initialDate = AbsoluteDate(2016, 01, 01, 23, 30, 00.000,utc);
mu = 3.986004415e+14;
# Initial orbit
a = 6878.0e3; # semi major axis in meters
e = 0.000002; # eccentricity
i = 0.122173; # inclination
omega = 3.14159; # perigee argument
raan = 4.55531; # right ascention of ascending node
lM = 0.0; # mean anomaly
initialOrbit = KeplerianOrbit(a, e, i, omega, raan, lM, PositionAngle.MEAN, inertialFrame, initialDate, mu)
# Initial state definition
initialState = SpacecraftState(initialOrbit, 5.0) # 5 kg
satmodel = drag.IsotropicDrag(0.039, 2.2) # Cross sectional area and the drag coefficient
# Initialize the drag
sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun() # sun position for drag
earthBody = OneAxisEllipsoid(Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS, Constants.WGS84_EARTH_FLATTENING,
FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, True))
## DTM2000
avg = drag.MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation.StrengthLevel.AVERAGE
sflux = drag.MarshallSolarActivityFutureEstimation("Jun2016F10.txt", avg)
atmosphere = drag.DTM2000(sflux, sun, earthBody)
dragForce = drag.DragForce(atmosphere, satmodel)
Hi Vivek,
It appears the python wrapper believes tolerances[0] and tolerances[1] are of type Object instead of double[]. The python wrapper has trouble with the Java type system and overloaded methods in some cases. Have a look at [1]. It suggests using JArray('double').cast_(tolerances[0]) to tell python that it is actually a double[].
Best Regards,
On 07/25/2016 06:12 PM, Vivek Vittaldev wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am trying to use the Python Orekit wrapper to numerically integrate orbits and I'm running into a few problems.
I am following the tutorial here:
I've gotten the Slave mode and the Ephemeris mode part of the tutorial to work. But I get an error when I try to set up the integrator, i.e., in the following part of the tutorial:
// Adaptive step integrator
// with a minimum step of 0.001 and a maximum step of 1000
double minStep = 0.001;
double maxstep = 1000.0;
double positionTolerance = 10.0;
OrbitType propagationType = OrbitType.KEPLERIAN;
double[][] tolerances =
NumericalPropagator.tolerances(positionTolerance, initialOrbit, propagationType);
AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator integrator =
new DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep, maxstep, tolerances[0], tolerances[1]);
The error I get is:InvalidArgsError: (<type 'DormandPrince853Integrator'>, '__init__', (0.001, 1000.0, <Object: [D@e50a6f6>, <Object: [D@14ec4505>))
It looks like it is something to do with the handling of tolerances. I have attached my IPython notebook in case anyone can help me. The code I have for running the example is:
# Import all the required libraries
#Initialize orekit and JVM
import orekit
from orekit.pyhelpers import setup_orekit_curdir
#Apache math
from org.orekit.bodies import CelestialBodyFactory, CelestialBody
from org.orekit.errors import OrekitException
from org.orekit.frames import LOFType, Frame, FramesFactory, Transform
from org.orekit.orbits import KeplerianOrbit, Orbit, CartesianOrbit, OrbitType, PositionAngle
from org.orekit.propagation import Propagator, SpacecraftState
from org.orekit.propagation.analytical import tle, KeplerianPropagator
from org.orekit.propagation.numerical import NumericalPropagator, Jacobianizer, TimeDerivativesEquations
from org.orekit.time import TimeScalesFactory, AbsoluteDate, DateComponents, TimeComponents
from org.orekit.utils import IERSConventions, Constants, PVCoordinates, PVCoordinatesProvider
from org.orekit.python import PythonEventHandler, PythonOrekitFixedStepHandler
from org.orekit.utils import IERSConventions
from org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed import Vector3D
from org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed import RotationOrder
from org.hipparchus.ode.nonstiff import DormandPrince853Integrator, ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator
# Inertial frameinertialFrame = FramesFactory.getEME2000();# Initial dateutc = TimeScalesFactory.getUTC();initialDate = AbsoluteDate(2004, 01, 01, 23, 30, 00.000,utc);# Central attraction coefficientmu = 3.986004415e+14;# Initial orbita = 24396159.0; # semi major axis in meterse = 0.72831215; # eccentricityi = 0.122173; # inclinationomega = 3.14159; # perigee argumentraan = 4.55531; # right ascention of ascending nodelM = 0.0; # mean anomalyinitialOrbit = KeplerianOrbit(a, e, i, omega, raan, lM, PositionAngle.MEAN, inertialFrame, initialDate, mu)# Initial state definitioninitialState = SpacecraftState(initialOrbit);# Adaptive step integrator# with a minimum step of 0.001 and a maximum step of 1000minStep = 0.001;maxstep = 1000.0;positionTolerance = 10.0;propagationType = OrbitType.KEPLERIAN;tolerances = NumericalPropagator.tolerances(positionTolerance, initialOrbit, propagationType);
integrator = DormandPrince853Integrator(minStep,maxstep,tolerances[0],tolerances[1]) # Error here
propagator = NumericalPropagator(integrator)propagator.setOrbitType(propagationType)
I wonder if I am missing any imports. I would greatly appreciate any help!
Best Regards,