Elisabet <elisabet.cid-borobia@thalesaleniaspace.com> a écrit :
Hello, Luc, your code also works for me. The error occurs when the earthOrder is different from 0 in the UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonicsProvider. There is not any problem if : GravityFieldFactory.getUnnormalizedProvider(earthDegree,0); However, it throws an arithmetic error when: GravityFieldFactory.getUnnormalizedProvider(earthDegree,EarthOrder); Could you verify this?
Still no problems.When I call GravityFieldFactory.getUnnormalizedProvider(earthDegree, earthOrder) with earthOrder set to 4 (instead of forced to 0 as in my previous mail), I get this:
mean: equinoctial parameters: {a: 7120000.0; ex: -9.743700647852352E-4; ey: 2.2495105434386478E-4; hx: 0.39375193676896686; hy: 0.4222472565026574; lv: 179.0;} osculating: equinoctial parameters: {a: 7119197.746018779; ex: -7.268671251360758E-4; ey: 5.352135157065923E-4; hx: 0.3938711876441645; hy: 0.4221175844115694; lv: 178.98823442719726;}
So the osculating parameters are different from the previous ones, which is expected.
I don't get any exceptions.Could you send the full stack trace of the exception you get? What are the non-zero degree order you use?
With the current development code, I do get an exception when degree and order are set to 2, but it is an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException, not an ArithmeticException. I'll investigate
that one. best regards, Luc
Best regards, Elisabet