Hi Paul, paulcefo <paulcefo@buffalo.edu> a écrit :
Luc and Hank,We have a B1950.0 option in Linux GTDS. If you want, I will talk to Zach Folcik about this question.
That would be great!
We have been thinking about coordinate systems lately because we are starting to port the TRAMP program for the maintenance of the GTDS binary files to Linux. Having Linux TRAMP will enable us to generate Timing Coefficient and SLP files for time intervals for which they are not currently available.
I remember this problem, and it would be definitely an improvement if we could check compatibility of Orekit-DSST and GTDS on very long term series.
We have two targets in mind: (1) historical intervals and (2) very long intervals (100 or 200 years). Item (2) relates to demonstrating the ability of the DSST to propagate usefully over very long time intervals.
best regards, Luc
Paul -- Dr. Paul J. Cefola Consultant in Aerospace Systems, Spaceflight Mechanics, & AstrodynamicsAdjunct Faculty, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo (SUNY)4 Moonstone Way Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 USA 508-696-1884 (phone on Martha's Vineyard) 978-201-1393 (cell) paulcefo@buffalo.edu paul.cefola@gmail.com On 10/18/2014 3:54 am, MAISONOBE Luc wrote:Hi Hank, Hank Grabowski <hank@applieddefense.com> a écrit :Hello all, Looking over the coordinate systems that are available, I can't figure out a way to get an earth-centered (or for that matter central body centered) ICRF coordinate system directly. I know I may just be overlooking something. If it isn't possible, would this be something that others would be interested in having in the Orekit FramesFactory object?If you have a use case for this, why not? Adding predefined frames in FramesFactory is not costly as they are built only as needed, so we can add as much as we want. By the way, if you have an accurate definition of what the old B1950 frame really is, this is also one frame that could be worth adding. There is a B1950-frame branch in the Git repository, but it was never sufficiently validated. It is also not in sync with master. If anybody want to give a look at it, they are welcome. best regards, LucHank---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
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