- /* Copyright 2002-2022 CS GROUP
- * Licensed to CS GROUP (CS) under one or more
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- * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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- *
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- *
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- */
- package org.orekit.propagation.semianalytical.dsst.utilities.hansen;
- import org.hipparchus.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction;
- import org.hipparchus.util.FastMath;
- /**
- * Hansen coefficients K(t,n,s) for t=0 and n < 0.
- * <p>
- *Implements Collins 4-242 or echivalently, Danielson 2.7.3-(6) for Hansen Coefficients and
- * Collins 4-245 or Danielson 3.1-(7) for derivatives. The recursions are transformed into
- * composition of linear transformations to obtain the associated polynomials
- * for coefficients and their derivatives - see Petre's paper
- *
- * @author Petre Bazavan
- * @author Lucian Barbulescu
- */
- public class HansenZonalLinear {
- /** The number of coefficients that will be computed with a set of roots. */
- private static final int SLICE = 10;
- /**
- * The first vector of polynomials associated to Hansen coefficients and
- * derivatives.
- */
- private PolynomialFunction[][] mpvec;
- /** The second vector of polynomials associated only to derivatives. */
- private PolynomialFunction[][] mpvecDeriv;
- /** The Hansen coefficients used as roots. */
- private double[][] hansenRoot;
- /** The derivatives of the Hansen coefficients used as roots. */
- private double[][] hansenDerivRoot;
- /** The minimum value for the order. */
- private int Nmin;
- /** The index of the initial condition, Petre's paper. */
- private int N0;
- /** The s coefficient. */
- private int s;
- /**
- * The offset used to identify the polynomial that corresponds to a negative
- * value of n in the internal array that starts at 0.
- */
- private int offset;
- /** The number of slices needed to compute the coefficients. */
- private int numSlices;
- /** 2<sup>s</sup>. */
- private double twots;
- /** 2*s+1. */
- private int twosp1;
- /** 2*s. */
- private int twos;
- /** (2*s+1) / 2<sup>s</sup>. */
- private double twosp1otwots;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param nMax the maximum (absolute) value of n coefficient
- * @param s s coefficient
- */
- public HansenZonalLinear(final int nMax, final int s) {
- //Initialize fields
- this.offset = nMax + 1;
- this.Nmin = -nMax - 1;
- N0 = -(s + 2);
- this.s = s;
- this.twots = FastMath.pow(2., s);
- this.twos = 2 * s;
- this.twosp1 = this.twos + 1;
- this.twosp1otwots = (double) this.twosp1 / this.twots;
- // prepare structures for stored data
- final int size = nMax - s - 1;
- mpvec = new PolynomialFunction[size][];
- mpvecDeriv = new PolynomialFunction[size][];
- this.numSlices = FastMath.max((int) FastMath.ceil(((double) size) / SLICE), 1);
- hansenRoot = new double[numSlices][2];
- hansenDerivRoot = new double[numSlices][2];
- // Prepare the data base of associated polynomials
- generatePolynomials();
- }
- /**
- * Compute polynomial coefficient a.
- *
- * <p>
- * It is used to generate the coefficient for K₀<sup>-n, s</sup> when computing K₀<sup>-n-1, s</sup>
- * and the coefficient for dK₀<sup>-n, s</sup> / de² when computing dK₀<sup>-n-1, s</sup> / de²
- * </p>
- *
- * <p>
- * See Danielson 2.7.3-(6) and Collins 4-242 and 4-245
- * </p>
- *
- * @param mnm1 -n-1 value
- * @return the polynomial
- */
- private PolynomialFunction a(final int mnm1) {
- // from recurence Collins 4-242
- final double d1 = (mnm1 + 2) * (2 * mnm1 + 5);
- final double d2 = (mnm1 + 2 - s) * (mnm1 + 2 + s);
- return new PolynomialFunction(new double[] {
- 0.0, 0.0, d1 / d2
- });
- }
- /**
- * Compute polynomial coefficient b.
- *
- * <p>
- * It is used to generate the coefficient for K₀<sup>-n+1, s</sup> when computing K₀<sup>-n-1, s</sup>
- * and the coefficient for dK₀<sup>-n+1, s</sup> / de² when computing dK₀<sup>-n-1, s</sup> / de²
- * </p>
- *
- * <p>
- * See Danielson 2.7.3-(6) and Collins 4-242 and 4-245
- * </p>
- *
- * @param mnm1 -n-1 value
- * @return the polynomial
- */
- private PolynomialFunction b(final int mnm1) {
- // from recurence Collins 4-242
- final double d1 = (mnm1 + 2) * (mnm1 + 3);
- final double d2 = (mnm1 + 2 - s) * (mnm1 + 2 + s);
- return new PolynomialFunction(new double[] {
- 0.0, 0.0, -d1 / d2
- });
- }
- /**
- * Generate the polynomials needed in the linear transformation.
- *
- * <p>
- * See Petre's paper
- * </p>
- */
- private void generatePolynomials() {
- int sliceCounter = 0;
- int index;
- // Initialisation of matrix for linear transformmations
- // The final configuration of these matrix are obtained by composition
- // of linear transformations
- PolynomialFunctionMatrix A = HansenUtilities.buildIdentityMatrix2();
- PolynomialFunctionMatrix D = HansenUtilities.buildZeroMatrix2();
- PolynomialFunctionMatrix E = HansenUtilities.buildIdentityMatrix2();
- // generation of polynomials associated to Hansen coefficients and to
- // their derivatives
- final PolynomialFunctionMatrix a = HansenUtilities.buildZeroMatrix2();
- a.setElem(0, 1, HansenUtilities.ONE);
- //The B matrix is constant.
- final PolynomialFunctionMatrix B = HansenUtilities.buildZeroMatrix2();
- // from Collins 4-245 and Petre's paper
- B.setElem(1, 1, new PolynomialFunction(new double[] {
- 2.0
- }));
- for (int i = N0 - 1; i > Nmin - 1; i--) {
- index = i + offset;
- // Matrix of the current linear transformation
- // Petre's paper
- a.setMatrixLine(1, new PolynomialFunction[] {
- b(i), a(i)
- });
- // composition of linear transformations
- // see Petre's paper
- A = A.multiply(a);
- // store the polynomials for Hansen coefficients
- mpvec[index] = A.getMatrixLine(1);
- D = D.multiply(a);
- E = E.multiply(a);
- D = D.add(E.multiply(B));
- // store the polynomials for Hansen coefficients from the expressions
- // of derivatives
- mpvecDeriv[index] = D.getMatrixLine(1);
- if (++sliceCounter % SLICE == 0) {
- // Re-Initialisation of matrix for linear transformmations
- // The final configuration of these matrix are obtained by composition
- // of linear transformations
- A = HansenUtilities.buildIdentityMatrix2();
- D = HansenUtilities.buildZeroMatrix2();
- E = HansenUtilities.buildIdentityMatrix2();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Compute the roots for the Hansen coefficients and their derivatives.
- *
- * @param chi 1 / sqrt(1 - e²)
- */
- public void computeInitValues(final double chi) {
- // compute the values for n=s and n=s+1
- // See Danielson 2.7.3-(6a,b)
- hansenRoot[0][0] = 0;
- hansenRoot[0][1] = FastMath.pow(chi, this.twosp1) / this.twots;
- hansenDerivRoot[0][0] = 0;
- hansenDerivRoot[0][1] = this.twosp1otwots * FastMath.pow(chi, this.twos);
- final int st = -s - 1;
- for (int i = 1; i < numSlices; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- // Get the required polynomials
- final PolynomialFunction[] mv = mpvec[st - (i * SLICE) - j + offset];
- final PolynomialFunction[] sv = mpvecDeriv[st - (i * SLICE) - j + offset];
- //Compute the root derivatives
- hansenDerivRoot[i][j] = mv[1].value(chi) * hansenDerivRoot[i - 1][1] +
- mv[0].value(chi) * hansenDerivRoot[i - 1][0] +
- (sv[1].value(chi) * hansenRoot[i - 1][1] +
- sv[0].value(chi) * hansenRoot[i - 1][0]
- ) / chi;
- hansenRoot[i][j] = mv[1].value(chi) * hansenRoot[i - 1][1] +
- mv[0].value(chi) * hansenRoot[i - 1][0];
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> coefficient value.
- *
- * <p> The s value is given in the class constructor
- *
- * @param mnm1 (-n-1) coefficient
- * @param chi The value of χ
- * @return K₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup>
- */
- public double getValue(final int mnm1, final double chi) {
- //Compute n
- final int n = -mnm1 - 1;
- //Compute the potential slice
- int sliceNo = (n - s) / SLICE;
- if (sliceNo < numSlices) {
- //Compute the index within the slice
- final int indexInSlice = (n - s) % SLICE;
- //Check if a root must be returned
- if (indexInSlice <= 1) {
- return hansenRoot[sliceNo][indexInSlice];
- }
- } else {
- //the value was a potential root for a slice, but that slice was not required
- //Decrease the slice number
- sliceNo--;
- }
- // Danielson 2.7.3-(6c)/Collins 4-242 and Petre's paper
- final PolynomialFunction[] v = mpvec[mnm1 + offset];
- double ret = v[1].value(chi) * hansenRoot[sliceNo][1];
- if (hansenRoot[sliceNo][0] != 0) {
- ret += v[0].value(chi) * hansenRoot[sliceNo][0];
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /**
- * Get the dK₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> / dΧ coefficient derivative.
- *
- * <p> The s value is given in the class constructor.
- *
- * @param mnm1 (-n-1) coefficient
- * @param chi The value of χ
- * @return dK₀<sup>-n-1,s</sup> / dΧ
- */
- public double getDerivative(final int mnm1, final double chi) {
- //Compute n
- final int n = -mnm1 - 1;
- //Compute the potential slice
- int sliceNo = (n - s) / SLICE;
- if (sliceNo < numSlices) {
- //Compute the index within the slice
- final int indexInSlice = (n - s) % SLICE;
- //Check if a root must be returned
- if (indexInSlice <= 1) {
- return hansenDerivRoot[sliceNo][indexInSlice];
- }
- } else {
- //the value was a potential root for a slice, but that slice was not required
- //Decrease the slice number
- sliceNo--;
- }
- // Danielson 3.1-(7c) and Petre's paper
- final PolynomialFunction[] v = mpvec[mnm1 + offset];
- double ret = v[1].value(chi) * hansenDerivRoot[sliceNo][1];
- if (hansenDerivRoot[sliceNo][0] != 0) {
- ret += v[0].value(chi) * hansenDerivRoot[sliceNo][0];
- }
- // Danielson 2.7.3-(6b)
- final PolynomialFunction[] v1 = mpvecDeriv[mnm1 + offset];
- double hret = v1[1].value(chi) * hansenRoot[sliceNo][1];
- if (hansenRoot[sliceNo][0] != 0) {
- hret += v1[0].value(chi) * hansenRoot[sliceNo][0];
- }
- ret += hret / chi;
- return ret;
- }
- }