AbstractAmbiguityModifier |
Base class for phase ambiguity modifier.
AbstractRelativisticClockModifier |
Class modifying theoretical measurements with relativistic clock correction.
AbstractRelativisticJ2ClockModifier |
Class modifying theoretical measurements with relativistic J2 clock correction.
AbstractShapiroBaseModifier |
Class modifying theoretical range measurement with Shapiro time delay.
BaseRangeIonosphericDelayModifier |
Base class modifying theoretical range measurement with ionospheric delay.
BaseRangeRateIonosphericDelayModifier |
Base class modifying theoretical range-rate measurement with ionospheric delay.
BaseRangeRateTroposphericDelayModifier |
Baselass modifying theoretical range-rate measurements with tropospheric delay.
BaseRangeTroposphericDelayModifier |
Base class modifying theoretical range measurements with tropospheric delay.
OutlierFilter |
Modifier that sets estimated measurement weight to 0 if residual is too far from expected domain.