I found a mistake in pathDelay of MariniMurrayModel.
The formula to compute K is as following:
final double K = 1.163 * 0.00968 * FastMath.cos(2 * latitude) -
0.00104 * T0 +
0.00001435 * P0;
which should be ('-' not '*' after 1.163):
final double K = 1.163 - 0.00968 * FastMath.cos(2 * latitude) -
0.00104 * T0 +
0.00001435 * P0;
And the WaterVapor may be wrong also.
The formula in the origin MariniMurrayModel is as following :
final double e2 = rh / 100 * 6.11 * FastMath.pow(10, 7.5 * (T0 - 273.15)/
(237.3 +(T0 - 273.15)));
According to the above, the WaterVapor should be 1.9177 mb when rh=23.0 and
while it returned 192.4 by getWaterVapor. It seems a unit mistake. I am not