/* Copyright 2023 Thales Alenia Space
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.gnss.rflink.gps;

import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitMessages;
import org.orekit.gnss.metric.parser.EncodedMessage;

 * Container for sub-frames in a GPS navigation message.
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
 * @since 12.0
public abstract class SubFrame  {

    /** TLM preamble. */
    public static final int PREAMBLE_VALUE = 0x8b;

    /** Words size. */
    protected static final int WORD_SIZE = 30;

    /** Size of parity field. */
    protected static final int PARITY_SIZE = 6;

    /** TLM preamble index. */
    private static final int PREAMBLE = 0;

    /** Telemetry message index. */
    private static final int MESSAGE = 1;

    /** Integrity status flag index. */
    private static final int INTEGRITY_STATUS = 2;

    /** Truncated Time Of Week count index. */
    private static final int TOW_COUNT = 3;

    /** Alert flag index. */
    private static final int ALERT = 4;

    /** Anti-spoofing flag index. */
    private static final int ANTI_SPOOFING = 5;

    /** Sub-frame ID index. */
    private static final int ID = 6;

    /** Raw data fields. */
    private final int[] fields;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * @param words raw words
     * @param nbFields number of fields in the sub-frame
     * (including TLM and HOW data fields, excluding non-information and parity)
    protected SubFrame(final int[] words, final int nbFields) {

        this.fields = new int[nbFields];

        // common fields present in telemetry and handover words for all sub-frames
        setField(PREAMBLE,         1, 22,  8, words);
        setField(MESSAGE,          1,  8, 14, words);
        setField(INTEGRITY_STATUS, 1,  7,  1, words);
        setField(TOW_COUNT,        2, 13, 17, words);
        setField(ALERT,            2, 12,  1, words);
        setField(ANTI_SPOOFING,    2, 11,  1, words);
        setField(ID,               2,  8,  3, words);

        if (getField(PREAMBLE) != PREAMBLE_VALUE) {
            throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.INVALID_GNSS_DATA, getField(PREAMBLE));


    /** Builder for sub-frames.
     * <p>
     * This builder creates the proper sub-frame type corresponding to the ID in handover word
     * and the SV Id for sub-frames 4 and 5.
     * </p>
     * @param encodedMessage encoded message containing exactly one sub-frame
     * @return sub-frame with TLM and HOW fields already set up
     * @see SubFrame1
     * @see SubFrame2
     * @see SubFrame3
     * @see SubFrame4A0
     * @see SubFrame4A1
     * @see SubFrame4B
     * @see SubFrame4C
     * @see SubFrame4D
     * @see SubFrame4E
     * @see SubFrameAlmanac
     * @see SubFrameDummyAlmanac
    public static SubFrame parse(final EncodedMessage encodedMessage) {


        // get the raw words
        final int[] words = new int[10];
        for (int i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) {
            words[i] = (int) encodedMessage.extractBits(30);

        // check parity on all words
        for (int i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) {
            // we assume last word of previous sub frame had parity bits set to 0,
            // using the non_information bits at the end of each sub-frame
            if (!checkParity(i == 0 ? 0x0 : words[i - 1], words[i])) {
                throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.GNSS_PARITY_ERROR, i + 1);

        final int id = (words[1] >>>  8) & 0x7;
        switch (id) {
            case 1 : // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 1
                return new SubFrame1(words);
            case 2 : // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 2
                return new SubFrame2(words);
            case 3 : // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 3
                return new SubFrame3(words);
            case 4 : {
                final int svId = (words[2] >>> 22) & 0x3F;
                // see table 20-V for mapping between SV-ID and page format
                switch (svId) {
                    case 0  : // almanac for dummy Sv
                        return new SubFrameDummyAlmanac(words);
                    case 57 : // pages 1, 6, 11, 16, 21
                        // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 6
                        return new SubFrame4A0(words);
                    case 25 : case 26 : case 27 : case 28 : case 29 : case 30 : case 31 : case 32 : // pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10
                        // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheets 4 is also applicable to sub-frame 4
                        return new SubFrameAlmanac(words);
                    case 53 : case 54 : case 55 : // pages 14, 15, 17
                        // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 11
                        return new SubFrame4B(words);
                    case 58 : case 59 : case 60 : case 61 : case 62 : // pages 12, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24
                        // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 7
                        return new SubFrame4A1(words);
                    case 52 : // page 13
                        // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 10
                        return new SubFrame4C(words);
                    case 56 : // page 18
                        // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 8
                        return new SubFrame4D(words);
                    case 63 : // page 25
                        // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheet 9
                        return new SubFrame4E(words);
                    default :
                        throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.INVALID_GNSS_DATA, svId);
            case 5 : {
                // IS-GPS-200 figure 40-1 sheets 4 and 5
                final int page = (words[2] >>> 22) & 0x3F;
                return page == 25 ? new SubFrame5B(words) : new SubFrameAlmanac(words);
            default : throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.INVALID_GNSS_DATA, id);


    /** Check parity.
     * <p>
     * This implements algorithm in table 20-XIV from IS-GPS-200N
     * </p>
     * @param previous previous 30 bits word (only two least significant bits are used)
     * @param current current 30 bits word
     * @return true if parity check succeeded
    public static boolean checkParity(final int previous, final int current) {

        final int d29Star = previous & 0x2;
        final int d30Star = previous & 0x1;

        final int d25     = 0x1 & Integer.bitCount(d29Star | (current & 0x3B1F3480)); // 111011000111110011010010000000
        final int d26     = 0x1 & Integer.bitCount(d30Star | (current & 0x1D8F9A40)); // 011101100011111001101001000000
        final int d27     = 0x1 & Integer.bitCount(d29Star | (current & 0x2EC7CD00)); // 101110110001111100110100000000
        final int d28     = 0x1 & Integer.bitCount(d30Star | (current & 0x1763E680)); // 010111011000111110011010000000
        final int d29     = 0x1 & Integer.bitCount(d30Star | (current & 0x2BB1F340)); // 101011101100011111001101000000
        final int d30     = 0x1 & Integer.bitCount(d29Star | (current & 0x0B7A89C0)); // 001011011110101000100111000000

        final int parity  = ((((d25 << 1 | d26) << 1 | d27) << 1 | d28) << 1 | d29) << 1 | d30;

        return (parity & 0x3F) == (current & 0x3F);


    /** Check if the sub-frame has parity errors.
     * @return true if frame has parity errors
    public boolean hasParityErrors() {
        return false;

    /** Get a field.
     * <p>
     * The field indices are defined as constants in the various sub-frames classes.
     * </p>
     * @param fieldIndex field index (counting from 0)
     * @return field value
    protected int getField(final int fieldIndex) {
        return fields[fieldIndex];

    /** Set a field.
     * @param fieldIndex field index (counting from 0)
     * @param wordIndex word index (counting from 1, to match IS-GPS-200 tables)
     * @param shift right shift to apply (i.e. number of LSB bits for next fields that should be removed)
     * @param nbBits number of bits in the field
     * @param words raw 30 bits words
    protected void setField(final int fieldIndex, final int wordIndex,
                            final int shift, final int nbBits,
                            final int[] words) {
        fields[fieldIndex] = (words[wordIndex - 1] >>> shift) & ((0x1 << nbBits) - 1);

    /** Set a field.
     * @param fieldIndex field index (counting from 0)
     * @param wordIndexMSB word index containing MSB (counting from 1, to match IS-GPS-200 tables)
     * @param shiftMSB right shift to apply to MSB (i.e. number of LSB bits for next fields that should be removed)
     * @param nbBitsMSB number of bits in the MSB
     * @param wordIndexLSB word index containing LSB (counting from 1, to match IS-GPS-200 tables)
     * @param shiftLSB right shift to apply to LSB (i.e. number of LSB bits for next fields that should be removed)
     * @param nbBitsLSB number of bits in the LSB
     * @param words raw 30 bits words
    protected void setField(final int fieldIndex,
                            final int wordIndexMSB, final int shiftMSB, final int nbBitsMSB,
                            final int wordIndexLSB, final int shiftLSB, final int nbBitsLSB,
                            final int[] words) {
        final int msb = (words[wordIndexMSB - 1] >>> shiftMSB) & ((0x1 << nbBitsMSB) - 1);
        final int lsb = (words[wordIndexLSB - 1] >>> shiftLSB) & ((0x1 << nbBitsLSB) - 1);
        fields[fieldIndex] = msb << nbBitsLSB | lsb;

    /** Get telemetry preamble.
     * @return telemetry preamble
    public int getPreamble() {
        return getField(PREAMBLE);

    /** Get telemetry message.
     * @return telemetry message
    public int getMessage() {
        return getField(MESSAGE);

    /** Get integrity status flag.
     * @return integrity status flag
    public int getIntegrityStatus() {
        return getField(INTEGRITY_STATUS);

    /** Get Time Of Week of next 12 second message.
     * @return Time Of Week of next 12 second message (s)
    public int getTow() {
        return getField(TOW_COUNT) * 6;

    /** Get alert flag.
     * @return alert flag
    public int getAlert() {
        return getField(ALERT);

    /** Get anti-spoofing flag.
     * @return anti-spoofing flag
    public int getAntiSpoofing() {
        return getField(ANTI_SPOOFING);

    /** Get sub-frame id.
     * @return sub-frame id
    public int getId() {
        return getField(ID);
