Dear Luc,
first of all, thanks a lot for your quick and helpful answer! Is still
have a few questions.
If you want to get just one-time values, yes your approach is correct.
If on the other hand you want to get the values on a regular time grid
(say to produce some ephemeris), then you should rather move all the
computation statements in a handleStep method that will be called
automatically for you during the propagation. That is I would
recommend using master mode instead of slave mode (see
<> and
I will do this once I get all the geometry right. I will create a custom
pass detector that checks if a list of unequalities described as strings
(e.g. "e > 5.0") are all true for the S/C to be considered "visible". For
now I've written the pass detection code myself.
> Could anyone please give me a hint at how to get the S/C->G/S
> in the frame of reference of the S/C with it's attitude applied
> 4)? I would like to use this vector to extract two angles relative to
> antenna in order to evaluate the antenna gain in direction of the G/S.
> basic problem is that I don't really know how I can get the S/C-bound
> Frame that is oriented according to the attitude of the S/C. The only
> S/C-bound frames I can produce are TNW, VNC, QSW/VLVH and VVLH which
> all not related to attitudes.
The simplest way to do it is as follows, starting from a
SpecacraftState instance:
final SpacecraftState state = ...;
// compose transforms from ground station to spacecraft
final Transform inertialToSC = state.toTransform();
final Transform gsToInertial =
gsTopoFrame.getTransformTo(state.getFrame(), state.getDate());
final Transform gsToSC = new Transform(state.getDate(),
// ground station is at position (0,0,0) in ground station frame
// see where this point is in spacecraft frame
Vector3D gsSeenFromSC = gsToSC.transformPosition(Vector3D.ZERO);
Vector3D unitVector = gsSeenFromSC.normalize();
Does this code take into account the attitude specified in the propagator?
> In order to get the S/C-G/S-Sun angle (parameter 3), I guess it would
> enough to get the unit vectors a = G/S->S/C and b = G/S->Sun in a
> reference frame (e.g. the G/Ss topocentric frame) and then set the
> to be equal acos(a.normalize().dotProduct(b.normalize())). Is that
> correct?
It would not be accurate for small angles, as acos behaves badly near
0. You should rather use Vector3D.angle(a, b)
Ah, I haven't thought about that I've changed it in my code.
Best regards,
Raffaello Mancini
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