Hank Grabowski <hank@applieddefense.com> a écrit :
I've been playing around with the step handlers and have discovered a bug in OrekitStepNormalizer. In my case I am bouncing around in the direction of propagation on the Keplerian propagator. The OrekitStepNormalizer has a good check on the first pass to see if it needs to be initialized. In that process if it determines that it is stepping backwards it changes the sign of the step. The problem comes when it switches back again. The sign is
What do you mean by "switches back again"?
never changed positive and therefore it just walks backwards ad infinitum. I was going to fix it by changing these lines (starting at 108 in the class): forward = interpolator.getCurrentDate().compareTo(lastDate)= 0;if (!forward) { h = -h; } to be: h = FastMath.abs(h); forward = interpolator.getCurrentDate().compareTo(lastDate)= 0;if (!forward) { h = -h; Thoughts?
Your fix seems good in any case. I guess h = FastMath.abs(h) could also be added at the init() method level. best regards, Luc