
/* Copyright 2002-2023 Mark Rutten
 * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.orekit.estimation.measurements;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.hipparchus.analysis.differentiation.Gradient;
import org.hipparchus.analysis.differentiation.GradientField;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.FieldVector3D;
import org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
import org.orekit.frames.FieldTransform;
import org.orekit.frames.Transform;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.time.FieldAbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.utils.Constants;
import org.orekit.utils.ParameterDriver;
import org.orekit.utils.TimeSpanMap.Span;
import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates;
import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedPVCoordinates;

/** Class modeling a Frequency Difference of Arrival measurement with a satellite as emitter
 * and two ground stations as receivers.
 * <p>
 * FDOA measures the difference in signal arrival frequency between the emitter and receivers,
 * corresponding to a difference in range-rate from the two receivers to the emitter.
 * </p><p>
 * The date of the measurement corresponds to the reception of the signal by the prime station.
 * The measurement corresponds to the frequency of the signal received at the prime station at
 * the date of the measurement minus the frequency of the signal received at the second station:
 * <code>fdoa = f<sub>1</sub> - f<sub>2</sub></code>
 * </p><p>
 * The motion of the stations and the satellite during the signal flight time are taken into account.
 * </p>
 * @author Mark Rutten
 * @since 12.0
public class FDOA extends GroundReceiverMeasurement<FDOA> {

    /** Type of the measurement. */
    public static final String MEASUREMENT_TYPE = "FDOA";

    /** Centre frequency of the signal emitted from the satellite. */
    private final double centreFrequency;

    /** Second ground station, the one that gives the measurement, i.e. the delay. */
    private final GroundStation secondStation;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * @param primeStation ground station that gives the date of the measurement
     * @param secondStation ground station that gives the measurement
     * @param centreFrequency satellite emitter frequency
     * @param date date of the measurement
     * @param fdoa observed value (s)
     * @param sigma theoretical standard deviation
     * @param baseWeight base weight
     * @param satellite satellite related to this measurement
    public FDOA(final GroundStation primeStation, final GroundStation secondStation,
                final double centreFrequency,
                final AbsoluteDate date, final double fdoa, final double sigma,
                final double baseWeight, final ObservableSatellite satellite) {
        super(primeStation, false, date, fdoa, sigma, baseWeight, satellite);

        // add parameter drivers for the secondary station
        this.secondStation = secondStation;
        this.centreFrequency = centreFrequency;

    /** Get the prime ground station, the one that gives the date of the measurement.
     * @return prime ground station
    public GroundStation getPrimeStation() {
        return getStation();

    /** Get the second ground station, the one that gives the measurement.
     * @return second ground station
    public GroundStation getSecondStation() {
        return secondStation;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected EstimatedMeasurementBase<FDOA> theoreticalEvaluationWithoutDerivatives(final int iteration, final int evaluation,
                                                                                     final SpacecraftState[] states) {

        final SpacecraftState state = states[0];

        // coordinates of the spacecraft
        final TimeStampedPVCoordinates pva = state.getPVCoordinates();

        // transform between prime station frame and inertial frame
        // at the real date of measurement, i.e. taking station clock offset into account
        final Transform primeToInert = getStation().getOffsetToInertial(state.getFrame(), getDate(), false);
        final AbsoluteDate measurementDate = primeToInert.getDate();

        // prime station PV in inertial frame at the real date of the measurement
        final TimeStampedPVCoordinates primePV =
                        primeToInert.transformPVCoordinates(new TimeStampedPVCoordinates(measurementDate,
                                                                                         Vector3D.ZERO, Vector3D.ZERO, Vector3D.ZERO));

        // compute downlink delay from emitter to prime receiver
        final double tau1 = signalTimeOfFlight(pva, primePV.getPosition(), measurementDate);

        // elapsed time between state date and signal arrival to the prime receiver
        final double dtMtau1 = measurementDate.durationFrom(state.getDate()) - tau1;

        // satellite state at signal emission
        final SpacecraftState emitterState = state.shiftedBy(dtMtau1);

        // satellite pv at signal emission (re)computed with gradient
        final TimeStampedPVCoordinates emitterPV = pva.shiftedBy(dtMtau1);

        // second station PV in inertial frame at real date of signal reception
        TimeStampedPVCoordinates secondPV;
        // initialize search loop of the reception date by second station
        double tau2 = tau1;
        double delta;
        int count = 0;
        do {
            final double previous = tau2;
            // date of signal arrival on second receiver
            final AbsoluteDate dateAt2 = emitterState.getDate().shiftedBy(previous);
            // transform between second station frame and inertial frame
            // at the date of signal arrival, taking clock offset into account
            final Transform secondToInert = secondStation.getOffsetToInertial(state.getFrame(), dateAt2, false);
            // second receiver position in inertial frame at the real date of signal reception
            secondPV = secondToInert.transformPVCoordinates(new TimeStampedPVCoordinates(secondToInert.getDate(),
                                                                                         Vector3D.ZERO, Vector3D.ZERO, Vector3D.ZERO));
            // downlink delay from emitter to second receiver
            tau2 = linkDelay(emitterPV.getPosition(), secondPV.getPosition());

            // Change in the computed downlink delay
            delta = FastMath.abs(tau2 - previous);
        } while (count++ < 10 && delta >= 2 * FastMath.ulp(tau2));

        // The measured TDOA is (tau1 + clockOffset1) - (tau2 + clockOffset2)
        final double offset1 = getStation().getClockOffsetDriver().getValue(emitterState.getDate());
        final double offset2 = secondStation.getClockOffsetDriver().getValue(emitterState.getDate());
        final double tdoa    = (tau1 + offset1) - (tau2 + offset2);

        // Range-rate sat->primary station
        final EstimatedMeasurementBase<FDOA> evalPrimary = oneWayTheoreticalEvaluation(iteration, evaluation, true,
                                                                                       primePV, emitterPV, emitterState);

        // Range-rate sat->secondary station
        final EstimatedMeasurementBase<FDOA> evalSecondary = oneWayTheoreticalEvaluation(iteration, evaluation, true,
                                                                                         secondPV, emitterPV, emitterState);

        // Evaluate the FDOA value and derivatives
        // -------------------------------------------
        final EstimatedMeasurementBase<FDOA> estimated =
                        new EstimatedMeasurementBase<>(this, iteration, evaluation,
                                                       new SpacecraftState[] {
                                                       new TimeStampedPVCoordinates[] {
                                                           tdoa > 0 ? secondPV : primePV,
                                                           tdoa > 0 ? primePV : secondPV

        // set FDOA value
        final double rangeRateToHz = -centreFrequency / Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
        estimated.setEstimatedValue((evalPrimary.getEstimatedValue()[0] - evalSecondary.getEstimatedValue()[0]) * rangeRateToHz);

        return estimated;


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected EstimatedMeasurement<FDOA> theoreticalEvaluation(final int iteration, final int evaluation,
                                                               final SpacecraftState[] states) {

        final SpacecraftState state = states[0];

        // TDOA derivatives are computed with respect to:
        // - Spacecraft state in inertial frame
        // - Prime station parameters
        // - Second station parameters
        // --------------------------
        //  - 0..2 - Position of the spacecraft in inertial frame
        //  - 3..5 - Velocity of the spacecraft in inertial frame
        //  - 6..n - stations' parameters (clock offset, station offsets, pole, prime meridian...)
        int nbParams = 6;
        final Map<String, Integer> indices = new HashMap<>();
        for (ParameterDriver driver : getParametersDrivers()) {
            // we have to check for duplicate keys because primary and secondary station share
            // pole and prime meridian parameters names that must be considered
            // as one set only (they are combined together by the estimation engine)
            if (driver.isSelected()) {
                for (Span<String> span = driver.getNamesSpanMap().getFirstSpan(); span != null; span = span.next()) {

                    if (!indices.containsKey(span.getData())) {
                        indices.put(span.getData(), nbParams++);
        final FieldVector3D<Gradient> zero = FieldVector3D.getZero(GradientField.getField(nbParams));

        // coordinates of the spacecraft as a gradient
        final TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<Gradient> pvaG = getCoordinates(state, 0, nbParams);

        // transform between prime station frame and inertial frame
        // at the real date of measurement, i.e. taking station clock offset into account
        final FieldTransform<Gradient> primeToInert =
                        getStation().getOffsetToInertial(state.getFrame(), getDate(), nbParams, indices);
        final FieldAbsoluteDate<Gradient> measurementDateG = primeToInert.getFieldDate();

        // prime station PV in inertial frame at the real date of the measurement
        final TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<Gradient> primePV =
                        primeToInert.transformPVCoordinates(new TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<>(measurementDateG,
                                                                                                zero, zero, zero));

        // compute downlink delay from emitter to prime receiver
        final Gradient tau1 = signalTimeOfFlight(pvaG, primePV.getPosition(), measurementDateG);

        // elapsed time between state date and signal arrival to the prime receiver
        final Gradient dtMtau1 = measurementDateG.durationFrom(state.getDate()).subtract(tau1);

        // satellite state at signal emission
        final SpacecraftState emitterState = state.shiftedBy(dtMtau1.getValue());

        // satellite pv at signal emission (re)computed with gradient
        final TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<Gradient> emitterPV = pvaG.shiftedBy(dtMtau1);

        // second station PV in inertial frame at real date of signal reception
        TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<Gradient> secondPV;
        // initialize search loop of the reception date by second station
        Gradient tau2 = tau1;
        double delta;
        int count = 0;
        do {
            final double previous = tau2.getValue();
            // date of signal arrival on second receiver
            final AbsoluteDate dateAt2 = emitterState.getDate().shiftedBy(previous);
            // transform between second station frame and inertial frame
            // at the date of signal arrival, taking clock offset into account
            final FieldTransform<Gradient> secondToInert =
                            secondStation.getOffsetToInertial(state.getFrame(), dateAt2,
                                                              nbParams, indices);
            // second receiver position in inertial frame at the real date of signal reception
            secondPV = secondToInert.transformPVCoordinates(new TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<>(secondToInert.getFieldDate(),
                                                                                                zero, zero, zero));
            // downlink delay from emitter to second receiver
            tau2 = linkDelay(emitterPV.getPosition(), secondPV.getPosition());

            // Change in the computed downlink delay
            delta = FastMath.abs(tau2.getValue() - previous);
        } while (count++ < 10 && delta >= 2 * FastMath.ulp(tau2.getValue()));

        // The measured TDOA is (tau1 + clockOffset1) - (tau2 + clockOffset2)
        final Gradient offset1 = getStation().getClockOffsetDriver().getValue(nbParams, indices, emitterState.getDate());
        final Gradient offset2 = secondStation.getClockOffsetDriver().getValue(nbParams, indices, emitterState.getDate());
        final Gradient tdoaG   = tau1.add(offset1).subtract(tau2.add(offset2));
        final double tdoa      = tdoaG.getValue();

        // Range-rate sat->primary station
        final EstimatedMeasurement<FDOA> evalPrimary = oneWayTheoreticalEvaluation(iteration, evaluation, true,
                primePV, emitterPV, emitterState, indices);

        // Range-rate sat->secondary station
        final EstimatedMeasurement<FDOA> evalSecondary = oneWayTheoreticalEvaluation(iteration, evaluation, true,
                secondPV, emitterPV, emitterState, indices);

        // Evaluate the FDOA value and derivatives
        // -------------------------------------------
        final TimeStampedPVCoordinates pv1 = primePV.toTimeStampedPVCoordinates();
        final TimeStampedPVCoordinates pv2 = secondPV.toTimeStampedPVCoordinates();
        final EstimatedMeasurement<FDOA> estimated =
                        new EstimatedMeasurement<>(this, iteration, evaluation,
                                                   new SpacecraftState[] {
                                                   new TimeStampedPVCoordinates[] {
                                                       tdoa > 0 ? pv2 : pv1,
                                                       tdoa > 0 ? pv1 : pv2

        // set FDOA value
        final double rangeRateToHz = -centreFrequency / Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
        estimated.setEstimatedValue((evalPrimary.getEstimatedValue()[0] - evalSecondary.getEstimatedValue()[0]) * rangeRateToHz);

        // combine primary and secondary partial derivatives with respect to state
        final double[][] sd1 = evalPrimary.getStateDerivatives(0);
        final double[][] sd2 = evalSecondary.getStateDerivatives(0);
        final double[][] sd  = new double[sd1.length][sd1[0].length];
        for (int i = 0; i < sd.length; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < sd[0].length; ++j) {
                sd[i][j] = (sd1[i][j] - sd2[i][j]) * rangeRateToHz;
        estimated.setStateDerivatives(0, sd);

        // combine primary and secondary partial derivatives with respect to parameters
        evalPrimary.getDerivativesDrivers().forEach(driver -> {
            for (Span<Double> span = driver.getValueSpanMap().getFirstSpan(); span != null; span = span.next()) {

                final double[] pd1 = evalPrimary.getParameterDerivatives(driver, span.getStart());
                final double[] pd2 = evalSecondary.getParameterDerivatives(driver, span.getStart());
                final double[] pd  = new double[pd1.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; ++i) {
                    pd[i] = (pd1[i] - pd2[i]) * rangeRateToHz;
                estimated.setParameterDerivatives(driver, span.getStart(), pd);

        return estimated;


    /** Compute propagation delay on a link.
     * @param emitter  the position of the emitter
     * @param receiver the position of the receiver (same frame as emitter)
     * @return the propagation delay
    private double linkDelay(final Vector3D emitter,
                               final Vector3D receiver) {
        return receiver.distance(emitter) / Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT;

    /** Compute propagation delay on a link.
     * @param emitter  the position of the emitter
     * @param receiver the position of the receiver (same frame as emitter)
     * @return the propagation delay
    private Gradient linkDelay(final FieldVector3D<Gradient> emitter,
                               final FieldVector3D<Gradient> receiver) {
        return receiver.distance(emitter).divide(Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT);

    /** Evaluate range rate measurement in one-way.
     * @param iteration iteration number
     * @param evaluation evaluations counter
     * @param downlink indicator for downlink leg
     * @param stationPV station coordinates when signal is at station
     * @param transitPV spacecraft coordinates at onboard signal transit
     * @param transitState orbital state at onboard signal transit
     * @return theoretical value for the current leg
    private EstimatedMeasurementBase<FDOA> oneWayTheoreticalEvaluation(final int iteration, final int evaluation, final boolean downlink,
                                                                       final TimeStampedPVCoordinates stationPV,
                                                                       final TimeStampedPVCoordinates transitPV,
                                                                       final SpacecraftState transitState) {

        // prepare the evaluation
        final EstimatedMeasurementBase<FDOA> estimated =
            new EstimatedMeasurementBase<>(this, iteration, evaluation,
                                           new SpacecraftState[] {
                                           }, new TimeStampedPVCoordinates[] {
                                               downlink ? transitPV : stationPV,
                                               downlink ? stationPV : transitPV

        // range rate value
        final Vector3D stationPosition  = stationPV.getPosition();
        final Vector3D relativePosition = stationPosition.subtract(transitPV.getPosition());

        final Vector3D stationVelocity  = stationPV.getVelocity();
        final Vector3D relativeVelocity = stationVelocity.subtract(transitPV.getVelocity());

        // radial direction
        final Vector3D lineOfSight      = relativePosition.normalize();

        // range rate
        final double rangeRate = Vector3D.dotProduct(relativeVelocity, lineOfSight);


        return estimated;

    /** Evaluate range rate measurement in one-way.
     * @param iteration iteration number
     * @param evaluation evaluations counter
     * @param downlink indicator for downlink leg
     * @param stationPV station coordinates when signal is at station
     * @param transitPV spacecraft coordinates at onboard signal transit
     * @param transitState orbital state at onboard signal transit
     * @param indices indices of the estimated parameters in derivatives computations
     * @return theoretical value for the current leg
    private EstimatedMeasurement<FDOA> oneWayTheoreticalEvaluation(final int iteration, final int evaluation, final boolean downlink,
                                                                                final TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<Gradient> stationPV,
                                                                                final TimeStampedFieldPVCoordinates<Gradient> transitPV,
                                                                                final SpacecraftState transitState,
                                                                                final Map<String, Integer> indices) {

        // prepare the evaluation
        final EstimatedMeasurement<FDOA> estimated =
            new EstimatedMeasurement<>(this, iteration, evaluation,
                new SpacecraftState[] {
                }, new TimeStampedPVCoordinates[] {
                    (downlink ? transitPV : stationPV).toTimeStampedPVCoordinates(),
                    (downlink ? stationPV : transitPV).toTimeStampedPVCoordinates()

        // range rate value
        final FieldVector3D<Gradient> stationPosition  = stationPV.getPosition();
        final FieldVector3D<Gradient> relativePosition = stationPosition.subtract(transitPV.getPosition());

        final FieldVector3D<Gradient> stationVelocity  = stationPV.getVelocity();
        final FieldVector3D<Gradient> relativeVelocity = stationVelocity.subtract(transitPV.getVelocity());

        // radial direction
        final FieldVector3D<Gradient> lineOfSight      = relativePosition.normalize();

        // range rate
        final Gradient rangeRate = FieldVector3D.dotProduct(relativeVelocity, lineOfSight);


        // compute partial derivatives of (rr) with respect to spacecraft state Cartesian coordinates
        final double[] derivatives = rangeRate.getGradient();
        estimated.setStateDerivatives(0, Arrays.copyOfRange(derivatives, 0, 6));

        // set partial derivatives with respect to parameters
        for (final ParameterDriver driver : getParametersDrivers()) {
            for (Span<String> span = driver.getNamesSpanMap().getFirstSpan(); span != null; span = span.next()) {
                final Integer index = indices.get(span.getData());
                if (index != null) {
                    estimated.setParameterDerivatives(driver, span.getStart(), derivatives[index]);

        return estimated;

