- /* Copyright 2002-2024 CS GROUP
- * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.orekit.orbits;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation;
- import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
- import org.hipparchus.linear.RealMatrix;
- import;
- import org.hipparchus.ode.nonstiff.AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator;
- import org.hipparchus.ode.nonstiff.DormandPrince853Integrator;
- import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
- import org.orekit.attitudes.FrameAlignedProvider;
- import org.orekit.bodies.CR3BPSystem;
- import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
- import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
- import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
- import;
- import org.orekit.propagation.numerical.NumericalPropagator;
- import org.orekit.propagation.numerical.cr3bp.CR3BPForceModel;
- import org.orekit.propagation.numerical.cr3bp.STMEquations;
- import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
- import org.orekit.utils.AbsolutePVCoordinates;
- import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinates;
- /**
- * Class implementing the differential correction method for Halo or Lyapunov
- * Orbits. It is not a simple differential correction, it uses higher order
- * terms to be more accurate and meet orbits requirements.
- * @see "Three-dimensional, periodic, Halo Orbits by Kathleen Connor Howell, Stanford University"
- * @author Vincent Mouraux
- * @since 10.2
- */
- public class CR3BPDifferentialCorrection {
- /** Maximum number of iterations. */
- private static final int MAX_ITER = 30;
- /** Max check interval for crossing plane. */
- private static final double CROSSING_MAX_CHECK = 3600.0;
- /** Convergence tolerance for plane crossing time. */
- private static final double CROSSING_TOLERANCE = 1.0e-10;
- /** Arbitrary start date. */
- private static final AbsoluteDate START_DATE = AbsoluteDate.ARBITRARY_EPOCH;
- /** Boolean return true if the propagated trajectory crosses the plane. */
- private boolean cross;
- /** first guess PVCoordinates of the point to start differential correction. */
- private final PVCoordinates firstGuess;
- /** CR3BP System considered. */
- private final CR3BPSystem syst;
- /** orbitalPeriodApprox Orbital Period of the firstGuess. */
- private final double orbitalPeriodApprox;
- /** orbitalPeriod Orbital Period of the required orbit. */
- private double orbitalPeriod;
- /** Simple Constructor.
- * <p> Standard constructor using DormandPrince853 integrator for the differential correction </p>
- * @param firstguess first guess PVCoordinates of the point to start differential correction
- * @param syst CR3BP System considered
- * @param orbitalPeriod Orbital Period of the required orbit
- */
- public CR3BPDifferentialCorrection(final PVCoordinates firstguess,
- final CR3BPSystem syst, final double orbitalPeriod) {
- this.firstGuess = firstguess;
- this.syst = syst;
- this.orbitalPeriodApprox = orbitalPeriod;
- }
- /** Build the propagator.
- * @return propagator
- * @since 11.1
- */
- private NumericalPropagator buildPropagator() {
- // Adaptive stepsize boundaries
- final double minStep = 1E-12;
- final double maxstep = 0.001;
- // Integrator tolerances
- final double positionTolerance = 1E-5;
- final double velocityTolerance = 1E-5;
- final double massTolerance = 1.0e-6;
- final double[] vecAbsoluteTolerances = {positionTolerance, positionTolerance, positionTolerance, velocityTolerance, velocityTolerance, velocityTolerance, massTolerance};
- final double[] vecRelativeTolerances = new double[vecAbsoluteTolerances.length];
- // Integrator definition
- final AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator integrator = new DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep, maxstep,
- vecAbsoluteTolerances,
- vecRelativeTolerances);
- // Propagator definition
- final NumericalPropagator propagator =
- new NumericalPropagator(integrator, new FrameAlignedProvider(Rotation.IDENTITY, syst.getRotatingFrame()));
- // CR3BP has no defined orbit type
- propagator.setOrbitType(null);
- // CR3BP has central Attraction
- propagator.setIgnoreCentralAttraction(true);
- // Add CR3BP Force Model to the propagator
- propagator.addForceModel(new CR3BPForceModel(syst));
- // Add event detector for crossing plane
- propagator.addEventDetector(new HaloXZPlaneCrossingDetector(CROSSING_MAX_CHECK, CROSSING_TOLERANCE).
- withHandler((state, detector, increasing) -> {
- cross = true;
- return Action.STOP;
- }));
- return propagator;
- }
- /**
- * Return the real starting PVCoordinates on the Libration orbit type
- * after differential correction from a first guess.
- * @param type libration orbit type
- * @return pv Position-Velocity of the starting point on the Halo Orbit
- */
- public PVCoordinates compute(final LibrationOrbitType type) {
- return type == LibrationOrbitType.HALO ? computeHalo() : computeLyapunov();
- }
- /** Return the real starting PVCoordinates on the Halo orbit after differential correction from a first guess.
- * @return pv Position-Velocity of the starting point on the Halo Orbit
- */
- private PVCoordinates computeHalo() {
- // Initializing PVCoordinates with first guess
- PVCoordinates pvHalo = firstGuess;
- // Start a new differentially corrected propagation until it converges to a Halo Orbit
- // Converge within 1E-8 tolerance and under 5 iterations
- for (int iHalo = 0; iHalo < MAX_ITER; ++iHalo) {
- // SpacecraftState initialization
- final AbsolutePVCoordinates initialAbsPVHalo = new AbsolutePVCoordinates(syst.getRotatingFrame(), START_DATE, pvHalo);
- final SpacecraftState initialStateHalo = new SpacecraftState(initialAbsPVHalo);
- // setup propagator
- final NumericalPropagator propagator = buildPropagator();
- final STMEquations stm = new STMEquations(syst);
- propagator.addAdditionalDerivativesProvider(stm);
- propagator.setInitialState(stm.setInitialPhi(initialStateHalo));
- // boolean changed to true by crossing XZ plane during propagation. Has to be true for the differential correction to converge
- cross = false;
- // Propagate until trajectory crosses XZ Plane
- final SpacecraftState finalStateHalo =
- propagator.propagate(START_DATE.shiftedBy(orbitalPeriodApprox));
- // Stops computation if trajectory did not cross XZ Plane after one full orbital period
- if (cross == false) {
- throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.TRAJECTORY_NOT_CROSSING_XZPLANE);
- }
- // Get State Transition Matrix phi
- final RealMatrix phiHalo = stm.getStateTransitionMatrix(finalStateHalo);
- // Gap from desired X and Z axis velocity value ()
- final double dvxf = -finalStateHalo.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getX();
- final double dvzf = -finalStateHalo.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getZ();
- orbitalPeriod = 2 * finalStateHalo.getDate().durationFrom(START_DATE);
- if (FastMath.abs(dvxf) <= 1E-8 && FastMath.abs(dvzf) <= 1E-8) {
- break;
- }
- // Y axis velocity
- final double vy = finalStateHalo.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getY();
- // Spacecraft acceleration
- final Vector3D acc = finalStateHalo.getPVCoordinates().getAcceleration();
- final double accx = acc.getX();
- final double accz = acc.getZ();
- // Compute A coefficients
- final double a11 = phiHalo.getEntry(3, 0) - accx * phiHalo.getEntry(1, 0) / vy;
- final double a12 = phiHalo.getEntry(3, 4) - accx * phiHalo.getEntry(1, 4) / vy;
- final double a21 = phiHalo.getEntry(5, 0) - accz * phiHalo.getEntry(1, 0) / vy;
- final double a22 = phiHalo.getEntry(5, 4) - accz * phiHalo.getEntry(1, 4) / vy;
- // A determinant used for matrix inversion
- final double aDet = a11 * a22 - a21 * a12;
- // Correction to apply to initial conditions
- final double deltax0 = (a22 * dvxf - a12 * dvzf) / aDet;
- final double deltavy0 = (-a21 * dvxf + a11 * dvzf) / aDet;
- // Computation of the corrected initial PVCoordinates
- final double newx = pvHalo.getPosition().getX() + deltax0;
- final double newvy = pvHalo.getVelocity().getY() + deltavy0;
- pvHalo = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(newx,
- pvHalo.getPosition().getY(),
- pvHalo.getPosition().getZ()),
- new Vector3D(pvHalo.getVelocity().getX(),
- newvy,
- pvHalo.getVelocity().getZ()));
- }
- // Return
- return pvHalo;
- }
- /** Return the real starting PVCoordinates on the Lyapunov orbit after differential correction from a first guess.
- * @return pv Position-Velocity of the starting point on the Lyapunov Orbit
- */
- public PVCoordinates computeLyapunov() {
- // Initializing PVCoordinates with first guess
- PVCoordinates pvLyapunov = firstGuess;
- // Start a new differentially corrected propagation until it converges to a Halo Orbit
- // Converge within 1E-8 tolerance and under 5 iterations
- for (int iLyapunov = 0; iLyapunov < MAX_ITER; ++iLyapunov) {
- // SpacecraftState initialization
- final AbsolutePVCoordinates initialAbsPVLyapunov = new AbsolutePVCoordinates(syst.getRotatingFrame(), START_DATE, pvLyapunov);
- final SpacecraftState initialStateLyapunov = new SpacecraftState(initialAbsPVLyapunov);
- // setup propagator
- final NumericalPropagator propagator = buildPropagator();
- final STMEquations stm = new STMEquations(syst);
- propagator.addAdditionalDerivativesProvider(stm);
- propagator.setInitialState(stm.setInitialPhi(initialStateLyapunov));
- // boolean changed to true by crossing XZ plane during propagation. Has to be true for the differential correction to converge
- cross = false;
- // Propagate until trajectory crosses XZ Plane
- final SpacecraftState finalStateLyapunov =
- propagator.propagate(START_DATE.shiftedBy(orbitalPeriodApprox));
- // Stops computation if trajectory did not cross XZ Plane after one full orbital period
- if (cross == false) {
- throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.TRAJECTORY_NOT_CROSSING_XZPLANE);
- }
- // Get State Transition Matrix phi
- final RealMatrix phi = stm.getStateTransitionMatrix(finalStateLyapunov);
- // Gap from desired y position and x velocity value ()
- final double dvxf = -finalStateLyapunov.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getX();
- orbitalPeriod = 2 * finalStateLyapunov.getDate().durationFrom(START_DATE);
- if (FastMath.abs(dvxf) <= 1E-14) {
- break;
- }
- // Y axis velocity
- final double vy = finalStateLyapunov.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getY();
- // Spacecraft acceleration
- final double accy = finalStateLyapunov.getPVCoordinates().getAcceleration().getY();
- // Compute A coefficients
- final double deltavy0 = dvxf / (phi.getEntry(3, 4) - accy * phi.getEntry(1, 4) / vy);
- // Computation of the corrected initial PVCoordinates
- final double newvy = pvLyapunov.getVelocity().getY() + deltavy0;
- pvLyapunov = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(pvLyapunov.getPosition().getX(),
- pvLyapunov.getPosition().getY(),
- 0),
- new Vector3D(pvLyapunov.getVelocity().getX(),
- newvy,
- 0));
- }
- // Return
- return pvLyapunov;
- }
- /** Get the orbital period of the required orbit.
- * @return the orbitalPeriod
- */
- public double getOrbitalPeriod() {
- return orbitalPeriod;
- }
- }