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Re: [Orekit Developers] recursive orbital estimation
brianh4321@hotmail.com a écrit :
Hi Brian and everyone,
I've been testing a recursive orbital estimator using by importing the orekit
libraries directly into matlab. Being somewhat new to the field I've had many
questions and Luc and his team have been very gracious with their help. To
further these discussions in a larger domain I wish to post the following
Not sure if anyone works much with matlab, but I've been testing an recursive
orbital estimator using the new NumericalPropagatorWithJacobians
(which imports
directly into matlab).
1. The orbital state in numerical propagator is equinoctial expressed in
"true latitude", however most books seem to express equinoctial in terms of
longitude. I seem to find that while the equations match most reference as
longitude, the description of your functions seems to replace latitude for
longitude. Is there something I'm missing?
I'd rather think I missed something myself. We have already seen some
other cases where the names historically used and thought to be
general ones were in fact local names that did not match global
I'll check for this one but am pretty sure I used a local name here
also. If so, I think we should change the name. The proper way to do
this is to first add getters with the new names while simply
deprecating the other ones, and when the next major release is
published, we remove the deprecated names. This simplifies smooth
transitions for existing code.
2. Also, most reference expresses equinoctial in terms of mean
latitude/longitude as oppose to true latitude/longitude. I was hoping to
find a reference that expresses the measurement Jacobian as a function of
your state. Do anyone know of such a reference? (A Jacobian relating
your state
and a cartesian state would also work). I'm currently computing the
measurement Jacobian with finite differencing, but I'd love to have a closed
Concerning only the mean/true values, you can convert derivatives
using total differentials. Here are some equations (using LaTeX
notation) you can use:
dv = \frac{\xi^2}{\varepsilon^3} dM + \frac{(1+\xi)\nu}{e\varepsilon^2} de
\xi = 1+e\cos v
\varepsilon = \sqrt{1-e^2}
Since \lambda_v = \Omega + \omega + v and \lambda_M = \Omega + \omega
+ M one can easily use the first equation to compute d\lambda_v from
We are going to add state derivatives between all parameters types and
Cartesian parameters in the code base very soon, so converting
Jacobians should be a matter of performing simple 6x6 linear algebra.
The current code in the Git repository has been vastly improved with
respect to jacobians recently. Mainly the experimental
NumericalPropagatorWithJacobians class introduced with 5.0 has been
completely merged within the regular NumericalPropagator class using a
new "additional equations" feature that allow people to add their own
equations to be integrated together with the trajectory. For now only
the Cartesian Jacobians are in the repository, the equinoctial
Jacobians will follow and the remaining ones afterwards.
Véronique will present this in the upcoming ISSFD conference in Brazil
at the end of the month. We will probably put the paper online after
the conference, and we will certainly explain in more details how to
use it in some tutorials in the wiki.
3. Here is a sub-section of the Kalman estimator code. It works but
the answers
don't seem to converge with the accuracy I'd expect. My initial state
covariance is somewhat of a guess, I don't have much experience with
equinoctial and they are somewhat of a guess. The problem is derived from an
example in Satellite Orbits, pg 291 (by Oliver MontenBruck)
Pest = diag([10e5,1e-2,1e-2,1e-4,1e-3,1e-3].^2);
Xest= Xref0;
Xref= Xref0;
sigma_angle= .01*pi/180;
sigma_range= 10;
Q= zeros(6);
linear= 1;
for ii=1:N_obs
date= propagator.getInitialState().getDate();
dt= Obs{ii,1}.durationFrom(date);
% Propagate
predictedState = propagator.propagate(date.shiftedBy(dt), PhiEq, dFdP);
The line above will need some change with the current code. As we
merged NumericalPropagatorWithJacobians and NumericalPropagator, we
preserved the general interface for the propagate method so it does
not accept the PhiEq and dFdP extra parameters anymore. The new way to
handle this is to register an instance of the
PartialDerivativesEquations class to the numerical propagator as
NumericalPropagator propagator = new NumericalPropagator(integrator);
PartialDerivativesEquations partialDerivatives =
new PartialDerivativesEquations(propagator);
As of today, you should also call
but this need will be removed in the next few days, as the method will
be called automatically at the end of PartialDerivativesEquations
constructor. I cannot commit the change yet as I am struggling with
another problem at the moment.
After that, you will call propagate with only the target date as
argument and will retrieve the Jacobians using
partialDerivatives.additionalEquations(PhiEq, dFdP);
predictedPos= predictedState.getPVCoordinates().getPosition();
% Predicted Measurements
Elev= staF.getElevation(predictedPos,inertialFrame,Obs{ii,1});
Azim= staF.getAzimuth(predictedPos,inertialFrame,Obs{ii,1});
Range= staF.getRange(predictedPos,inertialFrame,Obs{ii,1});
% Store predicted reference and compute Phi, Inverse Measurement Cov(R)
% and Measurement Jacobian H (finite differencing)
oXref= Xref;
Xref= [ predictedState.getA();
mPhiEq= ja2mat(PhiEq);
mPhiEq= mPhiEq(1:6,1:6);
Rinv= diag([sigma_angle*cos(Elev),sigma_angle,sigma_range].^2);
G= computeH(staF,predictedState);
% Time Update
Pbar= mPhiEq*Pest*mPhiEq.'+Q;
% Linearized Kalman Update
Xbar= Xref+ mPhiEq*(Xest-oXref);
% Measurement Update
b(:,ii)= [Obs{ii,2};Obs{ii,3};Obs{ii,4}]-[Azim;Elev;Range];
K= Pbar*G'*inv(G*Pbar*G'+Rinv);
Xest= Xbar+K*(b(:,ii)-G*(Xbar-Xref));
Pest= Pbar-K*G*Pbar;
% Extended Kalman Update
Xbar= Xref;
b(:,ii)= [Obs{ii,2};Obs{ii,3};Obs{ii,4}]-[Azim;Elev;Range];
K= Pbar*G'*inv(G*Pbar*G'+Rinv);
Pest= Pbar-K*G*Pbar;
Xest= Xbar+K*b(:,ii);
stateEst= EquinoctialOrbit(Xest(1),Xest(2), Xest(3), Xest(4), ...
Xest(5), Xest(6),EquinoctialOrbit.TRUE_LATITUDE_ARGUMENT,...
FramesFactory.getEME2000(), Obs{ii,1}, mu);
I am not sure, but it may be related to the intialization of the
Jacobians when you reset the initial state. In the new implementation,
there is a dedicated setInitialJacobians to reset the start state of
the jacobians before calling propagate. Depending on what you do with
your Jacobians, you may either need to reset them to Identity and Zero
each time you reset the state (so they are computed with respect to
the new initial state at each sub-propagation) or you may force them
to the value they have at the end of the previous propagation so they
are computed with respect to the original initial state).
Any help or comment are appreciated.
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