However, it fails with error "fatal: not found: did you run git
update-server-info on the server?".
I have run the git update-server-info command on the server, and I
have checked
the refs file exists, contains valid data, is readable and the directory is
readable. So I don't understand why the anonymous access fails.
Andreas, do you have anonymous access the main orekit repository ?
It is on the
same server and has very similar setup.
I will ask our sysadmins to look at this problem. In the meantime,
either Alexis
can send you a copy, or I can set up a specific access to Andreas
through ssh
(which does work), for this I would need you to send me directly
the public part
of an ssh key.
I get the same error message.
The anonymous access to the primary orekit git is working for me. I
use it since
some time to build the current snapshots. I know from my own servers
that a http
access to git is more error prone, so I am not surprised.
Let see if you can fix the anonymous access before we use the
regular ssh access.
The git don't contain the converted common-math and orekit jar/dex
I think a step by step example how to do this and run a simple test on the
emulator would be good thing.
The basics are in:
But I still fail for some (but not all) simple examples (Hello World
like) with
dalvikvm. So I would not trust my dx and aapt results.
Andreas Rieger