Luc, I have added the "Improve the Tesseral Linear Combination Short-Period Motion Model in the DSST propagator" task description to the SOCIS 2016 document. I am attaching the new task descriptions (.odt and .pdf) here in case there is need. I did exercise the link to verify that the tesseral task was there. best regards, Paul -- Dr. Paul J. Cefola Consultant in Aerospace Systems, Spaceflight Mechanics, & Astrodynamics Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo (SUNY) 4 Moonstone Way Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 USA 508-696-1884 (phone on Martha's Vineyard) 978-201-1393 (cell) On 04/08/2016 4:24 am, MAISONOBE Luc wrote:
paulcefo <> a écrit :
Hi Paul,
I am quite happy to propose a SOCIS task regarding the partial derivative matrices in the DSST and to mentor a student.
Thanks a lot !
There really are two parts of the partials -- the state transition matrix for the mean equinoctial elements and the partials of the mean equinoctial elements at an arbitrary request time with respect to the drag and solar radiation pressure parameters. These are the B2 and B3 matrices. See Section 4 "Semi-analytical least squares orbit determination" in Srinivas Setty's paper recently accepted for Advances in Space Research.
I have added a new item in the list, see <>.
We have obtained a lot of utility by having an analytical closed form for the RHS of the state transition matrix ODE for LEO and that is a starting point. It would be good to have a similar closed form for GEO. We could also do recursive models for the RHS's of the state transition matrix ODEs. The SOCIS effort is very dependent on having an up to speed student. Also because of the distributed nature of such a project, electronic conferencing s/w such as teamviewer or webex is important. With respect to the three projects on the web, I would like to be involved in the effort "Add continuous maneuvers to DSST propagator".
Sure. For both subjects related to DSST, I have added a line notifying that two mentors will follow these subjects. I can provide the Orekit, design and Java support and you will be the referee for DSST theory. ESA will probably grant us one student only, and the student will choose one of the subjects amont the several ones we propose. We will see what the students want to cut their teeth on.
Finally, I think the DSST Tesseral short-periodic models is worthy of a SOCIS research topic, although I understand that this topic is hard. In this area, the attachment has some concepts for a more efficient architecture.
Good idea.
Tell me what you need for me to write.
Yes, if you want to write something about this, please do. I have granted you write access to the forge, so from now on if you log into one of your account to the forge (you have two accounts), you will see an "edit" linK on the wiki pages near the top right. If you prefer, you can send me the text directly and I'll do the edit. best regards, Luc
regards, Paul -- Dr. Paul J. Cefola Consultant in Aerospace Systems, Spaceflight Mechanics, & Astrodynamics Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo (SUNY) 4 Moonstone Way Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 USA 508-696-1884 (phone on Martha's Vineyard) 978-201-1393 (cell) On 04/04/2016 10:54 am, Luc Maisonobe wrote:
Hi all, ESA has started its annual SOCIS project again. The main site is <>. Once again, we will propose that ORekit project mentors one or more student. I have set up 3 proposals here <>. If any of you is ready to mentor a student, do not hesitate to propose a subject. Paul, would you mind proposing something about adding Jacobian matrices computations in DSST and mentoring a student for this? For information, mentoring a student is mainly mail-based. Students stay at home for the summer and work remotely for the project. We set up dedicated git repositories and forge projects for SOCIS so there is no risk interfering with the operational Orekit library. best regards, Luc