms, Hjms polynomials and derivatives
final double gMSJ = ghMSJ.getGmsj(m, s, j);
final double hMSJ = ghMSJ.getHmsj(m, s, j);
final double dGdh = ghMSJ.getdGmsdh(m, s, j);
final double dGdk = ghMSJ.getdGmsdk(m, s, j);
final double dGdA = ghMSJ.getdGmsdAlpha(m, s, j);
final double dGdB = ghMSJ.getdGmsdBeta(m, s, j);
final double dHdh = ghMSJ.getdHmsdh(m, s, j);
final double dHdk = ghMSJ.getdHmsdk(m, s, j);
final double dHdA = ghMSJ.getdHmsdAlpha(m, s, j);
final double dHdB = ghMSJ.getdHmsdBeta(m, s, j);
// Jacobi l-index from 2.7.1-(15)
final int l = FastMath.min(n - m, n - FastMath.abs(s));
// Jacobi polynomial and derivative
final DerivativeStructure jacobi =
JacobiPolynomials.getValue(l, v , w, new DerivativeStructure(1, 1, 0, gamma));
// Geopotential coefficients
final double cnm = harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, m);
final double snm = harmonics.getUnnormalizedSnm(n, m);
// Common factors from expansion of equations 3.3-4
final double cf_0 = roaPow[n] * Im * vMNS;
final double cf_1 = cf_0 * gaMNS * jacobi.getValue();
final double cf_2 = cf_1 * kJNS;
final double gcPhs = gMSJ * cnm + hMSJ * snm;
final double gsMhc = gMSJ * snm - hMSJ * cnm;
final double dKgcPhsx2 = 2. * dkJNS * gcPhs;
final double dKgsMhcx2 = 2. * dkJNS * gsMhc;
final double dUdaCoef = (n + 1) * cf_2;
final double dUdlCoef = j * cf_2;
final double dUdGaCoef = cf_0 * kJNS * (jacobi.getValue() * dGaMNS + gaMNS * jacobi.getPartialDerivative(1));
// dU / da components
dUdaCos += dUdaCoef * gcPhs;
dUdaSin += dUdaCoef * gsMhc;
// dU / dh components
dUdhCos += cf_1 * (kJNS * (cnm * dGdh + snm * dHdh) + h * dKgcPhsx2);
dUdhSin += cf_1 * (kJNS * (snm * dGdh - cnm * dHdh) + h * dKgsMhcx2);
// dU / dk components
dUdkCos += cf_1 * (kJNS * (cnm * dGdk + snm * dHdk) + k * dKgcPhsx2);
dUdkSin += cf_1 * (kJNS * (snm * dGdk - cnm * dHdk) + k * dKgsMhcx2);
// dU / dLambda components
dUdlCos += dUdlCoef * gsMhc;
dUdlSin += -dUdlCoef * gcPhs;
// dU / alpha components
dUdAlCos += cf_2 * (dGdA * cnm + dHdA * snm);
dUdAlSin += cf_2 * (dGdA * snm - dHdA * cnm);
// dU / dBeta components
dUdBeCos += cf_2 * (dGdB * cnm + dHdB * snm);
dUdBeSin += cf_2 * (dGdB * snm - dHdB * cnm);
// dU / dGamma components
dUdGaCos += dUdGaCoef * gcPhs;
dUdGaSin += dUdGaCoef * gsMhc;
return new double[][] {{dUdaCos, dUdaSin},
{dUdhCos, dUdhSin},
{dUdkCos, dUdkSin},
{dUdlCos, dUdlSin},
{dUdAlCos, dUdAlSin},
{dUdBeCos, dUdBeSin},
{dUdGaCos, dUdGaSin}};
/** Hansen coefficients for tesseral contribution to central body force model.
* <p>
* Hansen coefficients are functions of the eccentricity.
* For a given eccentricity, the computed elements are stored in a map.
* </p>
private static class HansenTesseral {
/** Map to store every Hansen kernel value computed. */
private TreeMap<MNSKey, Double> values;
/** Map to store every Hansen kernel derivative computed. */
private TreeMap<MNSKey, Double> derivatives;
/** Eccentricity. */
private final double e2;
/** 1 - e<sup>2</sup>. */
private final double ome2;
/** χ = 1 / sqrt(1- e<sup>2</sup>). */
private final double chi;
/** χ<sup>2</sup> = 1 / (1- e<sup>2</sup>). */
private final double chi2;
/** dχ / de<sup>2</sup> = χ<sup>3</sup> / 2. */
private final double dchi;
/** dχ<sup>2</sup> / de<sup>2</sup> = χ<sup>4</sup>. */
private final double dchi2;
/** Max power of e<sup>2</sup> in serie expansion
* using Newcomb operator for Hansen kernel computation.
private final int maxNewcomb;
/** Simple constructor.
* @param ecc eccentricity
* @param maxHansen maximum power of e<sup>2</sup> to use in series expansion for the Hansen coefficient
public HansenTesseral(final double ecc, final int maxHansen) {
this.values = new TreeMap<CoefficientsFactory.MNSKey, Double>();
this.derivatives = new TreeMap<CoefficientsFactory.MNSKey, Double>();
this.maxNewcomb = maxHansen;
this.e2 = ecc * ecc;
this.ome2 = 1. - e2;
this.chi = 1. / FastMath.sqrt(ome2);
this.chi2 = chi * chi;
this.dchi = 0.5 * chi * chi2;
this.dchi2 = chi2 * chi2;
/** Get the K<sub>j</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> value.
* @param j j value
* @param mnm1 -n-1 value
* @param s s value
* @return K<sub>j</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup>
public double getValue(final int j, final int mnm1, final int s) {
return values.get(new MNSKey(j, mnm1, s));
/** Get the dK<sub>j</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> / de<sup>2</sup> derivative.
* @param j j value
* @param mnm1 -n-1 value
* @param s s value
* @return dK<sub>j</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> / de<sup>2</sup>
public double getDeriv(final int j, final int mnm1, final int s) {
return derivatives.get(new MNSKey(j, mnm1, s));
/** Compute the K<sub>j</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> from equation 2.7.3-(10).<br>
* <p>
* The coefficient value is evaluated from the {@link NewcombOperators} elements.
* </p>
* @param j j value
* @param mnm1 -n-1 value
* @param s s value
public void valueFromNewcomb(final int j, final int mnm1, final int s) {
// Initialization
final int aHT = FastMath.max(j - s, 0);
final int bHT = FastMath.max(s - j, 0);
// Expansion until maxNewcomb, the maximum power in e^2 for the Kernel value
double sum = NewcombOperators.getValue(maxNewcomb + aHT, maxNewcomb + bHT, mnm1, s);
for (int alphaHT = maxNewcomb - 1; alphaHT >= 0; alphaHT--) {
sum *= e2;
sum += NewcombOperators.getValue(alphaHT + aHT, alphaHT + bHT, mnm1, s);
// Kernel value from equation 2.7.3-(10)
final double value = FastMath.pow(chi2, -mnm1 - 1) * sum / chi;
// Storage of the Kernel value in the map
values.put(new MNSKey(j, mnm1, s), value);
/** Compute dK<sub>j</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup>/de<sup>2</sup> from equation 3.3-(5).
* <p>
* The derivative value is evaluated from the {@link NewcombOperators} elements.
* </p>
* @param j j value
* @param mnm1 -n-1 value
* @param s s value
public void derivFromNewcomb(final int j, final int mnm1, final int s) {
// Initialization
final int aHT = FastMath.max(j - s, 0);
final int bHT = FastMath.max(s - j, 0);
// Expansion until maxNewcomb-1, the maximum power in e^2 for the Kernel derivative
double sum = maxNewcomb * NewcombOperators.getValue(maxNewcomb + aHT, maxNewcomb + bHT, mnm1, s);
for (int alphaHT = maxNewcomb - 1; alphaHT >= 1; alphaHT--) {
sum *= e2;
sum += alphaHT * NewcombOperators.getValue(alphaHT + aHT, alphaHT + bHT, mnm1, s);
// Kernel derivative from equation 3.3-(5)
final MNSKey key = new MNSKey(j, mnm1, s);
final double coef = -(mnm1 + 1.5);
final double Kjns = values.get(key);
final double derivative = coef * chi2 * Kjns + FastMath.pow(chi2, -mnm1 - 1) * sum / chi;
// Storage of the Kernel derivative in the map
derivatives.put(new MNSKey(j, mnm1, s), derivative);
/** Compute the K<sub>j</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup> coefficient from equation 2.7.3-(9).
* @param j j value
* @param mnm1 -n-1 value
* @param s s value
public void valueFromRecurrence(final int j, final int mnm1, final int s) {
final int n = -mnm1 - 1;
final double kmn = values.get(new MNSKey(j, -n, s));
final double kmnp1 = values.get(new MNSKey(j, -n + 1, s));
final double kmnp3 = values.get(new MNSKey(j, -n + 3, s));
final double den = (3 - n) * (1 - n + s) * (1 - n - s);
final double ck = chi2 / den;
final double ckmn = (3 - n) * (1 - n) * (3 - 2 * n);
final double ckmnp1 = (2 - n) * ((3 - n) * (1 - n) + (2 * j * s) / chi);
final double ckmnp3 = j * j * (1 - n);
final double value = ck * (ckmn * kmn - ckmnp1 * kmnp1 + ckmnp3 * kmnp3);
// Store value
values.put(new MNSKey(j, mnm1, s), value);
/** Compute dK<sub>j</sub><sup>-n-1,s</sup>/de<sup>2</sup> from derivation of equation 2.7.3-(9).
* @param j j value
* @param mnm1 -n-1 value
* @param s s value
public void derivFromRecurrence(final int j, final int mnm1, final int s) {
final int n = -mnm1 - 1;
final MNSKey keymn = new MNSKey(j, -n, s);
final MNSKey keymnp1 = new MNSKey(j, -n + 1, s);
final MNSKey keymnp3 = new MNSKey(j, -n + 3, s);
final double kmn = values.get(keymn);
final double kmnp1 = values.get(keymnp1);
final double kmnp3 = values.get(keymnp3);
final double dkmn = derivatives.get(keymn);
final double dkmnp1 = derivatives.get(keymnp1);
final double dkmnp3 = derivatives.get(keymnp3);
final double den = (3 - n) * (1 - n + s) * (1 - n - s);
final double cdkmn = (3 - n) * (1 - n) * (3 - 2 * n);
final double c0dkmnp1 = (n - 2) * (3 - n) * (1 - n);
final double c1dkmnp1 = (n - 2) * (2 * j * s);
final double cdkmnp3 = j * j * (1 - n);
final double deriv = chi2 * (cdkmn * dkmn + c0dkmnp1 * dkmnp1 + cdkmnp3 * dkmnp3) +
chi * c1dkmnp1 * dkmnp1 +
dchi2 * (cdkmn * kmn + c0dkmnp1 * kmnp1 + cdkmnp3 * kmnp3) +
dchi * c1dkmnp1 * kmnp1;
// Store derivative
derivatives.put(new MNSKey(j, mnm1, s), deriv / den);