
/* Copyright 2002-2023 CS GROUP
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.
package org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.forces;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;

import org.hipparchus.CalculusFieldElement;
import org.hipparchus.Field;
import org.hipparchus.exception.LocalizedCoreFormats;
import org.hipparchus.util.CombinatoricsUtils;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.hipparchus.util.FieldSinCos;
import org.hipparchus.util.MathArrays;
import org.hipparchus.util.SinCos;
import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProvider;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitInternalError;
import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider;
import org.orekit.forces.gravity.potential.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider.UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics;
import org.orekit.orbits.FieldOrbit;
import org.orekit.orbits.Orbit;
import org.orekit.propagation.FieldSpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.PropagationType;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.AuxiliaryElements;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.CjSjCoefficient;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.CoefficientsFactory;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.CoefficientsFactory.NSKey;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.FieldAuxiliaryElements;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.FieldCjSjCoefficient;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.FieldGHIJjsPolynomials;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.FieldLnsCoefficients;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.GHIJjsPolynomials;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.LnsCoefficients;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.UpperBounds;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.hansen.FieldHansenZonalLinear;
import org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.hansen.HansenZonalLinear;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.time.FieldAbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.utils.FieldTimeSpanMap;
import org.orekit.utils.ParameterDriver;
import org.orekit.utils.TimeSpanMap;

/** Zonal contribution to the central body gravitational perturbation.
 *   @author Romain Di Costanzo
 *   @author Pascal Parraud
 *   @author Bryan Cazabonne (field translation)
public class DSSTZonal implements DSSTForceModel {

    /**  Name of the prefix for short period coefficients keys. */
    public static final String SHORT_PERIOD_PREFIX = "DSST-central-body-zonal-";

    /** Retrograde factor I.
     *  <p>
     *  DSST model needs equinoctial orbit as internal representation.
     *  Classical equinoctial elements have discontinuities when inclination
     *  is close to zero. In this representation, I = +1. <br>
     *  To avoid this discontinuity, another representation exists and equinoctial
     *  elements can be expressed in a different way, called "retrograde" orbit.
     *  This implies I = -1. <br>
     *  As Orekit doesn't implement the retrograde orbit, I is always set to +1.
     *  But for the sake of consistency with the theory, the retrograde factor
     *  has been kept in the formulas.
     *  </p>
    private static final int I = 1;

    /** Number of points for interpolation. */
    private static final int INTERPOLATION_POINTS = 3;

    /** Truncation tolerance. */
    private static final double TRUNCATION_TOLERANCE = 1e-4;

    /** Central attraction scaling factor.
     * <p>
     * We use a power of 2 to avoid numeric noise introduction
     * in the multiplications/divisions sequences.
     * </p>
    private static final double MU_SCALE = FastMath.scalb(1.0, 32);

    /** Coefficient used to define the mean disturbing function V<sub>ns</sub> coefficient. */
    private final SortedMap<NSKey, Double> Vns;

    /** Provider for spherical harmonics. */
    private final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider;

    /** Maximal degree to consider for harmonics potential. */
    private final int maxDegree;

    /** Maximal degree to consider for harmonics potential. */
    private final int maxDegreeShortPeriodics;

    /** Highest power of the eccentricity to be used in short periodic computations. */
    private final int maxEccPowShortPeriodics;

    /** Maximum frequency in true longitude for short periodic computations. */
    private final int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics;

    /** Highest power of the eccentricity to be used in mean elements computations. */
    private int maxEccPowMeanElements;

    /** Highest power of the eccentricity. */
    private int maxEccPow;

    /** Short period terms. */
    private ZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients zonalSPCoefs;

    /** Short period terms. */
    private Map<Field<?>, FieldZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients<?>> zonalFieldSPCoefs;

    /** Driver for gravitational parameter. */
    private final ParameterDriver gmParameterDriver;

    /** Hansen objects. */
    private HansenObjects hansen;

    /** Hansen objects for field elements. */
    private Map<Field<?>, FieldHansenObjects<?>> fieldHansen;

    /** Constructor with default reference values.
     * <p>
     * When this constructor is used, maximum allowed values are used
     * for the short periodic coefficients:
     * </p>
     * <ul>
     *    <li> {@link #maxDegreeShortPeriodics} is set to {@code provider.getMaxDegree()} </li>
     *    <li> {@link #maxEccPowShortPeriodics} is set to {@code min(provider.getMaxDegree() - 1, 4)}.
     *         This parameter should not exceed 4 as higher values will exceed computer capacity </li>
     *    <li> {@link #maxFrequencyShortPeriodics} is set to {@code 2 * provider.getMaxDegree() + 1} </li>
     * </ul>
     * @param provider provider for spherical harmonics
     * @since 10.1
    public DSSTZonal(final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider) {
        this(provider, provider.getMaxDegree(), FastMath.min(4, provider.getMaxDegree() - 1), 2 * provider.getMaxDegree() + 1);

    /** Simple constructor.
     * @param provider provider for spherical harmonics
     * @param maxDegreeShortPeriodics maximum degree to consider for short periodics zonal harmonics potential
     * (must be between 2 and {@code provider.getMaxDegree()})
     * @param maxEccPowShortPeriodics maximum power of the eccentricity to be used in short periodic computations
     * (must be between 0 and {@code maxDegreeShortPeriodics - 1}, but should typically not exceed 4 as higher
     * values will exceed computer capacity)
     * @param maxFrequencyShortPeriodics maximum frequency in true longitude for short periodic computations
     * (must be between 1 and {@code 2 * maxDegreeShortPeriodics + 1})
     * @since 7.2
    public DSSTZonal(final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider provider,
                     final int maxDegreeShortPeriodics,
                     final int maxEccPowShortPeriodics,
                     final int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics) {

        gmParameterDriver = new ParameterDriver(DSSTNewtonianAttraction.CENTRAL_ATTRACTION_COEFFICIENT,
                                                provider.getMu(), MU_SCALE,
                                                0.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);

        // Vns coefficients
        this.Vns = CoefficientsFactory.computeVns(provider.getMaxDegree() + 1);

        this.provider  = provider;
        this.maxDegree = provider.getMaxDegree();

        checkIndexRange(maxDegreeShortPeriodics, 2, provider.getMaxDegree());
        this.maxDegreeShortPeriodics = maxDegreeShortPeriodics;

        checkIndexRange(maxEccPowShortPeriodics, 0, maxDegreeShortPeriodics - 1);
        this.maxEccPowShortPeriodics = maxEccPowShortPeriodics;

        checkIndexRange(maxFrequencyShortPeriodics, 1, 2 * maxDegreeShortPeriodics + 1);
        this.maxFrequencyShortPeriodics = maxFrequencyShortPeriodics;

        // Initialize default values
        this.maxEccPowMeanElements = (maxDegree == 2) ? 0 : Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        zonalFieldSPCoefs = new HashMap<>();
        fieldHansen       = new HashMap<>();


    /** Check an index range.
     * @param index index value
     * @param min minimum value for index
     * @param max maximum value for index
    private void checkIndexRange(final int index, final int min, final int max) {
        if (index < min || index > max) {
            throw new OrekitException(LocalizedCoreFormats.OUT_OF_RANGE_SIMPLE, index, min, max);

    /** Get the spherical harmonics provider.
     *  @return the spherical harmonics provider
    public UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider getProvider() {
        return provider;

    /** {@inheritDoc}
     *  <p>
     *  Computes the highest power of the eccentricity to appear in the truncated
     *  analytical power series expansion.
     *  </p>
     *  <p>
     *  This method computes the upper value for the central body potential and
     *  determines the maximal power for the eccentricity producing potential
     *  terms bigger than a defined tolerance.
     *  </p>
    public List<ShortPeriodTerms> initializeShortPeriodTerms(final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements,
                                             final PropagationType type,
                                             final double[] parameters) {

        computeMeanElementsTruncations(auxiliaryElements, parameters);

        switch (type) {
            case MEAN:
                maxEccPow = maxEccPowMeanElements;
            case OSCULATING:
                maxEccPow = FastMath.max(maxEccPowMeanElements, maxEccPowShortPeriodics);
                throw new OrekitInternalError(null);

        hansen = new HansenObjects();

        final List<ShortPeriodTerms> list = new ArrayList<ShortPeriodTerms>();
        zonalSPCoefs = new ZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients(maxFrequencyShortPeriodics,
                                                          new TimeSpanMap<Slot>(new Slot(maxFrequencyShortPeriodics,
        return list;


    /** {@inheritDoc}
     *  <p>
     *  Computes the highest power of the eccentricity to appear in the truncated
     *  analytical power series expansion.
     *  </p>
     *  <p>
     *  This method computes the upper value for the central body potential and
     *  determines the maximal power for the eccentricity producing potential
     *  terms bigger than a defined tolerance.
     *  </p>
    public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> List<FieldShortPeriodTerms<T>> initializeShortPeriodTerms(final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
                                                                                     final PropagationType type,
                                                                                     final T[] parameters) {

        // Field used by default
        final Field<T> field = auxiliaryElements.getDate().getField();
        computeMeanElementsTruncations(auxiliaryElements, parameters, field);

        switch (type) {
            case MEAN:
                maxEccPow = maxEccPowMeanElements;
            case OSCULATING:
                maxEccPow = FastMath.max(maxEccPowMeanElements, maxEccPowShortPeriodics);
                throw new OrekitInternalError(null);

        fieldHansen.put(field, new FieldHansenObjects<>(field));

        final FieldZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients<T> fzspc =
                        new FieldZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients<>(maxFrequencyShortPeriodics,
                                                                  new FieldTimeSpanMap<>(new FieldSlot<>(maxFrequencyShortPeriodics,
        zonalFieldSPCoefs.put(field, fzspc);
        return Collections.singletonList(fzspc);


    /** Compute indices truncations for mean elements computations.
     * @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements
     * @param parameters values of the force model parameters for state date (only 1 value for each parameter)
    private void computeMeanElementsTruncations(final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements, final double[] parameters) {

        final DSSTZonalContext context = new DSSTZonalContext(auxiliaryElements, provider, parameters);
        //Compute the max eccentricity power for the mean element rate expansion
        if (maxDegree == 2) {
            maxEccPowMeanElements = 0;
        } else {
            // Initializes specific parameters.
            final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(auxiliaryElements.getDate());

            // Utilities for truncation
            final double ax2or = 2. * auxiliaryElements.getSma() / provider.getAe();
            double xmuran = parameters[0] / auxiliaryElements.getSma();
            // Set a lower bound for eccentricity
            final double eo2  = FastMath.max(0.0025, auxiliaryElements.getEcc() / 2.);
            final double x2o2 = context.getXX() / 2.;
            final double[] eccPwr = new double[maxDegree + 1];
            final double[] chiPwr = new double[maxDegree + 1];
            final double[] hafPwr = new double[maxDegree + 1];
            eccPwr[0] = 1.;
            chiPwr[0] = context.getX();
            hafPwr[0] = 1.;
            for (int i = 1; i <= maxDegree; i++) {
                eccPwr[i] = eccPwr[i - 1] * eo2;
                chiPwr[i] = chiPwr[i - 1] * x2o2;
                hafPwr[i] = hafPwr[i - 1] * 0.5;
                xmuran  /= ax2or;

            // Set highest power of e and degree of current spherical harmonic.
            maxEccPowMeanElements = 0;
            int maxDeg = maxDegree;
            // Loop over n
            do {
                // Set order of current spherical harmonic.
                int m = 0;
                // Loop over m
                do {
                    // Compute magnitude of current spherical harmonic coefficient.
                    final double cnm = harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(maxDeg, m);
                    final double snm = harmonics.getUnnormalizedSnm(maxDeg, m);
                    final double csnm = FastMath.hypot(cnm, snm);
                    if (csnm == 0.) {
                    // Set magnitude of last spherical harmonic term.
                    double lastTerm = 0.;
                    // Set current power of e and related indices.
                    int nsld2 = (maxDeg - maxEccPowMeanElements - 1) / 2;
                    int l = maxDeg - 2 * nsld2;
                    // Loop over l
                    double term = 0.;
                    do {
                        // Compute magnitude of current spherical harmonic term.
                        if (m < l) {
                            term =  csnm * xmuran *
                                    (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(maxDeg - l) / (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(maxDeg - m))) *
                                    (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(maxDeg + l) / (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(nsld2) * CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(nsld2 + l))) *
                                    eccPwr[l] * UpperBounds.getDnl(context.getXX(), chiPwr[l], maxDeg, l) *
                                    (UpperBounds.getRnml(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDeg, l, m, 1, I) + UpperBounds.getRnml(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDeg, l, m, -1, I));
                        } else {
                            term =  csnm * xmuran *
                                    (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(maxDeg + m) / (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(nsld2) * CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(nsld2 + l))) *
                                    eccPwr[l] * hafPwr[m - l] * UpperBounds.getDnl(context.getXX(), chiPwr[l], maxDeg, l) *
                                    (UpperBounds.getRnml(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDeg, m, l, 1, I) + UpperBounds.getRnml(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDeg, m, l, -1, I));
                        // Is the current spherical harmonic term bigger than the truncation tolerance ?
                        if (term >= TRUNCATION_TOLERANCE) {
                            maxEccPowMeanElements = l;
                        } else {
                            // Is the current term smaller than the last term ?
                            if (term < lastTerm) {
                        // Proceed to next power of e.
                        lastTerm = term;
                        l += 2;
                    } while (l < maxDeg);
                    // Is the current spherical harmonic term bigger than the truncation tolerance ?
                    if (term >= TRUNCATION_TOLERANCE) {
                        maxEccPowMeanElements = FastMath.min(maxDegree - 2, maxEccPowMeanElements);
                    // Proceed to next order.
                } while (m <= FastMath.min(maxDeg, provider.getMaxOrder()));
                // Proceed to next degree.
                xmuran *= ax2or;
            } while (maxDeg > maxEccPowMeanElements + 2);

            maxEccPowMeanElements = FastMath.min(maxDegree - 2, maxEccPowMeanElements);

    /** Compute indices truncations for mean elements computations.
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements
     * @param parameters values of the force model parameters
     * @param field field used by default
    private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void computeMeanElementsTruncations(final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
                                                                                final T[] parameters,
                                                                                final Field<T> field) {

        final T zero = field.getZero();
        final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context = new FieldDSSTZonalContext<>(auxiliaryElements, provider, parameters);
        //Compute the max eccentricity power for the mean element rate expansion
        if (maxDegree == 2) {
            maxEccPowMeanElements = 0;
        } else {
            // Initializes specific parameters.
            final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(auxiliaryElements.getDate().toAbsoluteDate());

            // Utilities for truncation
            final T ax2or = auxiliaryElements.getSma().multiply(2.).divide(provider.getAe());
            T xmuran = parameters[0].divide(auxiliaryElements.getSma());
            // Set a lower bound for eccentricity
            final T eo2  = FastMath.max(zero.add(0.0025), auxiliaryElements.getEcc().divide(2.));
            final T x2o2 = context.getXX().divide(2.);
            final T[] eccPwr = MathArrays.buildArray(field, maxDegree + 1);
            final T[] chiPwr = MathArrays.buildArray(field, maxDegree + 1);
            final T[] hafPwr = MathArrays.buildArray(field, maxDegree + 1);
            eccPwr[0] = zero.add(1.);
            chiPwr[0] = context.getX();
            hafPwr[0] = zero.add(1.);
            for (int i = 1; i <= maxDegree; i++) {
                eccPwr[i] = eccPwr[i - 1].multiply(eo2);
                chiPwr[i] = chiPwr[i - 1].multiply(x2o2);
                hafPwr[i] = hafPwr[i - 1].multiply(0.5);
                xmuran  = xmuran.divide(ax2or);

            // Set highest power of e and degree of current spherical harmonic.
            maxEccPowMeanElements = 0;
            int maxDeg = maxDegree;
            // Loop over n
            do {
                // Set order of current spherical harmonic.
                int m = 0;
                // Loop over m
                do {
                    // Compute magnitude of current spherical harmonic coefficient.
                    final T cnm = zero.add(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(maxDeg, m));
                    final T snm = zero.add(harmonics.getUnnormalizedSnm(maxDeg, m));
                    final T csnm = FastMath.hypot(cnm, snm);
                    if (csnm.getReal() == 0.) {
                    // Set magnitude of last spherical harmonic term.
                    T lastTerm = zero;
                    // Set current power of e and related indices.
                    int nsld2 = (maxDeg - maxEccPowMeanElements - 1) / 2;
                    int l = maxDeg - 2 * nsld2;
                    // Loop over l
                    T term = zero;
                    do {
                        // Compute magnitude of current spherical harmonic term.
                        if (m < l) {
                            term = csnm.multiply(xmuran).
                                   multiply((CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(maxDeg - l) / (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(maxDeg - m))) *
                                   (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(maxDeg + l) / (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(nsld2) * CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(nsld2 + l)))).
                                   multiply(eccPwr[l]).multiply(UpperBounds.getDnl(context.getXX(), chiPwr[l], maxDeg, l)).
                                   multiply(UpperBounds.getRnml(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDeg, l, m, 1, I).add(UpperBounds.getRnml(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDeg, l, m, -1, I)));
                        } else {
                            term = csnm.multiply(xmuran).
                                   multiply(CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(maxDeg + m) / (CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(nsld2) * CombinatoricsUtils.factorialDouble(nsld2 + l))).
                                   multiply(eccPwr[l]).multiply(hafPwr[m - l]).multiply(UpperBounds.getDnl(context.getXX(), chiPwr[l], maxDeg, l)).
                                   multiply(UpperBounds.getRnml(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDeg, m, l, 1, I).add(UpperBounds.getRnml(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDeg, m, l, -1, I)));
                        // Is the current spherical harmonic term bigger than the truncation tolerance ?
                        if (term.getReal() >= TRUNCATION_TOLERANCE) {
                            maxEccPowMeanElements = l;
                        } else {
                            // Is the current term smaller than the last term ?
                            if (term.getReal() < lastTerm.getReal()) {
                        // Proceed to next power of e.
                        lastTerm = term;
                        l += 2;
                    } while (l < maxDeg);
                    // Is the current spherical harmonic term bigger than the truncation tolerance ?
                    if (term.getReal() >= TRUNCATION_TOLERANCE) {
                        maxEccPowMeanElements = FastMath.min(maxDegree - 2, maxEccPowMeanElements);
                    // Proceed to next order.
                } while (m <= FastMath.min(maxDeg, provider.getMaxOrder()));
                // Proceed to next degree.
                xmuran = xmuran.multiply(ax2or);
            } while (maxDeg > maxEccPowMeanElements + 2);

            maxEccPowMeanElements = FastMath.min(maxDegree - 2, maxEccPowMeanElements);

    /** Performs initialization at each integration step for the current force model.
     *  <p>
     *  This method aims at being called before mean elements rates computation.
     *  </p>
     *  @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
     *  @param parameters values of the force model parameters
     *  @return new force model context
    private DSSTZonalContext initializeStep(final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements, final double[] parameters) {
        return new DSSTZonalContext(auxiliaryElements, provider, parameters);

    /** Performs initialization at each integration step for the current force model.
     *  <p>
     *  This method aims at being called before mean elements rates computation.
     *  </p>
     *  @param <T> type of the elements
     *  @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
     *  @param parameters values of the force model parameters
     *  @return new force model context
    private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> initializeStep(final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
                                                                                    final T[] parameters) {
        return new FieldDSSTZonalContext<>(auxiliaryElements, provider, parameters);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public double[] getMeanElementRate(final SpacecraftState spacecraftState,
                                       final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements, final double[] parameters) {

        // Container of attributes

        final DSSTZonalContext context = initializeStep(auxiliaryElements, parameters);
        // Access to potential U derivatives
        final UAnddU udu = new UAnddU(spacecraftState.getDate(), context, auxiliaryElements, hansen);

        return computeMeanElementRates(spacecraftState.getDate(), context, udu);


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] getMeanElementRate(final FieldSpacecraftState<T> spacecraftState,
                                                                  final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
                                                                  final T[] parameters) {

        // Field used by default
        final Field<T> field = auxiliaryElements.getDate().getField();
        // Container of attributes
        final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context = initializeStep(auxiliaryElements, parameters);

        final FieldHansenObjects<T> fho = (FieldHansenObjects<T>) fieldHansen.get(field);

        // Access to potential U derivatives
        final FieldUAnddU<T> udu = new FieldUAnddU<>(spacecraftState.getDate(), context, auxiliaryElements, fho);

        return computeMeanElementRates(spacecraftState.getDate(), context, udu);


    /** Compute the mean element rates.
     * @param date current date
     * @param context container for attributes
     * @param udu derivatives of the gravitational potential U
     * @return the mean element rates
    private double[] computeMeanElementRates(final AbsoluteDate date,
                                             final DSSTZonalContext context,
                                             final UAnddU udu) {

        // Auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
        final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements = context.getAuxiliaryElements();

        // Compute cross derivatives [Eq. 2.2-(8)]
        // U(alpha,gamma) = alpha * dU/dgamma - gamma * dU/dalpha
        final double UAlphaGamma   = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha() * udu.getdUdGa() - auxiliaryElements.getGamma() * udu.getdUdAl();
        // U(beta,gamma) = beta * dU/dgamma - gamma * dU/dbeta
        final double UBetaGamma    =  auxiliaryElements.getBeta() * udu.getdUdGa() - auxiliaryElements.getGamma() * udu.getdUdBe();
        // Common factor
        final double pUAGmIqUBGoAB = (auxiliaryElements.getP() * UAlphaGamma - I * auxiliaryElements.getQ() * UBetaGamma) * context.getOoAB();

        // Compute mean elements rates [Eq. 3.1-(1)]
        final double da =  0.;
        final double dh =  context.getBoA() * udu.getdUdk() + auxiliaryElements.getK() * pUAGmIqUBGoAB;
        final double dk = -context.getBoA() * udu.getdUdh() - auxiliaryElements.getH() * pUAGmIqUBGoAB;
        final double dp =  context.getMCo2AB() * UBetaGamma;
        final double dq =  context.getMCo2AB() * UAlphaGamma * I;
        final double dM =  context.getM2aoA() * udu.getdUda() + context.getBoABpo() * (auxiliaryElements.getH() * udu.getdUdh() + auxiliaryElements.getK() * udu.getdUdk()) + pUAGmIqUBGoAB;

        return new double[] {da, dk, dh, dq, dp, dM};

    /** Compute the mean element rates.
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @param date current date
     * @param context container for attributes
     * @param udu derivatives of the gravitational potential U
     * @return the mean element rates
    private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[] computeMeanElementRates(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date,
                                                                        final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context,
                                                                        final FieldUAnddU<T> udu) {

        // Auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
        final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements = context.getFieldAuxiliaryElements();

        // Parameter for array building
        final Field<T> field = date.getField();

        // Compute cross derivatives [Eq. 2.2-(8)]
        // U(alpha,gamma) = alpha * dU/dgamma - gamma * dU/dalpha
        final T UAlphaGamma   = udu.getdUdGa().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getAlpha()).subtract(udu.getdUdAl().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getGamma()));
        // U(beta,gamma) = beta * dU/dgamma - gamma * dU/dbeta
        final T UBetaGamma    =  udu.getdUdGa().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getBeta()).subtract(udu.getdUdBe().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getGamma()));
        // Common factor
        final T pUAGmIqUBGoAB = (UAlphaGamma.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getP()).subtract(UBetaGamma.multiply(I).multiply(auxiliaryElements.getQ()))).multiply(context.getOoAB());

        // Compute mean elements rates [Eq. 3.1-(1)]
        final T da =  field.getZero();
        final T dh =  udu.getdUdk().multiply(context.getBoA()).add(pUAGmIqUBGoAB.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getK()));
        final T dk =  (udu.getdUdh().multiply(context.getBoA()).negate()).subtract(pUAGmIqUBGoAB.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getH()));
        final T dp =  UBetaGamma.multiply(context.getMCo2AB());
        final T dq =  UAlphaGamma.multiply(context.getMCo2AB()).multiply(I);
        final T dM =  pUAGmIqUBGoAB.add(udu.getdUda().multiply(context.getM2aoA())).add((udu.getdUdh().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getH()).add(udu.getdUdk().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getK()))).multiply(context.getBoABpo()));

        final T[] elements =  MathArrays.buildArray(field, 6);
        elements[0] = da;
        elements[1] = dk;
        elements[2] = dh;
        elements[3] = dq;
        elements[4] = dp;
        elements[5] = dM;

        return elements;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void registerAttitudeProvider(final AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider) {
        //nothing is done since this contribution is not sensitive to attitude

    /** Check if an index is within the accepted interval.
     * @param index the index to check
     * @param lowerBound the lower bound of the interval
     * @param upperBound the upper bound of the interval
     * @return true if the index is between the lower and upper bounds, false otherwise
    private boolean isBetween(final int index, final int lowerBound, final int upperBound) {
        return index >= lowerBound && index <= upperBound;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void updateShortPeriodTerms(final double[] parameters, final SpacecraftState... meanStates) {

        final Slot slot = zonalSPCoefs.createSlot(meanStates);
        for (final SpacecraftState meanState : meanStates) {

            // Auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
            final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements = new AuxiliaryElements(meanState.getOrbit(), I);

            // Container of attributes
            // Extract the proper parameters valid for the corresponding meanState date from the input array
            final double[] extractedParameters = this.extractParameters(parameters, auxiliaryElements.getDate());
            final DSSTZonalContext context = initializeStep(auxiliaryElements, extractedParameters);

            // Access to potential U derivatives
            final UAnddU udu = new UAnddU(meanState.getDate(), context, auxiliaryElements, hansen);

            // Compute rhoj and sigmaj
            final double[][] rhoSigma = computeRhoSigmaCoefficients(meanState.getDate(), slot, auxiliaryElements);

            // Compute Di
            computeDiCoefficients(meanState.getDate(), slot, context, udu);

            // generate the Cij and Sij coefficients
            final FourierCjSjCoefficients cjsj = new FourierCjSjCoefficients(meanState.getDate(),

            computeCijSijCoefficients(meanState.getDate(), slot, cjsj, rhoSigma, context, auxiliaryElements, udu);


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void updateShortPeriodTerms(final T[] parameters,
                                                                       final FieldSpacecraftState<T>... meanStates) {

        // Field used by default
        final Field<T> field = meanStates[0].getDate().getField();

        final FieldZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients<T> fzspc = (FieldZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients<T>) zonalFieldSPCoefs.get(field);
        final FieldSlot<T> slot = fzspc.createSlot(meanStates);
        for (final FieldSpacecraftState<T> meanState : meanStates) {

            // Auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
            final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements = new FieldAuxiliaryElements<>(meanState.getOrbit(), I);

            // Container of attributes
            // Extract the proper parameters valid for the corresponding meanState date from the input array
            final T[] extractedParameters = this.extractParameters(parameters, auxiliaryElements.getDate());
            final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context = initializeStep(auxiliaryElements, extractedParameters);

            final FieldHansenObjects<T> fho = (FieldHansenObjects<T>) fieldHansen.get(field);

            // Access to potential U derivatives
            final FieldUAnddU<T> udu = new FieldUAnddU<>(meanState.getDate(), context, auxiliaryElements, fho);

            // Compute rhoj and sigmaj
            final T[][] rhoSigma = computeRhoSigmaCoefficients(meanState.getDate(), slot, auxiliaryElements, field);

            // Compute Di
            computeDiCoefficients(meanState.getDate(), slot, context, field, udu);

            // generate the Cij and Sij coefficients
            final FieldFourierCjSjCoefficients<T> cjsj = new FieldFourierCjSjCoefficients<>(meanState.getDate(),

            computeCijSijCoefficients(meanState.getDate(), slot, cjsj, rhoSigma, context, auxiliaryElements, field, udu);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<ParameterDriver> getParametersDrivers() {
        return Collections.singletonList(gmParameterDriver);

    /** Generate the values for the D<sub>i</sub> coefficients.
     * @param date target date
     * @param slot slot to which the coefficients belong
     * @param context container for attributes
     * @param udu derivatives of the gravitational potential U
    private void computeDiCoefficients(final AbsoluteDate date,
                                       final Slot slot,
                                       final DSSTZonalContext context,
                                       final UAnddU udu) {

        final double[] meanElementRates = computeMeanElementRates(date, context, udu);

        final double[] currentDi = new double[6];

        // Add the coefficients to the interpolation grid
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            currentDi[i] = meanElementRates[i] / context.getMeanMotion();

            if (i == 5) {
                currentDi[i] += -1.5 * 2 * udu.getU() * context.getOON2A2();


        slot.di.addGridPoint(date, currentDi);


    /** Generate the values for the D<sub>i</sub> coefficients.
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @param date target date
     * @param slot slot to which the coefficients belong
     * @param context container for attributes
     * @param field field used by default
     * @param udu derivatives of the gravitational potential U
    private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void computeDiCoefficients(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date,
                                                                       final FieldSlot<T> slot,
                                                                       final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context,
                                                                       final Field<T> field,
                                                                       final FieldUAnddU<T> udu) {

        final T[] meanElementRates = computeMeanElementRates(date, context, udu);

        final T[] currentDi = MathArrays.buildArray(field, 6);

        // Add the coefficients to the interpolation grid
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            currentDi[i] = meanElementRates[i].divide(context.getMeanMotion());

            if (i == 5) {
                currentDi[i] = currentDi[i].add(context.getOON2A2().multiply(udu.getU()).multiply(2.).multiply(-1.5));


        slot.di.addGridPoint(date, currentDi);


     * Generate the values for the C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and the S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients.
     * @param date date of computation
     * @param slot slot to which the coefficients belong
     * @param cjsj Fourier coefficients
     * @param rhoSigma ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub>
     * @param context container for attributes
     * @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
     * @param udu derivatives of the gravitational potential U
    private void computeCijSijCoefficients(final AbsoluteDate date, final Slot slot,
                                           final FourierCjSjCoefficients cjsj,
                                           final double[][] rhoSigma, final DSSTZonalContext context,
                                           final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements,
                                           final UAnddU udu) {

        final int nMax = maxDegreeShortPeriodics;

        // The C<sub>i</sub>⁰ coefficients
        final double[] currentCi0 = new double[] {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
        for (int j = 1; j < slot.cij.length; j++) {

            // Create local arrays
            final double[] currentCij = new double[] {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
            final double[] currentSij = new double[] {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};

            // j == 1
            if (j == 1) {
                final double coef1 = 4 * auxiliaryElements.getK() * udu.getU() - context.getHK() * cjsj.getCj(1) + context.getK2MH2O2() * cjsj.getSj(1);
                final double coef2 = 4 * auxiliaryElements.getH() * udu.getU() + context.getK2MH2O2() * cjsj.getCj(1) + context.getHK() * cjsj.getSj(1);
                final double coef3 = (auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getCj(1) + auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getSj(1)) / 4.;
                final double coef4 = (8 * udu.getU() - auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getCj(1) + auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getSj(1)) / 4.;

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] += coef1;
                currentSij[0] += coef2;

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] += coef4;
                currentSij[1] += coef3;

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] -= coef3;
                currentSij[2] += coef4;

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] -= coef2 / 2;
                currentSij[5] += coef1 / 2;

            // j == 2
            if (j == 2) {
                final double coef1 = context.getK2MH2() * udu.getU();
                final double coef2 = 2 * context.getHK() * udu.getU();
                final double coef3 = auxiliaryElements.getH() * udu.getU() / 2;
                final double coef4 = auxiliaryElements.getK() * udu.getU() / 2;

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] += coef1;
                currentSij[0] += coef2;

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] += coef4;
                currentSij[1] += coef3;

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] -= coef3;
                currentSij[2] += coef4;

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] -= coef2 / 2;
                currentSij[5] += coef1 / 2;

            // j between 1 and 2N-3
            if (isBetween(j, 1, 2 * nMax - 3) && j + 2 < cjsj.jMax) {
                final double coef1 = ( j + 2 ) * (-context.getHK() * cjsj.getCj(j + 2) + context.getK2MH2O2() * cjsj.getSj(j + 2));
                final double coef2 = ( j + 2 ) * (context.getK2MH2O2() * cjsj.getCj(j + 2) + context.getHK() * cjsj.getSj(j + 2));
                final double coef3 = ( j + 2 ) * (auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getCj(j + 2) + auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getSj(j + 2)) / 4;
                final double coef4 = ( j + 2 ) * (auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getCj(j + 2) - auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getSj(j + 2)) / 4;

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] += coef1;
                currentSij[0] -= coef2;

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] += -coef4;
                currentSij[1] -= coef3;

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] -= coef3;
                currentSij[2] += coef4;

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] -= coef2 / 2;
                currentSij[5] += -coef1 / 2;

            // j between 1 and 2N-2
            if (isBetween(j, 1, 2 * nMax - 2) && j + 1 < cjsj.jMax) {
                final double coef1 = 2 * ( j + 1 ) * (-auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getCj(j + 1) + auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getSj(j + 1));
                final double coef2 = 2 * ( j + 1 ) * (auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getCj(j + 1) + auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getSj(j + 1));
                final double coef3 = ( j + 1 ) * cjsj.getCj(j + 1);
                final double coef4 = ( j + 1 ) * cjsj.getSj(j + 1);

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] += coef1;
                currentSij[0] -= coef2;

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] += coef4;
                currentSij[1] -= coef3;

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] -= coef3;
                currentSij[2] -= coef4;

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] -= coef2 / 2;
                currentSij[5] += -coef1 / 2;

            // j between 2 and 2N
            if (isBetween(j, 2, 2 * nMax) && j - 1 < cjsj.jMax) {
                final double coef1 = 2 * ( j - 1 ) * (auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getCj(j - 1) + auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getSj(j - 1));
                final double coef2 = 2 * ( j - 1 ) * (auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getCj(j - 1) - auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getSj(j - 1));
                final double coef3 = ( j - 1 ) * cjsj.getCj(j - 1);
                final double coef4 = ( j - 1 ) * cjsj.getSj(j - 1);

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] += coef1;
                currentSij[0] -= coef2;

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] += coef4;
                currentSij[1] -= coef3;

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] += coef3;
                currentSij[2] += coef4;

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] += coef2 / 2;
                currentSij[5] += coef1 / 2;

            // j between 3 and 2N + 1
            if (isBetween(j, 3, 2 * nMax + 1) && j - 2 < cjsj.jMax) {
                final double coef1 = ( j - 2 ) * (context.getHK() * cjsj.getCj(j - 2) + context.getK2MH2O2() * cjsj.getSj(j - 2));
                final double coef2 = ( j - 2 ) * (-context.getK2MH2O2() * cjsj.getCj(j - 2) + context.getHK() * cjsj.getSj(j - 2));
                final double coef3 = ( j - 2 ) * (auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getCj(j - 2) - auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getSj(j - 2)) / 4;
                final double coef4 = ( j - 2 ) * (auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getCj(j - 2) + auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getSj(j - 2)) / 4;
                final double coef5 = ( j - 2 ) * (context.getK2MH2O2() * cjsj.getCj(j - 2) - context.getHK() * cjsj.getSj(j - 2));

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] += coef1;
                currentSij[0] += coef2;

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] += coef4;
                currentSij[1] += -coef3;

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] += coef3;
                currentSij[2] += coef4;

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] += coef5 / 2;
                currentSij[5] += coef1 / 2;

            //multiply by the common factor
            //for a (i == 0) -> χ³ / (n² * a)
            currentCij[0] *= context.getX3ON2A();
            currentSij[0] *= context.getX3ON2A();
            //for k (i == 1) -> χ / (n² * a²)
            currentCij[1] *= context.getXON2A2();
            currentSij[1] *= context.getXON2A2();
            //for h (i == 2) -> χ / (n² * a²)
            currentCij[2] *= context.getXON2A2();
            currentSij[2] *= context.getXON2A2();
            //for λ (i == 5) -> (χ²) / (n² * a² * (χ + 1 ) )
            currentCij[5] *= context.getX2ON2A2XP1();
            currentSij[5] *= context.getX2ON2A2XP1();

            // j is between 1 and 2 * N - 1
            if (isBetween(j, 1, 2 * nMax - 1) && j < cjsj.jMax) {
                // Compute cross derivatives
                // Cj(alpha,gamma) = alpha * dC/dgamma - gamma * dC/dalpha
                final double CjAlphaGamma   = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha() * cjsj.getdCjdGamma(j) - auxiliaryElements.getGamma() * cjsj.getdCjdAlpha(j);
                // Cj(alpha,beta) = alpha * dC/dbeta - beta * dC/dalpha
                final double CjAlphaBeta   = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha() * cjsj.getdCjdBeta(j) - auxiliaryElements.getBeta() * cjsj.getdCjdAlpha(j);
                // Cj(beta,gamma) = beta * dC/dgamma - gamma * dC/dbeta
                final double CjBetaGamma    =  auxiliaryElements.getBeta() * cjsj.getdCjdGamma(j) - auxiliaryElements.getGamma() * cjsj.getdCjdBeta(j);
                // Cj(h,k) = h * dC/dk - k * dC/dh
                final double CjHK   = auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getdCjdK(j) - auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getdCjdH(j);
                // Sj(alpha,gamma) = alpha * dS/dgamma - gamma * dS/dalpha
                final double SjAlphaGamma   = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha() * cjsj.getdSjdGamma(j) - auxiliaryElements.getGamma() * cjsj.getdSjdAlpha(j);
                // Sj(alpha,beta) = alpha * dS/dbeta - beta * dS/dalpha
                final double SjAlphaBeta   = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha() * cjsj.getdSjdBeta(j) - auxiliaryElements.getBeta() * cjsj.getdSjdAlpha(j);
                // Sj(beta,gamma) = beta * dS/dgamma - gamma * dS/dbeta
                final double SjBetaGamma    =  auxiliaryElements.getBeta() * cjsj.getdSjdGamma(j) - auxiliaryElements.getGamma() * cjsj.getdSjdBeta(j);
                // Sj(h,k) = h * dS/dk - k * dS/dh
                final double SjHK   = auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getdSjdK(j) - auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getdSjdH(j);

                //Coefficients for a
                final double coef1 = context.getX3ON2A() * (3 - context.getBB()) * j;
                currentCij[0] += coef1 * cjsj.getSj(j);
                currentSij[0] -= coef1 * cjsj.getCj(j);

                //Coefficients for k and h
                final double coef2 = auxiliaryElements.getP() * CjAlphaGamma - I * auxiliaryElements.getQ() * CjBetaGamma;
                final double coef3 = auxiliaryElements.getP() * SjAlphaGamma - I * auxiliaryElements.getQ() * SjBetaGamma;
                currentCij[1] -= context.getXON2A2() * (auxiliaryElements.getH() * coef2 + context.getBB() * cjsj.getdCjdH(j) - 1.5 * auxiliaryElements.getK() * j * cjsj.getSj(j));
                currentSij[1] -= context.getXON2A2() * (auxiliaryElements.getH() * coef3 + context.getBB() * cjsj.getdSjdH(j) + 1.5 * auxiliaryElements.getK() * j * cjsj.getCj(j));
                currentCij[2] += context.getXON2A2() * (auxiliaryElements.getK() * coef2 + context.getBB() * cjsj.getdCjdK(j) + 1.5 * auxiliaryElements.getH() * j * cjsj.getSj(j));
                currentSij[2] += context.getXON2A2() * (auxiliaryElements.getK() * coef3 + context.getBB() * cjsj.getdSjdK(j) - 1.5 * auxiliaryElements.getH() * j * cjsj.getCj(j));

                //Coefficients for q and p
                final double coef4 = CjHK - CjAlphaBeta - j * cjsj.getSj(j);
                final double coef5 = SjHK - SjAlphaBeta + j * cjsj.getCj(j);
                currentCij[3] = context.getCXO2N2A2() * (-I * CjAlphaGamma + auxiliaryElements.getQ() * coef4);
                currentSij[3] = context.getCXO2N2A2() * (-I * SjAlphaGamma + auxiliaryElements.getQ() * coef5);
                currentCij[4] = context.getCXO2N2A2() * (-CjBetaGamma + auxiliaryElements.getP() * coef4);
                currentSij[4] = context.getCXO2N2A2() * (-SjBetaGamma + auxiliaryElements.getP() * coef5);

                //Coefficients for λ
                final double coef6 = auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getdCjdH(j) + auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getdCjdK(j);
                final double coef7 = auxiliaryElements.getH() * cjsj.getdSjdH(j) + auxiliaryElements.getK() * cjsj.getdSjdK(j);
                currentCij[5] += context.getOON2A2() * (-2 * auxiliaryElements.getSma() * cjsj.getdCjdA(j) + coef6 / (context.getX() + 1) + context.getX() * coef2 - 3 * cjsj.getCj(j));
                currentSij[5] += context.getOON2A2() * (-2 * auxiliaryElements.getSma() * cjsj.getdSjdA(j) + coef7 / (context.getX() + 1) + context.getX() * coef3 - 3 * cjsj.getSj(j));

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                //Add the current coefficients contribution to C<sub>i</sub>⁰
                currentCi0[i] -= currentCij[i] * rhoSigma[j][0] + currentSij[i] * rhoSigma[j][1];

            // Add the coefficients to the interpolation grid
            slot.cij[j].addGridPoint(date, currentCij);
            slot.sij[j].addGridPoint(date, currentSij);


        //Add C<sub>i</sub>⁰ to the interpolation grid
        slot.cij[0].addGridPoint(date, currentCi0);


     * Generate the values for the C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and the S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> coefficients.
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @param date date of computation
     * @param slot slot to which the coefficients belong
     * @param cjsj Fourier coefficients
     * @param rhoSigma ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub>
     * @param context container for attributes
     * @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
     * @param field field used by default
     * @param udu derivatives of the gravitational potential U
    private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> void computeCijSijCoefficients(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date,
                                                                           final FieldSlot<T> slot,
                                                                           final FieldFourierCjSjCoefficients<T> cjsj,
                                                                           final T[][] rhoSigma,
                                                                           final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context,
                                                                           final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
                                                                           final Field<T> field,
                                                                           final FieldUAnddU<T> udu) {

        // Zero
        final T zero = field.getZero();

        final int nMax = maxDegreeShortPeriodics;

        // The C<sub>i</sub>⁰ coefficients
        final T[] currentCi0 = MathArrays.buildArray(field, 6);
        Arrays.fill(currentCi0, zero);

        for (int j = 1; j < slot.cij.length; j++) {

            // Create local arrays
            final T[] currentCij = MathArrays.buildArray(field, 6);
            final T[] currentSij = MathArrays.buildArray(field, 6);

            Arrays.fill(currentCij, zero);
            Arrays.fill(currentSij, zero);

            // j == 1
            if (j == 1) {
                final T coef1 = auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(udu.getU()).multiply(4.).subtract(context.getHK().multiply(cjsj.getCj(1))).add(context.getK2MH2O2().multiply(cjsj.getSj(1)));
                final T coef2 = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(udu.getU()).multiply(4.).add(context.getK2MH2O2().multiply(cjsj.getCj(1))).add(context.getHK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(1)));
                final T coef3 = auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getCj(1)).add(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getSj(1))).divide(4.);
                final T coef4 = udu.getU().multiply(8.).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getCj(1))).add(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(1))).divide(4.);

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] = currentCij[0].add(coef1);
                currentSij[0] = currentSij[0].add(coef2);

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] = currentCij[1].add(coef4);
                currentSij[1] = currentSij[1].add(coef3);

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] = currentCij[2].subtract(coef3);
                currentSij[2] = currentSij[2].add(coef4);

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] = currentCij[5].subtract(coef2.divide(2.));
                currentSij[5] = currentSij[5].add(coef1.divide(2.));

            // j == 2
            if (j == 2) {
                final T coef1 = context.getK2MH2().multiply(udu.getU());
                final T coef2 = context.getHK().multiply(udu.getU()).multiply(2.);
                final T coef3 = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(udu.getU()).divide(2.);
                final T coef4 = auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(udu.getU()).divide(2.);

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] = currentCij[0].add(coef1);
                currentSij[0] = currentSij[0].add(coef2);

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] = currentCij[1].add(coef4);
                currentSij[1] = currentSij[1].add(coef3);

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] = currentCij[2].subtract(coef3);
                currentSij[2] = currentSij[2].add(coef4);

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] = currentCij[5].subtract(coef2.divide(2.));
                currentSij[5] = currentSij[5].add(coef1.divide(2.));

            // j between 1 and 2N-3
            if (isBetween(j, 1, 2 * nMax - 3) && j + 2 < cjsj.jMax) {
                final T coef1 = context.getHK().negate().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j + 2)).add(context.getK2MH2O2().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j + 2))).multiply(j + 2);
                final T coef2 = context.getK2MH2O2().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j + 2)).add(context.getHK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j + 2))).multiply(j + 2);
                final T coef3 = auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j + 2)).add(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j + 2))).multiply(j + 2).divide(4.);
                final T coef4 = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j + 2)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j + 2))).multiply(j + 2).divide(4.);

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] = currentCij[0].add(coef1);
                currentSij[0] = currentSij[0].subtract(coef2);

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] = currentCij[1].add(coef4.negate());
                currentSij[1] = currentSij[1].subtract(coef3);

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] = currentCij[2].subtract(coef3);
                currentSij[2] = currentSij[2].add(coef4);

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] = currentCij[5].subtract(coef2.divide(2.));
                currentSij[5] = currentSij[5].add(coef1.negate().divide(2.));

            // j between 1 and 2N-2
            if (isBetween(j, 1, 2 * nMax - 2) && j + 1 < cjsj.jMax) {
                final T coef1 = auxiliaryElements.getH().negate().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j + 1)).add(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j + 1))).multiply(2. * (j + 1));
                final T coef2 = auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j + 1)).add(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j + 1))).multiply(2. * (j + 1));
                final T coef3 = cjsj.getCj(j + 1).multiply(j + 1);
                final T coef4 = cjsj.getSj(j + 1).multiply(j + 1);

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] = currentCij[0].add(coef1);
                currentSij[0] = currentSij[0].subtract(coef2);

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] = currentCij[1].add(coef4);
                currentSij[1] = currentSij[1].subtract(coef3);

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] = currentCij[2].subtract(coef3);
                currentSij[2] = currentSij[2].subtract(coef4);

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] = currentCij[5].subtract(coef2.divide(2.));
                currentSij[5] = currentSij[5].add(coef1.negate().divide(2.));

            // j between 2 and 2N
            if (isBetween(j, 2, 2 * nMax) && j - 1 < cjsj.jMax) {
                final T coef1 = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j - 1)).add(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j - 1))).multiply(2 * ( j - 1 ));
                final T coef2 = auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j - 1)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j - 1))).multiply(2 * ( j - 1 ));
                final T coef3 = cjsj.getCj(j - 1).multiply(j - 1);
                final T coef4 = cjsj.getSj(j - 1).multiply(j - 1);

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] = currentCij[0].add(coef1);
                currentSij[0] = currentSij[0].subtract(coef2);

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] = currentCij[1].add(coef4);
                currentSij[1] = currentSij[1].subtract(coef3);

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] = currentCij[2].add(coef3);
                currentSij[2] = currentSij[2].add(coef4);

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] = currentCij[5].add(coef2.divide(2.));
                currentSij[5] = currentSij[5].add(coef1.divide(2.));

            // j between 3 and 2N + 1
            if (isBetween(j, 3, 2 * nMax + 1) && j - 2 < cjsj.jMax) {
                final T coef1 = context.getHK().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j - 2)).add(context.getK2MH2O2().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j - 2))).multiply(j - 2);
                final T coef2 = context.getK2MH2O2().negate().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j - 2)).add(context.getHK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j - 2))).multiply(j - 2);
                final T coef3 = auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j - 2)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j - 2))).multiply(j - 2).divide(4.);
                final T coef4 = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j - 2)).add(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j - 2))).multiply(j - 2).divide(4.);
                final T coef5 = context.getK2MH2O2().multiply(cjsj.getCj(j - 2)).subtract(context.getHK().multiply(cjsj.getSj(j - 2))).multiply(j - 2);

                //Coefficients for a
                currentCij[0] = currentCij[0].add(coef1);
                currentSij[0] = currentSij[0].add(coef2);

                //Coefficients for k
                currentCij[1] = currentCij[1].add(coef4);
                currentSij[1] = currentSij[1].add(coef3.negate());

                //Coefficients for h
                currentCij[2] = currentCij[2].add(coef3);
                currentSij[2] = currentSij[2].add(coef4);

                //Coefficients for λ
                currentCij[5] = currentCij[5].add(coef5.divide(2.));
                currentSij[5] = currentSij[5].add(coef1.divide(2.));

            //multiply by the common factor
            //for a (i == 0) -> χ³ / (n² * a)
            currentCij[0] = currentCij[0].multiply(context.getX3ON2A());
            currentSij[0] = currentSij[0].multiply(context.getX3ON2A());
            //for k (i == 1) -> χ / (n² * a²)
            currentCij[1] = currentCij[1].multiply(context.getXON2A2());
            currentSij[1] = currentSij[1].multiply(context.getXON2A2());
            //for h (i == 2) -> χ / (n² * a²)
            currentCij[2] = currentCij[2].multiply(context.getXON2A2());
            currentSij[2] = currentSij[2].multiply(context.getXON2A2());
            //for λ (i == 5) -> (χ²) / (n² * a² * (χ + 1 ) )
            currentCij[5] = currentCij[5].multiply(context.getX2ON2A2XP1());
            currentSij[5] = currentSij[5].multiply(context.getX2ON2A2XP1());

            // j is between 1 and 2 * N - 1
            if (isBetween(j, 1, 2 * nMax - 1) && j < cjsj.jMax) {
                // Compute cross derivatives
                // Cj(alpha,gamma) = alpha * dC/dgamma - gamma * dC/dalpha
                final T CjAlphaGamma = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdGamma(j)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getGamma().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdAlpha(j)));
                // Cj(alpha,beta) = alpha * dC/dbeta - beta * dC/dalpha
                final T CjAlphaBeta  = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdBeta(j)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getBeta().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdAlpha(j)));
                // Cj(beta,gamma) = beta * dC/dgamma - gamma * dC/dbeta
                final T CjBetaGamma  = auxiliaryElements.getBeta().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdGamma(j)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getGamma().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdBeta(j)));
                // Cj(h,k) = h * dC/dk - k * dC/dh
                final T CjHK         = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdK(j)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdH(j)));
                // Sj(alpha,gamma) = alpha * dS/dgamma - gamma * dS/dalpha
                final T SjAlphaGamma = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdGamma(j)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getGamma().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdAlpha(j)));
                // Sj(alpha,beta) = alpha * dS/dbeta - beta * dS/dalpha
                final T SjAlphaBeta  = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdBeta(j)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getBeta().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdAlpha(j)));
                // Sj(beta,gamma) = beta * dS/dgamma - gamma * dS/dbeta
                final T SjBetaGamma  = auxiliaryElements.getBeta().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdGamma(j)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getGamma().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdBeta(j)));
                // Sj(h,k) = h * dS/dk - k * dS/dh
                final T SjHK         = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdK(j)).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdH(j)));

                //Coefficients for a
                final T coef1 = context.getX3ON2A().multiply(context.getBB().negate().add(3.)).multiply(j);
                currentCij[0] = currentCij[0].add(coef1.multiply(cjsj.getSj(j)));
                currentSij[0] = currentSij[0].subtract(coef1.multiply(cjsj.getCj(j)));

                //Coefficients for k and h
                final T coef2 = auxiliaryElements.getP().multiply(CjAlphaGamma).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getQ().multiply(CjBetaGamma).multiply(I));
                final T coef3 = auxiliaryElements.getP().multiply(SjAlphaGamma).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getQ().multiply(SjBetaGamma).multiply(I));
                currentCij[1] = currentCij[1].subtract(context.getXON2A2().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(coef2).add(context.getBB().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdH(j))).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(1.5).multiply(j).multiply(cjsj.getSj(j)))));
                currentSij[1] = currentSij[1].subtract(context.getXON2A2().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(coef3).add(context.getBB().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdH(j))).add(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(1.5).multiply(j).multiply(cjsj.getCj(j)))));
                currentCij[2] = currentCij[2].add(context.getXON2A2().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(coef2).add(context.getBB().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdK(j))).add(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(1.5).multiply(j).multiply(cjsj.getSj(j)))));
                currentSij[2] = currentSij[2].add(context.getXON2A2().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(coef3).add(context.getBB().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdK(j))).subtract(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(1.5).multiply(j).multiply(cjsj.getCj(j)))));

                //Coefficients for q and p
                final T coef4 = CjHK.subtract(CjAlphaBeta).subtract(cjsj.getSj(j).multiply(j));
                final T coef5 = SjHK.subtract(SjAlphaBeta).add(cjsj.getCj(j).multiply(j));
                currentCij[3] = context.getCXO2N2A2().multiply(CjAlphaGamma.multiply(-I).add(auxiliaryElements.getQ().multiply(coef4)));
                currentSij[3] = context.getCXO2N2A2().multiply(SjAlphaGamma.multiply(-I).add(auxiliaryElements.getQ().multiply(coef5)));
                currentCij[4] = context.getCXO2N2A2().multiply(CjBetaGamma.negate().add(auxiliaryElements.getP().multiply(coef4)));
                currentSij[4] = context.getCXO2N2A2().multiply(SjBetaGamma.negate().add(auxiliaryElements.getP().multiply(coef5)));

                //Coefficients for λ
                final T coef6 = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdH(j)).add(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getdCjdK(j)));
                final T coef7 = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdH(j)).add(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(cjsj.getdSjdK(j)));
                currentCij[5] = currentCij[5].add(context.getOON2A2().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getSma().multiply(-2.).multiply(cjsj.getdCjdA(j)).add(coef6.divide(context.getX().add(1.))).add(context.getX().multiply(coef2)).subtract(cjsj.getCj(j).multiply(3.))));
                currentSij[5] = currentSij[5].add(context.getOON2A2().multiply(auxiliaryElements.getSma().multiply(-2.).multiply(cjsj.getdSjdA(j)).add(coef7.divide(context.getX().add(1.))).add(context.getX().multiply(coef3)).subtract(cjsj.getSj(j).multiply(3.))));

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                //Add the current coefficients contribution to C<sub>i</sub>⁰
                currentCi0[i] = currentCi0[i].subtract(currentCij[i].multiply(rhoSigma[j][0]).add(currentSij[i].multiply(rhoSigma[j][1])));

            // Add the coefficients to the interpolation grid
            slot.cij[j].addGridPoint(date, currentCij);
            slot.sij[j].addGridPoint(date, currentSij);


        //Add C<sub>i</sub>⁰ to the interpolation grid
        slot.cij[0].addGridPoint(date, currentCi0);


     * Compute the auxiliary quantities ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub>.
     * <p>
     * The expressions used are equations 2.5.3-(4) from the Danielson paper. <br/>
     *  ρ<sub>j</sub> = (1+jB)(-b)<sup>j</sup>C<sub>j</sub>(k, h) <br/>
     *  σ<sub>j</sub> = (1+jB)(-b)<sup>j</sup>S<sub>j</sub>(k, h) <br/>
     * </p>
     * @param date target date
     * @param slot slot to which the coefficients belong
     * @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
     * @return array containing ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub>
    private double[][] computeRhoSigmaCoefficients(final AbsoluteDate date,
                                                   final Slot slot,
                                                   final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements) {

        final CjSjCoefficient cjsjKH = new CjSjCoefficient(auxiliaryElements.getK(), auxiliaryElements.getH());
        final double b = 1. / (1 + auxiliaryElements.getB());

        // (-b)<sup>j</sup>
        double mbtj = 1;

        final double[][] rhoSigma = new double[slot.cij.length][2];
        for (int j = 1; j < rhoSigma.length; j++) {

            //Compute current rho and sigma;
            mbtj *= -b;
            final double coef  = (1 + j * auxiliaryElements.getB()) * mbtj;
            final double rho   = coef * cjsjKH.getCj(j);
            final double sigma = coef * cjsjKH.getSj(j);

            // Add the coefficients to the interpolation grid
            rhoSigma[j][0] = rho;
            rhoSigma[j][1] = sigma;

        return rhoSigma;


     * Compute the auxiliary quantities ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub>.
     * <p>
     * The expressions used are equations 2.5.3-(4) from the Danielson paper. <br/>
     *  ρ<sub>j</sub> = (1+jB)(-b)<sup>j</sup>C<sub>j</sub>(k, h) <br/>
     *  σ<sub>j</sub> = (1+jB)(-b)<sup>j</sup>S<sub>j</sub>(k, h) <br/>
     * </p>
     * @param <T> type of the elements
     * @param date target date
     * @param slot slot to which the coefficients belong
     * @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
     * @param field field used by default
     * @return array containing ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub>
    private <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> T[][] computeRhoSigmaCoefficients(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date,
                                                                              final FieldSlot<T> slot,
                                                                              final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
                                                                              final Field<T> field) {
        final T zero = field.getZero();

        final FieldCjSjCoefficient<T> cjsjKH = new FieldCjSjCoefficient<>(auxiliaryElements.getK(), auxiliaryElements.getH(), field);
        final T b = auxiliaryElements.getB().add(1.).reciprocal();

        // (-b)<sup>j</sup>
        T mbtj = zero.add(1.);

        final T[][] rhoSigma = MathArrays.buildArray(field, slot.cij.length, 2);
        for (int j = 1; j < rhoSigma.length; j++) {

            //Compute current rho and sigma;
            mbtj = mbtj.multiply(b.negate());
            final T coef  = mbtj.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getB().multiply(j).add(1.));
            final T rho   = coef.multiply(cjsjKH.getCj(j));
            final T sigma = coef.multiply(cjsjKH.getSj(j));

            // Add the coefficients to the interpolation grid
            rhoSigma[j][0] = rho;
            rhoSigma[j][1] = sigma;

        return rhoSigma;


    /** The coefficients used to compute the short-periodic zonal contribution.
     * <p>
     * Those coefficients are given in Danielson paper by expressions 4.1-(20) to 4.1.-(25)
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The coefficients are: <br>
     * - C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> <br>
     * - ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub> <br>
     * - C<sub>i</sub>⁰
     * </p>
     * @author Lucian Barbulescu
    private static class ZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients implements ShortPeriodTerms {

        /** Maximum value for j index. */
        private final int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics;

        /** Number of points used in the interpolation process. */
        private final int interpolationPoints;

        /** All coefficients slots. */
        private final transient TimeSpanMap<Slot> slots;

        /** Constructor.
         * @param maxFrequencyShortPeriodics maximum value for j index
         * @param interpolationPoints number of points used in the interpolation process
         * @param slots all coefficients slots
        ZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients(final int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics, final int interpolationPoints,
                                       final TimeSpanMap<Slot> slots) {

            // Save parameters
            this.maxFrequencyShortPeriodics = maxFrequencyShortPeriodics;
            this.interpolationPoints        = interpolationPoints;
            this.slots                      = slots;


        /** Get the slot valid for some date.
         * @param meanStates mean states defining the slot
         * @return slot valid at the specified date
        public Slot createSlot(final SpacecraftState... meanStates) {
            final Slot         slot  = new Slot(maxFrequencyShortPeriodics, interpolationPoints);
            final AbsoluteDate first = meanStates[0].getDate();
            final AbsoluteDate last  = meanStates[meanStates.length - 1].getDate();
            final int compare = first.compareTo(last);
            if (compare < 0) {
                slots.addValidAfter(slot, first, false);
            } else if (compare > 0) {
                slots.addValidBefore(slot, first, false);
            } else {
                // single date, valid for all time
                slots.addValidAfter(slot, AbsoluteDate.PAST_INFINITY, false);
            return slot;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public double[] value(final Orbit meanOrbit) {

            // select the coefficients slot
            final Slot slot = slots.get(meanOrbit.getDate());

            // Get the True longitude L
            final double L = meanOrbit.getLv();

            // Compute the center
            final double center = L - meanOrbit.getLM();

            // Initialize short periodic variations
            final double[] shortPeriodicVariation = slot.cij[0].value(meanOrbit.getDate());
            final double[] d = slot.di.value(meanOrbit.getDate());
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                shortPeriodicVariation[i] +=  center * d[i];

            for (int j = 1; j <= maxFrequencyShortPeriodics; j++) {
                final double[] c = slot.cij[j].value(meanOrbit.getDate());
                final double[] s = slot.sij[j].value(meanOrbit.getDate());
                final SinCos sc  = FastMath.sinCos(j * L);
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                    // add corresponding term to the short periodic variation
                    shortPeriodicVariation[i] += c[i] * sc.cos();
                    shortPeriodicVariation[i] += s[i] * sc.sin();

            return shortPeriodicVariation;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public String getCoefficientsKeyPrefix() {
            return DSSTZonal.SHORT_PERIOD_PREFIX;

        /** {@inheritDoc}
         * <p>
         * For zonal terms contributions,there are maxJ cj coefficients,
         * maxJ sj coefficients and 2 dj coefficients, where maxJ depends
         * on the orbit. The j index is the integer multiplier for the true
         * longitude argument in the cj and sj coefficients and the degree
         * in the polynomial dj coefficients.
         * </p>
        public Map<String, double[]> getCoefficients(final AbsoluteDate date, final Set<String> selected) {

            // select the coefficients slot
            final Slot slot = slots.get(date);

            final Map<String, double[]> coefficients = new HashMap<String, double[]>(2 * maxFrequencyShortPeriodics + 2);
            storeIfSelected(coefficients, selected, slot.cij[0].value(date), "d", 0);
            storeIfSelected(coefficients, selected, slot.di.value(date), "d", 1);
            for (int j = 1; j <= maxFrequencyShortPeriodics; j++) {
                storeIfSelected(coefficients, selected, slot.cij[j].value(date), "c", j);
                storeIfSelected(coefficients, selected, slot.sij[j].value(date), "s", j);
            return coefficients;


        /** Put a coefficient in a map if selected.
         * @param map map to populate
         * @param selected set of coefficients that should be put in the map
         * (empty set means all coefficients are selected)
         * @param value coefficient value
         * @param id coefficient identifier
         * @param indices list of coefficient indices
        private void storeIfSelected(final Map<String, double[]> map, final Set<String> selected,
                                     final double[] value, final String id, final int... indices) {
            final StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder(getCoefficientsKeyPrefix());
            for (int index : indices) {
            final String key = keyBuilder.toString();
            if (selected.isEmpty() || selected.contains(key)) {
                map.put(key, value);


    /** The coefficients used to compute the short-periodic zonal contribution.
    * <p>
    * Those coefficients are given in Danielson paper by expressions 4.1-(20) to 4.1.-(25)
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * The coefficients are: <br>
    * - C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> and S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup> <br>
    * - ρ<sub>j</sub> and σ<sub>j</sub> <br>
    * - C<sub>i</sub>⁰
    * </p>
    * @author Lucian Barbulescu
    private static class FieldZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> implements FieldShortPeriodTerms<T> {

        /** Maximum value for j index. */
        private final int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics;

        /** Number of points used in the interpolation process. */
        private final int interpolationPoints;

        /** All coefficients slots. */
        private final transient FieldTimeSpanMap<FieldSlot<T>, T> slots;

       /** Constructor.
        * @param maxFrequencyShortPeriodics maximum value for j index
        * @param interpolationPoints number of points used in the interpolation process
        * @param slots all coefficients slots
        FieldZonalShortPeriodicCoefficients(final int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics, final int interpolationPoints,
                                            final FieldTimeSpanMap<FieldSlot<T>, T> slots) {

            // Save parameters
            this.maxFrequencyShortPeriodics = maxFrequencyShortPeriodics;
            this.interpolationPoints        = interpolationPoints;
            this.slots                      = slots;


       /** Get the slot valid for some date.
        * @param meanStates mean states defining the slot
        * @return slot valid at the specified date
        public FieldSlot<T> createSlot(final FieldSpacecraftState<T>... meanStates) {
            final FieldSlot<T>         slot  = new FieldSlot<>(maxFrequencyShortPeriodics, interpolationPoints);
            final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> first = meanStates[0].getDate();
            final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> last  = meanStates[meanStates.length - 1].getDate();
            if (first.compareTo(last) <= 0) {
                slots.addValidAfter(slot, first);
            } else {
                slots.addValidBefore(slot, first);
            return slot;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public T[] value(final FieldOrbit<T> meanOrbit) {

            // select the coefficients slot
            final FieldSlot<T> slot = slots.get(meanOrbit.getDate());

            // Get the True longitude L
            final T L = meanOrbit.getLv();

            // Compute the center
            final T center = L.subtract(meanOrbit.getLM());

            // Initialize short periodic variations
            final T[] shortPeriodicVariation = slot.cij[0].value(meanOrbit.getDate());
            final T[] d = slot.di.value(meanOrbit.getDate());
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                shortPeriodicVariation[i] = shortPeriodicVariation[i].add(center.multiply(d[i]));

            for (int j = 1; j <= maxFrequencyShortPeriodics; j++) {
                final T[]            c   = slot.cij[j].value(meanOrbit.getDate());
                final T[]            s   = slot.sij[j].value(meanOrbit.getDate());
                final FieldSinCos<T> sc  = FastMath.sinCos(L.multiply(j));
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                    // add corresponding term to the short periodic variation
                    shortPeriodicVariation[i] = shortPeriodicVariation[i].add(c[i].multiply(sc.cos()));
                    shortPeriodicVariation[i] = shortPeriodicVariation[i].add(s[i].multiply(sc.sin()));

            return shortPeriodicVariation;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public String getCoefficientsKeyPrefix() {
            return DSSTZonal.SHORT_PERIOD_PREFIX;

       /** {@inheritDoc}
        * <p>
        * For zonal terms contributions,there are maxJ cj coefficients,
        * maxJ sj coefficients and 2 dj coefficients, where maxJ depends
        * on the orbit. The j index is the integer multiplier for the true
        * longitude argument in the cj and sj coefficients and the degree
        * in the polynomial dj coefficients.
        * </p>
        public Map<String, T[]> getCoefficients(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date, final Set<String> selected) {

            // select the coefficients slot
            final FieldSlot<T> slot = slots.get(date);

            final Map<String, T[]> coefficients = new HashMap<String, T[]>(2 * maxFrequencyShortPeriodics + 2);
            storeIfSelected(coefficients, selected, slot.cij[0].value(date), "d", 0);
            storeIfSelected(coefficients, selected, slot.di.value(date), "d", 1);
            for (int j = 1; j <= maxFrequencyShortPeriodics; j++) {
                storeIfSelected(coefficients, selected, slot.cij[j].value(date), "c", j);
                storeIfSelected(coefficients, selected, slot.sij[j].value(date), "s", j);
            return coefficients;


       /** Put a coefficient in a map if selected.
        * @param map map to populate
        * @param selected set of coefficients that should be put in the map
        * (empty set means all coefficients are selected)
        * @param value coefficient value
        * @param id coefficient identifier
        * @param indices list of coefficient indices
        private void storeIfSelected(final Map<String, T[]> map, final Set<String> selected,
                                     final T[] value, final String id, final int... indices) {
            final StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder(getCoefficientsKeyPrefix());
            for (int index : indices) {
            final String key = keyBuilder.toString();
            if (selected.isEmpty() || selected.contains(key)) {
                map.put(key, value);


    /** Compute the C<sup>j</sup> and the S<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
     *  <p>
     *  Those coefficients are given in Danielson paper by expressions 4.1-(13) to 4.1.-(16b)
     *  </p>
    private class FourierCjSjCoefficients {

        /** The G<sub>js</sub>, H<sub>js</sub>, I<sub>js</sub> and J<sub>js</sub> polynomials. */
        private final GHIJjsPolynomials ghijCoef;

        /** L<sub>n</sub><sup>s</sup>(γ). */
        private final LnsCoefficients lnsCoef;

        /** Maximum possible value for n. */
        private final int nMax;

        /** Maximum possible value for s. */
        private final int sMax;

        /** Maximum possible value for j. */
        private final int jMax;

        /** The C<sup>j</sup> coefficients and their derivatives.
         * <p>
         * Each column of the matrix contains the following values: <br/>
         * - C<sup>j</sup> <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / da <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dh <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dk <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dα <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dβ <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dγ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final double[][] cCoef;

        /** The S<sup>j</sup> coefficients and their derivatives.
         * <p>
         * Each column of the matrix contains the following values: <br/>
         * - S<sup>j</sup> <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / da <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dh <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dk <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dα <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dβ <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dγ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final double[][] sCoef;

        /** h * &Chi;³. */
        private final double hXXX;
        /** k * &Chi;³. */
        private final double kXXX;

        /** Create a set of C<sup>j</sup> and the S<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
         *  @param date the current date
         *  @param nMax maximum possible value for n
         *  @param sMax maximum possible value for s
         *  @param jMax maximum possible value for j
         *  @param context container for attributes
         *  @param hansenObjects initialization of hansen objects
        FourierCjSjCoefficients(final AbsoluteDate date,
                                final int nMax, final int sMax, final int jMax, final DSSTZonalContext context,
                                final HansenObjects hansenObjects) {

            final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements = context.getAuxiliaryElements();

            this.ghijCoef = new GHIJjsPolynomials(auxiliaryElements.getK(), auxiliaryElements.getH(), auxiliaryElements.getAlpha(), auxiliaryElements.getBeta());
            // Qns coefficients
            final double[][] Qns  = CoefficientsFactory.computeQns(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), nMax, nMax);

            this.lnsCoef = new LnsCoefficients(nMax, nMax, Qns, Vns, context.getRoa());
            this.nMax = nMax;
            this.sMax = sMax;
            this.jMax = jMax;

            // compute the common factors that depends on the mean elements
            this.hXXX = auxiliaryElements.getH() * context.getXXX();
            this.kXXX = auxiliaryElements.getK() * context.getXXX();

            this.cCoef = new double[7][jMax + 1];
            this.sCoef = new double[7][jMax + 1];

            for (int s = 0; s <= sMax; s++) {
                //Initialise the Hansen roots
                hansenObjects.computeHansenObjectsInitValues(context, s);
            generateCoefficients(date, context, auxiliaryElements, hansenObjects);

        /** Generate all coefficients.
         * @param date the current date
         * @param context container for attributes
         * @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
         * @param hansenObjects initialization of hansen objects
        private void generateCoefficients(final AbsoluteDate date,
                                          final DSSTZonalContext context,
                                          final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements,
                                          final HansenObjects hansenObjects) {

            final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);
            for (int j = 1; j <= jMax; j++) {

                //init arrays
                for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
                    cCoef[i][j] = 0.;
                    sCoef[i][j] = 0.;

                if (isBetween(j, 1, nMax - 1)) {

                    //compute first double sum where s: j -> N-1 and n: s+1 -> N
                    for (int s = j; s <= FastMath.min(nMax - 1, sMax); s++) {
                        // j - s
                        final int jms = j - s;
                        // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                        final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                        for (int n = s + 1; n <= nMax; n++) {
                            // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                            if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                // (2 - delta(0,s-j)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                final double lns = lnsCoef.getLns(n, -jms);
                                final double dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, -jms);

                                final double hjs = ghijCoef.getHjs(s, -jms);
                                final double dHjsdh = ghijCoef.getdHjsdh(s, -jms);
                                final double dHjsdk = ghijCoef.getdHjsdk(s, -jms);
                                final double dHjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdHjsdAlpha(s, -jms);
                                final double dHjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdHjsdBeta(s, -jms);

                                final double gjs = ghijCoef.getGjs(s, -jms);
                                final double dGjsdh = ghijCoef.getdGjsdh(s, -jms);
                                final double dGjsdk = ghijCoef.getdGjsdk(s, -jms);
                                final double dGjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdGjsdAlpha(s, -jms);
                                final double dGjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdGjsdBeta(s, -jms);

                                // J<sub>n</sub>
                                final double jn = -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);

                                // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                final double kns   = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                final double dkns  = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                final double coef0 = d0smj * jn;
                                final double coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                                final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;
                                final double coef3 = coef2 * hjs;
                                final double coef4 = coef2 * gjs;

                                // Add the term to the coefficients
                                cCoef[0][j] += coef3;
                                cCoef[1][j] += coef3 * (n + 1);
                                cCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dHjsdh + hjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                cCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dHjsdk + hjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                cCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dHjsdAlpha;
                                cCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dHjsdBeta;
                                cCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * hjs;

                                sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                                sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (n + 1);
                                sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dGjsdh + gjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dGjsdk + gjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dGjsdAlpha;
                                sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dGjsdBeta;
                                sCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * gjs;

                    //compute second double sum where s: 0 -> N-j and n: max(j+s, j+1) -> N
                    for (int s = 0; s <= FastMath.min(nMax - j, sMax); s++) {
                        // j + s
                        final int jps = j + s;
                        // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,j+s))
                        final double d0spj = (s == -j) ? 1 : 2;

                        for (int n = FastMath.max(j + s, j + 1); n <= nMax; n++) {
                            // if n + (j+s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s+j
                            if ((n + jps) % 2 == 0) {
                                // (2 - delta(0,s+j)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j+s</sup>
                                final double lns = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jps);
                                final double dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jps);

                                final double hjs = ghijCoef.getHjs(s, jps);
                                final double dHjsdh = ghijCoef.getdHjsdh(s, jps);
                                final double dHjsdk = ghijCoef.getdHjsdk(s, jps);
                                final double dHjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdHjsdAlpha(s, jps);
                                final double dHjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdHjsdBeta(s, jps);

                                final double gjs = ghijCoef.getGjs(s, jps);
                                final double dGjsdh = ghijCoef.getdGjsdh(s, jps);
                                final double dGjsdk = ghijCoef.getdGjsdk(s, jps);
                                final double dGjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdGjsdAlpha(s, jps);
                                final double dGjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdGjsdBeta(s, jps);

                                // J<sub>n</sub>
                                final double jn = -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);

                                // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                final double kns   = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                final double dkns  = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                final double coef0 = d0spj * jn;
                                final double coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                                final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;

                                final double coef3 = coef2 * hjs;
                                final double coef4 = coef2 * gjs;

                                // Add the term to the coefficients
                                cCoef[0][j] -= coef3;
                                cCoef[1][j] -= coef3 * (n + 1);
                                cCoef[2][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dHjsdh + hjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                cCoef[3][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dHjsdk + hjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                cCoef[4][j] -= coef2 * dHjsdAlpha;
                                cCoef[5][j] -= coef2 * dHjsdBeta;
                                cCoef[6][j] -= coef0 * dlns * kns * hjs;

                                sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                                sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (n + 1);
                                sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dGjsdh + gjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dGjsdk + gjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dGjsdAlpha;
                                sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dGjsdBeta;
                                sCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * gjs;

                    //compute third double sum where s: 1 -> j and  n: j+1 -> N
                    for (int s = 1; s <= FastMath.min(j, sMax); s++) {
                        // j - s
                        final int jms = j - s;
                        // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                        final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                        for (int n = j + 1; n <= nMax; n++) {
                            // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                            if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                final double lns = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                final double dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                final double ijs = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                final double dIjsdh = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                final double dIjsdk = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                final double dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                final double dIjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                final double jjs = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                final double dJjsdh = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                final double dJjsdk = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                final double dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                final double dJjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                // J<sub>n</sub>
                                final double jn = -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);

                                // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                final double kns   = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                final double dkns  = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                final double coef0 = d0smj * jn;
                                final double coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                                final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;

                                final double coef3 = coef2 * ijs;
                                final double coef4 = coef2 * jjs;

                                // Add the term to the coefficients
                                cCoef[0][j] -= coef3;
                                cCoef[1][j] -= coef3 * (n + 1);
                                cCoef[2][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdh + ijs * hXXX * dkns);
                                cCoef[3][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdk + ijs * kXXX * dkns);
                                cCoef[4][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdAlpha;
                                cCoef[5][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdBeta;
                                cCoef[6][j] -= coef0 * dlns * kns * ijs;

                                sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                                sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (n + 1);
                                sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdh + jjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdk + jjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dJjsdAlpha;
                                sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dJjsdBeta;
                                sCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * jjs;

                if (isBetween(j, 2, nMax)) {
                    //add first term
                    // J<sub>j</sub>
                    final double jj = -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(j, 0);
                    double kns = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[0].getValue(-j - 1, context.getX());
                    double dkns = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[0].getDerivative(-j - 1, context.getX());

                    double lns = lnsCoef.getLns(j, j);
                    //dlns is 0 because n == s == j

                    final double hjs = ghijCoef.getHjs(0, j);
                    final double dHjsdh = ghijCoef.getdHjsdh(0, j);
                    final double dHjsdk = ghijCoef.getdHjsdk(0, j);
                    final double dHjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdHjsdAlpha(0, j);
                    final double dHjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdHjsdBeta(0, j);

                    final double gjs = ghijCoef.getGjs(0, j);
                    final double dGjsdh = ghijCoef.getdGjsdh(0, j);
                    final double dGjsdk = ghijCoef.getdGjsdk(0, j);
                    final double dGjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdGjsdAlpha(0, j);
                    final double dGjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdGjsdBeta(0, j);

                    // 2 * J<sub>j</sub> * K₀<sup>-j-1,0</sup> * L<sub>j</sub><sup>j</sup>
                    double coef0 = 2 * jj;
                    double coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                    double coef2 = coef1 * kns;

                    double coef3 = coef2 * hjs;
                    double coef4 = coef2 * gjs;

                    // Add the term to the coefficients
                    cCoef[0][j] -= coef3;
                    cCoef[1][j] -= coef3 * (j + 1);
                    cCoef[2][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dHjsdh + hjs * hXXX * dkns);
                    cCoef[3][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dHjsdk + hjs * kXXX * dkns);
                    cCoef[4][j] -= coef2 * dHjsdAlpha;
                    cCoef[5][j] -= coef2 * dHjsdBeta;
                    //no contribution to cCoef[6][j] because dlns is 0

                    sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                    sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (j + 1);
                    sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dGjsdh + gjs * hXXX * dkns);
                    sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dGjsdk + gjs * kXXX * dkns);
                    sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dGjsdAlpha;
                    sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dGjsdBeta;
                    //no contribution to sCoef[6][j] because dlns is 0

                    //compute simple sum where s: 1 -> j-1
                    for (int s = 1; s <= FastMath.min(j - 1, sMax); s++) {
                        // j - s
                        final int jms = j - s;
                        // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                        final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                        // if s is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vj,s-j
                        if (s % 2 == 0) {
                            // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>j</sub> * K₀<sup>-j-1,s</sup> * L<sub>j</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                            kns   = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-j - 1, context.getX());
                            dkns  = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-j - 1, context.getX());

                            lns = lnsCoef.getLns(j, jms);
                            final double dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(j, jms);

                            final double ijs = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                            final double dIjsdh = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                            final double dIjsdk = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                            final double dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                            final double dIjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                            final double jjs = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                            final double dJjsdh = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                            final double dJjsdk = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                            final double dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                            final double dJjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                            coef0 = d0smj * jj;
                            coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                            coef2 = coef1 * kns;

                            coef3 = coef2 * ijs;
                            coef4 = coef2 * jjs;

                            // Add the term to the coefficients
                            cCoef[0][j] -= coef3;
                            cCoef[1][j] -= coef3 * (j + 1);
                            cCoef[2][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdh + ijs * hXXX * dkns);
                            cCoef[3][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdk + ijs * kXXX * dkns);
                            cCoef[4][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdAlpha;
                            cCoef[5][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdBeta;
                            cCoef[6][j] -= coef0 * dlns * kns * ijs;

                            sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                            sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (j + 1);
                            sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdh + jjs * hXXX * dkns);
                            sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdk + jjs * kXXX * dkns);
                            sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dJjsdAlpha;
                            sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dJjsdBeta;
                            sCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * jjs;

                if (isBetween(j, 3, 2 * nMax - 1)) {
                    //compute uppercase sigma expressions

                    final int minjm1on = FastMath.min(j - 1, nMax);

                    //if j is even
                    if (j % 2 == 0) {
                        //compute first double sum where s: j-min(j-1,N) -> j/2-1 and n: j-s -> min(j-1,N)
                        for (int s = j - minjm1on; s <= FastMath.min(j / 2 - 1, sMax); s++) {
                            // j - s
                            final int jms = j - s;
                            // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                            final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                            for (int n = j - s; n <= minjm1on; n++) {
                                // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                                if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                    // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                    final double lns = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                    final double dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                    final double ijs = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdh = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdk = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    final double jjs = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdh = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdk = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    // J<sub>n</sub>
                                    final double jn = -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);

                                    // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                    final double kns   = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                    final double dkns  = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                    final double coef0 = d0smj * jn;
                                    final double coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                                    final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;

                                    final double coef3 = coef2 * ijs;
                                    final double coef4 = coef2 * jjs;

                                    // Add the term to the coefficients
                                    cCoef[0][j] -= coef3;
                                    cCoef[1][j] -= coef3 * (n + 1);
                                    cCoef[2][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdh + ijs * hXXX * dkns);
                                    cCoef[3][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdk + ijs * kXXX * dkns);
                                    cCoef[4][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdAlpha;
                                    cCoef[5][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdBeta;
                                    cCoef[6][j] -= coef0 * dlns * kns * ijs;

                                    sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                                    sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (n + 1);
                                    sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdh + jjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                    sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdk + jjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                    sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dJjsdAlpha;
                                    sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dJjsdBeta;
                                    sCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * jjs;

                        //compute second double sum where s: j/2 -> min(j-1,N)-1 and n: s+1 -> min(j-1,N)
                        for (int s = j / 2; s <=  FastMath.min(minjm1on - 1, sMax); s++) {
                            // j - s
                            final int jms = j - s;
                            // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                            final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                            for (int n = s + 1; n <= minjm1on; n++) {
                                // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                                if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                    // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                    final double lns = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                    final double dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                    final double ijs = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdh = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdk = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    final double jjs = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdh = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdk = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    // J<sub>n</sub>
                                    final double jn = -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);

                                    // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                    final double kns   = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                    final double dkns  = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                    final double coef0 = d0smj * jn;
                                    final double coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                                    final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;

                                    final double coef3 = coef2 * ijs;
                                    final double coef4 = coef2 * jjs;

                                    // Add the term to the coefficients
                                    cCoef[0][j] -= coef3;
                                    cCoef[1][j] -= coef3 * (n + 1);
                                    cCoef[2][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdh + ijs * hXXX * dkns);
                                    cCoef[3][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdk + ijs * kXXX * dkns);
                                    cCoef[4][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdAlpha;
                                    cCoef[5][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdBeta;
                                    cCoef[6][j] -= coef0 * dlns * kns * ijs;

                                    sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                                    sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (n + 1);
                                    sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdh + jjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                    sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdk + jjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                    sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dJjsdAlpha;
                                    sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dJjsdBeta;
                                    sCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * jjs;

                    //if j is odd
                    else {
                        //compute first double sum where s: (j-1)/2 -> min(j-1,N)-1 and n: s+1 -> min(j-1,N)
                        for (int s = (j - 1) / 2; s <= FastMath.min(minjm1on - 1, sMax); s++) {
                            // j - s
                            final int jms = j - s;
                            // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                            final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                            for (int n = s + 1; n <= minjm1on; n++) {
                                // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                                if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                    // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                    final double lns = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                    final double dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                    final double ijs = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdh = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdk = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final double dIjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    final double jjs = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdh = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdk = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final double dJjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    // J<sub>n</sub>
                                    final double jn = -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);

                                    // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>

                                    final double kns = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                    final double dkns  = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                    final double coef0 = d0smj * jn;
                                    final double coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                                    final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;

                                    final double coef3 = coef2 * ijs;
                                    final double coef4 = coef2 * jjs;

                                    // Add the term to the coefficients
                                    cCoef[0][j] -= coef3;
                                    cCoef[1][j] -= coef3 * (n + 1);
                                    cCoef[2][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdh + ijs * hXXX * dkns);
                                    cCoef[3][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdk + ijs * kXXX * dkns);
                                    cCoef[4][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdAlpha;
                                    cCoef[5][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdBeta;
                                    cCoef[6][j] -= coef0 * dlns * kns * ijs;

                                    sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                                    sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (n + 1);
                                    sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdh + jjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                    sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdk + jjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                    sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dJjsdAlpha;
                                    sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dJjsdBeta;
                                    sCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * jjs;

                        //the second double sum is added only if N >= 4 and j between 5 and 2*N-3
                        if (nMax >= 4 && isBetween(j, 5, 2 * nMax - 3)) {
                            //compute second double sum where s: j-min(j-1,N) -> (j-3)/2 and n: j-s -> min(j-1,N)
                            for (int s = j - minjm1on; s <= FastMath.min((j - 3) / 2, sMax); s++) {
                                // j - s
                                final int jms = j - s;
                                // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                                final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                                for (int n = j - s; n <= minjm1on; n++) {
                                    // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                                    if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                        // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                        final double lns = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                        final double dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                        final double ijs = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                        final double dIjsdh = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                        final double dIjsdk = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                        final double dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                        final double dIjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                        final double jjs = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                        final double dJjsdh = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                        final double dJjsdk = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                        final double dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                        final double dJjsdBeta = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                        // J<sub>n</sub>
                                        final double jn = -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);

                                        // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                        final double kns   = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                        final double dkns  = hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                        final double coef0 = d0smj * jn;
                                        final double coef1 = coef0 * lns;
                                        final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;

                                        final double coef3 = coef2 * ijs;
                                        final double coef4 = coef2 * jjs;

                                        // Add the term to the coefficients
                                        cCoef[0][j] -= coef3;
                                        cCoef[1][j] -= coef3 * (n + 1);
                                        cCoef[2][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdh + ijs * hXXX * dkns);
                                        cCoef[3][j] -= coef1 * (kns * dIjsdk + ijs * kXXX * dkns);
                                        cCoef[4][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdAlpha;
                                        cCoef[5][j] -= coef2 * dIjsdBeta;
                                        cCoef[6][j] -= coef0 * dlns * kns * ijs;

                                        sCoef[0][j] += coef4;
                                        sCoef[1][j] += coef4 * (n + 1);
                                        sCoef[2][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdh + jjs * hXXX * dkns);
                                        sCoef[3][j] += coef1 * (kns * dJjsdk + jjs * kXXX * dkns);
                                        sCoef[4][j] += coef2 * dJjsdAlpha;
                                        sCoef[5][j] += coef2 * dJjsdBeta;
                                        sCoef[6][j] += coef0 * dlns * kns * jjs;

                cCoef[0][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                cCoef[1][j] *=  context.getMuoa() / ( j * auxiliaryElements.getSma() );
                cCoef[2][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                cCoef[3][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                cCoef[4][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                cCoef[5][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                cCoef[6][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;

                sCoef[0][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                sCoef[1][j] *=  context.getMuoa() / ( j * auxiliaryElements.getSma() );
                sCoef[2][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                sCoef[3][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                sCoef[4][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                sCoef[5][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;
                sCoef[6][j] *= -context.getMuoa() / j;


        /** Check if an index is within the accepted interval.
         * @param index the index to check
         * @param lowerBound the lower bound of the interval
         * @param upperBound the upper bound of the interval
         * @return true if the index is between the lower and upper bounds, false otherwise
        private boolean isBetween(final int index, final int lowerBound, final int upperBound) {
            return index >= lowerBound && index <= upperBound;

        /**Get the value of C<sup>j</sup>.
         * @param j j index
         * @return C<sup>j</sup>
        public double getCj(final int j) {
            return cCoef[0][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / da.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / da
        public double getdCjdA(final int j) {
            return cCoef[1][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dh.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dh
        public double getdCjdH(final int j) {
            return cCoef[2][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dk.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dk
        public double getdCjdK(final int j) {
            return cCoef[3][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dα.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dα
        public double getdCjdAlpha(final int j) {
            return cCoef[4][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dβ.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dβ
        public double getdCjdBeta(final int j) {
            return cCoef[5][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dγ.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dγ
        public double getdCjdGamma(final int j) {
            return cCoef[6][j];

        /**Get the value of S<sup>j</sup>.
         * @param j j index
         * @return S<sup>j</sup>
        public double getSj(final int j) {
            return sCoef[0][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / da.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / da
        public double getdSjdA(final int j) {
            return sCoef[1][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / dh.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / dh
        public double getdSjdH(final int j) {
            return sCoef[2][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / dk.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / dk
        public double getdSjdK(final int j) {
            return sCoef[3][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / dα.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / dα
        public double getdSjdAlpha(final int j) {
            return sCoef[4][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / dβ.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / dβ
        public double getdSjdBeta(final int j) {
            return sCoef[5][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> /  dγ.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> /  dγ
        public double getdSjdGamma(final int j) {
            return sCoef[6][j];

    /** Compute the C<sup>j</sup> and the S<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
     *  <p>
     *  Those coefficients are given in Danielson paper by expressions 4.1-(13) to 4.1.-(16b)
     *  </p>
    private class FieldFourierCjSjCoefficients <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> {

        /** The G<sub>js</sub>, H<sub>js</sub>, I<sub>js</sub> and J<sub>js</sub> polynomials. */
        private final FieldGHIJjsPolynomials<T> ghijCoef;

        /** L<sub>n</sub><sup>s</sup>(γ). */
        private final FieldLnsCoefficients<T> lnsCoef;

        /** Maximum possible value for n. */
        private final int nMax;

        /** Maximum possible value for s. */
        private final int sMax;

        /** Maximum possible value for j. */
        private final int jMax;

        /** The C<sup>j</sup> coefficients and their derivatives.
         * <p>
         * Each column of the matrix contains the following values: <br/>
         * - C<sup>j</sup> <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / da <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dh <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dk <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dα <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dβ <br/>
         * - dC<sup>j</sup> / dγ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final T[][] cCoef;

        /** The S<sup>j</sup> coefficients and their derivatives.
         * <p>
         * Each column of the matrix contains the following values: <br/>
         * - S<sup>j</sup> <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / da <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dh <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dk <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dα <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dβ <br/>
         * - dS<sup>j</sup> / dγ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final T[][] sCoef;

        /** h * &Chi;³. */
        private final T hXXX;
        /** k * &Chi;³. */
        private final T kXXX;

        /** Create a set of C<sup>j</sup> and the S<sup>j</sup> coefficients.
         *  @param date the current date
         *  @param nMax maximum possible value for n
         *  @param sMax maximum possible value for s
         *  @param jMax maximum possible value for j
         *  @param context container for attributes
         *  @param hansenObjects initialization of hansen objects
        FieldFourierCjSjCoefficients(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date,
                                     final int nMax, final int sMax, final int jMax,
                                     final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context,
                                     final FieldHansenObjects<T> hansenObjects) {

            //Field used by default
            final Field<T> field = date.getField();

            final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements = context.getFieldAuxiliaryElements();

            this.ghijCoef = new FieldGHIJjsPolynomials<>(auxiliaryElements.getK(), auxiliaryElements.getH(), auxiliaryElements.getAlpha(), auxiliaryElements.getBeta());
            // Qns coefficients
            final T[][] Qns = CoefficientsFactory.computeQns(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), nMax, nMax);

            this.lnsCoef = new FieldLnsCoefficients<>(nMax, nMax, Qns, Vns, context.getRoa(), field);
            this.nMax = nMax;
            this.sMax = sMax;
            this.jMax = jMax;

            // compute the common factors that depends on the mean elements
            this.hXXX = auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(context.getXXX());
            this.kXXX = auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(context.getXXX());

            this.cCoef = MathArrays.buildArray(field, 7, jMax + 1);
            this.sCoef = MathArrays.buildArray(field, 7, jMax + 1);

            for (int s = 0; s <= sMax; s++) {
                //Initialise the Hansen roots
                hansenObjects.computeHansenObjectsInitValues(context, s);
            generateCoefficients(date, context, auxiliaryElements, hansenObjects, field);

        /** Generate all coefficients.
         * @param date the current date
         * @param context container for attributes
         * @param hansenObjects initialization of hansen objects
         * @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
         * @param field field used by default
        private void generateCoefficients(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date,
                                          final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context,
                                          final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
                                          final FieldHansenObjects<T> hansenObjects,
                                          final Field<T> field) {

            final T zero = field.getZero();

            final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date.toAbsoluteDate());
            for (int j = 1; j <= jMax; j++) {

                //init arrays
                for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
                    cCoef[i][j] = zero;
                    sCoef[i][j] = zero;

                if (isBetween(j, 1, nMax - 1)) {

                    //compute first double sum where s: j -> N-1 and n: s+1 -> N
                    for (int s = j; s <= FastMath.min(nMax - 1, sMax); s++) {
                        // j - s
                        final int jms = j - s;
                        // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                        final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                        for (int n = s + 1; n <= nMax; n++) {
                            // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                            if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                // (2 - delta(0,s-j)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                final T lns  = lnsCoef.getLns(n, -jms);
                                final T dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, -jms);

                                final T hjs        = ghijCoef.getHjs(s, -jms);
                                final T dHjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdHjsdh(s, -jms);
                                final T dHjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdHjsdk(s, -jms);
                                final T dHjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdHjsdAlpha(s, -jms);
                                final T dHjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdHjsdBeta(s, -jms);

                                final T gjs        = ghijCoef.getGjs(s, -jms);
                                final T dGjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdGjsdh(s, -jms);
                                final T dGjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdGjsdk(s, -jms);
                                final T dGjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdGjsdAlpha(s, -jms);
                                final T dGjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdGjsdBeta(s, -jms);

                                // J<sub>n</sub>
                                final T jn = zero.subtract(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0));

                                // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                final T kns   = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                final T dkns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                final T coef0 = jn.multiply(d0smj);
                                final T coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                                final T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);
                                final T coef3 = coef2.multiply(hjs);
                                final T coef4 = coef2.multiply(gjs);

                                // Add the term to the coefficients
                                cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].add(coef3);
                                cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].add(coef3.multiply(n + 1));
                                cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dHjsdh).add(hjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dHjsdk).add(hjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dHjsdAlpha));
                                cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dHjsdBeta));
                                cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(hjs));

                                sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                                sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(n + 1));
                                sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dGjsdh).add(gjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dGjsdk).add(gjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dGjsdAlpha));
                                sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dGjsdBeta));
                                sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(gjs));

                    //compute second double sum where s: 0 -> N-j and n: max(j+s, j+1) -> N
                    for (int s = 0; s <= FastMath.min(nMax - j, sMax); s++) {
                        // j + s
                        final int jps = j + s;
                        // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,j+s))
                        final double d0spj = (s == -j) ? 1 : 2;

                        for (int n = FastMath.max(j + s, j + 1); n <= nMax; n++) {
                            // if n + (j+s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s+j
                            if ((n + jps) % 2 == 0) {
                                // (2 - delta(0,s+j)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j+s</sup>
                                final T lns  = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jps);
                                final T dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jps);

                                final T hjs        = ghijCoef.getHjs(s, jps);
                                final T dHjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdHjsdh(s, jps);
                                final T dHjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdHjsdk(s, jps);
                                final T dHjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdHjsdAlpha(s, jps);
                                final T dHjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdHjsdBeta(s, jps);

                                final T gjs        = ghijCoef.getGjs(s, jps);
                                final T dGjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdGjsdh(s, jps);
                                final T dGjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdGjsdk(s, jps);
                                final T dGjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdGjsdAlpha(s, jps);
                                final T dGjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdGjsdBeta(s, jps);

                                // J<sub>n</sub>
                                final T jn = zero.subtract(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0));

                                // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                final T kns   = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                final T dkns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                final T coef0 = jn.multiply(d0spj);
                                final T coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                                final T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);

                                final T coef3 = coef2.multiply(hjs);
                                final T coef4 = coef2.multiply(gjs);

                                // Add the term to the coefficients
                                cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].subtract(coef3);
                                cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].subtract(coef3.multiply(n + 1));
                                cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dHjsdh).add(hjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dHjsdk).add(hjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dHjsdAlpha));
                                cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dHjsdBeta));
                                cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].subtract(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(hjs));

                                sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                                sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(n + 1));
                                sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dGjsdh).add(gjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dGjsdk).add(gjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dGjsdAlpha));
                                sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dGjsdBeta));
                                sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(gjs));

                    //compute third double sum where s: 1 -> j and  n: j+1 -> N
                    for (int s = 1; s <= FastMath.min(j, sMax); s++) {
                        // j - s
                        final int jms = j - s;
                        // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                        final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                        for (int n = j + 1; n <= nMax; n++) {
                            // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                            if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                final T lns  = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                final T dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                final T ijs        = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                final T dIjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                final T dIjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                final T dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                final T dIjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                final T jjs        = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                final T dJjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                final T dJjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                final T dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                final T dJjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                // J<sub>n</sub>
                                final T jn = zero.subtract(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0));

                                // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                final T kns   = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                final T dkns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                final T coef0 = jn.multiply(d0smj);
                                final T coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                                final T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);

                                final T coef3 = coef2.multiply(ijs);
                                final T coef4 = coef2.multiply(jjs);

                                // Add the term to the coefficients
                                cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].subtract(coef3);
                                cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].subtract(coef3.multiply(n + 1));
                                cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdh).add(ijs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdk).add(ijs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdAlpha));
                                cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdBeta));
                                cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].subtract(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(ijs));

                                sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                                sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(n + 1));
                                sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdh).add(jjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdk).add(jjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdAlpha));
                                sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdBeta));
                                sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(jjs));

                if (isBetween(j, 2, nMax)) {
                    //add first term
                    // J<sub>j</sub>
                    final T jj = zero.subtract(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(j, 0));
                    T kns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[0].getValue(-j - 1, context.getX());
                    T dkns = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[0].getDerivative(-j - 1, context.getX());

                    T lns = lnsCoef.getLns(j, j);
                    //dlns is 0 because n == s == j

                    final T hjs        = ghijCoef.getHjs(0, j);
                    final T dHjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdHjsdh(0, j);
                    final T dHjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdHjsdk(0, j);
                    final T dHjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdHjsdAlpha(0, j);
                    final T dHjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdHjsdBeta(0, j);

                    final T gjs        = ghijCoef.getGjs(0, j);
                    final T dGjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdGjsdh(0, j);
                    final T dGjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdGjsdk(0, j);
                    final T dGjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdGjsdAlpha(0, j);
                    final T dGjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdGjsdBeta(0, j);

                    // 2 * J<sub>j</sub> * K₀<sup>-j-1,0</sup> * L<sub>j</sub><sup>j</sup>
                    T coef0 = jj.multiply(2.);
                    T coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                    T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);

                    T coef3 = coef2.multiply(hjs);
                    T coef4 = coef2.multiply(gjs);

                    // Add the term to the coefficients
                    cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].subtract(coef3);
                    cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].subtract(coef3.multiply(j + 1));
                    cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dHjsdh).add(hjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                    cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dHjsdk).add(hjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                    cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dHjsdAlpha));
                    cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dHjsdBeta));
                    //no contribution to cCoef[6][j] because dlns is 0

                    sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                    sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(j + 1));
                    sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dGjsdh).add(gjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                    sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dGjsdk).add(gjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                    sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dGjsdAlpha));
                    sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dGjsdBeta));
                    //no contribution to sCoef[6][j] because dlns is 0

                    //compute simple sum where s: 1 -> j-1
                    for (int s = 1; s <= FastMath.min(j - 1, sMax); s++) {
                        // j - s
                        final int jms = j - s;
                        // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                        final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                        // if s is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vj,s-j
                        if (s % 2 == 0) {
                            // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>j</sub> * K₀<sup>-j-1,s</sup> * L<sub>j</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                            kns   = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-j - 1, context.getX());
                            dkns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-j - 1, context.getX());

                            lns = lnsCoef.getLns(j, jms);
                            final T dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(j, jms);

                            final T ijs        = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                            final T dIjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                            final T dIjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                            final T dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                            final T dIjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                            final T jjs        = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                            final T dJjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                            final T dJjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                            final T dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                            final T dJjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                            coef0 = jj.multiply(d0smj);
                            coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                            coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);

                            coef3 = coef2.multiply(ijs);
                            coef4 = coef2.multiply(jjs);

                            // Add the term to the coefficients
                            cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].subtract(coef3);
                            cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].subtract(coef3.multiply(j + 1));
                            cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdh).add(ijs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                            cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdk).add(ijs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                            cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdAlpha));
                            cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdBeta));
                            cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].subtract(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(ijs));

                            sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                            sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(j + 1));
                            sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdh).add(jjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                            sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdk).add(jjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                            sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdAlpha));
                            sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdBeta));
                            sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(jjs));

                if (isBetween(j, 3, 2 * nMax - 1)) {
                    //compute uppercase sigma expressions

                    final int minjm1on = FastMath.min(j - 1, nMax);

                    //if j is even
                    if (j % 2 == 0) {
                        //compute first double sum where s: j-min(j-1,N) -> j/2-1 and n: j-s -> min(j-1,N)
                        for (int s = j - minjm1on; s <= FastMath.min(j / 2 - 1, sMax); s++) {
                            // j - s
                            final int jms = j - s;
                            // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                            final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                            for (int n = j - s; n <= minjm1on; n++) {
                                // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                                if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                    // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                    final T lns  = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                    final T dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                    final T ijs        = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    final T jjs        = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    // J<sub>n</sub>
                                    final T jn = zero.subtract(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0));

                                    // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                    final T kns   = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                    final T dkns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                    final T coef0 = jn.multiply(d0smj);
                                    final T coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                                    final T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);

                                    final T coef3 = coef2.multiply(ijs);
                                    final T coef4 = coef2.multiply(jjs);

                                    // Add the term to the coefficients
                                    cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].subtract(coef3);
                                    cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].subtract(coef3.multiply(n + 1));
                                    cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdh).add(ijs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdk).add(ijs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdAlpha));
                                    cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdBeta));
                                    cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].subtract(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(ijs));

                                    sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                                    sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(n + 1));
                                    sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdh).add(jjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdk).add(jjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdAlpha));
                                    sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdBeta));
                                    sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(jjs));

                        //compute second double sum where s: j/2 -> min(j-1,N)-1 and n: s+1 -> min(j-1,N)
                        for (int s = j / 2; s <=  FastMath.min(minjm1on - 1, sMax); s++) {
                            // j - s
                            final int jms = j - s;
                            // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                            final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                            for (int n = s + 1; n <= minjm1on; n++) {
                                // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                                if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                    // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                    final T lns  = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                    final T dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                    final T ijs        = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    final T jjs        = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    // J<sub>n</sub>
                                    final T jn = zero.subtract(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0));

                                    // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                    final T kns   = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                    final T dkns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                    final T coef0 = jn.multiply(d0smj);
                                    final T coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                                    final T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);

                                    final T coef3 = coef2.multiply(ijs);
                                    final T coef4 = coef2.multiply(jjs);

                                    // Add the term to the coefficients
                                    cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].subtract(coef3);
                                    cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].subtract(coef3.multiply(n + 1));
                                    cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdh).add(ijs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdk).add(ijs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdAlpha));
                                    cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdBeta));
                                    cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].subtract(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(ijs));

                                    sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                                    sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(n + 1));
                                    sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdh).add(jjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdk).add(jjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdAlpha));
                                    sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdBeta));
                                    sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(jjs));

                    //if j is odd
                    else {
                        //compute first double sum where s: (j-1)/2 -> min(j-1,N)-1 and n: s+1 -> min(j-1,N)
                        for (int s = (j - 1) / 2; s <= FastMath.min(minjm1on - 1, sMax); s++) {
                            // j - s
                            final int jms = j - s;
                            // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                            final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                            for (int n = s + 1; n <= minjm1on; n++) {
                                // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                                if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                    // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                    final T lns  = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                    final T dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                    final T ijs        = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final T dIjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    final T jjs        = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                    final T dJjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                    // J<sub>n</sub>
                                    final T jn = zero.subtract(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0));

                                    // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>

                                    final T kns   = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                    final T dkns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                    final T coef0 = jn.multiply(d0smj);
                                    final T coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                                    final T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);

                                    final T coef3 = coef2.multiply(ijs);
                                    final T coef4 = coef2.multiply(jjs);

                                    // Add the term to the coefficients
                                    cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].subtract(coef3);
                                    cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].subtract(coef3.multiply(n + 1));
                                    cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdh).add(ijs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdk).add(ijs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdAlpha));
                                    cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdBeta));
                                    cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].subtract(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(ijs));

                                    sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                                    sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(n + 1));
                                    sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdh).add(jjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdk).add(jjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                    sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdAlpha));
                                    sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdBeta));
                                    sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(jjs));

                        //the second double sum is added only if N >= 4 and j between 5 and 2*N-3
                        if (nMax >= 4 && isBetween(j, 5, 2 * nMax - 3)) {
                            //compute second double sum where s: j-min(j-1,N) -> (j-3)/2 and n: j-s -> min(j-1,N)
                            for (int s = j - minjm1on; s <= FastMath.min((j - 3) / 2, sMax); s++) {
                                // j - s
                                final int jms = j - s;
                                // Kronecker symbols (2 - delta(0,s-j)) and (2 - delta(0,j-s))
                                final int d0smj = (s == j) ? 1 : 2;

                                for (int n = j - s; n <= minjm1on; n++) {
                                    // if n + (j-s) is odd, then the term is equal to zero due to the factor Vn,s-j
                                    if ((n + jms) % 2 == 0) {
                                        // (2 - delta(0,j-s)) * J<sub>n</sub> * K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> * L<sub>n</sub><sup>j-s</sup>
                                        final T lns  = lnsCoef.getLns(n, jms);
                                        final T dlns = lnsCoef.getdLnsdGamma(n, jms);

                                        final T ijs        = ghijCoef.getIjs(s, jms);
                                        final T dIjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdh(s, jms);
                                        final T dIjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdIjsdk(s, jms);
                                        final T dIjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdIjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                        final T dIjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdIjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                        final T jjs        = ghijCoef.getJjs(s, jms);
                                        final T dJjsdh     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdh(s, jms);
                                        final T dJjsdk     = ghijCoef.getdJjsdk(s, jms);
                                        final T dJjsdAlpha = ghijCoef.getdJjsdAlpha(s, jms);
                                        final T dJjsdBeta  = ghijCoef.getdJjsdBeta(s, jms);

                                        // J<sub>n</sub>
                                        final T jn = zero.subtract(harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0));

                                        // K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
                                        final T kns   = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                                        final T dkns  = (T) hansenObjects.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                                        final T coef0 = jn.multiply(d0smj);
                                        final T coef1 = coef0.multiply(lns);
                                        final T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);

                                        final T coef3 = coef2.multiply(ijs);
                                        final T coef4 = coef2.multiply(jjs);

                                        // Add the term to the coefficients
                                        cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].subtract(coef3);
                                        cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].subtract(coef3.multiply(n + 1));
                                        cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdh).add(ijs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                        cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].subtract(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dIjsdk).add(ijs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                        cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdAlpha));
                                        cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].subtract(coef2.multiply(dIjsdBeta));
                                        cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].subtract(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(ijs));

                                        sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].add(coef4);
                                        sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].add(coef4.multiply(n + 1));
                                        sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdh).add(jjs.multiply(hXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                        sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].add(coef1.multiply(kns.multiply(dJjsdk).add(jjs.multiply(kXXX).multiply(dkns))));
                                        sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdAlpha));
                                        sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].add(coef2.multiply(dJjsdBeta));
                                        sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].add(coef0.multiply(dlns).multiply(kns).multiply(jjs));

                cCoef[0][j] = cCoef[0][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                cCoef[1][j] = cCoef[1][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(auxiliaryElements.getSma().multiply(j)));
                cCoef[2][j] = cCoef[2][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                cCoef[3][j] = cCoef[3][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                cCoef[4][j] = cCoef[4][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                cCoef[5][j] = cCoef[5][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                cCoef[6][j] = cCoef[6][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());

                sCoef[0][j] = sCoef[0][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                sCoef[1][j] = sCoef[1][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(auxiliaryElements.getSma().multiply(j)));
                sCoef[2][j] = sCoef[2][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                sCoef[3][j] = sCoef[3][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                sCoef[4][j] = sCoef[4][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                sCoef[5][j] = sCoef[5][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());
                sCoef[6][j] = sCoef[6][j].multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(j).negate());


        /** Check if an index is within the accepted interval.
         * @param index the index to check
         * @param lowerBound the lower bound of the interval
         * @param upperBound the upper bound of the interval
         * @return true if the index is between the lower and upper bounds, false otherwise
        private boolean isBetween(final int index, final int lowerBound, final int upperBound) {
            return index >= lowerBound && index <= upperBound;

        /**Get the value of C<sup>j</sup>.
         * @param j j index
         * @return C<sup>j</sup>
        public T getCj(final int j) {
            return cCoef[0][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / da.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / da
        public T getdCjdA(final int j) {
            return cCoef[1][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dh.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dh
        public T getdCjdH(final int j) {
            return cCoef[2][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dk.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dk
        public T getdCjdK(final int j) {
            return cCoef[3][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dα.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dα
        public T getdCjdAlpha(final int j) {
            return cCoef[4][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dβ.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dβ
        public T getdCjdBeta(final int j) {
            return cCoef[5][j];

        /**Get the value of dC<sup>j</sup> / dγ.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dC<sup>j</sup> / dγ
        public T getdCjdGamma(final int j) {
            return cCoef[6][j];

        /**Get the value of S<sup>j</sup>.
         * @param j j index
         * @return S<sup>j</sup>
        public T getSj(final int j) {
            return sCoef[0][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / da.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / da
        public T getdSjdA(final int j) {
            return sCoef[1][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / dh.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / dh
        public T getdSjdH(final int j) {
            return sCoef[2][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / dk.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / dk
        public T getdSjdK(final int j) {
            return sCoef[3][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / dα.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / dα
        public T getdSjdAlpha(final int j) {
            return sCoef[4][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> / dβ.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> / dβ
        public T getdSjdBeta(final int j) {
            return sCoef[5][j];

        /**Get the value of dS<sup>j</sup> /  dγ.
         * @param j j index
         * @return dS<sup>j</sup> /  dγ
        public T getdSjdGamma(final int j) {
            return sCoef[6][j];

    /** Coefficients valid for one time slot. */
    private static class Slot {

        /**The coefficients D<sub>i</sub>.
         * <p>
         * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows:
         * - i=0 for a <br/>
         * - i=1 for k <br/>
         * - i=2 for h <br/>
         * - i=3 for q <br/>
         * - i=4 for p <br/>
         * - i=5 for λ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient di;

        /** The coefficients C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
         * <p>
         * The constant term C<sub>i</sub>⁰ is also stored in this variable at index j = 0 <br>
         * The index order is cij[j][i] <br/>
         * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows: <br/>
         * - i=0 for a <br/>
         * - i=1 for k <br/>
         * - i=2 for h <br/>
         * - i=3 for q <br/>
         * - i=4 for p <br/>
         * - i=5 for λ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[] cij;

        /** The coefficients S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
         * <p>
         * The index order is sij[j][i] <br/>
         * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows: <br/>
         * - i=0 for a <br/>
         * - i=1 for k <br/>
         * - i=2 for h <br/>
         * - i=3 for q <br/>
         * - i=4 for p <br/>
         * - i=5 for λ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[] sij;

        /** Simple constructor.
         *  @param maxFrequencyShortPeriodics maximum value for j index
         *  @param interpolationPoints number of points used in the interpolation process
        Slot(final int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics, final int interpolationPoints) {

            final int rows = maxFrequencyShortPeriodics + 1;
            di  = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient(interpolationPoints);
            cij = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[rows];
            sij = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient[rows];

            //Initialize the arrays
            for (int j = 0; j <= maxFrequencyShortPeriodics; j++) {
                cij[j] = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient(interpolationPoints);
                sij[j] = new ShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient(interpolationPoints);



    /** Coefficients valid for one time slot. */
    private static class FieldSlot <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> {

        /**The coefficients D<sub>i</sub>.
         * <p>
         * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows:
         * - i=0 for a <br/>
         * - i=1 for k <br/>
         * - i=2 for h <br/>
         * - i=3 for q <br/>
         * - i=4 for p <br/>
         * - i=5 for λ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<T> di;

        /** The coefficients C<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
         * <p>
         * The constant term C<sub>i</sub>⁰ is also stored in this variable at index j = 0 <br>
         * The index order is cij[j][i] <br/>
         * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows: <br/>
         * - i=0 for a <br/>
         * - i=1 for k <br/>
         * - i=2 for h <br/>
         * - i=3 for q <br/>
         * - i=4 for p <br/>
         * - i=5 for λ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<T>[] cij;

        /** The coefficients S<sub>i</sub><sup>j</sup>.
         * <p>
         * The index order is sij[j][i] <br/>
         * i corresponds to the equinoctial element, as follows: <br/>
         * - i=0 for a <br/>
         * - i=1 for k <br/>
         * - i=2 for h <br/>
         * - i=3 for q <br/>
         * - i=4 for p <br/>
         * - i=5 for λ <br/>
         * </p>
        private final FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<T>[] sij;

        /** Simple constructor.
         *  @param maxFrequencyShortPeriodics maximum value for j index
         *  @param interpolationPoints number of points used in the interpolation process
        FieldSlot(final int maxFrequencyShortPeriodics, final int interpolationPoints) {

            final int rows = maxFrequencyShortPeriodics + 1;
            di  = new FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<>(interpolationPoints);
            cij = (FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<T>[]) Array.newInstance(FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient.class, rows);
            sij = (FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<T>[]) Array.newInstance(FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient.class, rows);

            //Initialize the arrays
            for (int j = 0; j <= maxFrequencyShortPeriodics; j++) {
                cij[j] = new FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<>(interpolationPoints);
                sij[j] = new FieldShortPeriodicsInterpolatedCoefficient<>(interpolationPoints);



    /** Compute potential and potential derivatives with respect to orbital parameters. */
    private class UAnddU {

        /** The current value of the U function. <br/>
         * Needed for the short periodic contribution */
        private double U;

        /** dU / da. */
        private double dUda;

        /** dU / dk. */
        private double dUdk;

        /** dU / dh. */
        private double dUdh;

        /** dU / dAlpha. */
        private double dUdAl;

        /** dU / dBeta. */
        private double dUdBe;

        /** dU / dGamma. */
        private double dUdGa;

        /** Simple constuctor.
         *  @param date current date
         *  @param context container for attributes
         *  @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
         *  @param hansen initialization of hansen objects
        UAnddU(final AbsoluteDate date,
               final DSSTZonalContext context,
               final AuxiliaryElements auxiliaryElements,
               final HansenObjects hansen) {

            final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date);

            //Reset U
            U = 0.;

            // Gs and Hs coefficients
            final double[][] GsHs = CoefficientsFactory.computeGsHs(auxiliaryElements.getK(), auxiliaryElements.getH(), auxiliaryElements.getAlpha(), auxiliaryElements.getBeta(), maxEccPowMeanElements);
            // Qns coefficients
            final double[][] Qns  = CoefficientsFactory.computeQns(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDegree, maxEccPowMeanElements);

            final double[] roaPow = new double[maxDegree + 1];
            roaPow[0] = 1.;
            for (int i = 1; i <= maxDegree; i++) {
                roaPow[i] = context.getRoa() * roaPow[i - 1];

            // Potential derivatives
            dUda  = 0.;
            dUdk  = 0.;
            dUdh  = 0.;
            dUdAl = 0.;
            dUdBe = 0.;
            dUdGa = 0.;

            for (int s = 0; s <= maxEccPowMeanElements; s++) {
                //Initialize the Hansen roots
                hansen.computeHansenObjectsInitValues(context, s);

                // Get the current Gs coefficient
                final double gs = GsHs[0][s];

                // Compute Gs partial derivatives from 3.1-(9)
                double dGsdh  = 0.;
                double dGsdk  = 0.;
                double dGsdAl = 0.;
                double dGsdBe = 0.;
                if (s > 0) {
                    // First get the G(s-1) and the H(s-1) coefficients
                    final double sxgsm1 = s * GsHs[0][s - 1];
                    final double sxhsm1 = s * GsHs[1][s - 1];
                    // Then compute derivatives
                    dGsdh  = auxiliaryElements.getBeta()  * sxgsm1 - auxiliaryElements.getAlpha() * sxhsm1;
                    dGsdk  = auxiliaryElements.getAlpha() * sxgsm1 + auxiliaryElements.getBeta()  * sxhsm1;
                    dGsdAl = auxiliaryElements.getK() * sxgsm1 - auxiliaryElements.getH() * sxhsm1;
                    dGsdBe = auxiliaryElements.getH() * sxgsm1 + auxiliaryElements.getK() * sxhsm1;

                // Kronecker symbol (2 - delta(0,s))
                final double d0s = (s == 0) ? 1 : 2;

                for (int n = s + 2; n <= maxDegree; n++) {
                    // (n - s) must be even
                    if ((n - s) % 2 == 0) {

                        //Extract data from previous computation :
                        final double kns   = hansen.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                        final double dkns  = hansen.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                        final double vns   = Vns.get(new NSKey(n, s));
                        final double coef0 = d0s * roaPow[n] * vns * -harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0);
                        final double coef1 = coef0 * Qns[n][s];
                        final double coef2 = coef1 * kns;
                        final double coef3 = coef2 * gs;
                        // dQns/dGamma = Q(n, s + 1) from Equation 3.1-(8)
                        final double dqns  = Qns[n][s + 1];

                        // Compute U
                        U += coef3;
                        // Compute dU / da :
                        dUda += coef3 * (n + 1);
                        // Compute dU / dEx
                        dUdk += coef1 * (kns * dGsdk + auxiliaryElements.getK() * context.getXXX() * gs * dkns);
                        // Compute dU / dEy
                        dUdh += coef1 * (kns * dGsdh + auxiliaryElements.getH() * context.getXXX() * gs * dkns);
                        // Compute dU / dAlpha
                        dUdAl += coef2 * dGsdAl;
                        // Compute dU / dBeta
                        dUdBe += coef2 * dGsdBe;
                        // Compute dU / dGamma
                        dUdGa += coef0 * kns * dqns * gs;


            // Multiply by -(μ / a)
            this.U = -context.getMuoa() * U;

            this.dUda = dUda *  context.getMuoa() / auxiliaryElements.getSma();
            this.dUdk = dUdk * -context.getMuoa();
            this.dUdh = dUdh * -context.getMuoa();
            this.dUdAl = dUdAl * -context.getMuoa();
            this.dUdBe = dUdBe * -context.getMuoa();
            this.dUdGa = dUdGa * -context.getMuoa();


        /** Return value of U.
         * @return U
        public double getU() {
            return U;

        /** Return value of dU / da.
         * @return dUda
        public double getdUda() {
            return dUda;

        /** Return value of dU / dk.
         * @return dUdk
        public double getdUdk() {
            return dUdk;

        /** Return value of dU / dh.
         * @return dUdh
        public double getdUdh() {
            return dUdh;

        /** Return value of dU / dAlpha.
         * @return dUdAl
        public double getdUdAl() {
            return dUdAl;

        /** Return value of dU / dBeta.
         * @return dUdBe
        public double getdUdBe() {
            return dUdBe;

        /** Return value of dU / dGamma.
         * @return dUdGa
        public double getdUdGa() {
            return dUdGa;


    /** Compute the derivatives of the gravitational potential U [Eq. 3.1-(6)].
     *  <p>
     *  The result is the array
     *  [dU/da, dU/dk, dU/dh, dU/dα, dU/dβ, dU/dγ]
     *  </p>
    private class FieldUAnddU <T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> {

         /** The current value of the U function. <br/>
          * Needed for the short periodic contribution */
        private T U;

         /** dU / da. */
        private T dUda;

         /** dU / dk. */
        private T dUdk;

         /** dU / dh. */
        private T dUdh;

         /** dU / dAlpha. */
        private T dUdAl;

         /** dU / dBeta. */
        private T dUdBe;

         /** dU / dGamma. */
        private T dUdGa;

         /** Simple constuctor.
          *  @param date current date
          *  @param context container for attributes
          *  @param auxiliaryElements auxiliary elements related to the current orbit
          *  @param hansen initialization of hansen objects
        FieldUAnddU(final FieldAbsoluteDate<T> date,
                    final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context,
                    final FieldAuxiliaryElements<T> auxiliaryElements,
                    final FieldHansenObjects<T> hansen) {

            // Zero for initialization
            final Field<T> field = date.getField();
            final T zero = field.getZero();

            //spherical harmonics
            final UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(date.toAbsoluteDate());

            //Reset U
            U = zero;

            // Gs and Hs coefficients
            final T[][] GsHs = CoefficientsFactory.computeGsHs(auxiliaryElements.getK(), auxiliaryElements.getH(), auxiliaryElements.getAlpha(), auxiliaryElements.getBeta(), maxEccPowMeanElements, field);
            // Qns coefficients
            final T[][] Qns  = CoefficientsFactory.computeQns(auxiliaryElements.getGamma(), maxDegree, maxEccPowMeanElements);

            final T[] roaPow = MathArrays.buildArray(field, maxDegree + 1);
            roaPow[0] = zero.add(1.);
            for (int i = 1; i <= maxDegree; i++) {
                roaPow[i] = roaPow[i - 1].multiply(context.getRoa());

            // Potential derivatives
            dUda  = zero;
            dUdk  = zero;
            dUdh  = zero;
            dUdAl = zero;
            dUdBe = zero;
            dUdGa = zero;

            for (int s = 0; s <= maxEccPowMeanElements; s++) {
                //Initialize the Hansen roots
                hansen.computeHansenObjectsInitValues(context, s);

                // Get the current Gs coefficient
                final T gs = GsHs[0][s];

                // Compute Gs partial derivatives from 3.1-(9)
                T dGsdh  = zero;
                T dGsdk  = zero;
                T dGsdAl = zero;
                T dGsdBe = zero;
                if (s > 0) {
                    // First get the G(s-1) and the H(s-1) coefficients
                    final T sxgsm1 = GsHs[0][s - 1].multiply(s);
                    final T sxhsm1 = GsHs[1][s - 1].multiply(s);
                    // Then compute derivatives
                    dGsdh  = sxgsm1.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getBeta()).subtract(sxhsm1.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getAlpha()));
                    dGsdk  = sxgsm1.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getAlpha()).add(sxhsm1.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getBeta()));
                    dGsdAl = sxgsm1.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getK()).subtract(sxhsm1.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getH()));
                    dGsdBe = sxgsm1.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getH()).add(sxhsm1.multiply(auxiliaryElements.getK()));

                // Kronecker symbol (2 - delta(0,s))
                final T d0s = zero.add((s == 0) ? 1 : 2);

                for (int n = s + 2; n <= maxDegree; n++) {
                    // (n - s) must be even
                    if ((n - s) % 2 == 0) {

                        //Extract data from previous computation :
                        final T kns   = (T) hansen.getHansenObjects()[s].getValue(-n - 1, context.getX());
                        final T dkns  = (T) hansen.getHansenObjects()[s].getDerivative(-n - 1, context.getX());

                        final double vns   = Vns.get(new NSKey(n, s));
                        final T coef0 = d0s.multiply(roaPow[n]).multiply(vns).multiply(-harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(n, 0));
                        final T coef1 = coef0.multiply(Qns[n][s]);
                        final T coef2 = coef1.multiply(kns);
                        final T coef3 = coef2.multiply(gs);
                        // dQns/dGamma = Q(n, s + 1) from Equation 3.1-(8)
                        final T dqns  = Qns[n][s + 1];

                        // Compute U
                        U = U.add(coef3);
                        // Compute dU / da :
                        dUda  = dUda.add(coef3.multiply(n + 1));
                        // Compute dU / dEx
                        dUdk  = dUdk.add(coef1.multiply(dGsdk.multiply(kns).add(auxiliaryElements.getK().multiply(context.getXXX()).multiply(dkns).multiply(gs))));
                        // Compute dU / dEy
                        dUdh  = dUdh.add(coef1.multiply(dGsdh.multiply(kns).add(auxiliaryElements.getH().multiply(context.getXXX()).multiply(dkns).multiply(gs))));
                        // Compute dU / dAlpha
                        dUdAl = dUdAl.add(coef2.multiply(dGsdAl));
                        // Compute dU / dBeta
                        dUdBe = dUdBe.add(coef2.multiply(dGsdBe));
                        // Compute dU / dGamma
                        dUdGa = dUdGa.add(coef0.multiply(kns).multiply(dqns).multiply(gs));

            // Multiply by -(μ / a)
            U = U.multiply(context.getMuoa().negate());

            dUda  = dUda.multiply(context.getMuoa().divide(auxiliaryElements.getSma()));
            dUdk  = dUdk.multiply(context.getMuoa()).negate();
            dUdh  = dUdh.multiply(context.getMuoa()).negate();
            dUdAl = dUdAl.multiply(context.getMuoa()).negate();
            dUdBe = dUdBe.multiply(context.getMuoa()).negate();
            dUdGa = dUdGa.multiply(context.getMuoa()).negate();


        /** Return value of U.
         * @return U
        public T getU() {
            return U;

         /** Return value of dU / da.
          * @return dUda
        public T getdUda() {
            return dUda;

         /** Return value of dU / dk.
          * @return dUdk
        public T getdUdk() {
            return dUdk;

         /** Return value of dU / dh.
          * @return dUdh
        public T getdUdh() {
            return dUdh;

         /** Return value of dU / dAlpha.
          * @return dUdAl
        public T getdUdAl() {
            return dUdAl;

         /** Return value of dU / dBeta.
          * @return dUdBe
        public T getdUdBe() {
            return dUdBe;

         /** Return value of dU / dGamma.
          * @return dUdGa
        public T getdUdGa() {
            return dUdGa;


    /** Computes init values of the Hansen Objects. */
    private class HansenObjects {

        /** An array that contains the objects needed to build the Hansen coefficients. <br/>
         * The index is s*/
        private HansenZonalLinear[] hansenObjects;

        /** Simple constructor. */
        HansenObjects() {
            this.hansenObjects = new HansenZonalLinear[maxEccPow + 1];
            for (int s = 0; s <= maxEccPow; s++) {
                this.hansenObjects[s] = new HansenZonalLinear(maxDegree, s);

        /** Compute init values for hansen objects.
         * @param context container for attributes
         * @param element element of the array to compute the init values
        public void computeHansenObjectsInitValues(final DSSTZonalContext context, final int element) {

        /** Get the Hansen Objects.
         * @return hansenObjects
        public HansenZonalLinear[] getHansenObjects() {
            return hansenObjects;


    /** Computes init values of the Hansen Objects.
     * @param <T> type of the elements
    private class FieldHansenObjects<T extends CalculusFieldElement<T>> {

        /** An array that contains the objects needed to build the Hansen coefficients. <br/>
         * The index is s*/
        private FieldHansenZonalLinear<T>[] hansenObjects;

        /** Simple constructor.
         * @param field field used by default
        FieldHansenObjects(final Field<T> field) {
            this.hansenObjects = (FieldHansenZonalLinear<T>[]) Array.newInstance(FieldHansenZonalLinear.class, maxEccPow + 1);
            for (int s = 0; s <= maxEccPow; s++) {
                this.hansenObjects[s] = new FieldHansenZonalLinear<>(maxDegree, s, field);

        /** Compute init values for hansen objects.
         * @param context container for attributes
         * @param element element of the array to compute the init values
        public void computeHansenObjectsInitValues(final FieldDSSTZonalContext<T> context, final int element) {

        /** Get the Hansen Objects.
         * @return hansenObjects
        public FieldHansenZonalLinear<T>[] getHansenObjects() {
            return hansenObjects;

