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[Orekit Developers] New certificate and new certification authority

Dear all,

Until now, our HTTPS and other secured services used a certificate
issued by Gandi. We have just renewed this certificate, leaving Gandi
Certification Authority for Let Encrypt.

The new SSL/TLS certificate is issued by:

    Let's Encrypt

Its version number is:


Its SHA-1 fingerprint is:


Its SHA-256 fingerprint is:



Sébastien Dinot
Free Software Expert
CS SI - Space BU - Payload, Data & Applications
Parc de la Grande Plaine - 5, rue Brindejonc des Moulinais - BP 15872
31506 Toulouse Cedex 05 - France
+33 (0)5 61 17 64 48 - sebastien.dinot@c-s.fr

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature