On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 9:02 AM, MAISONOBE Luc
<luc.maisonobe@c-s.fr> wrote:
Nigi Fabio <nigifabio@gmail.com> a écrit :
hi luc,
Hi Fabio,
no problem i found it !
i just updated the code in git repo
i move the lib inside the code so we will have no problem for static path
updated the lib to latest orekit and math (apache) and moved same file to
be compatible
i remove same warning today so i'm sure that in this weekend i can start to write same real code on interface
i start to move the interface to android 4.1 api (tablet and smartphone)
Why 4.1 ? If possible, I would prefer to stay compatible with older devices running 3.x. There are lots of such devices in use today and not all users wish or even can update their device to newer versions of the operating system.
I'd like to use, as you said, the latest version to have more api and more future-compatibility, but we can define retro-compatibility through android manifest:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" android:targetSdkVersion="11"/>
so everyone from version 7 (aka Android 2.1) to version 11 (aka android 4.1) can install and use the application.
but if you'd like i can use a different range.
about the feature:
same one on orekit dev ml have same idea?
Finding the target version is often a challenge for development. You both want to use the latests features and get all identified bugs fixed, so you prefer recent OS. But at the same time, you want your application to be deployed to a large user base, so you can't ignore users with older OS (despite maintaining an application on old OS can be difficult).
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Luc Maisonobe <Luc.Maisonobe@c-s.fr> wrote:
Le 13/08/2012 19:24, Nigi Fabio a écrit :
> hi all,
Hi Fabio,
I think I forgot to answer this message earlier, sorry.
> i have just write to Luc to have more specific todo list and wishes
> about the android dev.
> i have sync git repo with old code, i'm trouble:
> it seem a non-finish work becouse with ant (debug,build) don't build
> it seem that buil.xml is missing.
I think Alexis did build the application using the android SDK on Eclipse.
> there is way to see the .apk file to have an idea of what was done?
The apk file is on the "files" part of the forge, here:
> have you got a wish list about the new implementation?
> is there same documentation on the code (android) made by last student?
There is one page on the wiki about building:
There are also a few messages on the developers mailing list archive,
starting July 2011
> could i see the last roadmap (wiki, bug etc.)?
> thanks,
> Fabio
> --
> Fabio Nigi
Fabio Nigi
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